Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Into the Pharoah's Mind pt2 ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bakura: No reviews.
Marik: Give it time, and you got the summer to work on it without distractions.
That's true… Thanks.
B&M: *shrugs*
Marik: Whatever.
Well… Enjoy this chapter everyone.
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
--- time pass
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Ch. 22: Into the Pharaoh's Mind pt2
#Last time#
It was painful for me to admit that about my parents, but… it felt good to let it out and let someone else know about it. `It's fair, right? He showed me some of his memories and I admit about a memory it kept hidden for so long.'
I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice a figure coming up towards me.
-Still in Yugi's POV-
I wiped away some of the tears, starting to calm down. I took a deep breath and looked around in the dark void and my flashlight proved to not to be much of help, but it's my only light source. I heard slow, heavy foot steps behind me along with the slight `clanging' sound of metal on metal. `It sounds like its coming this way.' I thought. `Could it be the Pharaoh?' Before I could confirm my thoughts, I felt two arms wrap around me around the shoulders and press up against a body.
I placed my hand over what feels like an arm and felt skin, dried or wet blood, and metal spikes. I knew instantly who this person is. “Pharaoh?” I said. “Is that you?”
The person leaned closer to my head and did a nod.
I knew it was a response and I placed both my arms over his arms, despite of the spikes. “Pharaoh.” I said, trying to figure out what to say. Before I said anything, I sensed something. I felt that the other moved his jaw, but no sound came, instead, I felt a certain feeling that almost represented as words. It seemed to say… `Get out of here.'
“Why?” I asked as I held his arms a bit tighter, but not to tight so that the spikes could go deeper to his skin. I sensed it again. `Danger.'
“I'm not going to leave you here.”
“Because I care about you and I don't want to loose you.” I heard another sound, it reminded me of…
“Where are you whore!?” The Rat said in his sick sing-song voice.
The Pharaoh let go of me and tried to push me away, but, like the earlier test, I stayed true to my goal. I grabbed his wrist and turned to look at him, though I can't see his face through the dark, I could tell he looked surprised. “I'm not leaving!” I said.
My flashlight, which was still on, had its beam pointed to where his leg is and I was shocked to see what I saw. His leg was half way disappearing. I slowly pointed the beam higher to his chest and saw that there where some parts of his body disappearing. “What's happening to you?” I asked as I looked up and gasped at the site before me.
His face was also disappearing, or, at least, his left eye was completely gone along with parts of his face. (A/N: If anyone was wondering, think about what happened on that one episode when Yami was dueling Marik in the final round in the duelist tournament where Marik summoned a shadow game.)
“Pharaoh…” I said, a bit shocked.
“Oh Pharaoh!” The Rat called out in the darkness and it seemed louder than a moment ago.
The Pharaoh gently pushed me and mouth out, along with the strange feeling, for me to leave this place.
I shook my head, refusing to leave him in this place with that… creature. `He may be dead in the real life, but here… It's an echo of his experience.' I thought.
He placed both of his hands on my shoulders and I sense another feeling. `If you don't leave, he'll kill you.'
I heard the steps getting louder. “You can tell him off here!” I said. “He's nothing but a figment here, the real one is crocodile food!” I tried to convince him to get rid of the nightmare that's bothering him. “I know you can do it!”
He sighed and bowed his head as in defeat. `It's no use.'
I knew he was still hurt from the experience, but I was not going to give up. “I know this hurts you and its killing you.” I said. “But you have the ability to tell it to go away. I know you can. You just have to try.”
He looked defeated and he seemed to disappear more because of it.
“Phar—“ I was about to say when the Rat's laughter seemed to echo all around us.
He seemed to disappear more from it.
`Pharaoh…' I thought, completely out of ideas on how to help and convince him to fight him off. Then I saw the horror look on his face, even though it was dark. I didn't know why until I looked down at what he was looking at and saw that I was disappearing as well. I looked up at the other, who was also looking at me with fear in his eyes.
He tried to push me away, probably trying to tell me to get out now.
`Ahmose told me that it's possible to die in his mind.' I thought. `This must be how slow death is like for him.'
He kept shoving me as the Rat's laugh was almost deafening, making us disappear even more.
