Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ More to It... ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bakura: Hey.
Bakura: *waving a review* I got two reviews for you.
*jumps* You better not trick me like you did last time!
Bakura: *shoves them to her* Enjoy.
*reads reviews**eyes went wide* Oh, my gosh!
Marik: What is it?
*looks up* Reviewer `mahado cupid' likes my story and is making a fanmanga!? Sweet. Likes how I interact with you guys. *looks at the two* Has read my earlier works, nice to know *smiles*. Is also on Gaia!
Bakura: What the hell is that?
An online role-playing/forum site that I go on. My user name is LunaHikiri… Wow, a team up on stories… Interesting.
Marik: Looks like we got ourselves a winning reviewer.
Hmm… Mahado and Mana in the fic… I haven't really thought about that. Actually I was going to include them in my next fic I'm thinking about, but I think I could squeeze them in. It may be a brief one though…
Bakura: You usually find a way. Like your first fic, when you include that crazy bitch of a friend of yours.
You're right. Yeah! I got a pretty good idea on how to work it out.
Marik: Wow Bakura, since when were you a supporter?
Bakura: Since Ryou forced me to listen to some annoying speakers on television.
Well… I hope I answer your questions, mahado cupid, and to everyone, enjoy the chapter with the requested characters!
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Ch. 25: More to It…
“A letter?” Yugi said as the messenger bowed before him.
“Yes, young master, from the Pharaoh himself.” The messenger, Mahado, said. He looked like he was around the same height as Seto, with long brown hair and brown eyes, and was wearing robes that had seen better days. Next to him was a small girl, a bit taller than Yugi, who has long brown hair and brown eyes, and was wearing a short skirt, but looked unharmed.
Yugi took the scroll and noticed another scroll. “What is the other scroll for?” He asked.
The girl, Mana, spoke. “This is a letter for Master Joey from the High Preist.”
Yugi nodded. “He should be out in the arena…”
“Okay!” Mana said as she dashed off.
“Wait a mo…” Yugi called but the girl was far out for her to hear him. “Oh boy…”
“What is the matter young master?” Mahado asked.
Yugi sighed. “It's Joey… The last letter from Seto made him upset.” Another sigh. “And I'm afraid that Mana is going to find out the hard way.”
Mahado bowed once more. “I shall get her, before she gets into anymore trouble.” He got up. “Anything you like to ask?”
Yugi looked thoughtful for a moment but shook his head. “That's okay.”
Mahado nodded and headed over to the outside arena.
Yugi headed the opposite direction and when he turned the corner, and making sure no one was around, he dashed down the halls towards Atemu's room. `I hope everything is okay over there.' Was the thought on his mind when he entered the room and jumped on the bed. He took a deep breath before opening the scroll.
`Dear Yugi,
We have made it through the first wave of our enemy with no loses this far, but, they retreated. Since then it's been quiet. The lords asked if we move further into their territory to continue fighting and hopefully find out their intentions for retreating. But I didn't want to write about that. My true reason to write this letter is to let you know I'm well and so is everyone, and to let you know that I'm thinking about you all the time. I hope everyone is well over there, I presume?
Always thinking about you,
Yugi smiled to know that everyone is okay and blushed when the other mentioned about always thinking about him. He rolled up the scroll and hugged it before looking around for a blank papyrus to write his letter.
He and the men were taking a short break when he saw Mana and she announced of Seto's letter. He opened the scroll quickly and looked at it.
We've defeated the first wave with no loss, so far, but the cowards retreated before we could even get close. We're moving out further towards their territory and see if we can't get them there. Right now it's quiet and that concern's me. If they tried to plan to sneak attack us in the first place, they may do so again. So you best keep your guard up.
The High Priest.'
He looked alarmed at the enemy information, but, at the same time, was also ticked off and hurt that the other didn't mention about how he was doing or how he was holding up. “Damn dat bastard!” He said loudly, which scared Mana. He looked at her. “Wait `ere.” He said in a warning tone. He found a blank papyrus and a quill and started to write. When he was done, he rolled it up and handed to Mana. “Ya make sure dat stubborn ass bastard gets dis!”
“Y-Yes sir.” Mana said as she ran out. `What in Kemet has gotten him into a knot?' She thought as she bumped into Mahado. “Oh! I'm sorry master Mahado!”
“It's alright.” Mahado said calmly as he got up and extended a hand to help her up. “What were you running away from?”
