Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Missing Link ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

You people are so mean!
Bakura: …
Marik: No reviews?
Bakura: Yep.
Marik: *nods* … So… What are we suppose to do?
Bakura: Start the chapter.
Marik: Works for me!
I worked hard on each chapter and what do I get in return!?
Marik: She's awful at being angry, isn't she?
Bakura: She's not the type to get angry all the time. *puts in chapter* Enjoy.
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Ch. 24: Missing Link
~-5 days later-~
Yugi looked out of the balcony and stared at the horizon.
Joey came to join, since there wasn't going to be a lesson today. “Ey.” He said in a bored tone.
“Hey.” Yugi said in a sad tone.
They stayed completely silent for a moment.
Yugi looked over at the blonde, who looked as thought there was a mixture of anger and confusion. “Are you still ticked off about that note?” He asked. Joey told him about Seto's note and how mixed up he was. He was about to suggest that he liked him, but thought best not to say anything.
Joey sighed. “I'm not sure anymore Yuge.” He looked at the blue sky. “I mean, when we first met, I thought he was a cool-tempered bastard dat only gets angry when, `It', was still around n' when da Pharaoh was out.”
Yugi remembered those times and he didn't tell about the Atemu, the Pharaoh's name.
“But,” He continued. “Before I agreed da be a soldier-in-training, he acted kinda strange. In fact, dat wasn't da only time it happened.” He remembered the time when he was so pissed off about not going home and they agreed that there was a similarity between them and the time when he wore that outfit for the banquet. “Yeah, he can be a huge pain in da ass, but…” He didn't know what to continue from there.
Yugi studied his friend's features and asked the risky question. “Do you like him?” He said.
Joey looked wide-eyed at his small friend. “Why da hell do you t'ink I would like a guy like dat!?”
Yugi put his hands up in defense. “Take it easy I was just asking.” He said.
Joey growled and looked and the horizon again.
They were silent for another moment before Joey said something. “Now dat you mentioned it,”
Yugi looked at the other.
“Ya might say dat I, kinda, respect `im, for all da fuck'n crap dat's been goin' on.” He sighed. “I wonda what he n' da Pharaoh are doin' right now?”
Yugi looked out in the horizon. `I hope everyone's okay.'
~*Battleground Camp*~
The smell of blood was everywhere along with the site of some fallen corpses. Right now, all is still, but still had its alarming awareness feeling.
“Pharaoh.” Seto called as he went into a tent. He had a bandage up along his arm and his robes had cuts, blood, and dirt on them as well. “Just to let you know that there is still no sign of them. All the lords believe that we should move out further to their territory. But they want to head what you have to say, or, in your case, read on what you're trying to say.”
Atemu, also covered in blood, dirt and cuts, but also had bandages that covers his whole right arm and half of his left, flipped him off and written down on a piece of papyrus before handing it to his older cousin.
Seto read through and sighed. “I wonder how everyone back in the kingdom are doing.”
Atemu nodded.
“I'll give your message out than Pharaoh.” Seto said as he turned around and left.
Atemu sighed as he brought out a blank scroll and started to write on it.
Seto reached over to another tent, that was bigger than his and his cousin's put together, and saw the lords, all have different bandaged places and covered in dirt and blood.
“What did the Pharaoh have to say.” Mateo asked.
Seto held up the papyrus and recited. “My fellow allies, I agree to your suggestion, but I would like one of your fastest messengers to send a letter to let my kingdom to know of our process of this battle.”
The lords nodded in agreement. “Very well.” Said one of the lords named Dec-ahker, a lean man who is known to have the fastest horses and men alive. “I shall send my fastest horse and rider to deliver his letter.”
With that, Seto nodded and walked out of the tent. He looked around at the men, more wounded than some, talking, laughing, and just making the most of their lives… while they have it. He entered the young ruler's tent.
Atemu looked at the other and gave a look that said, `well'?
“They agreed by your terms and they're getting a horse and rider for it.”
Atemu nodded than handed a blank papyrus to him.
“What's this for?”
Atemu held up a scroll with the symbol on the side that said `Yugi'.
“A letter?”
He nodded.
Seto finally understood and shook his head. “There's no way I'm going to write a letter to him.” He placed the papyrus down. “Not even the gods themselves will force… me… to…”
Atemu waved a scroll that has the symbol that said `Joey' with the addition of `from the High Priest'
“You didn't.”
He gave a look that said, `maybe I did'.
Seto sighed and grabbed the papyrus and a quill and started to write.
Atemu laid down on this temporary mat while looking overhead on the open patch on the tent at the night sky filled with stars. It made him remember that one night, not to long ago.
`When you see a shooting star, you make a wish.' The youth said.
He saw one zoom by and looked over to see the other still working on his letter before he made a wish on it. When he was done, Seto just finished his letter and demanded to see the one he made. He put out a box, put both of their letters in, then handed his letter.
Seto grabbed it while mumbling incoherent words. When he opened the scroll, there was a picture of the youth and Joey. He looked over to the young ruler, who seemed content on the mat. “Amusing cousin.” He said as he rolled up the scroll and threw it at the other before moving out the tent.
Atemu rubbed where the scroll hit him before lying back down on his mat and wondered how everything is going back at his kingdom right now.