I finally understood how this condition works, but the Pharaoh has to overcome it first. `I don't know what other way for him to overcome his condition.' I thought I closed my eyes and, when the other did his pointless shoving, I found an opening and embraced him. He was about to force me off when I said something. “Pharaoh… I came here to help you and to get rid of the problem that's making you hurt so much…” I felt him stop trying to force me off and seemed to be listening. “But I realized now that this is something that you have to conquer.” I held him tighter. “I know you can do it, it's like your father said, `Don't hold it back, it's only going to make it worse'.” He seemed to tense at the saying. I could see my hand in the faint light of my flashlight beam and saw that I was disappearing, fast.
Of course, that wasn't the only thing that was in the room. I saw wisps of shadow-like mist going around us like vultures. But I still held my position holding the young ruler, prepared to die with him. I then felt another sense from the other.
`Why? Why can't you leave? I'm no use for anyone… not even to myself…'
I nuzzled a little. “Because I care about you…” A small tear came down. “So much that I'm staying here till the very end, no questions asked!” I felt him tense at what I said.
`You mustn't stay here; you will disappear if you do… I can't handle it if you were to die here.'
“And I can't handle it if you die without a reason or saying good bye!” I said. “And I don't care if I die here! I'm not leaving you alone in the dark!” There wasn't a reply from him, but I didn't mind about it as I closed my eyes and let the darkness eat away my existence and taking over my mind.
At this point the laughter was loud and maniatic, but I closed him off and focused on other matters. I was silently saying sorry to everyone that was outside of mine and his body. Then, the strangest feeling started to appear and I opened my eyes to see only a bright light. `Did I die?' I thought as I felt my body being carried somewhere, fast. The light was too bright that I had to close my eyes again. `What's going on?' I heard doors opening and slamming and I noticed that the laughter was disappearing into nothing but a whisper. Then I heard one door open and slam shut and the light was gone. I opened my eyes and, for a brief moment, saw the hallway that leads to the other's `room' and I recognized that the other `room' was mine. I was set down on my bed and saw the other, thought badly cut and bruised, he didn't looked like he was disappearing and I couldn't see his eyes. “Pharaoh?”
He slightly looked up and I saw the tired, but relieved, looking eyes. Before I could do anything, he collapsed on me. `He must be tired.' I thought with a small smile. `He deserves it.' I let him rest as I thought of how to show him my time. “I guess now isn't a bad time.” I whispered to myself and closed my eyes and pictured the park on a spring morning, when the cherry blossoms where just at their best. I opened my eyes to see that my room transformed into what I was thinking. I over looked at the park and I was sitting underneath the trees branches, where the pedals started to slowly fall on to the ground. I also found that I was wearing my modern day clothing and I looked at the other, who still had his royal attire. `Well, at least there are no people here.' I thought as I leaned back against the trunk of the tree and enjoyed the scene I created.
It seemed to take awhile when the Pharaoh woke up and looked completely dazed from his sleep. “Hello sleepy head.” I said, gaining his attention.
He looked at me for a moment until he was fully awake and looked around franticly around the area.
I couldn't help but laugh at his attics as he looked at me. “Sorry, I couldn't help it.” I said.
He looked at me, then at the area, then back with a questioning look.
“This is the park.” I said, answering his unasked question. “This is where I and Joey play around sometime after school. Remember all the things I told you about?”
He nodded in understandment then looked at me with a confused look.
“What is it now?”
He pointed at me, and I got that he was pointing at my outfit.
“This is what I wear in my time.” I answered with an amused smile. Then I remembered what I wanted to show him. I grabbed his hand and we ran down to the park and I saw the city. `Just how I remembered it.' I thought as I ran and looking back to make sure that the other is okay.
He gave me the lost look and I laughed.
“I'm giving you a tour of how I live!” I said. “It's fair, since, you showed me how you live, right?” We stopped when we where only less than half to the game shop.
The Pharaoh thought about this only for a moment and nodded in agreement.
I smiled as we walked towards the game shop. “You remember the game shop I told you, right?”
He nodded.
