Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Cheer Up ( Chapter 38 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yay! I got reviews. *does a lil' dance* I rule! Oh yeah. *hears door being slammed open*
What's wrong now?
Bakura: *holds up white kitten* This is what's wrong!
… How cute.
Bakura: CUTE!? You call a transformed person cute?
Bakura: *holds kitten again* THIS IS MARIK YOU CRAZY BITCH!
… Oh.
Bakura: Oh? Oh. OH! What the hell do you mean by `oh'?
*sigh* I'll call her and try to change him back to his normal self. But, while I do that, enjoy this next chapter.
Bakura: Damn crazy bitches.
I heard that.
Bakura: Good!
Marik: *meows*
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Ch.38:Cheer Up
~-Next Morning-~
“HEY YUGE!!” Joey shouted, causing the small youth to almost jump out of his skin.
“G-Good morning Joey.” Yugi said gripping his chest to settle his heart down. “What's up?”
“Da sun n' da clear blue skies dat's what!” Joey responded as he hugged the confused teen.
“Uh, Joey, are you okay?” Yugi asked.
“I'm betta dan okay. I'm great! No, fantastic!” Joey said as he spinned the youth once around and bear hugged him. “Well,” He said as he let the other go. “I betta head off now, gotta see what Mateo's plans are for taday's lessons.” He said as he headed off. “Ya da greatest pal a guy could ask for!” He disappeared, leaving a very clueless teen.
“Ah… thanks?” Yugi said. `What's up with Joey all of a sudden?' He thought as he walked down the many halls.
~*Throne room*~
Atemu and some of the council members were discussing about the Nile issue, when Seto came in with a huge, uncharacteristic smile on his face. “Good morning everyone!” He said, causing everyone to look.
“Good morning.” Said Atemu. “Glad you can make it.”
“Sorry about that.” Seto said as he took a seat.
Atemu raised and eyebrow. `He's apologizing? That's unusual.' He thought as he and everyone discussed about the issue.
When they finished and everyone, save for the two cousins, left to discuss the matter on their own, the young ruler looked over at the serious looking High Priest he knew too well.
“How are you this mid-morning?” He asked, than backed away by the instant cheerful smile the other displayed.
“Just great.” Seto said.
There was a moments of silence.
“Who are you and what the hell did you do to my cousin?”
Seto looked at the other confusingly. “What do you mean?”
“You're too happy.” Atemu said. “You're hardly ever happy. Hell, you rarely smile for Ra's sake.”
Seto shrugged. “You're point?”
Atemu was dumbfounded. “It's just… unexpected.”
Seto shrugged once more before getting up to leave. “Well, I better go, I have to be somewhere.” He said with a wave. “You should look outside, it's a beautiful day.” He added.
At this time, Yugi entered. “Good morning.” He said with his usual smiling face, which was quickly replaced by a confused look as Seto patted his head.
“Good morning Yugi.” Seto said as he walked out of the room.
“Okay…” Yugi said, who wasn't expecting a pat on the head like a child by Seto, let alone say good morning. “Did I miss something?”
Atemu shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine.”
Yugi shrugged. As he sat down on one of the throne's arms. “But it's kinda strange the way is Seto is acting.” He than remembered. “Come to think of it, Joey seems to be more cheerful than usual.”
“How so?”
“Well, earlier he just suddenly came out of nowhere, which nearly gave me a heart attack, gave me a bear hug, and when I asked if he's okay, he said that he felt fantastic and than just left saying that I was the greatest friend that anyone would ask for.” He shrugged. “Than I blanked out on what all of this was about.”
Atemu nodded.
“And you?”
He sighed. “I was discussing about the water shortage, than he came in with a wide smile and I said something and was expecting a glare, but he apologized. And when the discussion was over, I asked how he was and he just smiled once again, which was a little scary when you're used to the old way of how the other responded.”
Yugi nodded as the other continued.
“Than I asked him who he was and what happened to the other Seto, but he shrugged and than you came in.”