“Master Joey.” Mana said. “He seemed to have a really bad day.”
Mahado nodded. “Master Yugi told me about his `sensitivity' to High Priest Seto's letters.”
Mana looked somewhat shocked. “Did they have some disagreement?”
Mahado shrugged. “Not my place to find out.”
“So, now what Master?” Mana asked.
At this point, Yugi turned the corner. “Hello.” He said.
Mahado and Mana bowed respectfully. “Hello Master Yugi.” They said in a duet.
Yugi sighed. “You know you don't have to do that. The bowing and stuff.”
“Really?” Mana asked looking up.
“Mana.” Mahado whispered as if warning her.
“Yeah.” Yugi said. “Besides, to tell you the truth, I feel kinda uncomfortable about this whole thing.”
Mana got up before being stopped by the other. “Come on Mahado, he said its okay.”
Mahado sighed as he got up as well.
“You have to forgive him, he's pretty much got this routine nailed into his head.” Mana said as she tapped her fist on her head to prove her point.
“That's alright.” Yugi said.
“I'm sorry to say this…” Mahado said, making the two look at him. “But I better leave back to the others.”
Both of them were shocked to hear this.
“But you just got here!” Yugi said. “Can't you rest for a day before setting out?”
“And what's with the `I' thing? I'm coming along too!” Mana said.
Mahado sighed. `I hate it when she gets this way.' He looked at them. “Mana, I want you to stay here where it's safe.”
“B-But Mas-“
“I nearly lost you on the way here!” Mahado said looking seriously at her.
`Is that why he looks so beaten up?' Yugi thought looking at the robe the other was wearing.
Mana was completely silent.
Mahado went up to her and embraced her. “I'm sorry Mana, but I just can't stand seeing you get hurt. Please understand what I'm doing is so that I could keep you safe. Understand?” He whispered as she nodded in response. He let go of her and placed a small kiss to her forehead before turning to Yugi. “Is there anything you wish for me to do?”
Yugi snapped out of his daydreaming and handed the other a scroll. “Could you give this to the Pharaoh?”
Mahado nodded and took the scroll and looked at Mana and held out a hand. “Come on Mana, I know you have one for the High Priest.”
Mana sighed and reluctantly handed the scroll to him.
“Are you sure that you're going to be alright?” Yugi asked as they walked out to the stables, where their horses were nibbling happily on the hay.
Mahado laughed. “Don't worry about me.” He said as he went on his horse. “If I leave now, I'll be there by night fall.”
“Really?” Yugi said.
“May the gods strike me if I lied to you.” Mahado said.
“Just be careful!” Mana said, on the bridge of crying. “Okay.”
Mahado softly smiled. “I vow to thee, if thou shall't not make thy journey, thou shall be smite by Osiris for all eternity.”
Yugi shook his head in amusement and Mana managed a small giggle.
“I better be off then.” He said as the horse neighed and galloped off.
“May the gods be with you.” Mana said sadly.
Yugi could emphasize her feelings and tried to cheer her up. “Hey, have you been around the palace?”
Mana looked at him and shook her head. “I know some parts, but not a lot.”
Yugi smiled. “May I give you a tour then?”
Mana smiled a little and nodded before following the small teen towards the palace.
~*Battle Grounds: Sometime later*~
Shouts were heard along with the sounds of clashing metal. Corpses and blood decorated the pale blue sands.
“Retreat!” Called out a man as he and the men close by ran off in the other direction.
“Grab one of them!” One of the lords shouted. “Don't let them escape!”
Everything was a blurry mess as everyone ran in different directions. This chaotic scene lasted only moments than started to calm as the retreating army ran further into the dunes. The men cheered for yet another successful battle. Some of the men dragged men in one spot and tied them up. After they've done that, they waited until their commanders and leaders came up and started to ask questions.
“Why did you retreat?” One of them asked, which wasn't responded. “I'll ask again, why did you retreat?”
The captured still stayed silent.
The lord sighed as he flicked his wrist, making two men come up and tried to get the answer by force. It seemed that it was a waste of effort when one of the captives spoke out from nearing insanity.
“We're retreating because we knew that you would follow us; going further away from your precious kingdom.” The other captives started to shout at their commarad as he continued. “And while you do that, our other men are heading towards your kingdom!”
“You idiot!” One of them shouted along with the others.
