Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Where Are You? ( Chapter 32 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello all!
Bakura: Get me out of here! *still trapped in the trap door*
As you well know, that Marik, after this chapter, would return and I have a special treat for both of my co-hosts.
Bakura: As if you crazy bitch!
… Enjoy the chapter.
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Ch. 32: Where Are You?
~*Canyon: 2 days ago*~
Atemu looked horrified as he saw the only thing that kept him going, falling before his eyes. “YUGI!” He shouted as he ran up to the edge and pushed the other aside and saw nothing but fast moving currents of that thin moving river. His body shook and wanted to jump but he felt something sharp at his back.
“Never turn your back on your enemy.” The leader said as he took the dagger and was about to push him when the other quickly moved and was in attack position. “I see you still got some fight left in you.” He said, slightly surprised but kept his confident tone.
Atemu's eyes were shadowed making it difficult to know what he's thinking.
“Well… shall we begin?” He said, putting his dagger away and unsheathing his sword and was also in attack position. When the young ruler didn't move, he made the first move and charged.
Atemu didn't move nor looked up as the other was approaching dangerously close. When the other's sword came down to strike, he raised his sword to block then pushed the other to the ground.
The leader didn't look to pleased by this. “You dare mock me!?” He shouted as he got up again and charged.
Atemu slowly prepared himself as the other came close. The sharp blade went into his shoulder and flinched at the slight pain.
“Is that the best you can do, Pharaoh?” The leader said in slight mockery. “Even that pathetic runt fought better than you did!” He kicked his stomach making the body slide out of the blade, and was about to attack again when his sword was knocked out of his hand. He looked to see the young ruler, bewilderedly, as he slowly got up to his feet.
Atemu raised his head up enough for his eyes to be seen.
The leader was frozen on the spot when he saw the deep blood red eyes staring at him.
Atemu, while still having a sword in hand, walked calmly towards the other, who backed up two steps with every one step.
The leader was completely freaked out by this personality. `What's wrong with this guy?' He thought as he tripped on a rock and landed on his back. When the young ruler was standing in front of him, he felt around his side for his dagger and strikes the other's thigh. He was scared at this point when the other didn't topple over like he hoped.
Atemu raised the blade towards the man's throat.
“If this is about insulting you, I'm really sorry!” The leader started to say. “Tell you what, I'll let you have my land and army; this will increase your kingdom.” The other didn't move. “I'll let you marry anyone you like in my kingdom, hell, you could have everything!”
“All I want was to see Yugi smile again…”
The leader was completely lost.
“But you took his life in front of my eyes!” He said coldly as he slightly brought his blade close to the flesh.
The leader shook terribly as he knew what was going to happen.
“And I can't let that go unpunished.” The blade made a little nick of the skin. “The only one who could stop me now is the one you called pathetic runt.” He brought the sword down through his throat. He didn't stop to look as the other's eyes showed no life. He turned the blade and tried to slice the corpse in half and kept slashing the body until there was nothing left. He looked at the bloodied mess then looked up to see all of the survivors of the battle staring at him in both fear and shock. He looked at the mess again and looked at his hands and fell to his knees.
Seto came up and put a supporting hand on his shocked cousin. “I'll send out search parties for him.”
Atemu looked up at him.
“The mutt doesn't believe he's gone.” He lied, but knew the blonde would say something the like.
Atemu didn't look too sure as he looked at his hands again. “Yugi.” He said, barely up to a whisper.
Seto was slightly surprised to hear the other, but carried the other. “Come on.”
This could have been comical, if the disappearance of a very important person hadn't happened.
“So, that's what happened?” Yugi asked.
Seto nodded.
“He's a wreak when you were missing for two days.” Mana said.
“Ya gotta admit dough, dat fall looked like a fuck'n death trap.” Joey said.
“Well said mutt.” Seto said.
Yugi looked sadden. `All that pain… because of me?'
“Though…” Mateo said. “Tomorrow may be good.”
“Why's that Uncle?” Mana asked.
“He'll be well rested.
“And feel like shit.” Ahmose said.
“I'll seek that out tomorrow.” Seto said. “After all, I did tell him I would send out a search party.”
“Did you?” Yugi asked.
Seto sighed. “I would, if the majority wasn't so damn injured and ill.”
“In otha words, da lords wouldn't quickly push da guys da find ya.” Joey said.
“But now it's not necessary.” Mateo said.
“What is though.” Sha-lie said. “Is to make sure that nothing is wrong with you.” She examined his shoulder. “I'll take you to the healers.” She lead him out of the room after saying their good nights.
“Make sure you use the other room!” Ahmose called.
“I know dear!” She said.
“What did he mean by that?” Yugi asked.
“He means they you can't go into the Pharaoh's room, at least not yet.”
