Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Eventful ( Chapter 40 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everyone! Thanks for the reviews! They mean a lot.
Bakura: *still struggling with the maid outfit* Damn… that… bitch! *trips* … Crap…
… *sigh**door bell* Come in!
Mahado c.: Hey! I hope you don't mind if I brought along some of my furry friends.
Not a problem.
B/M: Oh no!
*five cats and a dog comes in*
Marik: Stampede! *runs*
Bakura: *a black and white cat gets on top of him*
Mahado c.: That's Trixie. *points to other cats* The white, black and brown one is Moose, the orange one is Mandy, and you know Marak and Midnight. *dog barks* And this is Qunnie!
Aww! They're so cute!
Marik: Can't we kill them?
Bakura: No.
Marik: Why not?
Bakura: *glares* You want to be bitch slapped by Baset?
Marik: Oh… Almost for got about her.
Yeah, and if she doesn't kill you. *points to Mahado c.* Than she will.
Mahado c.: *glares at the two* If you even dare hurt my sweethearts, YOU'RE GOING TO PAY BIG TIME!!!
B/M: *cringe*
Okay, now that we're settled, lets all enjoy the new chapter!
Mahado c.: Yay!
B/M: …
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Ch. 40: Eventful
Atemu and Yugi entered their room and headed towards the closet to dry off and change clothes.
Usually they respect their privacy when it comes to changing, but Yugi ended with the one with the mirror and was he saw, made him froze. The reflection showed Atemu's back, with multiple scars from the neck and past the waist line. The memory of `It' came and remembered the pain in the other's face when `It' held him up and threatened to kill him.
Atemu sensed something as he took off his shirt. He slightly turned and saw the mirror and heard the other gasped. He turned and saw that the other was struggling with his top, which was soaked tight. He went over and helped the youth with his shirt than both were left in their sheti, which is a type of Egyptian skirt.
“I didn't mean to look.” Yugi said looking at the wall in front of him.
Atemu sighed before putting up a small soft smile. “It's okay.” He said as he placed a hand on the other's shoulder.
Yugi slowly looked over his shoulder and saw kind crimson. Than he saw a huge scare on the other's chest that went from the left shoulder to the right thigh.
Atemu smiled bitterly. “This was my first one when I came to his room. Hurt like hell for a week.
Yugi absently ran his fingers lightly on the upper part of the scar, causing the other to shiver. He took his hand away, thinking that the shiver was a bad sign and turned to face the wall. “I'm sorry.”
Atemu wrapped his arms around the other's shoulders. “For what? You've done nothing wrong.”
Yugi knew he'd been close to the young ruler like this, but they were topless and this was different for him. He opened his mouth, but no words came.
“You were curious, there's no crime in that.”
Yugi blushed when he felt the hot breath along his exposed skin. `Gods! Does he have any idea what he's doing to me!?' He thought as he tried to calm himself down, not realizing that he was panting heavily.
Atemu noticed this and backed away a little. `He's trying to not let his hormones get to him.' He thought as he waited, but was perplexed by the look the small teen was showing. `Looks like we're both going to try to fight our needs till we're ready.' He closed his eyes. `No… when he's ready.' He felt the other relax. `I've already been taken… by force.' “Are you alright?” He asked, sounding like he didn't notice anything.
“Uh, yeah, I'm fine.” Yugi said as a blush appeared.
“Am I making you uncomfortable?”
Atemu raised an eyebrow.
“I mean… uh… darn it…”
Atemu shook his head before leaning down and kissed the other, how immediately silenced and fluttered his eyes to close.
The peaceful moment was interrupted with someone clearing their throat. They looked to see Seto, grinning like a cat, and Joey, covering his eyes.
Yugi blushed embarrassedly while Atemu glared.
“Has no on taught you to knock!” Atemu said.
“I did knock.” Seto said.
“More like a light tap, if ya ask me.” Joey said.
Seto glared at the blonde before looking back at his cousin.
“What the hell do you want now?” Atemu said.
“Just giving you your schedule.” Seto said waving a scroll.
“… That's it?” Atemu said. “You could've given it to me in the morning.”
“Dat's what I said, but no, ya `ave da embaress dem.” Joey said.
Seto glared. “Well, I'm here now so might as well take the damn schedule and we'll be right out.”
Atemu grabbed the scroll quickly and whacked it over the brunette's head. “Now leave before I start chasing you!” He warned.
“Fine, fine.” Seto said as he walked away and rubbing the sore spot on his head.
“Sorry about dat.” Joey said.
“It's not your fault.” Atemu said.
“We'll see ya.” Joey said as he ran to catch up with the other and started another round of arguing.
Atemu looked back at the youth, who found a shirt to wear for the night and was looking around at nothing. “Yugi, I'm sorry for being forward.”
Yugi looked at him and shook his head. “We were just surprised by the unexpected.”
