Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ I'm Back! ( Chapter 31 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello all! Sorry for not updating for awhile. I had to catch up a few chapters ahead in my notebook before typing it all up on the computer.
Bakura: *was strapped to a chair and gagged with a cloth*
I would like to thank all of you for reviewing and lets get the show on the road! *puts in the chapter*
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Ch. 31: I'm Back!
~-Two days later: Yugi's POV-~
I walked along side the river against its currents. I figured that if the currents brought me here, they'll lead me back. So far it seems like days since I started walking along the river. I usually stop to put water over my injured shoulder, which was very painful, but kept going. To occupy myself, I thought back on that voice.
`Could that be… it couldn't… can it?' I pondered. `I can recognize a person by voice, but I definitely don't remember hearing that voice.' I sighed. `Than again, I don't know everyone in the palace, so it could be either of them.' I shook my head. `It can't be that either! Everyone, with the exception of Joey, Mana, I guess Seto, calls me `young master' or `Master Yugi'!' I sighed again as I stopped to put water on my shoulder and continued. `But, what if… someone… secretly liked me?' I groan. `This wouldn't be good.' I stare at nothing but my legs kept moving. `Than again… I don't know if he feels the same way I do.' I look down at the somewhat grassy ground. `If I tell him, will he hate me?…' My eyes went wide with a sudden thought. `Or will he see me as another `It'?' I violently shake my head. “NO! NO! NO! He knows you better than that!” I shouted as I took a deep breath and looked around to find a sign that I'm close to the palace, but none were seen.
`I wonder how everyone is doing?' The thought made me sad. `If they're alright.' Time seemed to drag on and on with each step. Soon I heard voices. `Alright! Voices mean people, and people mean that I'm close to a village.' I thought as I ran towards the voices. It turns out to be fishermen. `That's a very good sign!' I thought as I ran some ways down the path. Pretty soon I caught a glimpse of the village and I ran faster, despite the huge pain in my shoulder. I walked through an alley and came out of the many dirt paths. But I saw that no one is here. `Did something happen?' I thought as I entered a house and climbed up the steps to the roof. From there I could see everything. I saw the palace with its gates open. “What's going on?” I whispered to myself as I looked around at my surroundings before jumping from rooftop to rooftop. At some point, my shoulder was starting to annoy me with the pain and had to climb down the steps to the ground.
The first person I came across was a mid-age old woman who was getting inside her house.
“Excuse me?” I said.
She looked at me with a surprised look and then bowed.
“Uh…” I didn't know what to say about this but I went ahead with my question. “Who won the battle?” `I need to know if Atemu and everyone else is alright!'
The woman looked up at me, looked closely, than answered. “The Pharaoh and his faithful men and allies won, young master.”
“Do you know the names of the survivors? Some of my friends were in there.” I asked as she got up.
She looked thoughtful as a few people started to arrive to their homes. “There's Lord Mateo, the High Priest, a young man with a very loud voice…”
“Does he have hair that matches the color of the sun a little?”
`Joey's safe!' I felt relived knowing that.
“Most of the men and the Pharaoh…”
`Thank gods!' I thought. “Thank you ma'am!” I said as I ran towards the palace, passing the villagers that were entering their homes and picked up where they left off. When I got to the palace gates, they were shut tight and I figured everyone that was in battle are now at the healers to be treated. I turned to go to the one place that is an easy access to get into that palace. I head over to the abandoned house, found the trap door, and walked through the dark. I felt around the walls so I wouldn't fall. I couldn't wait to see everyone when I arrived. I was deep thought when I hit against the wall. `Home base.' I thought sarcastically as I opened the stone door. I liked the familiar site of the garden as I closed the door and walked across the pond.
When I entered the halls, I headed towards Atemu's room, but half way there I heard crying. I noticed that I'm close to the scroll room. I opened the door just a little to peek what's going on. I saw Ahmose, Sha-lie, Mahado, Mana, Mateo; with lots of bandages, Seto; also a lot of bandages, and Joey; with bandages as well.
“That poor child.” Ahmose said in a sad down tone.
“He was like the son I never had.” Sha-lie said.
“You don't even have children.” Mateo said and had to duck when she threw a piece of pottery towards him.
“I KNOW THAT!!” She shouted before crying on Ahmose's shoulder.
“He was so kind, even when things started to go down hill.” Mateo said.
Mana cried. “It's not fair! Why did he have to die!” She cried.
`Are they talking about me?' I thought.
“Calm down Mana, we can't be sure until we could find his remains.” Mahado said.
`Yep, they're talking about me.'
“My pal ain't dead!” Joey snapped.
“Calm down Joey.” Seto said in a rare soft voice.
“I'll be calm when I know once n' for all, where my pal is!”
I didn't want to see anyone suffer, so I quietly entered and stood behind Seto.
“I admit, Yugi, though has a strange resemblance of my cousin, he had proven more than once that he cares for all of us. His kind nature and unspeakable courage has and will always inspire others to always be patient and always think of others when the hours is at their darkest.” Seto said.
“Wow Seto, that's really good.” I said, causing everyone one to look at me and for Seto to look shocked.
“Yuge!” Joey said as he gave me a bear hug.
Then everyone else started to crowd around me, which hurt my shoulder a bit more.
“Yo! Yo! Yo! Give da guy some air.” Joey said as everyone parted.
“What happened?”
“Where were you?”
These were some of the questions that were asked.
“Its nothing special.” I said. “But I have one question.”
“Let it be heard!” Mateo said.
“How's Atemu?” I said and everyone's mood changed.
“Ya mean, ya didn't know?” Joey asked.
I shook my head. “I was heading over there before I heard you guys.”
“Probably the best you didn't see the Pharaoh now.” Seto said.
“How come?”
“He's unwell and needs rest.”
“Can't I just-“
“NO!” Joey said.
I looked at him.
“Sorry pal, but ya can't… Not yet anyway.”
“What happened to him?” I said as I looked in each and every eye in the room. “What happened when I fell into the river two days ago.”
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This chapter is too short. I promise to have a longer chapter the next time I update.
Bakura: *tries to sneak up behind her*
And Marik will come back in after the next chapter. *hears a yell* If most of you are wondering, that was a trap door.
Bakura: Damn you to hell bitch!!
*shrugs* R&R everyone.