Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Two-Way Battle ( Chapter 26 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey ya'll! I have extra time to kill to put up a second chapter up and… yeah… so… enjoy!
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Ch.26: Two-Way Battle
Within the early morning, Mateo set out back to the palace, along with Mahado. The lords, Seto, and Atemu agreed that he would return to the palace, along with half his men.
He and everyone gathered around and discussed the likely events that may happen and to see who will be a likely canadate for it. When everyone decided and agreed him, he went up to Atemu and Seto. “Are you sure neither of you would like to join?” He asked, knowing that they probably miss the two boys back at the palace.
Atemu nodded and Seto began to talk. “We're sure Mateo.”
“What about the boys?” He asked.
Atemu looked solemn.
Seto continued. “Tell them… we're fine and that we're getting close to ending this battle. But we're needed to further continue with it, to ensure their safety along with the kingdom.” With that, he and Atemu walked towards where the other's were ready to set out to continue their destination.
~End of Flashback~
He sighed and looked at the sky. `I wish you the best of luck and hope that you will return.'
~*Palace: Seto's room*~
Joey tossed and turned and soon rolled out of the couch with a thud. “Ow.” He said. “Dammit.” He got up, rubbing his head.
“What's wrong mutt?”
He thought he heard Seto, but it was only his mind making tricks. He sighed, not going to try to council himself as he walked out towards the balcony to see the star-lit sky. He sighed as he remembered all the times he and Seto fought, glared, talked, and all the small things that were unimportant then are important now. He looked out into the horizon and saw something unusual. He saw a small light behind one of the sand dunes and only three thoughts came to mind: 1) He's hallucinating. 2) It could be the other's coming back. Or 3) It could the enemy trying to sneak attack the kingdom. He quickly walked back to the room, opened the door, and saw a guard there. “Ito.” He said.
“Yes sir.” Ito said, fully alert.
“I want ya da wake up da other guards n' soldiers and head out into da village n' politely wake everyone up and send dem straight to da palace court yard.”
Ito looked confused but nodded and headed out to get the others.
`If it's going da be a surprise attack…' He thought. `Betta make sure no one gets hurt.'
~-2 hours later-~
Everyone from the village silently questioned about being in the palace court yard and were also afraid of what it could mean.
Joey stood in front of the massive crowd and started to say in his loudest tone possible. “Ya all wonder'n' what's goin' on n' why ya'll `ere!”
Everyone was paying attention to the blonde.
“I want all of ya da know dat ya don't panic, because what I'm about da say, may be nerve rackin' to all of ya!” Joey took a deep breath to continue. “Earlier, before da guards woke ya up, I saw an unusual site along the sand dunes, miles off from `ere. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but dat's why I asked da guards da bring ya `ere, in case if it's da enemy doing a sneak attack on us!”
At this point, the villagers started to murmer among themselves.
He waited until he noticed the rise of volume. He than took a really deep breath before shouting. “CALM DOWN!!”
Everyone was silent.
“Like I said, I'm not sure, it could be a caravan just passn' through! But, in da meantime, all of ya `ave da stay `ere until further notice!” With that, he walked back to the halls.
“Master Joey?” One of the guards said.
“Gatha everyone n' find a place for da villagers da stay. From dere, meet me at da palace doors. If it is what I feared, den make sure da archers stand deir posts.”
The guard nodded and he, along with others, ran to spread the word.
He tossed and turned in his bed as his mind was filled with troubled thoughts. He woke up when sounds of shouting were heard. He lazily got up and looked around. It took a few moments for his sleepy mind to register that he's up. When it did, he looked at the door, where the shouting was from. `What on Earth?' He thought as he stood up and walked towards the door before opening it. He saw a guard giving orders to servants, who looked like worker bees in the hall way. He went up to the guard and asked. “What's going on?”
The guard turned and bowed. “I'm sorry to disturb you master Yugi.”
“That's okay. But why is everyone up at this hour?”
“Master Joey spotted something unusual and ordered the villagers to the court yard and all the guards and soldiers to report to their posts, in case if it was an attack.”
