Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Into the Pharaoh's Mind pt.1 ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Here's the new chapter and enjoy!
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
--- time pass
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Ch. 21: Into the Pharaoh's Mind pt.1
#Last Time#
Inside was dark and I couldn't see a thing. I brought out a flash light and turned it on. When I aimed the beam to the floor, I entered and aimed the light on the other parts of the place as well. Then the door slammed shut, leaving me in the dark. “Okay.” I said as I looked around the dark room with my only light source. Then, without warning, the room suddenly brightened and I was shocked to see what I saw.
-Yugi's POV-
“You are full of surprises.” I said when I saw the room.
It was a huge labyrinth with stairs that went up, down, side ways, diagonals… everywhere. The stairs weren't the only thing that was there, there were also doors, almost a hundred of them.
“Now how am I supposed to find him?” I said as I walked towards one door and opened it. Inside was dark and empty. “Pharaoh!?” I called. “Are you in here!?” When I didn't get a response, I stepped in, thinking that he might be hiding. Then I had to step away quickly when a huge a huge boulder came out of nowhere. `That… was to close.' I thought trying to calm myself down from the shock. “This is going to be hard.” I said with a sigh.
Then I heard something behind me. I turned to see a ball. `That looks like the ball that the Pharaoh has back at the palace.' I thought as I picked it up and looked around to see if the Pharaoh was hiding. “Pharaoh?” I said, but it was still the same. I looked at the ball and rattled it. `I wonder how it got here?' I looked to where it might have come from and went over there.
As I head closer to where the ball might have come from and found an open room, which was also dark. I cautiously went in, making sure that there's no traps. The room lit up immediately, which scared me for a moment, and showed another hallway. I took a deep breath and walked down. As I did, I noticed the hieroglyphs on the walls. I stopped when I saw a picture of the Pharaoh, as a kid. I heard laughter from it. Then there was a flash.
I opened my eyes and found myself standing in a garden. “W-Where am I?” I asked to no one in particular. I heard that laughter again and turned to see, to my surprise, the Pharaoh, as a kid, playing.
He was throwing the same ball I was holding and catching, while trying not to fall. He looked like he's around seven. “I must be in his childhood.” I whispered as I watched the small Pharaoh, or prince, playing happily.
“There you are!” I heard another voice and turned to see a younger version of Seto.
The Prince stopped playing and looked at the young Seto.
“Do you have any idea what Ahmose would do to us if we don't get to the scroll room!?”
The Prince tilted his head and looked thoughtful.
“Oh! Don't you give me that!” Seto said, sounding annoyed.
The Prince sticked out his tongue and dashed one direction.
“Oh no you don't!” Seto called as he chased in pursuit to get the other.
I laughed as I followed them.
“I'm going to get you into that room and that's final!” Seto called out, which seems pointless.
I kept running and found myself in a dark hallway, then I crashed into the wall. “Ow.” I looked around to see I was where I started before I went into that memory. I looked at the ball that was still in my hand. I placed it in my bag, thinking it might be of use, and continued to walk along the long hallway. I saw the many pictures of the Pharaoh when he was young and I stopped when I saw him with an adult. Like the last, there was a flash of light and I find myself in a memory.
This memory was in the throne room and, instead of the Pharaoh I knew sitting on the throne, it was another pharaoh. `This guy must be his dad when he was still alive.' I thought as I walked up. The other Pharaoh was much taller than me and the Pharaoh, he looked to be around in the mid-forties and seemed… unwell.
“Pharaoh, you should rest.” Said a man that resembled Ahmose.
The other Pharaoh shook his head. “It would only show weakness, I'm afraid.” He said.
“But… It's not well for you to weaken yourself this way!” Ahmose said. “Not only that, but your son isn't ready to become the Pharaoh yet, and if you were to die in the night, he has no choice but to become the next king!”
“I understand that.” The other Pharaoh said with a tired sigh. “But I can not let the people see the ruler now in a weaken state. It would give our enemies a full opportunity to attack.”
Ahmose sighed. “As you will.” He started to walk away but then turned. “But, you should at least rest a little, it's painful to see you this way. And it's not only me.” He walked out of the room.
The other Pharaoh sighed and rubbed his eyelids. He looked over to a column. “Come out, my son.” He said.
The Prince walked out from behind the column, his head bowed down.
I could tell that he was trying to hold back the tears.
“Come over here, it's alright.” His father said in the softest tone that only can show that he cared for his son.
The Prince came up, with his head still bowed down, until he was standing in front of his father.
