Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Seto's Steps of Love ( Chapter 37 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yay! *jumps in the air* I got reviews! Go me! Go me! *does a cheer dance*
Bakura: Oh sweet mother of Anubis! Make her stop!
Marik: My eyes! My poor unshielded eyes!
*pouts* Hey! I'm not that bad!
B/M: …
… Any way… Thank you for those who review! It means a lot! And no I'm not planning on dropping this story! I've worked far too long to stop now, and I'm not letting you guys hang in the suspense like some others! So I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Bakura: Just start the damn chapter.
*whacks him on the head* I'm getting there!
Bakura: I'll kil-
I got Ryou on speed dial!
Bakura: … I hate you…
I know you do.
Marik: *yawns* You two are very amusing when you argue.
B/Me: Shut up Marik!
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Ch.37: Seto's Steps of Love
~*Party: Throne Room*~
In the throne room, later that evening, everyone seemed to enjoy him or herself.
Atemu sat on his throne and watched for any drunken activity before sending on of his guards, which were on either side, to drag them out. So far, everything seems settled.
Than Yugi came up and sat down on one of the throne's arms. “How's it going?” He asked.
“So far, no activity.” Atemu responded than added. “You know you don't have to come.”
“And let you sit here and watch everyone?” Yugi said. “Oh what fun is that?”
Atemu chuckled. “So you're here to keep me company.”
“Yep. Like every other time.”
“So, where's Joey?”
“Drinking with Mateo.”
Atemu raised his eyebrow. “Seriously?”
Yugi nodded. “What about Seto?”
“He should be around here, though he's good at controlling how much he drinks.”
We see Seto drinking a goblet and leaning against a pillar. He looked up at his cousin and saw the youth; who looked as though he asked something from the other and his cousin complied by giving the other his goblet and let the other took a sip before spiting it out, which made the other laugh. He shrugged and took another sip of his wine before walking along the other drinkers. He eventually saw the blonde with Mateo, laughing like a bunch of goons, and walked up to them
Joey was laughing and his face was slightly tinted pink from the beer that was made. “Damn, dis stuff is strong!” He said as he hiccupped.
Mateo laughed and patted the blonde's shoulder, which caused the other to loose balance.
Joey would have felled flat on his face if an arm wasn't there to catch him. He looked up and saw that it was Seto. “Ey… Seto…” He said as the alcohol started to take effect as he started to vomit.
Seto sighed. “Enough partying for you.” He said as he put the other over his shoulder and walked out of the throne room and headed towards his, where he placed the other on the couch before getting a goblet and a basin and filled water in it. “Here, drink this.” He handed the goblet to the other, who took it and taken a few slow sips before handing it back.
“Danks.” Joey said.
Seto placed a cloth in the basin and started to wash the blonde's face. “You're welcome.” He said as he placed another cloth in the basin and used it to place it on the other's brow.
“Sorry for thrown' up on ya.”
“Not a problem. I've experienced worse.”
They stayed silent for a moment before Joey vomit again in the vase the other placed in time.
“How much did you have to drink?” Seto asked, rather pained by the site of seeing his puppy this way.
When Joey spit out the rest in the vase, he took a deep breath to answer. “Three.”
Seto raised an eyebrow. “That's it?”
Joey nodded.
“Is this your first time drinking?”
“Straight up.” Joey said as he laid back down on the couch.
“I see.” Seto said.
“Ey Seto.”
“Yes.” Seto said, taking a sip of the goblet.
“ Ave ya eva `ad sex?”
Seto spit out the water that was in there and some went up his nose. “What was that?” He asked, making sure his ears were correct.
“Ave ya eva `ad sex wit anotha guy?” Joey repeated, looking a bit shocked.
`Of all the questions he has to ask that!' Seto thought. “What makes you think that?”
Joey blushed “Well, I was kinda thinkn' dat… you n' I could…” He broke eye contact and looked up at the ceiling. “Neva mind, it was a dumb questn'.”
Seto was surprised to hear what the other was asking. “Actually, it's a very serious question and a very serious choice.”
Joey nodded. “I know.”
“Would you like to tell me why?”
Joey looked at Seto in the eye. “When we confessed da otha day, I was so happy n' relieved da know ya felt da same. But den I rememba what Ahmose said about findn' a way da get Yuge n' I back da our time.”
“I remember, but Ahmose also mentioned that your friend is the one that's suppose to know how.”
“Yeah, I know but…” Joey thought up a reason to continue. “But what if Yuge doesn't know what it is n' Ahmose decides n' succeeds a way. He's made a couple break throughs so far.”
Seto nodded. `That's true, and in record time.'
“But, I guess what I meant da say is, is dat…” Joey blushed as he took a deep breath. “I want ya to be my first Seto!” He said, never leaving his serious gaze off of shocked sapphire.
Seto didn't expect the blonde to say something so… he couldn't think of a word, but it was definitely unexpected. “Are you sure about this?”
Joey nodded. “I am, but if ya want da wait,” He smiled. “Den I'll wait.”
Seto gave a rare smile. “You've changed a lot since I first met you.”
Joey looked confused.