Yugi nodded understandingly as they walked down the halls to the healer's room. From there they checked his shoulder, bruises, scratches, and anything that could make him sick before bandaging him. After that, he and Sha-lie walked down the halls again. “How bad are his injuries?” He asked.
Sha-lie knew that question would come up sooner or later, but was still difficult to answer. “He has some scratches and bruises from the battles he was in and was kicked in the stomach. He was also stabbed in the back, the shoulder and the thigh…” She realized she said too much and looked at the other, who looked horrified. “But he's recovering nicely dear.” She said. “Especially since you're here.” She laughed. “The very first word he said in so long is you.” She smiled at the youth, trying to reassure him, but the other was looking at the ground.
He looked up at her. “I'm not a burden to anyone, am I?”
Sha-lie was completely shocked to hear this. “A burden!? Dear sky-child, why would you even think that?”
He looked down on the ground once again. `He could have killed himself if I didn't arrive… but he's in pain because of I'm here. I'm constantly in the way…' He thought, as he couldn't hold back the tears anymore and fell on his knees and cried.
Sha-lie bent down beside him as she tried to calm him down. When he did, he fell asleep, making her carry him; which wasn't a problem since he was pretty light to carry to the temporary assigned room and tucked him in. Before she walked out of the door, she looked over at the youth. “Good night, little light of our king.” She whispered as she closed the door and walked down the halls.
~*Atemu's room*~
He looked at the ceiling as he laid there, bandage, in his bed and he couldn't sleep. The image of the youth falling was still in his mind as fresh tears came down his already tear stained face. “Yugi…” He whispered. He heard a knock on the door and pretended to sleep.
“Pharaoh?” It was Mana. “Pharaoh, I know you're not asleep.”
He sighed as he opened his eyes to face her. “Yugi?” He asked. Since being bedridden, he asked everyone about the small teen.
Mana, not liking to lie, but wanting to surprise him. “Someone said they spotted someone that looks like you, but that's all I know.” She said.
Atemu looked hopeful, but nodded as he looked at the ceiling.
“I still believe he's alive, my king.” She said with a smile. “You can't get rid of someone like that that easily.”
Atemu sighed and thought that the gods were doing this because he was impure, unclean for someone like the youth and decided that death was the only way to save him.
Mana saw this look and sighed. “Oh come on now.” She said. “I'm sure there are other problems that are worse.” She checked the water basin for any refills.
Atemu looked at her as if saying `What problem can be worse than this?'
Mana continued talking without looking at him. “Like someone saying it's their fault that their loved ones are suffering just by existing.”
Atemu knew that feeling far too well.
“Do you think he'll feel that way?” She said, making the young ruler look confused. “Would Yugi feel that way?”
Atemu looked surprised and tried to get up.
“Pharaoh!?” She said, regretting of what she said now. “Please don't move, I'm sorry for upsetting you.”
Atemu shook his head. “Yugi… no… great help…” He struggled but the point was known clearly to the young female.
She smiled. “Yes, he's a great help. What was I thinking.” She said as she carefully laid him back down and headed towards the door. “Need anything?”
Atemu shook his head. “Just Yugi.”
“You really care about him don't you?”
Atemu blushed and nodded.
Mana noticed the look and thought to go a bit deeper. “Do you ever have the feeling that, every time you think of him, it hurts, but it's a good type of hurt?”
Atemu looked at her and nodded. He placed a hand over his chest, where his heart is. `I won't know these feelings until I see him again.' He thought.
“Do you also feel happy, yet sad at the same time?”
Atemu nodded.
“Pardon me for saying this,” Mana said, gaining the other's attention. “But, you wouldn't happen to be in love with Yugi?”
Atemu looked at her as if she had lost her mind.
“I'm just saying that those feelings you agreed that you have roots to being in love with that person.” With that she was ready to walk out the door. “Good night Pharaoh, try to get some sleep.” She closed the door. `Man I'm good with this love match thing!' She thought as she innocently walked down the halls.
Atemu, meanwhile, was completely dumbstruck. `Love?' He thought as he looked up at the ceiling again. `Is that what I feel?' His heart was beating hard in his chest, as he thought about all the moments he spent with the small teen before slowly falling asleep.
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That's it for this chapter and on with the next, which won't be posted for sometime.
Bakura: *climbs out of the trap door* Finally!
*looks at him* So, how goes it?
Bakura: Once I'm out here, I'm going to hurt you so much.
*shrugs* Good luck getting out fully. *goes to phone and dials**rings* Hey Mahado cupid… Yeah, I'm going to need Marik back… Thanks. Bye. *hangs phone up* All of you will see Marik in the next chapter, with their special treat.
Bakura: You better not pull our legs you bitch.
*shrugs* R&R everyone.