Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Thinking About You ( Chapter 29 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hmm… W hat seems to be missing? … Marik is being barrowed and Bakura… *steps off to the side when the other tries to jump on her* Well hello to you too.
Bakura: Fuck off bitch. *flips the bird*
How mature of you.
Bakura: You took away the only person that gave me a reason to actually put up with your crap!
*makes `chatty' hand puppets* Here's the next chapter everyone.
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Ch.29: Thinking About You
Joey was able to `persuade' the enemy army by pushing a boulder over the edge and blocking the path, along with killing a few dozen men on the bottom, and they have no choice but to get to the top of the canyons to reach their destination. When they got up, he attacked a few and backed off and did the routine for a while. `Good t'ing I brought my sword n' shield.' He thought as he ran, blocked, stabbed, and run. He was doing great until he tripped over a rock and landed face first. When he managed to get up, swords and spears were at his throat.
“Well…” Said the leader. “Any last words before I send you to Hell?”
“Yeah.” Joey said. “Get ya ugly ass face away from `ere n' neva come back.”
“Why you little insig-“ The leader said as he raised his sword to strike, only to get knocked out of his hand by a rock.
“It's the Pharaoh!” One of the men said and everyone looked that way, giving the blonde time to escape.
When he got out, he quickly sneaked around the army to get to the side where the Pharaoh and the other's are. “Good timing! I was about to be diced.” He said.
“Mutt?” Seto said a bit shocked. “What in Ra's name are you doing here?”
“Distractin' does assholes till Mateo gets `ere, but you guys `ave betta timen'.”
They heard another group of armies coming in.
“Speak of da devil, `ere he is.” Joey said with an almost laugh.
The enemy was surrounded on both ends and yet they have grins on their faces. “Oh dear, it looks like I'm surrounded, what should I do?” The leader said as he held a horn up to his lips and made a loud sound that spread across far and wide. For a moment everything was still.
Joey looked around and saw a row of arrows shooting from different sides of the canyons. “It's an ambush!” He shouted as everyone moved so they wouldn't get hit.
`What a dirty trick!' Seto thought.
Joey readied his sword as he attacked two of the warriors.
Soon it was an all out battle.
Yugi stared out of the window while Mana and Mahado were going through a routine of studying. He had a strange feeling not too long ago, which made him feel happy and worried. `I wish I could find out about what's happening.' He thought as he sighed.
“What's wrong Yugi?” Mana said, as she and Mahado looked his way.
He sighed. “I'm just worried, that's all.”
“You wish to be out there to see what's going on.” Mahado said.
Yugi nodded sadly. “I have this strange feeling that something, both great and frightening, is happening right now.”
The two didn't know how to respond to that as Ahmose entered and sat down.
“Mahado, would you come look at this?”
Mahado stood up and looked at the many scrolls that were plopped on the table. He sighed, knowing this was going to take time.
Mana, taking this time, got up and sat next to Yugi. “Want to talk about it?”
“What's on your mind?”
Yugi sighed as he looked out of the window. “What do you call a feeling when you think about someone and your chest tightens, you feel light headed, makes you have hundreds of emotions at one time, and you can't help but feel… worshiping that person.”
Mana blinked, not expecting to have a question like that thrown at her. “Depends on what person you're talking about.” She asked as she thought she saw a small blush on his face.
“Well… this person is quiet, strong, kind, and always makes me feel important whenever I'm around with… with that person.”
“The Pharaoh?”
Yugi nodded while keeping his face hidden.
Mana was starting to get her conclusions together, but wanted to know more. “So, what about him that makes you feel the way you do?”
“Well…” Yugi thought for a moment before answering. “When he smiles, I feel like I've done something right or to make him feel proud of. When he's happy, I feel light, almost floating. When he's sad, I always try to cheer him up or talk about how I could relate to his problem. And when I look into his eyes, I see his dreams, fears, pain…” He felt his chest tightening again.
“Does your chest hurt?”
“Only when I think about him.”
Mana smiled as if she knew something. “You're in love.” She whispered.
Yugi looked at her as if she lost her mind.
“Don't give me that look. You know you got feelings for him, but you keep denying them.”
Yugi looked surprised by this. “How would yo-“
“I am a girl! And we females tend to have a sixth sense about this sort of thing.”
He took a moment to think through. `Is that it? Am I in love with him? Well, I did feel really depressed about his leaving out into battle… But I was completely happy when he sent a letter that one time…'
Mana waited for him to come to a conclusion as she looked out of the window to see huge dust clouds. `I hope Joey and Uncle Mateo are alright.'
The smell of blood and dust were in the air, along with grunts and clashing metal were heard.
“AAH!” Mateo cried as he fell to one knee and looked at his leg, which had an arrow in it. `Damn! There's too many of them!' He thought. He looked at everyone while getting the arrow out and blocking attacks.
Joey was wielding two swords and was fairing well with them.
Not too far from him is Seto as he brought three men down, but was attacked from behind. He cried out as a dagger was lodged into his arm.
“Seto!” Joey called as he brought down three guys and stabbed the other's attacker. “Ya alright!?” He asked as he quickly took the dagger out of Seto's arm.
“Behind you!” Seto warned as he looked back.
Joey reacted and sliced the attacker's hands off, making him wallow in agony. He lifted the brunette to his feet as he tried to find a settle place to bandage the wounded arm. He found a spot behind a couple of rocks and set the other down before ripping some cloth from his clothing.
“What are you doing?” Seto said a bit weakly.
“What does it look like? I'm try'n da save ya life!”