Yugi froze at this, but was able to respond. “Do you know where he is now?”
“At the palace gate, but he ordered everyone, with the exception of fighters, to stay here until further notice.” With that, the guard stood up and leads the small teen back into the room. “I'm sorry, but he strictly told me for you to stay here, unless something happens.”
Yugi nodded. “I understand.” With that, the door closed leaving him alone in the room. He quickly went out into the balcony, to see if he could see anything, but he was in a different position and only saw the garden below and the deserted village, along with archers on the walls. He went back inside and fell onto his bed. `Atemu… please hurry.'
Atemu sat up from his mat and looked surprised. He held a hand over his chest as he felt it tightened. He knew that something was wrong, but not sure what it is. He looked around and saw that Seto, who was a few feet away from where he was; was also awake.
“What's wrong?” He said in annoyance.
He looked confused, but shook his head than asked a question of his own, in his own way.
Seto sighed. “You know I can't understand shit of what you're trying to explain to me.”
Atemu rolled his eyes and asked again, slowly.
Seto sighed. “I also had a bad feeling a while ago.” He said as he looked around at nothing in particular. “I hope everything is alright when all this crap is over with.”
Atemu nodded in agreement.
“I mean, I may have said some harsh things about you, the people… even that crazy, loud-mouth, annoying mutt, who seems to get on my nerves so much that I enjoy his presence!” Seto said half choked with emotions.
Atemu was shocked at what the other was saying. He known his cousin for as long as he can remember and he'd never seen him this broken down and honest before.
“I really hate myself, for letting myself get this way.” He continued with and off grin and a hand to his forehead. “You may not believe me… but… I don't know who else would be trust worthy to keep secret.”
Atemu was definitely weirded out at this point, but sat there and listened carefully.
“I… I think, I may have… fallen for the mutt.”
Atemu went wide eyed at this, but didn't react about it other than that.
“And if anything were to happen to him… I'll… I'll…” His fist shook at the thought of the blonde being hurt in either way.
Atemu went over and sat next to him before wrapping a supporting arm around the other's shoulder. He remembered how Yugi would do the same when things seemed too much and tried to keep his emotions in. It seemed to have the same effect on the other, because moments later, he silently cried and it continued even as he fallen asleep. He laid him back down on the mat before heading back to his own before falling slowly to sleep with a prayer to any god that could hear his spirit to protect everyone at the palace.
It seemed like and eternity while Joey and everyone waited. The sun's rays peeked over the horizon as a running body came closer to the palace. One of the archers announced the person's arrival and Joey nodded in acknowledgement. The person was a very thin young man and sharply halted to a stop and took a deep breath as he started to say. “M-Master Joey, you were absolutely right!” He panted while everyone including Joey looked serious.
He turned towards everyone, who awaited his command. `What do I do? I'm not fit to be a commander. I don't even `ave a damn plan da beat dem!' He thought.
Ito came up to him. “Master Joey. What do you plan to do?”
“I don't know Ito.” He said.
“You must have some kind of idea.”
“Since when was I promoted from master to commander? In case if ya haven't figured it out, I was only supposed da train ya further until I saw dat ya were fit dat join with da others.”
“And since then you taught us what Lord Mateo showed you, along with your own style of fighting. When you asked me to tell everyone to gather the villagers and take them to the court yard, we followed your orders without question or hesitation.” Ito said as he looked at everyone than back at the blonde. “We may have known you for a short time…” He smiled. “But we see you as a commander, like it or not.”
Joey looked shocked and looked at everyone, who nodded and smiled. He felt like he was going to cry but knew now isn't the time and he had to come up with an idea. He looked around at the deserted village and remembered what he saw on a movie once. “Alright! I got an idea!”
“Let's hear it then.” Ito said.
“Okay, Ito I want ya da tell da guards that…”
And we leave him explaining his plan while the enemy camp slowly got closer to the palace.
He and his men stopped at an oasis and were only a hundred miles towards the palace and growled. `Damn those snakes!' He thought as he remembered what happened.