I looked over at the game shop, and he followed my gaze. “That's it right there.” I said. “Come on!” I said with a laugh as I pulled him along. When we entered, Grandpa wasn't there, which was okay, and I showed him around. When the ground floor was done explaining, we headed upstairs and explained how some things worked. I had a hard time explaining how the house-hold appliance worked at the ground floor and this wasn't any different. When I started to explain how the shower worked, things kinda got a bit… I don't know how to explain it, really. I turned on the water, switched it so that it could pour out into the shower head, and he, at first, put his hand in, than went in. I was about to say something when, for some odd reason, the site made me freeze. He seemed to enjoy the feel of the over head water going down on him. I blushed when he put his head back. `Look away!' My head was screaming, but I continued to watch.
He finally got out after being in there for, what seems like, a good fifteen minutes. He had no trouble finding the towels as he dried his face, arms, and legs, which I had to look away for. `What's wrong with me?' I thought, but was interrupted when a tap on the shoulder brought me back to reality… well… this reality, anyway. He looked curious and concerned at the same. I smiled. “Nothing's wrong, just didn't expect you to walk into the shower.” I said with a small giggle. “I guess you enjoyed it, huh?” He blushed and looked modest about it, which made me laugh. “Come on, there's more I like to show you.” I said as I lead him out of the shop and headed towards the city.
When we arrived, I had to slow down to a walk so that the other could see the tall buildings that could rival his palace, which was kinda amusing. I explained how the city was like. “On a busy day, it's so crowded, that you could barely get through without being smooshed.” I said and the other looked confused. I got an idea as I lead us to an ally and remembered how busy the city was. When I opened my eyes, there were people, cars, trucks, everything you could find the city. I looked at the other, who seemed freaked out by the automobiles. I closed my eyes again and imagined it gone, which did when I opened them. “It's mostly like that.” I said as he looked at me as if I lost my mind. I shrugged. “When you live in a city like this, you tend to get used to it.” With that I lead him towards my school.
The school system was the hardest to explain as we went from classroom to classroom, from the ground to the roof top. It seemed that he liked the roof top the best. I wouldn't blame him; it had the best view of the city. When we got back to the ground, I introduced him to the pool. I explain how it was used and he looked tempted to go in. “Hey, you already got your shower.” I said. He looked disappointed, but rubbed it off. But I took this as an opportunity. I dashed to the pool and jumped in. When I surfaced, I looked at the dumbstruck look of the other, which was hilarious. “Come on in!” I said laughing. He gave a look that said. `you've got to be kidding'. I rolled my eyes and remembered what we did at the river. I looked at the wall behind him and looked shocked, which caused him to turn around. `Payback.' I thought as I splashed water at least up to his knees. He turned and looked confused until he gave out a smirk that says `oh you're going to play like that huh'. I sticked out my tongue. “We're even!” I said followed by an eep when the other took off his cape and jumped in, causing a splash. “Pharaoh?” I said looking around and seeing nothing. I dived to see if he's underwater, but saw nothing. I resurfaced and I was tackled to the side. “Hey!” I said as I saw a grin on his face. I pouted and splashed water on him, which he returned with one of his own and cause a splash fight.
Awhile later, we got out and walked around the city until we're dried, which didn't take long. I then thought about seasons. `I bet he never seen snow in his life.' I thought as I remembered talking about it. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, the sky was white and it wasn't long until small ice particles fell gently down towards the earth. I looked at the Pharaoh, who looked lost as he looked at the white flakes which seemed to melt. He looked at me for the meaning of this. “It's called snow.” I said simply. He looked up at the white sky only to have a few of the flakes landing on his face and rub them off, because it was cold. I had to giggle at this site. `He looks innocent when he's curious.' I thought sadly as I continued to look at the curious young ruler. He then turned to look at me with a soft smile, that I have never seen before, and came up to embrace me. I returned the embrace, knowing it was a sign of thanks for him and I felt a pull and everything went dark.
~*Pharaoh's room: Normal POV*~
Ahmose sighed worriedly. `It's been two days since the young one went inside the Pharaoh's mind.' He thought as he looked at the green barrier. `As long as the barrier is up, there might be a chance.' He sighed again. “Only three days left…” He said.
The lords, though understanding what the youth was doing is a risk and the Pharaoh may need time to recover, but they want to leave as soon as possible, with or with out the young ruler.
Joey entered the room and looked over at the barrier than at Ahmose. “Anyt'ing?” He asked.