Yugi couldn't help but giggle than stopped.
“What's wrong?”
“Remember last night, when Seto was carrying Joey out of the party.”
Atemu thought for a moment than nodded.
“Do you think something might have happened?”
Atemu really took time thinking about a response to that. “I know Seto could handle a lot, and I doubt he drank over his limit in such a short time and do something.” He said.
Yugi nodded. “He did seem okay when he was carrying Joey out.” He said. “And Mateo mentioned that he only had three glasses of beer before throwing up. So, he can't be completely drunk, just ill.”
They looked at each other, trying to figure out how this would add up.
“Pharaoh!” Ahmose said. “You have to come out into the courtyard to speak to Mateo.”
Atemu sighed as he looked over at Yugi, who smiled.
“I'll meet you out in the gardens when you're done.” Yugi said.
Atemu nodded and stood up to follow Ahmose out of the throne room.
Yugi watched them disappear before sighing sadly. `I wish I could tell him how I felt.' He thought as he walked out into the halls slowly. `Why is it so hard to tell him I love him?' He looked out of the window that viewed the courtyard, where Mateo was teaching his men some drills and saw Ahmose and Atemu come out.
“You have to give it full meaning, otherwise its an empty word.”
He remembered what his grandfather said those few years ago. `How do you give a strong word an ability to make it loud enough to be heard?' He thought again as he looked at the young ruler. He lingered there for another moment before moving again slowly down the halls. Thinking of those words made him think about his grandfather. `I bet he's probably worried to death by now.' He looked sad. `If I find a way back home, I'll never see this place again.' He stopped. `I'll never see the palace, the river, the servants, the lords, Sha-lie, Ahmose, Mahado, Mana, Seto…' He looked shocked at the next thought that occurred. `And Atemu! I never see him again if I go back home!' Tears started to roll down his face as he started to run with no destination in mind.
Mana was walking down with Mahado, chatting lively. “And than he said-“ She was cut off when Yugi ran between them. “Yugi?”
“Master Yugi?”
He didn't hear them, nor did he care as tears still ran down his face.
“Was he crying?” Mana asked.
“It appears so.” Mahado said looking at the corner where Yugi turned.
“I wonder what happened that made him so upset?” Mana said.
“Let's ask the Pharaoh, he and the young master had always been close.”
Mana nodded. “Right.”
They quickly set off to find the young ruler.
He slowed down and fell to his knees. His vision was blurred with tears that have yet to fall, so he had no idea where he is and could care less. He than heard something… someone… moaning, yet trying to keep it down. He followed it to a closed door, one he didn't recognize. He looked around his surroundings and found out that he never came down this part of the palace before.
“Jeez Seto, lighten up will ya?”
Yugi's eyes went wide when he recognize the voice. `Joey!?' He thought as he notice a small crack on the door. He peeked in through the crack and nearly gasped at the site.
Joey was on top of Seto and were `joined'. The blonde was going in and out of the brunette as he arched his back and trying to not let a sound escape from his parted lips. Than Seto released and Joey collapsed, both panting hard.
“That… was perfect…” Seto said in between pants.
Joey slightly got up and came out of the other before collapsing again.
Seto held the tired blonde and kissed his temple.
Joey managed to straighten and leaned towards the other for a deep, passionate kiss. “I love you.” He said when they parted.
Seto held the other close. “And I love you.” He said as he kissed the other lightly.
Yugi, witnessing all this, stepped back and tried to figure out what was going on. He then remembered them both being happy from earlier. `They did do something last night!' He thought as he heard Seto laugh.
“What's so funny?” Joey asked.
“Nothing really.” Seto said in the unusual calmness. “It's the thought that made it seem that way.”
“Like what?”
“When you asked me if I had sex with anyone-“
“A guy.” Joey corrected.
Seto rolled his eyes. “And said that you want me to be the one to take you, it all seems…”
“Differently unexpected in it own amusing way.” Joey finished.