“You mean interruptions.” Atemu said crossing his arms when a towel hit his face.
“Hey. Joey said that he was sorry.”
Atemu chuckled. “Yes I know. Its that damn cousin of mine who I was thinking of.”
“Get a lock!”
“A lock so he wouldn't budge in so easily.”
“It's not so easy Yugi.”
“Than ask Ahmose to create a spell or something.”
“That's not a bad idea.” Atemu said as he and Yugi walked out of the closet.
“You guys don't get along much, do you?”
“Never have, never will.”
A loud knock was heard throughout the room.
“Yo! It's me Joey.”
“Come in!” Atemu said while Yugi giggled.
Joey entered with a sheepish smile. “I'm not bothern' anyt'in, am I”
“We were just talking about putting a spell on Atemu's door.” Yugi said.
Joey laughed. “Dat'll work!” He said than looked at the two oddly.
“What's the matter?” Yugi asked.
“Eitha Atemu's shink'n or ya grew.”
“Huh?” Yugi said.
“I swear da first time we came `ere, ya were eye leva da `is shoulder.” Joey pointed to Atemu. “Now ya eye leva da `is chin.”
The two looked at each other for a moment.
“He's right.” Atemu said.
Yugi blinked. “Seriously?”
“Would I ever lie?” Atemu said.
“Alright!” Joey exclaimed as he went up and gave the small teen a noogie. “Ya finally grew a few inches!”
“Cut it out Joey!” Yugi said trying to get out of the arm lock.
Atemu shook his head as he watched the two.
Joey let the other go. “Alright, I betta head back da Seto's room.”
“Make sure you tell him if he tries to enter my room again, he's going to get it.” Atemu said.
“Got it, but don't expect `im da follow.” Joey said as he walked out of the room.
“You really think I grew a little?” Yugi asked.
Atemu nodded. “Believe it or not you did.”
Yugi walked infornt of the other and stood on his tip toes till he was eye level with his eyes. He realized that his heel isn't at least half an inch off the ground to be the same height as the other. “You two were right.” He said as the other laughed before calming down and kissed him.
“Of course, otherwise the gods might as well strike us down if we lied.”
Yugi rolled his eyes and kissed him. “Sometimes I think you're giving me more credit than I deserve.”
Atemu wrapped his arms around the youth's waist and pulled him close. “In other words I'm spoiling you.”
Yugi rolled his eyes. “More or less.”
Atemu chuckled as he ruffled the other's hair.
“Hey!” Yugi laughed as he moved the other's hand. “I had enough from Joey's noggie.”
Atemu laughed. “Alright then.” He calmed down and looked at the other before brushing away a bang. `It's going to be hard to let him go when he does have to leave.'
“What are you thinking about?” Yugi asked.
“You had that lost look on your face, and that means that you're thinking about something.”
Atemu blinked. “It's noth-“
“Atemu…” Yugi cut him off while giving him a look that said `just-tell-me'.
“Really Yugi, it's nothing to worry about.” Atemu reassured. `At least not yet.'
Yugi didn't look convinced but decided to let it be. “It's going to be hard forgetting all of you when we do have to go home.”
Atemu nodded as the youth rested his head on the crock of his neck and shoulder. “I really don't know what's going to happen after we leave.” Yugi said. “And it's scary, not knowing.”
Atemu rubbed the other's back. “I know, but that's the joy and sorrow of life, you couldn't predict what's going to happen when it does. You can only move foreword and face it.”
“You sound way too much like a Pharaoh.”
Atemu chuckled. “What would you expect?”
Yugi giggled. “Thanks.”
“For what?”
“For cheering me up.”
Atemu smiled. “How else would I repay you for always trying to cheer me up?”
“I didn't do much.”
“Oh, I beg the differ on that.” Atemu said tapping the youth's nose.
“We better get to bed.” Yugi said as he gently pushed the other away. “You don't want another rude awakening by Seto.”
Atemu rolled his eyes. “Don't remind me.”
Yugi laughed as he headed over to his bed. “See ya in the morning then.”
Atemu nodded. “Same.” He said as he went over to his bed.
When both laid down, neither of them fell asleep. Both were use to being together, but both realized that they have to overcome their fight with their hormones before anything happens. `It's for the best.' They both thought as they listened to the continuing rain.
Moments later, thunder was heard in the distance. Atemu didn't pay any mind to it, trying to at least sleep a little; Yugi's case was different.
`I hope it doesn't get closer.' He thought as another thunder became known, causing him to put the pillow over his head. `Jeez! I'm seventeen and I'm still afraid of thunder! How sad is that?'
The thunder became louder as well as the rain became harder.
`Oh no. Please don't let it be a stor-` He stopped at mid-thought as he heard not one but three roaring thunders and the rain seemed to get harder with each boom. Soon he couldn't take it and jolted out of bed and jumped into the others, who was surprised by this.