“When you were first here, you were: loud, annoying, can't seemed to shut the hell up, eat a lot, and always seem to have a temper tantrum.”
“I still do most of dat stuff.” Joey said somewhat glaring at him.
Seto laughed. “True, but you're a bit calmer, you think more before acting and you can actually cook without forgetting the important ingredients.”
“Where da fuck are ya getn' at `ere?”
“All I'm saying is that you changed from the reckless mutt to the restful person I see before me, with some of that admired recklessness.”
Joey blushed and scratched his head. “Wow, Seto, I `ad no idea dat ya see me like dat.”
Seto got up and kissed the other for a moment before parting. “There are a lot of things you hardly ever expect to know.”
“Damn smooth talkn' hot ass High Priest.” Joey murmured.
Seto chuckled. “I heard that, by the way.”
“I know.”
“I guess I'll take that as a complement.” He wrapped his an arm around the other's waist and moved him closer towards him.
@~*!Lemon Alert!*~@
No words were exchanged as they deeply kissed, both fighting for dominance.
Joey was loosing and the need for air was extreme.
They parted, but Seto continued along the blonde's jaw line to the right ear and ran his tongue along the shell.
Joey moaned than gasped when the other bit gently on the ear lobe before starting to place love bites along his neck.
Seto stopped at the junction of the neck and shoulder and went back to do the same to the left side. He than bit on the sensitive spots along the neck, while sneaking his hand under the other's shirt to feel the warm chest that was hidden. When he reached to a limit, he took off the shirt and continued down till he placed his mouth over the left nub.
Joey gasped than moaned as he felt the hot wet tongue going around. He placed his hands on the other's head and wanted more of the feeling.
Seto came up and gently took the wrists and placed them over the blonde's head. “Where was I?” He said as he saw the pouted look. “Oh, now I remember.” He worked on the ignored nub.
`Damn fuckn' tease!' Joey thought was he arched up his back.
Seto stopped and looked at the other. “Do you want this or not?”
“Of course I do! But ya goin' so damn slow!”
Seto rolled his eyes. “Well guess what, puppy.” He said with a smirk. “That's half the fun.”
“Oh really!?” Joey said.
“Well than.” Seto said as he walked over to his bed and laid down. “Let's see if you can do any better.” He challenged.
Joey got up and walked over to the bed.
“Well?” Seto said. “What are you waiting for?”
Joey climbed in and sat down on the other's hips.
“When you're going to make love, you have to go between the legs, otherwise it's uncomfortable.”
Joey did so and tries to think up what to do.
“While you're thinking on a move, you should start by kissing your partner and let that lead you, otherwise your letting them wait and have second thoughts.”
Joey did and went up and hastily kissed the other before he was stopped.
“I understand that this is your first time Joey.” Seto said. “But like everything, you have to start slow. Otherwise you'll make a fool out of yourself.”
Joey kissed him again, but slowly this time.
Seto allowed his tongue to enter and let him go around.
Joey than kissed along the other's jaw line and did the same thing that the brunette did on both sides, earning a couple moans. He, while working along the neck, worked on getting the shirt off, which was fairly simple.
“Good.” Seto said.
Joey continued by placing his mouth on a nub and started to do what the other did.
Seto just laid there and enjoyed the feel of it all.
When Joey was finished with both nubs, he looked at the other.
“Now you see why we go slow and steady?”
Seto rolled his eyes. `Clueless mutt.' He looked at the other. “Not only to pleasure your lover, but also know and understand the territory you're crossing.”
“Meaning that you now both know the emotional and physical ways of the person.”
Joey nodded. “At least in your opinion.”
Seto smiled. “Well, you're not as clueless as I thought.”
“What was that!?” Joey growled before being turned over.
“Relax.” Seto said as he continued where he left off by kissing down to the navel, where he placed his tongue in and out, causing the other to squirm. “Did I forget to mention that it makes your lover crazy?”
Seto shook his head before looking at the other. He placed his hand on the rim of blonde's pants, silently asking permission.
Joey got what the other was asking and nodded.
“If, at any time, you want me to stop, let me know.”
Joey nodded his understanding.
Seto continued as he pulled down the pants and threw them aside. He took a moment to look over his puppy's body.
“Ey Seto, ya okay?” Joey asked.
Seto smiled and nodded. “At this point, its okay to wait a moment or two to admire the full atonomy of your lover.”
“Are ya maken' up t'ings as ya go?”
“Ah crap.”
“What? That doesn't mean I know how it goes.” Seto said as he demonstrated by placing his mouth on the aroused length.
Joey went wide eyed at the warmth on his sensitive flesh and moaned when he felt the tongue go around, causing him to feel knots getting tighter some where below, just waiting to burst. “Seto… I…” He was about to say until he gasped at the sucking motions. “Seto… I… I feel… Aargh…”
Seto heard and kept doing his ministrations.
Joey was panting to keep control until the other sucked hard and the knots exploded. “SETO!!”
Seto drank every last drop and looked at the spent blonde and went up and kissed his forehead. “You tasted delicious.” He said.
Joey managed to crack open one eye. “Is dat it?”
