Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ While the Pharaoh Sleeps ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own YGO, but I do own my characters and you know the drill.
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
--- time pass
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Ch.19: While the Pharaoh Sleeps
The sounds of cheering guards filled the outside arena.
“Come on Quick Fist! Get `im!”
“Hah! You think that your `Quick Fist' is going to get crushed by Strong Hold!”
“Only if that muscle head could catch `im first!”
On one corner, there was a huge, burly guy, who looks like an oversized gorilla, smiling with confidence and pride. On the other corner was none other than Joey, smiling with confidence as well but has a plan in mind.
Enu stepped up in the middle of the arena. “May the competitors rise please!” He announced and the two walked up to him. “And now, audience, give a cheer for Lord Mateo!”
Mateo walked up to where Enu was standing a moment ago and looked at the two. “Alright you two, I want this to be a clean fight; no tricks or inappropriate moves, save that for the battlefield.” That earned a few laughs. “Whenever you're ready.” He said as he joined the crowd.
“Yo.” Joey said as he brought out his hand. “Name's Joey, may da best man win.”
The `Strong Hold' took the offered hand and shook it. “Shai-kun, and to you as well.”
With that, they took a couple of steps back.
Enu raised his arm up. “Ready!”
The two were in their starting positions, staring at each other.
“Fight!” Enu called as he put his arm down and jump back into the crowd and saw the two duke it out.
Seto watched from a balcony, silently cheering for the blonde.
“Hey.” Sha-lie said as she joined him.
“Hello Sha-lie.”
They watched as Joey made his finishing move, the-blink-fist-trick; where he dodges a few attacks, quick movements, a first punch, that was also quick but doesn't hit the face, and, when the opponent is distracted with the fist, the second punch which did hit, and was out of the ring. “N' dat's why they call me Quick Fist!” He called out triumphly while everyone cheered.
“It's amazing how fast he learns in just a couple days.” Sha-lie commented.
Seto nodded. “He doesn't take failure.”
Sha-lie sighed. “Don't let this situation get you down. None of us known about it, and the young master took it upon himself to find help for him.” She said as she looked at the other, who still looked at the blonde as he took out another guard. “I know you're upset, but at this point—“
“Why didn't he come to me if he needed help?” Seto said.
She sighed once again. “Would you be calm in a situation like that?”
Seto looked taken back but thought about it and looked like his old solemn self. “I hate it when you make a good point.”
She shrugged. “My only method to keep everyone in line.”
Another round of cheers were heard.
“I'm going to my room.” Seto said as he walked down the hall.
“Take it easy!”
Seto walked down the hall slowly as he passed by his cousin's room. There was a crack on the door, allowing him to see the small teen talking to him about his home town, then he was noticed.
“Hey Seto!” Yugi said. “Come on in!”
Seto didn't know what to do, so he entered and tried not to look at his cousin, who looked more like a mummy than an injured person.
“How have you been?” Yugi asked.
Seto looked the other way. “No much to say.”
“There must be something.” Yugi said. “I'm sure the Pharaoh would like to know about it.”
Seto looked at the teen than at the overbandage Pharaoh. “I don't know what to say to someone who isn't awake.”
“So. That doesn't mean that he can't hear you. And you would feel a little better if you talked about it.”
Seto sighed and sat down. `I can't believe I'm being talked into this.'
“Start by how your day went.”
Seto was started to feel annoyed by how the other kept suggesting. “Well… I watched that dumb mutt fight in the outside arena. And I have to admit, he was pretty good. He managed to beat ten of our best guards without a problem.” He looked up at Yugi, who nodded that he was doing fine. “Sha-lie isn't as busy as she used to be, in fact… not everyone was putting too much effort, since you became bedridden. Speaking of which, I have to attend to my room to work on not only my work, but yours as well.” Seto got up and turned to head out when he stopped and looked back. “You better get well cousin! You can't escape from your duties forever you know!” With that he left. He closed the door and sighed. `Well that was a waste.'
“I think what he really tries to say that he misses you.” Yugi's voice was heard. “I don't blame him; we're all waiting for you to wake up soon.”
He couldn't take anymore of this and quickly walked away from the door. `Ahmose better found a way to get him to wake up! I can't stand to see him like this!'
~-Next Day-~
Ahmose took a deep breath as he entered the Pharaoh's room.
“Good morning Ahmose.” Yugi greeted.
“Hello young master.”
“Would you mind not calling me that?” Yugi sweat dropped, not being used to his new nickname.
“Of course.” Ahmose said as he looked at the Pharaoh, who looked a little less than a mummy and more like a human being. “How's he?”
“He's not awake, but he still responds to what's going on.” Yugi said as he mentioned him to sit down.
Ahmose sat down and looked at the small teen.
“Is there something you would like to ask?” Yugi asked.
“Oh yes, but I have to confirm it with Seto though.”
“I see.”
“What do you usually talk to the Pharaoh about?”
“Where I live, what are certain things and how they work, and I tried to describe certain things like snow, but it's sort of hard to explain.”
Yugi nodded. “Before you came in, I was talking to him about the types of games we have in the game shop that I live in. Kinda strange, right?”