Everyone else froze in fear. “Oh Ra…” “What are we going to do?” “Those sneaky bastards! We allowed ourselves to fall to their trap!” These and many other remarks were said, causing a rising panic to form.
Seto, who was glad that his suspicions were correct, but also was worried about how the kingdom would hold up.
Atemu was more worried about Yugi. He knew the youth never killed anyone or thing in his life and knows his kingdom well enough that even some commoners knew a thing or two about combat.
“SILENCE!!” Mateo shouted in his well known voice, which made even the wind silent. “I understand that this is a problem for us all, but there is a way to work this out!” Everyone listened carefully as he spoke. “We will decide which groups to move forward and which to move back to the palace, for now, wait until further notice!” The men nodded and drift away to discuss the problem among themselves.
Atemu, Seto, and the lords gathered for a group meeting. At that moment, Mahado rode up, looking like all the men in the area, as he approached to Atemu and Seto and bowed. “A reply from the young master and Master Joey.” He said as he held out the scrolls.
Both took the scrolls; Atemu, after seeing Mahado's condition, took the scroll a bit eagerly, but still respectfully. Seto, though took the rolled up papyrus gently, he felt fear and worry rise in his chest.
“Before you read your letters,” One of the lords said. “We need to discuss how we're going to handle this situation.”
“You mean the sneak attack?” Mahado said, which made everyone look at him.
“You've seen them?”
“Yes sir.” He sighed. “And it wasn't easy to get through.”
“How did you make it out?”
“A few leaps, sharp turns, one flying head, and a few stabbing here and there.”
“You basically went into open fire.”
“That sums it up.”
“Are you out of your mind!?” Mateo shouted. “You could have been killed! And where's my niece!?”
Mahado sighed. “I know it was a risky shot, but there was no other way to get here and Mana is over at the palace, safe and sound.” He then smiled. “And I also made a vow to the young master to deliver his letter and Mana my return, or face the wrath of the gods themselves!”
Everyone looked at him as if he was out of his mind, but was quickly brushed off.
“How far was the enemy group from the palace?” Seto asked.
“I would have to say about… at least one hundred miles. But, thanks to my action, they would have to wait about one or two days to recover before setting out.”
Everyone seemed relieved by this. “This will give us time to decide who will go and who will stay.” Said one of the lords. “Yes, but it has to be decided by tomorrow.” Said another. “But for now, lets rest. Everyone agreed as they made orders to put up tents.
Atemu, obviously couldn't speak a whisper, walked a bit a ways from the rest but stayed near in case of an attack. He was exhausted and felt sore all over, but he wanted to know how the youth was doing. He opened the scroll and slowly read what the other wrote.
`Dear Atemu,
It's great to hear from you and I'm so glad that everyone is okay over there. We're doing fine here. Joey seems to be really good at instructing, Sha-lie is less stressful, Ahmose is still working on how to get Joey and I back home.'
Atemu smiled bitterly at that sentence but continued to read.
`As for me, I pray for your safe return and I keep looking out for any sign that you might appear out of the horizon. I guess what I really mean is that I miss you so much. It's not much fun around here anymore; everyone is worried about this and that, and Joey is preoccupied by the training. Get back as soon as you can, okay?
Always looking,
Atemu felt his heart feeling light of what the letter said and rolled it up before holding it close to his heart.
When his tent was up, he entered and settled down on a spot before unrolling the scroll, and read:
`Yo Ass!
Thanks for the little info on your enemy, but would it kill you to ask it the kingdom is still in top notch shape as it is since you left. Oh, and since you didn't ask, I'm fine and alive and still stuck in your time era with Yugi. Oh and one more thing, you better come back alive, otherwise I'm coming after you! And another thing, that note you gave me really hurt me, and for that, I'm going to kick your royal ass the next time I see you!
Seto didn't believe his eyes when he read the part where his note hurt the blonde's feelings. `My note… hurt him?' He thought as he rolled up the papyrus. “At least he's aware of the situation.” He said as he placed the scroll aside. `Who cares if my note hurts the mutt's feelings? It's not if I cared.' He felt a tight feeling in his chest that became painful to bear. He growled as he went out to see his cousin enter his tent. He wanted to talk to him, since he couldn't talk, therefore difficult for other's to know about him, but trying to figure out what the other was saying is a pain. He entered the tent, which surprised the other, and sat down.
Atemu looked at his cousin in curious interest and sat down in front of him.
“I need your advice.” Seto said, which caused the other to raise an eyebrow. “Well, at least hear me out what my problem is.”
