Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Back Together ( Chapter 33 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everyone. Sorry it took me so long to update again, but writer blocks are the worse thing that could happen to any author/ress.
Bakura: *tied to the wall* As if bitch.
Hey! Marik is going to be here soon along with your gifts that I promised you.
Bakura: You never promised anything! *struggles to get untied* Damn these are tight! *starts gnawing*
I wanted to get a few chapters ahead while I'm working here, so I could start on my next story, which is still a working process of the mind.
Bakura: *rolls eyes* Just start the damn story already!
Well excuuuuse me, Mr. Moody Thief!
Bakura: *glares*
Before I start, I would like to recognize a few reviewers. Cosmic Tomato, Mahado cupid, kagome girl21, Fullmetal07, and Cori Rain. Thank you soo much for the reviews, and now onto the chapter.
Bakura: *mutters* Damn annoying bitch.
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Ch. 33: Back Together
Atemu toss and turned in his bed as he shook violently with sweat covering his body.
He still held the dead body close to his chest and cried.
“How pathetic.”
He heard a voice and looked around.
“Though you were no better since the day you were born.” It said followed by a sickening laugh.
He looked over his shoulder and saw him.
The Rat stood there with a huge, sickening grin on his face. “So… where were we?” He said as his room appeared.
He froze as he sat there, looking at the room and remembering everything that happened there. He heard the heavy, stalking footsteps coming towards him.
“What do you have there?” The Rat said, mentioning to the youth.
He held the body close, not letting go.
“He's worthless now. He's the only reason why you didn't die that night when he arrived, but now he's gone and there's nothing else that could keep you away from me.” The Rat sneered as he reached for the young ruler's neck. “I may be dead, but here I live in your nightmares and continue to torcher you even till death.”
“NO!” He shouted as he quickly got up, still holding the body, and ran out into the long dark hallway. He didn't know where he was running to until he looked up and suddenly stopped. He was on the canyon's edge and saw the river, with its waters raging down in its currents.
“Got no where to run, whore.” The Rat appeared with a whip in hand and cracked it. “What are you going to do now?”
He really didn't know what to do as he stood there looking at the raging river below and carrying a dead body in his arms. `I could jump, but would I be able to wake up?' He thought.
“You can tell him off! I know you can!”
He thought he heard the youth and looked at the still cold and limped body.
“You just have to try…”
He remembered now. `That's right!'
“What's the matter whore? Can't make a decision for yourself?” The Rat teased cruelly as he walked up to the young ruler. “Need me to make a decision for you?” He was about two feet from the other.
“No, Ra-iten, I don't.” He said as he turned to face him with a confident, but serious face. A small smirk appeared. “Because I made my decision.” He took a step towards the Rat.
The Rat, a bit unsure about the smirk, took a couple steps back. “What do you mean?”
“I believe you know exactly what I mean.” He said as he still walked up towards him.
The Rat was freaking out now as he raised his whip and aimed it towards the approaching ruler.
Atemu used his body to shield the body in his arms from being hit and continued to go further.
“Stay away!” The Rat said as he felt the edge of the canyons and dropped his whip, which fell into the river. He was trying to balance so he wouldn't fall.
Atemu bent down and placed the youth down before continuing towards the other that was struggling.
The Rat slipped by the time the other was there, but held onto the edge. “Please!” He begged. “Help me!”
Atemu bent down and just looked at the other. “After what you have done to me, to my mother, and all others you have hurt. Why should I spare you? You have nothing to lose and you only have yourself to blame.”
The edge gave way and the Rat fell into the rivers.
He looked as the other fell; making sure that it's the last thing he will ever see of the other. He then got up and walked back to the limp body and held it close. “I did it.” He said as tears started to come down. “And it's all thanks to you.”
“I knew you could do it.” A sweet quiet voice was heard.
He looked down to see the color was back along with its warmth, and the other opened his eyes and saw, even though it's weak, that sparkle of life returning. “Yugi.” He said as tears fell freely from his eyes and held the other in and embrace.
“Pharaoh… Pharaoh… Wake up!”
~~End of Dream~~
Crimson eyes opened to see Seto with a wide and uncharacteristic grin on his face. He lazily glared at him for waking him up from a very good dream.
“What's with the look for?” Seto said, still has the grin. “Aren't you going to ask?”
Atemu did know the other is probably still alive and out there. “Yugi?”
Seto smiled.
That was all that he needed to know as he quickly struggled to get up, but was held down by his cousin.
“Easy there! We don't want to bandage you up again like last time.”