“Why?” He asked, a bit surprised.
Joey didn't say anything as he bandage the other's arm. “I `ave my reasons.” He said with a pained tone.
Before Seto could ask, the blonde got up and attacked a group that was ganging up on a soldier. He was somewhat dumbfounded as he watched the other quickly leave. But he left it aside as he joined back into the fighting.
Atemu was fairing well fighting off two attackers. He knew that beyond those canyons is his palace, and inside it is his inspiration, waiting. He brought down the two with ease and stabbed another that was giving a soldier a hard time. He often wondered why thinking of the sweet youth gives him the ability to push himself forward, but he didn't have time to muse on that at the moment. He had to find that coward of a leader to quickly end this battle once and for all.
~*Back to Joey*~
He was doing fine until someone jumped on him and lodged a dagger to the right side of his hip. As he fell to the ground, he looked to see who his attacker is and saw that he was going to strike again. He closed his eyes, awaiting his end.
“Get away from my puppy!” Seto's voice was heard.
Joey quickly opened his eyes in time to see the other stab his attacker.
When the body fell to the ground, Seto came to his side. “Mutt! Are you alright?!”
“Stop callin' me mutt ya ass!” He grumbled as he looked at his hip, which was bleeding a good amount.
Seto had a relief smile on his face as he got up and dared anyone to attack the other now. “Don't you dare die on me, you got that pup!” He said.
“What `ave I told ya abo-“ Joey started to say until the other moved him quickly. He was about to make an argument when he saw the other's pained expression. He looked and saw that there were five arrows aimed to where he was; two of those arrows were in the other's leg. “Seto…” He said.
Seto looked at him and managed a smirk. “This is for all the crap I must have put you through.”
Joey smirked back. “No shit asshole.”
He managed a `heh' as he got the two arrows out of his leg and struggled to get up.
“Are ya crazy!?” He said as he tried to get up as well, but was held back.
“Stay down!” Seto said. “Having wounds to the leg isn't a problem, but you could bleed to death if you keep moving so much!”
Joey was in awe. `He does care!' He thought. `N' I dought `e mighta gone ova what `e'd did n' forget about da `hole t'ing! How wrong was I!'
Yugi was on a quick errand for Ahmose when he came across the garden site, where he and Atemu would enjoy a lazy day. It was also where the secret door was hidden that leads to the outskirts of the village. All he could think about was the young king; at least more so then usual, since Mana pointed out what he didn't see and now pondered if the feeling was true and real. He walked to the edge of the small pond and looked at his reflection, only to see the young ruler's instead. He jumped back and felt his heart skip so many beats. `Now I'm losing my mind!' He thought as he laid back and saw the cloudless skies. `I do love him… But does he feel the same?' He sighed frustratedly. `Is there such a thing about homosexual around this time?' He remembered `It.' `Yeah, but he was a sicko.' He remembered what his friend said that one night. `That's one opinion.' He sighed. `What should I do? Almost everyone I know is out fighting and I'm stuck behind the walls that are suppose to protect from attacks.' He closed his eyes. “What to do?”
“Hey Yugi!” Mana said as she walked up and sat down next to him. “What are you doing?”
“Whether I should ask or not.”
“To see if Atemu has… the same feelings as I do.”
Mana nodded understandingly.
Then the sounds of running feet were heard. “This isn't good!” Said someone. “This is terrible!” He tripped to where the two were, just a few feet away and were about to get up to help, but he got up while muttering loudly. “If this isn't the worse thing that could happen, I don't know what will.” He ran off.
“What was he talking about?” Yugi asked.
“You're guess is as good as mine.” Mana said as Yugi got up and ran after the other. “Huh! Hey! Wait up!” She called as she chased after him.
When they catched up with the man, he entered the scroll room and closed the door to a crack, making the two to overhear. “Ahmose! Bad! Terrible!”
“Calm down!” Ahmose said. “Take a deep breath and tell me what's wrong.”
The man did that and explained. “I was doing some fortune telling, and I saw that the Pharaoh and the lords are not doing so well!”
Yugi and Mana gave each other worry and confused glances.
“But that isn't even the worse part!”
The two were wondering the same question. `What can be worse?'
“I was foretold, that if this struggle continues… we're going to lose!”
“How so?” Ahmose said in an alarmed strain.
“How? HOW!? By killing our beloved king of course!”
There was a tense silence after that.
Mana was so shocked that she didn't notice the other took off running. When she did, she left him alone, knowing that this is a huge shock for him. `Poor Yugi.” She thought. `I hope the prediction doesn't come true.'
`NO! NO! NO!!' He thought as he blindly ran to nowhere in particular. `This can't happen! I won't let it happen! But what should I do!?' He tripped and fell hard. He started to sob there for a moment before getting up to find himself at a fork in the halls; one leads towards the rooms and the other the archery. He sat there looking at the two ways. `Fate is testing me…' He thought. `Which would I take?' If he headed towards the rooms, the prediction could come true; if he head the other way, he would be risking his life in battle that didn't involve him. `If I get killed in battle…' He remembered the other's two major looses. His parents. `He couldn't handle another, could he?' He looked at the two ways as he got up and had a look of a final decision and started to walk.
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Okay… That's it for- *has slime coming down her head* Bakura!
Bakura: *evil grins* That's for getting rid of Marik, you bitch!
*rolls eyes* He'll be back within the next two chapters! Get a hold of yourself. *dodges a knife*
Bakura: Tell that to my sanity! If I had one!
… R&R everyone. I need new co-hosts.