Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Enemy is Coming! ( Chapter 28 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yayness! *jumps up and down*
B&M: …
Bakura: So… how's the tag team fic going along?
Pretty good so far.
Marik: You got a couple reviews.
*speeds over and grabs it*
Marik: Someone has her sugar today.
*reads kagome's review* Yes, I believe that love has to take time like a bud that's ready to bloom into a blossom or a flower.
B&M: *rolls eyes*
Oh, Marik, I need to talk to you after the chapter, okay?
Marik: Say wha?
Anyway, let's get this fic on the road! *puts in chapter* Enjoy!
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Ch.28: Enemy Coming!
~-2 days later: Battle Ground-~
They fought non-stop for two days straight and they were showing sighs of collapsing at any second.
Seto, who was used to not sleeping for a certain amount of days, fought with ease and effort despite of the gash in his right leg.
Atemu on the other hand was too busy blocking out the opponents crazy attacks. He didn't know how long he was fighting, but also didn't care at the moment.
Everyone else seemed exhausted but continued to press on their fighting. They were down to only a few when they were attacked with more. Throughout their battles, only one surrendered. They carried the captive, tied, and circled. The lords walked up and started to ask questions.
“What is your leader planning?” Said one.
The captive, at first, didn't answer until two warriors unsheathed their swords and held them up to his neck. “He's putting his strongest out here to beat all of you while he travels a different path to the kingdom of Kemet and take it over by force and don't kill me!!” He started to cry like a little girl and the lord gave the warriors a nod and they put their swords away.
“A different way?” One of the lords said as they, along with Atemu and Seto, gathered around a map.
“If the enemy's kingdom his here, he would try to take this route, the canyons, to get to Kemet.”
“So, we're heading there next?”
“The sooner the better.” The lord rolled up the map.
“Should we let some of the men rest though? They fought well for the past couple of days.”
“I'm afraid we have to press on.”
“Let's ask the captive.” Seto said as he looked at the tied up man.
They went up and asked. “When did your leader depart to Kemet?”
“He mentioned that he'd head there a day after we set off. So, probably since this morning.”
“We'll rest for one night and head out by morning, before Ra reborns.” The lords, Seto, and Atemu agreed to this and set out to tell the men this.
Later that evening, Atemu tossed and turned on his mat as well as sweat covered his body. He had a look of fear on his sleeping face as his nightmare played.
He was standing in the middle of a battle, surrounded by fresh corpses on the ground. He attacked three attackers with little effort when he heard a voice.
“Pharaoh! Watch out!” It was Yugi!
He would have been so happy to see him, but the youth pushed him with great force. At first, he didn't know what was going on as time started to slow. He was falling to the ground and there was an arrow going towards the small teen. When it hit the youth, his fear came into action as the momentary pained shock on the youth's face became paler than usual and his eyes showed no life to them. Time seemed to finally got back to normal as he and Yugi fell to the ground. He quickly got up and went over to the youth's side. He took the arrow out and held him to his chest. At this point, everything disappeared, leaving only him and the small teen.
“Phar… aoh…” Yugi said weakly.
Atemu shook his head and placed a finger to the small lips, signaling to not speak.
“I love you…”
Those words made him freeze out of shock.
“…I'm sor-“ Yugi said as his body became limp and cold.
Atemu looked at the other, at first in denial, then started to morn over the small teen in his arms.
~+End of Nightmare+~
“Pharaoh!” A loud voice was heard, which woke him up. He looked up to see Seto.
“Are you alright?” He said in concern.
Atemu looked around and nodded.
“Well… I came to tell you that we're moving out now.”
Atemu nodded again as he got up and exited the tent where the men quickly put down and packed.
The sun was barely up, but they mounted on their horses until they can move out quickly into the canyons.
~*Palace: Hours later*~
Morning light shone over the kingdom as energetic amethyst ran down the halls. “Can't catch me!” Yugi said with a laugh.
“Just you wait!” Mana said as she chased after him.
Joey and Mahado were talking about something when Yugi ran pass them.
Both looked lost as Mana did the same.
“Okay.” Joey said.
“Well, I better head over to the scroll room.” Mahado said.
“How come?”