Ahmose shooked his head. “I'm afraid not master Joey.” He said with a sigh.
Joey sighed as well while looking sadly at the two. “Ya t'ink de're gonna be alright?”
“I'm not sure… Only time will tell…”
As if on cue, the barrier showed signs of weakening and completely disappeared. The two ran up to see the other two and waited for some sign.
Yugi was the first to open his eyes and looked around dazed for a moment when he recognized the two. “Hey Joey, Ahmose.” He said then looked shocked as he looked at the other, who has yet to reawaken. “Come on Pharaoh.” He whispered.
There was some slight movement, then the Pharaoh's eyes began to slowly open until dazed crimson were shown. He smiled a little when he saw Yugi, looking at him, before noticing the other two.
“Alright!” Joey said. “Ya all back!” He took a deep breath. “Ya guys sure `ad us worried to no end!”
“Speaking of which…” Ahmose interfered. “I believe Seto would like to hear the good news?”
Joey smiled and nodded before rushing out the doors within a blink of an eye.
Yugi shook his head as he tried to get up, but found that his muscles were numb from lack of movement and fell back to the bed. He let out a weak laugh.
The Pharaoh, muscles also numb, but was able to sit up.
“Pharaoh! You shouldn't try to get up!” Ahmose said a bit alarmed.
“It's okay Ahmose.” Yugi said causing confusion to the older man. “He can handle it.”
The Pharaoh smirked as he straighten himself up and waited till his muscles remembered how to function.
At that moment, Seto and Joey entered, panting.
Seto looked at his cousin and, for the pass two, agonizing, days, he was finally able to feel relief. He straightened and looked unemotional. “Well I hope you're happy.” He said, causing curious looks. “You kept a secret from all of us, then you couldn't wake the hell up, causing your little friend to go after you, leaving me to deal with your fucking crap and sit through death by boredom meetings…” He looked at the young ruler. “And now, suddenly, you finally woke the hell up!” He glared at him. “Do you have any idea what the trouble you put everyone through?”
The Pharaoh looked apologetic at his cousin's description of what's been happening while he was out.
Yugi, who was finally sitting up straight. “He's really sorry—“
“I can see that.” Seto said calmly. He looked at the young ruler square in the eye. “Just promise me that the next time you try to hide secrets like that again…” He grinned a little. “Than I take the throne.”
This time the Pharaoh was ticked and threw a pillow, which missed. Then another pillow came in and hit the other in the face. He looked to see it was Yugi, who smiled innocently.
“Nice aim!” Joey said, almost laughing at the other when he looked dumbstruck.
“Alright! Alright!” Ahmose said, calming everyone down. “I know this is a great moment for all of us. But we still have a lot to do.” Seto and Joey nodded, knowing what the other meant.
Yugi and the Pharaoh were clueless about everything at the moment.
Ahmose, knowing about the look-alikes absences, looked at them. “We'll explain everything to you, but now, it will have to wait until Ra has been reborn.*” With that, the three men walked out of the room. “Do you need anything?”
The two shook their heads. With that, they were alone.
The Pharaoh, thinking that he had been in bed long enough, slowly tried to get out of bed to remind his muscles to move when a hand grabbed his arm. He looked over to see Yugi.
“Would it kill you to take one step at a time?” He said, which made the other lost. He demenstraighted by moving his fingers until the stinging numbness was gone. “You have to take each part of the body to get used to the motions, other wise you will be struggling.”
The Pharaoh followed on his advice and started with the still very numb limbs of his upper body. When that was done, he worked on moving his legs, one at a time, before standing and tried to walk without falling to the ground. He stumbled, but was able to maintain balance. He watched as Yugi did the same, but was in vain. He shook his head and went over to help.
“Don't worry,” He said. “I got it.” He took one step, then the other, then… he almost fell if the other wasn't there. “Thanks.” He said.
The Pharaoh smiled and nodded.
“Pharaoh…” Yugi said, getting the other's attention. “I'm glad you're back.” He slightly blushed, but the shadows covered that.
The Pharaoh felt happy to hear that and smiled his soft smile to the other and nodded, meaning he too was glad to be back as well.
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That's it for this chapter.
Ra has been reborn: Another way of saying the morning.
Okay, you know the drill. R&R everyone, who even cares. T_T.