Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Interruptions ( Chapter 35 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everyone!
Marik: That's nice. Just one question…
Marik: WHY THE HELL AM I UPSIDE DOWN!?! *dangling from the ceiling*
So your gifts can enjoy.
Marik: What gifts!
Bakura: *tires to shout through the tape*
Oh calm down, though they are late. *checks watch*
*door bell rings* Oh there they are. *skips over to the door and opens it* Hey glad you made it.
Ryou: Well we can't leave you alone with our guys, knowing them.
Malik: They didn't start anything did they?
Oh no, one is just hanging around and one is being really quiet.
R/M: *stares*
Malik: You did this didn't you?
I didn't tell them you were coming.
Malik: Works for me.
B/M: *stares and sweat dropped*
Marik: Damn you bitch.
*stares* You're welcome. I'm going to start the story now. *slowly closes door* Have fun.
R/M: We will!
B/M: *groan*
Marik: We've been had.
Bakura: *nods*
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Ch.35: Interruptions
~Next Morning~
The sun's morning rays swept into the room and crawled up to awaken the small teen, who slightly opened his eyes and groaned. `Just five more minutes.' He thought as he nuzzled something warm. A moment later he opened his eyes to know what was warm and saw that it was the young king's chest. He blushed and tried to move, but found out that the other's arm was wrapped around him.
Atemu groaned when the sunlight hit his closed eyes and bury his head into the other's hair to hide from the sunlight.
“Atemu.” Yugi said almost giggling. “Time to wake up.”
Another groan was heard and Atemu loosened his grip around the petite frame and slightly sat up. “Morning already?” He said as he rubbed his eyes.
“Yep.” Yugi said as he sat up, with some help of the other, till he was in a sitting position.
“How do you feel?” Atemu asked.
“Better than the other day.” Yugi responded and asked. “And you?”
Atemu smiled as he brushed away a bang off the small one's face. “Even better than days ago. Now that you're here.”
Yugi blushed but let the other continue the motions.
There was an odd, but comfortable silence between them as they stared at each other. It didn't last long. The door opened to reveal one of the healers, who took time to look over the both of them and re-dressing their bandages and left.
“… Okay…” Yugi said.
Atemu shrugged. “Healers usually come and go as they please with out asking.”
Yugi smiled. “Well there are a lot of people hurt after the battle.”
Atemu nodded, when the lively Mana came in.
“Hey you two!”
“Hey Mana.” Yugi said as the other nodded her way.
“Are you feeling any better?” She asked as she sat on the foot of the bed.
“Yep.” Yugi said.
Atemu smiled. “Better than few weeks ago.”
Mana smiled. “That's great to hear! When are you going to get up and moving?”
Yugi looked thoughtful. “I don't know, the healer that was in here earlier didn't mention about if we were in any condition to move around.”
“Mana.” Mateo came in and had his hands on his hips. “What have I told you about bothering the recovering?”
“I'm not bothering I'm talking!” Mana countered.
Mateo looked at the other two. “I'm sorry that she's nagging till you loose your mind.”
Yugi laughed. “Not at all, it's kinda nice having a visitor.”
Mana sticked out her tongue.
“I'd watch that tongue of yours young lady.”
The two laughed.
“Pharaoh.” Mateo said, becoming serious now.
Atemu looked up, equally serious.
“Did Seto tell you about our meeting the other day?”
Atemu shook his head. “I have not.”
“Since the battle is over with, you have to create a speech towards the men who fought bravely and the ones who died for your kingdoms safety.”
“Very well.”
Mateo nodded and started to leave. “Come on Mana, Mahado would like to teach you that spell you've been begging him to.”
Mana jumped off the bed. “Nice talking to you guys!” She said as she quickly ran out of the room with Mateo.
“A speech?” Yugi asked looking up at the other.
“As Pharaoh, I have to recognize the help of my allies and their men for keeping Kemet safe from the enemy.”
Yugi nodded understandingly.
At that moment, Seto and Joey came in.
“Ey Yuge!” Joey said. “How's it goin'?”
“Hey Joey.” Yugi said.
“Don't you ever knock?” Atemu said, looking at Seto.
Seto shrugged. “And miss the look on your face?” He said. “So, you already know what you have to do?”
“Yes.” Atemu said.
“Well there's no reason for me to stay here.” He said as he turned. “Come mutt.”
“What's da `urry!” Joey said.
“If the Pharaoh is going to write that speech, he will need some space to do so.”
“N' whatta `bout Yuge?”
“I doubt that he'll disturb him while he works.”
“Ya t'ink dat I'll bug Atemu while `e's workn' on a speech!?”
“Yes.” Seto said simply.
Joey growled and charged at the other, but the brunette stepped aside; causing him to miss and fell to the ground. “Damn you.”
“I'll check on your speech later.” Seto said as he closed the door.