“Where?” Atemu said, fighting back the pain.
“Where what?” Seto's turn to ask a question.
“Yugi… Where is… he?” He looked up at sapphire.
“He's in a room just down the halls, but you can't see him yet.”
Atemu was patient long enough as it is and glared at the other. “Why?” He said with a slight growl.
“He's very weak from his experience, and, coming from Sha-lie, he seems very unwell at the moment.” Seto said calmly, knowing what his cousin is going through. “So he has to recover before like you before you two would see each other.”
Atemu was about to argue about this, but an idea came up and laid back down.
“As for me.” Seto said getting up, thinking that his cousin agreed on the matter. “Joey and I are going down to see the lords of what they wish to talk about and I'll fill you in once I return.” He said as he exited the room. “And please try to rest while you're at it.” He closed the door.
Atemu waited until he couldn't hear any more footsteps and slowly got up right. He looked around to find something to use as a support and saw a cane, which was beside the pot of scrolls. He removed the covers and carefully moved to get to the edge of the bed and stand. He took a step and nearly fell if he didn't grab hold of the desk. He grabbed the cane and started to limp over to the hidden door, that the youth took it upon himself to decorate so he wouldn't see it to remind him of the nights of shame. He smiled as he opened the door. `I'm over it now. It may still hurt when I think of it, but I'm not letting that ruin my life!' He thought as he went down to the many tunnels. `Now, which one?' He looked at all of the tunnels and tried to figure out which room the small teen would be in. “He said in a room down the halls, but which room?” He said with a sigh. “I guess I'll go with my instincts.” He walked to one of the tunnels.
The Healers were checking over and over on his condition and found that he's just tired, hungry, and sore from what happened to him.
“Here,” Said a female healer. “Drink this, it will help you sleep.” She handed him a small goblet that looked like water with a slight yellow color.
“Thank you.” He said as he took a couple sips of it and handed it back.
The healers bowed and left the room, leaving the other to slowly let the medicine do its work. And soon he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
Moments later Atemu walked in through a door that was blocked by a curtain and a huge pot, which he was very careful in moving. Once he was in he looked at the single bed in the room and saw the sleeping occupant. He slowly got close to one side and sat on the edge. He looked at the sleeping face of the young teen as he saw the slight rising of the chest.
Yugi's restful features looked so innocent with the sun's light, giving him a slight glow.
Atemu brought his hand up to brush away a stray bang from the other's face. He saw a tear coming down the closed eyes and felt a pang in his chest. “Why do you cry little one?” He whispered as he placed his hand over the others and gave it a light squeeze.
Seto and Joey were walking down towards the courtroom.
“Why are we goin' in da court room again?” Joey asked.
“Since the Pharaoh is unable to attend, we have to fill in and listen to what they have to say, than report it back to him.” Seto responded, not looking at the blonde.
“So… how long is it gonna take?”
“I don't know pup.”
Joey was about to argue, but gave up. “Ah forget it!”
Seto raised his eyebrow. “Giving up? That unlike you mutt.”
“I know dat!” He said with a growl. “But its quiet obvious dat ya not gonna stop callin' me a mutt, or just recently a pup!”
Seto gave out a rare amused smile. “You're at your best when you get that way.”
Joey was dumbfounded.
Seto looked equally surprised by what he just said. He didn't know what to say to cover it up. “We better keep moving.” He said. `This is back to that one night. Damn!' He thought as he remembered about that kiss before the battle.
“What else do ya like about me?” Joey asked, getting the other off guard.
“What else do ya like about me?” Joey repeated, liking the way the other is struggling.
“Ah… Well…” Seto uncharacteristically stumbled as he thought of a good answer. `Why did he have to ask that out of the blue?' He thought as they reached to the doors leading to the courtroom. He looked at the blonde, who smiled.
“Ya could tell me afta dis, kay?”
Seto nodded. `By that time you will forget out of pure boredom.' He thought as the doors opened.
Joey yawned as he and Seto walked out of the room. “Man dat was boring.”
Seto looked at him. “You out within a minute of the discussion.”
Seto shook his head. “It's a miracle that you didn't snore when you were out.”
“I don't snore.”
Seto rolled his eyes, which the blonde saw.
“I saw dat!”
“And what are you going to do about it?”
Before Joey could respond, Mana and Mahado came up.
“Hey you two!” Mana said as she waved.
“Hey Mana. Hey Mahado. What's happenin?
