Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Join the Fight! ( Chapter 30 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AHH!!! *runs around with bats following around her head* BAKURA!!!
Bakura: You rang.
Bakura: Why should I do that?
Bakura: *opens door and whistles the bats to leave* Happy?
Thank you. Now, I'm going to set up the next chapter. *steps on mousetrap* OW!!
Bakura: *snickers*
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Ch. 30: Join the Fight!
~*Battle Grounds*~
Things have turned for the worse when everyone was forced to go one level down, giving the enemy archers advantage to shoot from above.
Joey and Seto had a difficultly because of this.
“Dammit!” Joey shouted as he was back to back with the other.
“Less talking and more fighting!” Seto said as he used a shield he took from one of the corpses.
“I'm just say'n!” Joey said as he blocked and attacked a soldier.
They were cornered, which made their chances fifty/fifty; They're able to beat some of the enemies down this way, but at the same time it could also kill them, if timed right.
He took a moment to breathe as he looked around at this condition. He mentally groaned that there was more of the attacking enemy than the others. An arrow almost hit him and started to move. He really hated how his enemy could be such a coward, yet could plan so vividly. He saw a group gathered in a corner and thought that he could easily get them while helping to whoever is getting attacked. He brought down five and three took notice of him and started to attack. He was able to knock two swords out of their hands, attacked, and stabbed the third. By this time he was done with that, he saw his cousin and Joey, panting.
“Danks.” Joey said as he rubbed his sore arms.
Atemu nodded and looked at his cousin, who looked like he's ready to collapse at any moment, but he managed a nod to show his thanks. He nodded as well when an arrow grazed his right arm.
They looked at the top level on the canyon.
“Damn! We `ad a betta chance up dere den `ere!”
Both agreed with the blonde, but knew it was impossible to get up there if you have a death wish.
A group of attackers and arrows were coming towards them and they readied and blocked each attack.
“Yugi? Yugi!” Mana called as she walked about the halls. “Where is he?” She thought that she would give the small teen sometime alone after hearing that prediction. But now she grew concerned. “Maybe he went back to the scroll room.” She said mostly to herself as she ran towards the mention location.
At this point, everyone that was with protecting the kingdom were getting pissed off about the enemy archers picking them off so easily.
“What da hell happen to our archers!?” Joey asked as he finished off, what seemed like to him, his hundredth attacker.
“Either dead or wounded!” Seto responded as he blocked a hammer attack, which almost broke his sword.
Atemu took down a very quick attacker and an arrow hit his gold collar, which knocked him down to the ground.
“Pharaoh!” Joey and Seto called as more attackers blocked them.
Atemu knew that he made himself a vulnerable target at this position. He looked up to see two archers getting ready to shoot.
Mana entered the room. “I can't find him.” She said and saw the confused looks of Mahado, Ahmose, and Sha-lie.
“Well… I'm sure he's around here somewhere.” Ahmose said.
“I've checked all the usual places.” Mana said.
“I've checked all the rooms.” Sha-lie said, looking worried.
“I've got everyone in the palace looking, no sign of him.” Mahado said looking very concerned.
Ahmose was thinking of any other possibilities when a servant boy rushed in.
“Master Ahmose! I have something to tell you!” The boy said.
“What is it lad?” Ahmose said.
“Well, today I was supposed to check the archery supplies. But when I got there, some of the things were missing.”
“And that is?”
“One bow, one of those arrow carrier things, and almost all of the arrows.”
“Who would have tak-“ Ahmose started to say when he looked as though he saw death himself. “Oh Ra…”
“What's wrong?” Sha-lie asked as she came close to his side.
“I remember the Pharaoh teaching the young master how to do archery before he left.” Ahmose said.
“I did see his skills first hand once.” Mahado said as he looked as though he was remembering something when realization hit him. “Oh dear gods.”
Mana gasped when she realized what's going on. `There's no way he could go off on his own! The only exit is the palace gate, and it takes ten men to open that gate!' She thought.
“How could he possibly escape when the gates are tightly shut?” Mahado asked.
“The Pharaoh has secret passage ways that gives him easily access to the outside of the palace.” Ahmose sighed as Sha-lie covered her mouth in fear. “It seems he showed Yugi one, and now, even as we speak, he's probably fighting right at this moment.”
There was complete silence in the room.
Just before the two archers could shoot, one was hit by an arrow from behind, followed by another arrow hitting the other, causing both to loose aim and fall to their death.
Atemu looked lost but at the same time pleased that he was spared for now.
“Wow! Dat guy got a good aim.” Joey said as three more met the same fate.
The other archers were starting to freak out and started shooting over where the other archer was suppose to be. But soon all archers were fallen, leaving only one standing.