“Don't hold it back, it would only make it worse.” His father said.
The Prince let the held back tears slide down his cheeks.
The other Pharaoh let the Prince cry in front of him until he stopped. “My son, I know it's difficult for you to see me this way.” He said as he stood up from his throne and he and the Prince walked out into the balcony. “I want you to know…”
The Prince looked up at his father curiously.
“I want you to know that, no matter what happens, I will never think of you differently as my son as I pass into the afterlife and I'm unable to help you.”
The Prince nodded.
The other Pharaoh placed his hand on the Prince's shoulder. “Do not worry. I know you'll make a fine Pharaoh.” He looked down with a wide smile on his face. “Especially when you have someone very important to protect, besides the people of Egypt.”
The Prince wasn't sure what his father meant, but didn't question as he looked out into the village that he would one day rule over.
With that I was sent back to where I was standing in the first place. I kept looking at the picture a bit longer before continuing to walk down the continuous dim-lit hall. `I must be in a hall of his memories.' I thought as I continued to walk until I saw a picture of the Pharaoh, a woman, and a mummy. `Here we go again.' I thought as a flash came into view.
This time, I was somewhere in a tomb and I saw the Prince, now Pharaoh, and a woman, who was trying not to cry, and a sarcophagus. `He must have died.' I thought as I went up and stood there respectfully.
The Pharaoh, that I knew, looked up at the woman next to him and rested a hand on her shoulder.
The woman smiled a little as she wiped away a tear from the corner of her eye. “Thank you my child.” She looked at him. “I don't think I could handle this all alone.” She looked like she was going to have another round of tears but fought them back.
The Pharaoh nodded as he looked back at the sarcophagus before they left the tomb.
I followed after bowing, doing the respectful thing even though it's just a memory, and quickly followed out. The next thing I knew, I was teleported to the dinning room. “This must be the next part of the memory.” I said as I walked up to where the Pharaoh and his mother sat. Everyone was silent at the table. `Probably honoring of a loss of the previous Pharaoh.' I thought as I saw everyone's solemn looks.
“At least he's no longer suffering on that illness anymore.” His mother, the queen said, trying to sound positive.
Everyone seemed to agree on that, but still had that same look.
“The gods will take care of him.” She said as she took a sip of her cup. “And, if I was him, I wouldn't want to see everyone so down, right?” She had a smile on her face.
Everyone seemed to follow suite as they started to talk about other things.
`Wow.' I thought. I was impressed by how she handled a loss.
The Pharaoh seemed to think the same as he smiled at his mother, who looked at him with kind eyes. But soon, things turned out worse when those eyes started to dim out of life. He noticed this and went up to her side and whispered very quietly to her. Then she slump down on the table and everyone looked. He grew pale, though, as he realized what happened. He checked the cup and found out it was poisoned. Everyone else panicked, but he looked over to a certain way and I followed his gaze and saw what he was looking at.
`The Rat.' I thought as I remembered what he said on that night. `He placed that poison in her cup when no one was looking and forced the Pharaoh to his sick trap.' I ran up to bash his face with my backpack, but everything disappeared into the hallway before I could do that. I fell on my knees and cried, on the behalf of the Pharaoh's loss of two important people in his life.
I then heard a creak and I looked over to see a nearly opened door. `I don't remember that there a moment ago.' I thought as I got up and head towards it. I looked what was behind the door and found a very dark room and when I entered, it was nearly freezing. “Ph-Phar- Pharaoh!” I called out while trying to fight the bitter cold. I heard the sound of chains, but couldn't tell where it came from. I grabbed my flashlight and turned it on and let the beam show parts of the room. I continued to call out as I walked in this crazy void. “Where are you!!” I shouted, thinking that he didn't hear me. I heard my echo for a few seconds before falling on my knees and pounded on the ground frustrated. `And where am I?' I thought as I looked again at the endless pitch black void. “Pharaoh…” I said as another wave of tears came down, but I didn't care. “I want to help you. But… But I can't if I can't find you…” I fisted my hands and held my head back and screamed as loud as I can.
It was painful for me to admit that about my parents, but… it felt good to let it out and let someone else know about it. `It's fair, right? He showed me some of his memories and I admit about a memory it kept hidden for so long.'
I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice a figure coming up towards me.
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I'm going to leave it at that until the next time I post up.
Bakura: What!?
Marik: Yeah, that's just… evil.
*sigh* I know, but I need to keep the suspense up for my readers and reviewers.
B&M: It's still evil.
*shrug* R&R everyone and please forgive me for putting up a cliffy on you.