“Ahmose wants to confirm something about… something he was working on.”
“Oh, okay.” Joey said with a smile. “Talk to ya lata!”
“I'd like that. See you around then.” With that, Mahado walked down the halls, while almost being trampled by the two. “Hey slow down you two!”
“Sorry Mahado!” Yugi called.
“Sorry Master!” Mana followed.
Mahado shook his head in amusement as he continued his way.
Joey on the other hand, grabbed the two. “Yo! What's wit all da runn' for!?”
“Playing tag!” Both responded.
Joey laughed as he put them down. “Sounds fun, but ya almost ran ova Mahado moments ago.”
“Where else are we going to play?” Mana said with a pout.
“Yeah, and we can't go out the palace gate without a trained fighter to look out for us.” Yugi said.
“Why can't ya play otha games?”
“We tried that with the children.” Mana said as she placed her hands on her hips. “But those smart mouths said that we were to old to play their type of games.”
Joey sighed then smiled. “How about I'll be your body guard.”
Yugi and Mana smiled. “Really?” They chorused.
“If Mateo lets me off da hook, den yeah!”
~-Moments later-~
They were out into the deserted village and walked along the river when Mana recovered her hyper energy and caused the guys to chase her.
Joey was it and was having a hard time catching up with the other two. “Ey! Give a guy a break will ya!”
Yugi than stopped when he saw a hawk flying overhead.
“What' da matta Yuge! Tired out already?” Joey called.
“Guys! I think we should head back!” Yugi called.
“Why?” Mana called.
“I got this really bad feeling that something is going to happen!”
Joey and Mana looked at each other then back at the other.
“Oh come on Yuge!” Joey called out. “I'm sure its because we're a good distance away from da palace! Don't worry! I'll make sure we'll come back before anyt'ing bad happens!”
“I don't know.” Yugi looked worried. `I really have a bad feeling about this.'
“Ya just paranoid from da otha day.” Joey said as he patted the youth's shoulder.
“You're probably right…” Yugi said as he looked back.
“Oh, n' by da way pal, ya it.” Joey said as he dashed off, followed by Mana.
Yugi looked confused and chased after them. “Hey! Wait up!”
They ran along the river towards the canyons, where trouble creep slowly along the sides.
~*Back at the Palace*~
“Alright men!” Mateo called. “You all did a great job! Take a breather for now.” With that, the men were dismissed. He smiled proudly as he settled down under a tree. `Joey had really done a great job on the men. They're stubborn to quit, yet still able to follow regulations of fighting off the battle field and on it.' He sighed and leaned back. `Those boys have made life manageable since they got here; Yugi has made the Pharaoh a little open and confident and Joey to improve the men's ability to fight.' He chuckled. `Yep. Though its going to be difficult letting them go.' He looked solemn and looked up into the sky. `But they don't belong here. They have people they care for over there, not to mention their future.' He sighed. `Oh yes, its going to be difficult, but you need to let them go sooner or later.' He sighed again as he noticed a hawk coming towards him overhead.
He got up from his position and raised his arm so the bird would land. “Ah! Horus! What do you have for me?” He took the small note out from its leg and read it. His eyes went wide and ran towards the guard at the gate exit. “You! Has anyone left the palace by any chance?”
The guard took out a scroll. “Yes, three people; Master and commander Joey, Mana, and Master Yugi.”
Mateo looked horrified.
“Sir? Is something a miss?”
“Find those three and get them here.” Mateo said as he looked over at the other guard. “You!”
“Yes sir!”
“Gather the men, the enemy is approaching as we speak.”
“Time out!” Yugi called as he stopped to take a breather.
Joey and Mana stopped and looked at the small teen.
“Had enough!” Mana said.
“I really think we should head back now!” Yugi called as he recovered.
Joey looked around the area and agreed with the other. “Yeah, looks like we're way too far from da palace by a lot.”
Mana looks around as well. “Yeah… this place is kinda creepy.”
While they walked back, they heard something not too far off.
“What was that?” Mana asked.
“Sounds like…” Joey started.
“Laughing?” Yugi finished.
It was coming from the edge of the canyon, not too far from where they were standing.