“Everyone is rebuilding the damage in the village and having a situation about the unusual shortage of water.” Mahado said, making the two look at him. “The Nile is showing signs that there is hardly any water for crops and the people.”
“The yearly rains haven't appeared like it should.” Seto said, as he looked concerned.
“What happens if da rain doesn't come?” Joey asked.
“Oh well let's see.” Mana said. “Oh! I know! The problem of a drought will happen!”
“If the rains do not come and bring in the Nile flood, the people will starve and life as we know will be chaotic and would lead to many deaths.”
Joey didn't know what to say.
Seto sighed heavily as he rubbed his temples. “Its just one problem after another.”
“So, whatta we gonna do?” Joey asked.
“Pray.” Seto said simply. “Pray and see what happens.”
“How's the Pharaoh?” Mahado asked.
“Resting as he should.” Seto said.
“And Yugi?” Mana asked.
“Should be out like a light by now.” Joey said.
“Is it alright if we check on him?” Mana asked.
Joey shrugged. “I don't see any harm da do it.”
Seto shrugged. “I have to check on my cousin on the way there any way.”
They walked down the halls, talking about a few things here and there.
~*Random room: Atemu and Yugi*~
The sun showed signs of descending as Atemu rested peacefully next to the youth. He opened his eyes for a moment to look at the other before closing them again.
Not long afterwards, Yugi started to open his eyes and looked dazed as he stared at nothing for a moment. He started to stretch his legs and groaned, causing the other to awake.
“Yugi?” Atemu said as he looked at the small teen.
Yugi looked to see who said his name and was fully awake when he saw the young king. “Atemu?”
Atemu smiled. “Are you alright?”
Yugi blinked. “Am I dreaming?” He asked causing the other to chuckle.
“No Yugi, you're not dreaming.” He said as he brushed away a bang.
Yugi slightly shivered at the touch, but kept it together.
“I'm sorry.” Atemu said.
“For what?” Yugi looked confused.
Atemu closed his eyes. “For not protecting you. You've done so much and even risked you life, but I couldn't even do one thing to help you.”
Yugi suddenly remembered what Sha-lie said and looked saddened. “I'm the one at fault.” He said, which caused the other to opened his eyes. “I'm always in the way and you're hurt because of me!” He turned so he wouldn't face the other. “I'm nothing but a burden.”
“Yugi…” Atemu was shocked to hear something like this from the other. “Why would you think that I would see you as a burden?” He moved up so he could see the other overhead.
Yugi was choked up but still tried to answer. “Be-cause you kept getting injured, trying to protect me… and I feel that I'm just in the way…” He started to have tears run down his face.
Atemu wrapped his arm around the youth's middle and placed his forehead on the back of the other's neck. “Yugi, you're not a burden to me or anyone.” He heard the other sniff and felt him shake. “When I was out there, fighting, I thought about you, and you gave me strength to keep going.” He felt tears forming in his eyes. “And I wanted to see you. That was my goal, was to see you again. To see that smile that brightens even the gloomiest day. To hear the air-light laugh that could rival the wind. And the gem-like eyes that shows only truth. I missed you so much.” He let the tears go.
Yugi was both shocked and moved to hear what the other said about him and turned carefully to face the young ruler. He wiped away his tears and rested his head on the crook of the other's neck and shoulder.
Atemu was slightly confused by this, but liked the close feeling and held the other a bit tighter, as if he would disappear.
By that time, the door was opened very quietly and four heads looked in on the two before closing it and walked some ways away from the door.
“That sneaky bastard.” Seto said.
“Ah! Come on Seto.” Joey said. “Ya had a feel'n dat he was gonna do sometin' like dis.” Joey said.
“It looks like they're going to be just fine.” Mana said happily.
“I agree.” Mahado said.
Seto sighed. “Well, at least it's the best news I've heard all day.”
“Seto!” Ahmose's voice was heard. “I've found it!”
“Found what?” Joey asked as the man came up.
“I've found away to get you and Master Yugi back to your own time.”
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Dun Dun Dun!
Bakura: Oh great! Another cliffhanger. What's next? A rerun?
*glares* I'm sorry to say this, but it looks like Marik won't be here as of yet.
*ignores* I'll try to post up the next chapter soon.
Bakura: I'm going to kill you!!
As to close this for today-
Bakura: I'm talking to you! Radammit!
*grabs duck tape and seals his mouth* Now where was I?
Bakura: *struggles on the ropes and tries to yell through the tape.
Oh yeah, R&R everyone.
Bakura: *manages the middle finger salute*