Joey looked up and was completely shocked. “NO WAY!” He exclaimed.
“What's wrong?” Seto asked.
“Dat's Yuge up dere!”
Both Seto and Atemu looked up and soon enough, they made out the similar spiky hair.
Yugi looked around to see if Atemu is still alive, but couldn't tell from the chaos down below. “Looks like I'm air support.” He said as he readied an arrow onto the bow and released it to hit an attacker that was giving a lord a lot of trouble.
“Who the hell did that!?” One of them shouted.
“It's that kid up there!”
“A kid!?”
“Master Yugi!” The men chorused as they took advantage of their dumbstruck opponents.
“Damn!” Joey said in complete awe. “When did Yuge learn da shoot like dat?”
“We'll ask later, right now we got a battle to win!” Seto said with a smirk as he stabbed the beefy attacker five times and attacked another one.
“Ah… Right!” Joey said as he quickly went back to the task at hand.
Atemu was glad to see the youth and was very proud and amazed by the skill he used with archery. But he had to defeat the opposing enemy in order to finally see and bask in the kind light that only the small teen could give off.
Yugi was being focused on only targeting the enemy. `No wonder everyone was having a hard time.' He thought as he shot down an attacker that tried to come up to get him. `I have to be careful about those who would try to get rid of me because of what I did.' Time seemed to quickened as the attackers became less and less, and soon, he was out of arrows and decided to find anyone he recognize and still alive. He saw Joey taking down two attackers with a laugh and a few smart-ass remarks. Seto, not too far off, was forcing a sword out of someone's chest. He was relieved to see Mateo still alive and moving. He sighed frustratedly. `Oh come on! How could someone with the same crazy hair as I do be so difficult to find!' He thought as he looked from huge groups to the corners of the canyon. He then saw a shadow that went over him and turned to look surprised.
He was sure he saw that coward of a leader and quickly went the back way to get to the top of the canyon. When he reached to the top, however, he saw not only the enemy leader, but also Yugi; he felt time stop at the site before him.
The youth had a dagger through his right shoulder and was at the edge where it drops to the river. The leader looked back after forcing the dagger out of the shoulder and looked surprised to see him there.
Yugi looked at the young ruler as he felt his body started to weaken and fell back at the edge. Before his world went silent and black, he heard someone's voice calling out to him.
He didn't recognize the voice, but blacked out before he knew who called him. He fell into the water and was swept away by the currents.
~-Sometime later-~
Amethyst eyes opened weakly as they looked around to see that the owner was at a bank at some sort. “Wha- What happened?” Yugi said as he tried to get up only to feel a great amount of pain at his right shoulder. He fell while holding his injured shoulder. `Wait! Now I remember!'
~Flashback: Yugi's POV~
I was looking for Atemu when a shadow appeared. I looked behind me and I saw this huge guy.
“There you are Pharaoh.”
`This man must be the enemy leader!' I thought as I ran, trying to get away from this guy. Luckily that I had the advantage of speed as I dashed here and there, dodging his stabbing motions with a dagger that looked like half of a sword. I didn't know where I was running to until I looked where I was going and quickly stopped at the edge. When I turned, I felt nothing for a second as the dagger hit my shoulder. It would be the most painful thing that could be done, but it was the look of horror on Atemu's face that hurt. He had that look when `It' was around and I didn't want to see that look again; the look of that he lost yet another thing in his life that meant a lot. I could have said something, but as soon as the enemy leader forced the dagger out and realized that he got the wrong person, I started to fall. The only thing I could remember was that mysterious voice that called my name before I blacked out.
~End of Flashback: Normal POV~
He looked at his surroundings again and noticed that he was far off from the canyons and the palace. “Where am I?” He asked to no one in particular as he tried to figure which way is the best to get back and to see if everyone is okay. But it looked very late and he was very tired and had to wait until morning to set out, he didn't want to risk anymore chances that may lead to his death. `It's a miracle that I even survived this long with a bad shoulder.' He thought as he tried to make himself comfortable for the night and closed his eyes for a dreamless sleep.
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Okay! That part's done. *phone rings* Hmm… I wonder who could be calling? *picks up phone and answers* Hello, Cupid here. … Oh hey Marik, how's it- … Oh… *tries not to laugh* Wow, did she? …
Bakura: Who is it?
Hold on here's Bakura. *hands phone* Its for you. *runs out of the place as fast as she could*
Bakura: *??* Hello… She did what!?… Don't worry I'll get her, in fact I'll get both of them! *runs after me* COME BACK HERE YOU BITCH!!!
*still running* R&R everyone please! And Marik is going to be back as my co-host after the next chapter!