“You've been hanging around with me too long.”
Joey shook his head. “I don't mind, I found it ratha funny when ya show some kind a emotion.”
Seto raised an eyebrow.
“Like dat!” Joey pointed.
Seto shook his head and brought the other close to him before claiming the other's lips once more.
Yugi decided to walk away, thinking that he's been there long enough, and walked absently down the halls. `Joey and Seto are in love. That's why they were so happy today.' He thought as a smile came up `I'm glad for them.' The smile then looked a bit sad. `I wish I could tell Atemu how I felt.' Fresh tears fell as his legs were going on their own.
He half listened to what Mateo was saying, mostly because it was stories of glory and battle, and he already went through with that and hopefully that it won't happen again. Than Mahado and Mana came running up.
“Pharaoh!” Mahado called, getting the other's attention.
They stopped and tried to catch their breath.
“What's wrong?” Mateo asked.
When they recovered, Mana started.
“We were on our way to see you, Uncle, than all of a sudden Yugi runs by and he looked very upset.”
Atemu was shocked to hear this.
Mahado was next to speak. “We came here to see if you knew anything that might've upset him.”
Atemu shook his head. “He seemed fine when I saw him last.”
Everyone grew concerned about this, but the young ruler had it bad.
“Where did you see him?” He sounded demanding.
“He turned the corner somewhere over near the throne room.” Mana said.
“The left side to be exact.” Mahado added.
Atemu knew the place and dashed off without a word.
“Pharaoh!” They called, but he completely ignored them as he entered down the halls and took the turn that was suppose the youth took.
As he took the turn though, he bumped into two bodies. He looked to see both Joey and Seto, who looked messed up.
“What the hell is your hurry!” Seto said, annoyed that his cousin interrupted a kissing frenzy with his pup.
Atemu got up and dusted himself off. “You're lucky I don't have time to talk to you at the moment.” He said with a slight growl as he jumped over them.
“What's up wit `im?” Joey asked.
“You're asking me or yourself?”
“WHAT DO YOU T'INK!?” He said with a vein popping out.
Than Mana, Mahado, Mateo, and Ahmose came up, completely breathless.
“If you're looking for my cousin.” Seto said as he looked back. “You missed him.”
“No surprise.” Mana said as she fell to her knees.
“Mind tell'n us what da hell is Atemu's problem?”
The four sighed. “Well let you know in a moment.” Mateo said trying to relax a strain muscle in his leg.
The couple looked at each other and went into a silent agreement that they would find out themselves. They got up and walked down the direction the young ruler was moments ago.
He looked back and forth as he continued to run down the lengthy halls. `Where are you Yugi?' He thought as he stopped and tried to think of the likely places that the other would be. He sighed, completely worried about the small teen. That's when he heard it, a soft sound of someone crying. He noticed that he was near his private garden and quietly walked through to follow the sound. He went through the thick stalks of papyrus and found the youth on a small island that was created by the tree root. “Yugi?” He said, making the other to look up. He saw the puffy red eyes and tear stains down his child-like face. “What's-“
“Leave me alone.” Yugi cut off as he buried his head back to his knees, missing the hurt and shocked expression on the other's face.
Atemu sat down beside the other, still confused about the other's actions. “Yugi, please tell me what made you upset.” He said softly.
Yugi rolled up tighter into a ball and murmured. “Nothing.”
Atemu obviously didn't believe it. “You sure?”
Yugi stayed silent.
“Yugi, I'm not leaving you like this unless you give me a good reason to.”
Yugi turned his head till his eye was showing, before lifting his head so his chin rested his knees and looking at the water in front of him. “I really don't want to talk about it.” He said.
Atemu leaned back against the tree trunk. “You may feel better that you did though.” He said.
Yugi sighed. “Or make you feel worse.”
Atemu didn't like to see the other so down. “I would like to help you, Yugi.” He rubbed the other's back. “Like you helped me.”