“Should we check it out?” Mana asked. “It could be the Pharaoh and the others.”
“Only one way da find out.” Joey said. “Wait `ere.” He told them while he quietly and cautiously walked over to where the sound came from. When he looked over the edge, he saw a group of an army it seems, but he didn't recognize any of them. `Dose snakes!' He thought.
“Your Highness!” Someone said, making the blonde look. “Do you think this is wise to do this?”
“YOU DARE QUESTION ME!?!” The Highness said glaring at the other.
“N-No sir! It's just that… we haven't heard from the group that you sent to clear the palace of Kemet for you in days. Don't you find that, alarming?”
“Soc-hta has always been too stubborn for his own good. The moron must have been killed along with the unfortunate men that was with him.”
Joey looked pissed by hearing this, but quietly walked back to the two. “It's does snakes.”
The two looked horrified.
“N' looks like dey brought da leada along.” He said as he looked around at the area before looking at them again. “Listen. Run back to da palace n' tell everyone. I'll stall for time so everyone gets ready.”
“Are you sure about this?” Mana said, both looking worried and scared.
Joey nodded. “Ya guys are pretty damn fast when it comes to da runn'n.”
Mana and Yugi were hardly convinced, but they nodded never the less.
“Okay.” Joey said as he spinned them.
“Just be careful, alright.” Yugi said.
Joey nodded. “Right, n' back at cha!”
With that, the two ran as fast as their legs would take them.
Joey on the other hand looked at the edge, where the army was laughing. `I've gotta find some way da get does assholes up `ere.' He thought as a grin appeared when he saw a boulder. `Dis should be fun.'
~*Palace Gates*~
And army was assembled and ready to set out.
Mateo looked at everyone before signaling to head out.
“Mateo!” Yugi's voice was heard.
He turned to find the source of the voice.
“Uncle Mateo!” Mana's voice was heard as they ran towards the gates.
“Yugi! Mana!” Mateo said with relief in his tone.
“Mateo! We heard the enemy comings!” Yugi said.
“And Joey said he's sure that the leader is there as well!” Mana said then both took deep breaths.
“Wha- Where's he now!?”
“Over by the canyons.” Mana said.
“What in R-“
“He's stalling for time so you could get over there.” Yugi said.
“Alright. You two get inside.” He said as he shoved them through the crowd of armed men. “Everyone else, move out!” With that the men hurriedly ran out towards the canyons.
“But we want to help too!” Mana complained.
“I know, but please stay where you are, for once in your life!”
Ahmose came out. “What in Ra's name is going on!?”
“Ahmose, make sure these two stay inside and don't take a step out of the palace!”
Ahmose looked slightly shocked, but nodded.
“But…” Both said in unison.
“Just stay here until I get back!” With that, he left without another word.
“Come you two, this battle doesn't concern you.” Ahmose said.
“But Joey…” Yugi said worriedly.
“He'll take care of himself. He's been through hardships before.”
`Yeah, but not like this.' Yugi thought as they entered the palace.
“This isn't fair!” Mana complained as she tried to pull free. “This fight does concern us! If we lose, we'll be slaughtered or worse! Slaves!”
~*Somewhere out into the desert, but near the Palace*~
Everyone rushed to get to the canyons before the other army does.
`Mateo had better get that damn note!' Seto thought.
Atemu was more focused on getting this battle over with.
Then they saw clouds of dust on one of the canyons.
`Looks like Mateo got it after all.' Seto thought as he and everyone headed over to the dust cloud on the top canyon.
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Okay! That's the end of this chapter!
Bakura: Took you long enough.
Be quiet. I was busy.
Marik: You wanted to talk to me about something?
Oh, yeah. Thanks for reminding me.
Bakura: What? Is it torturing him by shopping? *laughs*
Marik: *glares*
No, actually, Mahado cupid wants to borrow you for a few chapters.
Ya heard me.
Bakura: When did this happen!?
Since she asked to barrow him.
Bakura: …
Marik: …
Oh come on, its only for a few chapters. Marik will be back in no time.
Bakura: *comes up to her* You better sleep with your eyes open tonight.
Marik: Oh Ra, help me.
Any way, R&R please!