Seto smirked and shook his head. “Afraid not, there's still a few things left.”
Joey lazily looked at him. “Like?”
“Patience. You're still a bit overwhelmed from being spent and I have to get something.” With that, he left for his closet for a moment than came back out with a red bottle in his hand. He grabbed a small bowl and dumped the liquid in, giving off a strong and rich scent.
“What's dat?” Joey asked.
“A special type of oil that is reserved for a moment like this.”
Joey was lost as the other dipped three fingers in the oil and sat in between his legs.
“This may feel awkward for a moment.” HE said, which confused the other until the first finger went in.
“What da fuck!?” Joey said as he tried to move away, only to be held in place.
“Relax, I told you this would feel awkward.”
Joey glared.
“Would you relax your body? You would be more comfortable if you did.”
Joey complied and relaxed, but tensed again when the second finger went in. “What da fuck are ya tryn' da do!?”
Seto sighed. “I'm getting you prepared.”
“For what!?”
Seto smiled. “You'll see. Now would you please relax?”
Joey rolled his eyes as he relaxed.
Than when the third finger went in, there was no complaining until Seto started to stretch.
“N' I suppose dat's suppose da happen?”
“Yes.” Seto said as he kissed the others face, and waited for a few moments before brining the fingers out, causing the other to whine. “Don't worry, I got something better.” He said as he got up.
`Why do I get dat feeln' dis is-` Joey stopped at mid-thought when he saw the other pull down his pants and saw the aroused length. `Damn!'
“Like it?”
Joey blushed and looked at the ceiling.
Seto chuckled. “It's okay you know.” He said as he covered his length with oil.
Joey still looked at the ceiling when he felt movement on the bed. “Ave ya done dis before or somet'n?”
“No. But I have friends who talk when they're drunk.”
Joey just looked at him.
“Ave ya laid anyone down before me?”
“Where are you getting at here?”
“I just wanna know!”
Seto sighed. “None.”
“… Ya serious?'
“Are you afraid of this step?”
Seto looked at him.
“…Kinda…” Joey sighed. “Yeah.”
Seto nodded and went up to kiss the blonde. “Its okay to be afraid pup.”
“I know.”
“Want us to stop here?”
Joey took a moment to think and shook his head. “No.”
“Are you sure?” Seto said looking into honey eyes.
“Just go easy, kay?”
“The last thing I want to do to you is hurt you.”
Seto nodded. “Another thing about this is timing. If it's too fast, you need to slow down; if too slow, you need to figure out how to put it to a pace both of you could agree on. Otherwise you're going to have one hell of a crappy relationship.”
“N' ya telln' me dis? A saint as yaself?”
“Shut up and tell me if you're truly ready for this.” Seto said getting annoyed.
“Yes dammit!” Joey said, equally annoyed.
Seto positioned himself. “This may feel strange to you for a few minutes.”
“Whatta ya mean?”
“Just relax.” Seto said as he came up till their noses almost touch. “That's all you need to do.” He placed his lips on the other's until he knows the one below him is relaxed. He furthered his kiss by getting his tongue to enter the other's mouth, which the other accepted. By that time, the blonde fully distracted, he swiftly entered, which was responded by a muffled yelp, and stayed in that position.
`Damn bastard! Dat was pure evil!' Joey thought as he tried to break the kiss, but the other had a good grip on the position that they're in. He soon gave up and sighed. `Fine! I'll wait for ya next move.'
When Seto sensed that the other was going to let him continue, he started to move outwards, making the other make a complaining whine, but slammed back in.
Joey at first saw nothing but white for a moment before seeing two Setos, than his vision came back together.
“By the looks of it, I hit the pleasure spot.”
“Da… wha?” Joey asked as the other hit that spot again, making him gasp and moan if the pleasure and pain it was causing.
“That spot, love.” Seto said heatedly in the blonde's ear, causing shivers down the blonde's spine.
“Faster?” Joey said, instinct coming in.
Seto complied by quickening his pace a little.
“Faster.” Joey said, passion glazed his eyes were looking up to equally glazed sapphire, who complied and wrapped his hand around his re-aroused member and pumped it in time with his thrusts.
When they hit their climax, Joey released first followed by Seto before collapsing and panting.
Seto slid out from his now lover and wrapped his arms around the fully spent and sleepy blonde, and kissed him. “Sweet dreams Joey.”
“Already `ad.” Joey murmured as he fell asleep.
Seto smiled as he pulled the other close to him. “I love you, my crazy puppy.” He said as he fell into a dreamless, but blissful sleep.
@~*!End of Lemon!*~@
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I had fun working on this, especially the between arguments. This is actually my first Joey and Seto lemon, so… what do you think?
Bakura: You should have read more of how the pairing `do-it' before getting your gut out on the keyboard.
Did I ask for your opinion?
Bakura: You asked everyone what they think.
… Shut up.
Marik: *sips soda* I'm just glad that I didn't have to deal with your friend anymore.
B/M: What are you thinking?
Uh… R&R everyone! Please! *runs*
Bakura: Get back here!
Marik: What he said!