He and his men were going through the desert when they were ambushed by the enemy group. They won the fight, but many were wounded because of it. They decided to recover for a day by an oasis.
~End of Flashback~
`They planned this whole thing!' He thought. `First they lead us farther away from the kingdom by letting their men retreat as quickly as possible. Then, when they see that we've gone far enough, they sent some men out, circled around us, and headed towards the palace to claim it!' He growled again. `I pray that everyone is prepared for the worse.' He looked at his bloodied arm and sighed. `They didn't put up much of a fight though.' He thought with some hope. `And Joey is pretty stubborn when is comes to fighting.' He chuckled. `They'll probably hold them off till we get there, maybe even beat the bloody shit out of them.'
The enemy troops entered the village and they believed the people were still asleep and thought that it could be amusing to scare them. Few men entered while the others continued foreword towards the palace. As the troops inched closer, the leader sensed something off and looked back to see half of his troops gone. “Halt!” He shouted. “Something's a miss about this place.”
“Oh, n' it took ya dat long da figure dat out!” A voice was heard, but couldn't see.
“Show yourself, coward!” The enemy commander shouted while taking his sword out.
With that, Joey came out on top of a nearby building, along with Ito and the men that came out of the buildings and pointed their weapons at them. “N' before ya stick ya goons at us, ya might want da look up.” He said as he pointed to the gates and other roof tops that have archers, ready to aim.
The lead commander scowled.
“Did ya t'ink dat when da Pharaoh's out, we're defenseless?”
The commander and his troops seemed to scowl.
Joey did his triumph smile at this. “Well, since I'm not da Pharaoh, I'll won't decide on ya punishment on you.” He looked at the troops. “So, `ere's a deal, if ya cooperate, we'll let ya in da palace, but ya `ave da stay in da dungeons until da Pharaoh could lay down da final word. What ya say?”
The commander looked around at the surrounding troops, who were completely focused on him and his men.
“But,” Joey said noticing the wandering look. “If ya choose da no prisoners way, den…” He sighed. “May da gods be merciful to ya souls.”
The commander, who never backed down from a fight, had made up his mind. He sneer was seen. “Men…”
Joey saw this and ordered at the same time as the enemy commander.
He and his men rode quickly towards the palace sometime before the sun disappeared beyond the horizon. `I hope we're not too late.' He thought as he caught site of the palace. “Hurry! It's not far now!” He shouted.
When they arrived, they were shocked at the site. The scent of blood was present, but it wasn't heavy and there was a stack of corpses between the buildings. They spotted one of their comrades cleaning up some of the blood off the wall.
He went up and the person recognized him. “Lord Mateo!?”
“What happened here?” H asked.
“These snakes thought that they could sneak in while we slept. But Master Joey happened to be up and spotted their camp.”
“How was far was the camp?”
“About twenty or so miles. It took one of our fastest men to find out.”
“Were any civilians harmed?”
“No sir. Master Joey told all of us to round them up and send them to the palace court yard.”
Mateo sighed in relief.
“Ey! Mateo!” Joey's voice was heard as he came up.
“Hello Master Joey, I see you got things settled here, I presume?”
Joey grinned. “Yeah, ya could say dat. So, how's everyt'in' goin' ova dere?” He said.
“Not so well I'm afraid.” Mateo said.
“How come?”
“When we captured and heard of their plans, we knew we had to split up in order to counter them.”
“What's so bad about covern' more ground?”
“The enemy might plan to pick us off one by one.”
Joey nodded understandingly. “So, what now?”
Mateo thought for a moment. “First, let's rest then plan.”
With that, the two told the men to retire for now.
“Mahado!” Mana's voice was heard.
Mahado looked over and then looked at the blonde.
“She wouldn't shut up about you.” Joey said.
Mana appeared and her face seemed to brighten. “Uncle Mateo! Mahado! You're okay!” She ran up and embraced them.
Joey watched with both glad and bitterness at the site.
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Okay! That's it for now; hope you enjoyed my hard work here!
B&M: *rolls eyes*
R&R everyone.