~*Back at the Palace*~
Yugi had finished making his wish at a falling star and returned to the bed room and laid down on his bed. He laid there but couldn't close his eyes as his mind raced with thoughts; most had to do with Atemu. He liked the sound of that name. He sighed as he tried to sleep, but his racing mind only made him restless. `I wonder if Joey is still awake?' He thought as he got up and walked towards the door. He walked down the dim-lit halls and, for once, felt a bit scared. `I'm usually not scared when I come down here at this hour.' He remembered how he and Atemu would walk down and `talk' to each other. He sighed as he reached towards the door that leads to Seto's room, where Joey should be there.
He was restless; tossing and turning and rolled off the couch. His mind was nothing but Seto along with all the confusing emotions that appeared. He ran out into the balcony and took huge amounts of cool air, trying to calm himself down. `I can't take dis any more!' He thought as he looked down on the ground of the balcony. The chilling night wind seemed to wake his senses and went back in to hear a knock on the door.
“Joey?” Yugi's voice was heard.
“Come in.” Joey replied as he sat down on the couch.
Yugi entered the room, leaving the door open. “Did I bother you?” He asked and the other shook his head.
“Nah.” Joey said. “Couldn't sleep.”
“Same here.” Yugi said as he joined the blonde on the couch.
“Da Pharaoh?” Joey asked and Yugi nodded.
“Seto?” Yugi asked and Joey just sighed.
“I hate not knowing what dat damn bastard is doing!”
Yugi nodded understandingly. “I'm more worried about how everyone is doing out there.”
“Yeah.” Joey said. “But dey got Mateo n' da lords dere.”
“Even so…” Yugi sighed than a low grumble was heard.
Joey blushed at that and held his stomach.
Yugi had to laugh at this. “Want something to eat? While we're up?”
Joey just looked at him. “Be quiet Yuge.”
Yugi just laughed at that as well.
As they head down to the kitchens, they heard Ahmose's voice inside. “I just don't understand!” Both were curious and peeked into a small crack on the door.
“When I get so close to finding a way to get those boys back to their own time, it somehow stumps me.” Ahmose sighed.
“I'm sure it's just a minor set back.” Sha-lie said as she handed him a cup of water.
“Yeah, like all the other times.”
“Oh, don't you give me that!”
“But it's true!”
Sha-lie stuffed an apple slice in to mouth to keep him quiet. “You just haven't given yourself time to rest.” She said as he ate the slice quickly.
“Maybe that is the reason. But something tells me that there's another magic at work here.”
“Another type of magic?”
“Yes. Otherwise, how would they be able to be here?”
Sha-lie paid attention at this. “There must be some ways to do that.”
“Yes, that is true. But… It's the type of magic that summoned them here is what I'm trying to figure out.”
The two boys looked at each other with a somewhat shocked expression on their faces as they remembered reading the scroll sometime back.
“What do you think this type of magic it is?” Sha-lie asked.
Ahmose sighed. “That's what I'm trying to figure out. But, I do know one thing…” The room went dead silent for a moment. “That if I don't figure out how to get them home, and if this battle were to continue… those boys are going to die here.”
There was a shock silence there until Sha-lie spoke. “So, what are you going to do?”
“Tomorrow, I'll ask them about how they got here, and, hopefully, use that information to get that missing link.”
“How about you ask us now?” Yugi said as he and Joey appeared from their hiding place.
“Oh, good evening boys.” Sha-lie said.
“We heard everyt'ing.” Joey said as they stood there.
Ahmose sighed and mentioned them to take a seat.
Sha-lie stood up. “May I get you anything?”
The three shook their heads and she walked away.
“Let's get straight to the point.” Ahmose said.
“Ya want da know how we got `ere.” Joey said as Ahmose nodded.
“Well…” Yugi started off. “There was this scroll we found inside of a gold chest, which was inside of this old chest that Joey found. And when I opened the scroll, there was this whispering voice in my head and I started to say the spell.”
“What did the scroll say?” Ahmose asked.
Yugi thought back and said the words.
“Gods in the Land of the Pharaohs, hear me now!
“Turn back the sands of time and take me to the time of the one I shall save from an event that was never was suppose to be.
“I ask you now!
Turn back the sands of time to thee, whose lost in the dark and, I, the heart, shall bring him back to the light!”
Ahmose sat there with a look of shock on his face. “What were you doing, before you looked at the scroll?”
Joey recalled a story the other Ahmose, which made Ahmose go to even further shock. “Oh, Ra…” He whispered after hearing Joey.
The two boys looked confused at this but waited for the other to continue.
“It's fate…” Ahmose whispered again, making the boys worry.
“Umm… Ahmose?” Yugi said. “What's wrong?”
Ahmose looked up at the small teen. “Go back to bed boys.”
“I'll explain in the morning.”
The boys got up and left the kitchens.
Sha-lie, at that moment, re-entered the room. “Mind telling me what's going on?” She asked.
“This battle has to be over as soon as possible.”
“Why?” She asked not used to seeing him this way.
“Because there's more to those boys then we thought… Including the little one.”
“What do you mean?”
Ahmose looked at her with the most serious look. “The young master and the Pharaoh have to be alive when this madness is over, other wise those boys can't go home.”
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Oh boy! Looks like we got ourselves a suspense hanger.
Bakura: You should know what it's about. Since it's your story.
Yes, but the readers don't.
Marik: Isn't that the main point?
How the heck should I know?
B&M: *sigh*
R&R everyone!