Yugi stayed silent as the other rubbed his back in small circles.
`This must be really troubling him if he feels this way.' Atemu thought.
Yugi than quickly wrapped his arms around the other and murmured something on his chest while fresh tears came down.
Atemu was almost surprised by the quick action, but wrapped his arms around the other as he cried and murmured words he could barely grasp.
When the youth settled, he stayed in that position to let the tears disappear and enjoy the feeling of being close to the young ruler.
Atemu stroked the other's hair as he looked at the other, waiting patiently.
“Yes Yugi?'
Yugi got up, but kept his head down. “Remember when Ahmose wanted to talk to me alone for a moment.”
Atemu nodded. “Yes.”
“He told me what he found out and that I have to do it.” He looked to the side. “But the thing is, when I do find a way to get me and Joey back… I would never come back here, ever!”
Atemu wiped away some escaped tears. “Yugi, even if we're millennia's apart, we'll always have something that could remind us of the people you care about. For you, it will be the knowledge that your time has to offer and the items that prove that you were here.”
“What about you?” Yugi asked quietly.
Atemu softly smiled and leaned in a little before showing his hand, with the ring on it. “Everytime I look at the ring you gave me that night, I see your eyes, your smile, and I would remember the fun we had that day. And I would know that I didn't imagine you and that you were as real as anything here.”
Yugi slowly looked up, but didn't say anything.
Atemu saw this and placed his hand over the other's petite ones. “I know you and Joey have loved ones back home that need you more than we do here. But that doesn't mean that we will forget what happened here and always treasure what we've experienced here.”
Yugi looked up to see kind crimson eyes as he wiped away his tears and smiled a little. “Thanks.” He giggled a little. “You're starting to sound like a Pharaoh.”
Atemu chuckled. “You think so?”
Yugi took a hand full of water and splashed it in the other's face before dashing off into the papyrus stalks. “Catch me if you can!”
Atemu blinked for a moment before laughing and going after the youth. “Oh that won't be a problem!”
Yugi laughed somewhere in the stalks. “Oh really!” He than went out of the stalky forest and swam out in to the deep end of the pond and waited.
Atemu popped his head out of the stalks and took a moment to admire how the sparkling waters made the other look radiant. “Oh yes really!” He called, making the other look at him.
Yugi laughed as he took a deep breath and went under water, making the other look around.
Atemu sighed. “He's spent way too much time with me.”
“You got that right!” Yugi said as he pushed the other from behind into the water.
When the young ruler got out, he turned to see a laughing youth.
“You should see yourself!” Yugi said holding the stalks for support.
Atemu looked a little annoyed, but couldn't help but smile at how happy the small teen is. `Better than a moment ago.' He thought.
The two looked over at Joey.
“What da hell happen!?”
Yugi smiled. “I was feeling down than Atemu helped me back up again!”
Joey looked lost. “Oh, okay den!” He looked over at Seto. “Sometime's my pal is strange.”
“You're telling me?” Seto said.
Joey glared. “Shud up.”
Yugi went up to Atemu and whispered. “I saw them earlier, kissing.”
Yugi nodded.
“What was dat!?” Joey shouted. “I know ya were talk'n about me!”
“You're being paranoid!” Yugi called.
“No! I `ave a sixth sense about dis!”
Both Seto and Atemu shook their heads as the two semi-argued.
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*hums while holding the phone* Darn, busy.
Bakura: Damn it all.
Hey, I sent her a message sometime ago. So you just have to wait.
Bakura: *looks at Marik* She better turn him back to his human self.
I'm sure she will. *hears door opening* Hey Malik.
Malik: Hey Cupid. Have you seen Marik?
*points to kitten* Right there.
Malik: *looks at kitten Marik* Aww… Aren't you cute.
Marik: *growls*
Malik: *scratches chin* You like that?
Marik: *purrs*
I don't think he'll mind being a cat for a little while.
Bakura: *groan* I still hate you.
I know you do.