Atemu nodded for the other to continue.
“I'm lost. I don't mean the loss-of-direction-type of lost, but the type of emotional lost.” He looked up to see if the other was listening before continuing. “Just before we left to this hell hole, I left a note to that dumb mutt. Well, in his letter, he mentioned that my note hurt him. I told myself I don't care, that it doesn't concern me. But…” He placed a hand to his chest. “But I feel guilty, hurt, torn… and I don't know why.”
Atemu, who heard carefully to the other, thought about how to solve this. He grabbed his dagger and started to write.
Seto looked over what he wrote after the other was done, which read:
`That's because you do care.'
He looked up at him with a look, which caused him to write again, which read:
`Don't give me that look, you know, deep down, you're concerned about him.'
He sighed.
Atemu rolled his eyes and wrote again: `Stop denying it; its only going to get worse if you do.'
Seto sighed. “Maybe you're right.”
Atemu wrote: `I am right!'
Seto stood up and started to head out. “Thanks.” He said as he exited the tent.
Atemu silently sighed and leaned back on his mat.
~*Palace: Scroll room*~
“We might be attacked!?” Yugi said staring at the blonde across from him.
“Dat's what da fuckin' ass said.” Joey said somewhat bitter as he bit down a huge chuck of bread.
“Are we able to handle something like that?” Yugi asked worriedly.
Joey swallowed to answer. “I got faith in does guys.” He said smiling. “Hell, if I was a lord n' de're my men, I would be proud.”
Yugi took a deep breath. “That's good to hear.” He said as he looked up on the many pictures on the wall, then a loud `boom' followed by a loud voice saying “MANA!!”.
“Oh boy.” Joey said shaking his head. “Dat guy better come back or we're not going to have a palace to live in.”
“Give her a break Joey.” Yugi said. “She's trying to become a great magician and without Mahado, she's mostly on her own.”
Joey lifted his hands up in defense. “Okay, okay.” He said as he became solemn. “Ya t'ink dat Ahmose figured a way da get us home?”
Yugi shrugged. “Maybe.” He looked down on the table's surface. “But, to be honest, I really don't want to rush home right away.”
Joey looked at the other. “Whatta ya mean?”
“Remember when we told Ahmose about how we got here?”
Joey nodded.
“Well, I've been thinking… that maybe that the spell had a hidden clue that would help us get home.”
Joey looked lost.
“Think about it… Why are we here? What did the story mentioned about what's going on here?”
Joey just stared at him.
“The scroll said that the Pharaoh needed help.”
“Yeah, n' ya did dat. Get'n `It', red handed.”
“What if it isn't enough?”
Joey stood up while looking at the other, who looked up at him shocked. “What da hell do ya mean?”
“Listen!” Yugi said as he stood up as well. “I'm confused as you are, but, I got a feeling that what I did to help him wasn't enough… Only half of it.”
“What could da Pharaoh possibly want now!?” Joey said scratching his head.
Yugi sighed. `That's what I'm trying to figure out as well.' He thought as he walked towards the door.
“Where ya goin' now?” Joey asked.
“I'm going to bed, its been long day.”
Joey nodded. “Yeah, it has… hasn't?” He said with a bitter smile. “With dat ass n' da Pharaoh gone, it's been… quiet…”
Yugi nodded in agreement.
“I'm actually missing dat annoying bastard to tell ya da truth.”
“It's normal to feel that way.”
He shook his head. “It's not dat type of missing.” He said, his voice strained.
Yugi didn't understand and was completely off guard when the other held him and cried. “Joey?”
“I love `im Yuge!” Joey cried between his sobs.
Yugi stood there, frozen by this confession. Instead, he wrapped his arms in a comfort embrace as the other cried.
“I didn't want da believe it at first, but… den… da… kiss… n' da signs…”
“Calm down Joey, it's okay.” Yugi whispered trying to get the other to calm down.
When the other was reduced to quiet sobbing, both walked out of the room while Yugi headed towards Seto's room to let Joey enter before he headed towards Atemu's room and thought about what happened.
`Poor Joey.' He thought as he curled up into his bed. He looked out into the balcony and saw a shooting star; he made a wish and fell into a light slumber.
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I hope you enjoyed this chapter and many more to come!
B&M: R&R
Marik: Before she goes nuts.
Bakura: Just speaking the truth.
… Why do I put up with you two?
B&M: You tell us.