Ahmose shook his head. “No, no, I believe what you're doing is doing wonders on the Pharaoh's well being.”
“Really? How?”
“Again with the questions?”
“Well you started to ask me questions.”
Yugi laughed at that and repeated his question.
“Well… you're, giving him an idea on how you live and tries to imagine the certain things that you're describing. Dose that make scence?”
Yugi nodded. “Yep.” He sighed and looked at the young ruler. “I wish that I could show him what I was trying to describe. That would keep his mind off of some troublesome thoughts he sometimes have.”
Ahmose looked at the youth and an idea came up. “Uh… Curious one?”
Yugi looked up. “Yes.”
“I was going to ask Seto about this, but…” He took out a scroll that he brought along. “I've kept this spell for some time and it was once used to enter one's mind.”
Yugi looked interested and listened closely.
“But there is a risk,”
“What is it?”
“Some could die in one's mind if they stay too long.”
Yugi looked shocked, but listened to more of it. “What does it do, besides enter one's mind?”
“That's the beauty of it! When you talk to the Pharaoh, you mentioned that it was difficult to describe some of the things to him, tayu*?”
Yugi nodded.
“Well, you're able to show him that using your mind to set the setting.”
Yugi looked interested. “Really?”
“Yes, but like I said before, stay too long in the person's mind and you will die.”
“And that's why you're going to ask Seto to do it?” Yugi asked.
Ahmose nodded.
Yugi looked at the Pharaoh. “So you think that it could help him wake up?”
Ahmose knew this question was about to come up sooner or later. “It may, it may not, it just depends how he will take it.”
Yugi nodded understandingly.
Ahmose sighed. “Curious one, do you know why I told you about this?”
Yugi shook his head.
“Because I believe you have a better chance to reach him than Seto.”
Yugi looked lost. “What do you mean?”
“Think about it, Seto has been a little aggressive since the Pharaoh couldn't wake and you talk to him even if he might not be listening.”
Yugi still didn't get what the other was saying.
“You're patient and kind, something that the Pharaoh could easily recognize and trust. Seto on the other hand would probably demand him to get up, therefore—“
“Difficult to trust and wake up willingly.” Yugi finished the sentence.
“Yes, yes, exactly!”
“What about the risk?”
“Like how you barged into the Rat's room, knowing that he had something that could harm you.”
Yugi looked as though he's thinking about it.
“I'll come back later; give you time to think.”
Yugi nodded as the other left. He than looked at the Pharaoh. “What do you think? Do you want me to enter your mind?”
The Pharaoh didn't show any signs of response and the small teen thought about the possibilities and the risks of this.
~*Seto's Room*~
“OW!” Joey said as Seto applied some oil on his scratched up arm.
“If you stop moving it wouldn't hurt as much.” Seto said as he applied the bandage. “Why do you have to fight Mateo of all people?”
“Ey! He said dat it was okay! N' I wanted da know how good I am compared da `im!” Joey said.
“And what good would that do if you did beat him?” Seto asked as he finished bandaging the arm.
“If I beat `im, dat means dat I'm one step closa da beat you in a face off!” Joey said with a fire of confidence and determination in his eyes.
Seto raised an eye brow as he stood up. “As if mutt.”
“Just ya wait!” Joey said. “One day I'll beat you n' you will `ave da show me some respect!”
That made Seto laugh. “That will be the day!”
“I'm serious!” Joey said with a growl.
“Oh? If you're serious, than why tell me?”
“So dat when da time comes, I rub it in ya face!”
“Fine.” Seto said as he walked away. “Just don't expect to have beginners luck.”
“I give ya everyt'in' I got!” Joey said as he walked away in the other direction.
Seto smirked, feeling a bit better than he had been the other day. When he caught sight of Ahmose exiting the Pharaoh's room, he quickly came up to him. “Did you find a way to get him to wake!?”
“Not yet Seto.” Ahmose said. “You need to calm down. I know how you feel, but you can't just force someone to wake up.”
“Of course you can!” Seto said in an angered tone. “And you're the only one who can do it!” With that he passed him.
Ahmose sighed and looked at the door.
Yugi, who heard the small conversation, sighed. `Looks like Ahmose was right about Seto's aggressiveness' He thought. He looked at the other and used his free hand to brush away some of the bangs off the other's face. `Looks like I have to do it.' “Hey Pharaoh, I made my decision, I'm going to visit you in your mind. What do you think about that?”
~*Somewhere else in the palace*~
Mateo and the other lords were sitting down, looking at the scroll on the middle of the table.
“What are we going to do?” Asked one of the lords asked. “The Pharaoh is still out and we can't just up and move his men to the front.”
Mateo sighed. “I'll give it three days, if nothing has changed by then… we have no choice but to move his men out.”
“Those lying snakes, how dare they try to sneak up on us.” Said one of the lords.
“That's enough! Let's focus on how we have to prepare the men on this notice.” Mateo said as he and everyone agreed and dismissed themselves.
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That's it for this chapter. Please R&R.
Tayu: Yes, good, or correct.