Atemu sighed as he got out of bed, maintained his balance, and walked over to the desk in the room.
“How long is the speech normally?” Yugi asked.
“Normally for awhile, some short, and rarely long. It mostly depends how it's going to sound.” Atemu responded, as he set out to work on the speech.
A knock was heard along with a voice. “Sky-child? Are you in there?”
“Yes Sha-lie.” Yugi responded as the door opened and the woman entered with a small bowl and goblet.
“Oh, hello Pharaoh.” She said as she bowed, Japanese style.
“Hello Sha-lie.” Atemu said. “You're our fifth visitor today.”
Sha-lie chuckled. “Mind if I bug the little one?”
“I'm just giving him his medicine and something to wash it down with.” She held up the two items in her hand.
Yugi put the blankets over his mouth like a child. “It's not that soup you made for Atemu when he was recovering from food poisoning, is it?”
Atemu remembered that well.
“Careful, it's hot.” Yugi warned as he spoon-fed the other.
He ate it and nearly felt like spiting out, but swallowed, which only made it worse.
“Here.” Yugi held up what looked like an apple that was carved out to look like a bowl with mashed up dates, some fruit and smelled some honey in there. “It will get rid of the taste. I tried it myself.”
He took the offered treat and took a huge bite out of it, and amazingly, got rid of the heat in his mouth and throat.
“Better?” Yugi asked.
He nodded gratefully.
“I'm sorry to tell you this but…” Yugi held up another spoonful of the red substance. “You have to have another four bites before we could get rid of this.
His face fell so that it looked like he was saying `you got to be kidding'.
“Open up and get it over with.” Yugi said.
He rolled his eyes and did so.
~End of Flashback~
“No dear, that soup is made for the ill; you're just recovering from an injury.” Sha-lie said.
“Than what's that?” Yugi pointed out to the bowl.
“This is what the healers made and told me to give to you, since they're busy.”
Yugi put the blanket down from his face.
She walked over and handed the bowl to him.
He looked at it and saw that there's green liquid in the bowl.
“That, sky-child, coming from the healers should make sure that there's nothing in your body that your wound may have invited.”
Yugi looked at the green substance. “Oh… okay…” He said unsurely.
“If the taste is awful,” She held up the goblet, “I got the sweetest honeyed wine made just for you.”
“…Wine?” Yugi said with a raised eyebrow.
Sha-lie stared at him. “Want me to give it to you the medicine the hard way.” She said in a warning tone.
Yugi shook his head and took a deep breath before drinking the medicine up, which he made a face as he struggled to swallow the liquid. `Gods! That was awful!' He thought.
She handed the goblet to him and he gently took it as he took small, hesitant sips, which he thought it wasn't so bad. `Least it got rid of most of the taste.' He thought as he finished it off.
“Now, you see? That wasn't so hard.” She said as she took the items away and started to head out. “You might feel a tad dizzy, by the way.” With that she left.
“Well that was an interesting visit.” Atemu said.
“Yeah.” Yugi said as he began to feel a little light.
Atemu looked over at him and went over. “Yugi, are you alright?”
Yugi nodded and smiled. “I like the way you sound.”
Atemu looked confused. “Pardon?”
“When you were mute, I've heard some people say that when you talked… the gods would have bowed because it was heard over Kemet.” Yugi started to sway back and forth and side by side. “And I always wondered what you sounded like.” Yugi giggled. “And now here you are, talking to me, Seto, Joey, and everyone.”
Atemu laughed. `Looks like the medicine is working.' He thought as he set the youth down on his back. “I think its time for you to rest.”
“Even your laugh sounded beautiful.”
That completely caught the young king off guard, and before he could say anything, the youth fell asleep. He stared at a shocked way at the young one. `Its just the medicine.' He thought sadly. `When he wakes up, he won't remember what he said.' He couldn't explain why he feels sad, but he shoved it aside and headed back towards the desk and worked on his speech.
The sun is just halfway down the horizon when Atemu sighed and rubbed his eyes from looking at the scroll, that he worked on almost all day. `This should work.' He thought. `Seto's known to be a hardcore critic and if he reads this… Damn…' He sighed again. “Looks like I don't have a choice.” He said.
“What choice?”
Atemu turned to see the other is waking up. “Well hello sleepyhead.” He said with a smile. “Had a nice nap?”
Yugi lazily looked at the other and tried to rub the sleep from his eyes. “Not my fault that I was out for almost the whole day.” He said as the other chuckled.
“True.” Atemu said as he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. “How do you feel?”
“To drozy to tell.” Yugi responded, making the other chuckle again. “How's your speech going?”
Atemu sighed. “Close to being done, but I'm going to have that critic of a cousin to read it.”
“May I see it?” Yugi asked.
Atemu looked at the other before smiling. “Why not? What harm could it do?” He walked back and grabbed the scroll he was working on and walked back to the youth and handed it to him.
Yugi took a moment or two to read before looking at the other. “This is great.”
Atemu shrugged. “Its not completely done, but it will do.”
“What will do?” Seto said as he entered the room.
“Don't you ever knock?” Atemu said glaring at him.
“Well hello to you too, cousin.” Seto said as he looked at the scroll in the youth's hands. “Is that your speech?”
“Yes.” Atemu said.
“And you're letting him correct it?”
“I'm letting him read what I have before being criticized by you.”
Seto looked at the youth. “And?”
“I thought it was great.” Yugi said.
Seto let out a hand and the small teen handed the scroll to him. He looked through and nodded. “Its good, but you forgot a few things.”
“I never said it was complete.”
Seto shrugged and handed it back to Atemu. “I'll be back later, and I expect it to be done.”
Atemu stared at the older cousin. “You're lucky that I have to take it easy for the next few days.” He said. “Otherwise I would have to take this scroll and chase you around Kemet, whacking you.”
Yugi giggled at the image, but stopped when he saw the look on the brunette's face.
“I'll be back later than.” Seto said as he left the room.
“He's such an ass sometimes.”
Yugi shook his head. “You get on each other's nerves a lot, huh?”
Atemu sighed. “How could you tell?”
Yugi laughed and the other followed. He slightly blushed when he heard and saw how the other laughed. `He's so… hot!'
“You were staring.”
Yugi blushed again. “Sorry about that.”
“Would you like to tell me why?” Atemu said with an encouraging smile.
“Well… I hardly hardly ever hear you laugh when you started to talk, so…” Yugi put both of his index fingers together. “Its kinda nice, listening to you…”
Atemu blinked, remembering what the other said earlier, and felt touched by this.
“Sorry, that sounded really sappy.” Yugi said as he looked down at the sheets.
Atemu moved a bit closer to sit down next to the small teen. “No, not at all really.” He said with a soft smile.
Yugi blushed as he made random designs on the sheets.
There was silence between them for a few moments when a knock on the door became known.
“Who is it?” Atemu said, a bit annoyed by the interruptions.
“Its Ahmose!” Ahmose said behind the door.
“Come in.”
He did. “Oh good, you're up Master Yugi.”
Yugi shivered at the title, but it was unnoticed. “What's wrong?”
Ahmose looked at the young ruler. “Pharaoh, I know you don't want to, but would you step outside for a moment while I talk to him.”
Atemu looked confused.
“I'm afraid it's a private matter.”
Atemu looked at the youth, who nodded. “It won't take long, would it?” He asked.
“No, no, just a few moments of your time.”
Atemu nodded and left after looking back at the other, who has a reassuring smile on his face.
When the door closed, Ahmose pulled up a chair beside the bed. “Young one, I've got news for you.”
Ahmose nodded. “I've finally found a way to get you and Master Joey back to your time.”
Yugi looked surprised. “Really?” He said while deep down he felt happy, yet really sad.
“But there's something you have to do.”
Yugi blinked. “Me?”
Ahmose nodded. “You have to give the Pharaoh something in order for both of you to return.”
`Give Atemu something?' Yugi thought. “Like what?”
“That is what I'm stumped on I'm afraid.” Ahmose said. “Master Joey said that the scroll that lead you here, as you put it, had a hidden clue in there somewhere. And I know you'll figure it out.”
Yugi nodded.
Ahmose got up. “Well, that's all I want to tell you and Master Joey knows already.”
“Thank you.”
Ahmose nodded and headed out the door and allowed the waiting ruler in.
Atemu walked over and looked curious. “Is there something wrong?” He asked.
“He was telling me that he thinks he's getting close to finding a way to get me and Joey back to our time.”
“Really?” Atemu sounded confused. “That's good, but why was I sent out?”
Yugi shrugged.
Atemu looked at the other for a moment than shrugged. “Alright than.” He looked at the desk. “I better finish that damn speech.”
Yugi started to shuffle out of bed.
“What are you doing?”
“I'm going to walk around, if I could make it out of bed.” Yugi said as he stood up, only to feel his legs wobble and fell back down on the bed, and laughed. “See what I mean?”
Atemu smiled. “Afraid so.” He said as he offered his hand.
Yugi took the other's hand and was helped up and caught when his legs refused to function.
Atemu laughed. “What was it you told me? Take one thing at a time?”
Yugi pouted, which caused the other to laugh more.
“Don't take it like that little one.”
Yugi slightly shook his head as he tried to stand on his wobbling legs, while taking in the wonderful sense of closeness they have.
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*shuffling noises were heard in behind the door**knocks* Everything all right in there?
Marik: OH!
I'll take that as a good.
Ryou: *moan*
Really good. *moves away* Anyway, R&R everyone!