“Yugi?” Atemu said. “What's wr-“ He was about to say when loud boom of thunder came, making the teen hold onto him like a lifeline.
“I HATE STORMS!!” Yugi cried as he tried to burrow his head to the other's chest.
Atemu wrapped his arms around the teen in a comfortive embrace as he whispered calming words for the other. But it seems the storm wasn't going to let up any time soon, making the small teen shiver violently out of fear. He tried to think of other ways that would help to get the other's mind off of the storm. He placed a hand behind the other's head and started to hum.
Yugi didn't what the young ruler was doing until he heard the humming, even feeling the vibrations. Soon, the booming seemed to quieted at the humming seen to drown out all sounds. He felt relaxed and closed his eyes before falling asleep.
Atemu continued to hum for another minute or so before he stopped and let the peaceful sleep claim him. `At least the storms are good for something.' He thought as he fell asleep.
~-Next Morning-~
Atemu was peacefully sleeping when something jumped on him, which made him wake up and sprung to an upright sitting position.
“Morning Atemu!” Yugi said with a smile.
“Yugi?” Atemu sighed. “Please don't do that.”
Yugi gave a pouted look. “Sorry about that.”
Atemu just smiled. “You're forgiven.” He said as he kissed the other fully on the lips.
Just than, there was a knock on the door.
“Yo! It's Joey!”
“Come in!” The two said as the blonde entered.
“Rise n' shine sleepy heads!” Joey said.
“We're already up Joey.” Yugi said with a laugh.
Joey laughed. “I can see dat!”
“You two are just a couple of happy-go-lucky guys, aren't you?” Atemu said.
“You could say that.” Yugi said as he got off the other.
“Well, don't you two make a cute couple.” Joey teased, making both of them blush.
“Well, you and Seto make an odd couple.” Yugi countered.
Joey shrugged. “So what? We like da argue.”
“Speak for yourself pup.” Seto said, causing the blonde to jump.
“Where da hell did ya come from!?”
Atemu shook his head. “I'll tell you one thing,” He said looking at the small teen, who was looking at him. “That my cousin is good at starting an argument.” This caused the teen to laugh.
“Atemu.” Seto said. “Have you even bothered to look at your schedule?”
Atemu rolled his eyes. “No, Seto, I haven't looked at the damn schedule, not do I care to look.”
Yugi looked at the abandoned scroll and walked over to it, while the two cousins battle it out.
Joey leaned against the frame of the door and looked at the brunette with amused interest. He than looked at the young ruler's chest and mentally winced.
“Atemu.” Yugi called, making the mentioned person look over and completely ignoring his cousin.
“Yes Yugi?”
“You have a short meeting in the afternoon; everything else is a free bee for today.”
Atemu smiled. “That's good to know.”
An exaggerated sigh was heard from the High Priest. “Now that you know the day, will you get your lazy royal ass out of bed and get down there!”
Atemu sighed and stretched. “Joey, keep him sane while I get ready.”
“Is dat an orda?” Joey asked making the brunette look at him.
Atemu smirked. “Yes, I suppose.”
“Alright den!” Joey said as he, surprising the other, pulled the High Priest out of the room. “Take ya time!” He called before closing the door.
Atemu shook his head amusingly as he got up from bed.
“Want anything to eat?” Yugi asked stretching his arms.
“Heading to the kitchens?”
“Okay.” Yugi gave a chaste kiss to the other before running towards the door. “Be right back!” He said before disappearing.
Atemu smiled as he saw the door closed. He felt like walking on air every time he saw the youth in all of his innocent glory. But he slightly frowned at the darker part of it, the part where his hormones keep reminding him of his sinful desire; the desire he loathed. `Stop thinking like that idiot!' He kept telling himself over and over, but only to get worse. He then had to force the memory of his `meetings', which shook him, but at least stopped his hormones from taking over. He straightened himself and brought back his posture. `I don't want to be like him. I never want to do anything of the sort.' He looked at the clothes absently in his closet. He picked an outfit out by random and put it on.
“I'm back!” Yugi said carrying a basket of grapes and apples. “I couldn't find anything else, so we're stuck with fruit.” He called as he grabbed an apple.
“That's fine!” Atemu called from the closet. “I'm really not in the mood for something cooked anyway.” He walked out.
“Wow Atemu!” Yugi said. “You look great.”
Atemu looked at the outfit he picked out; a pair of lose, white pants that tie up around the ankles, a black `belt' with gold lining, a black shirt, and the usual gold accessories and cape. “To be fully honest, I picked his out of random.” He said as he picked a few grapes and popped them in his mouth.
Yugi shrugged. “Still looks good.” He said and added. “Kinda nice to see a change to what you usually wear.”
Atemu rolled his eyes as he popped in a few more grapes in his mouth. “So what are you going to be doing while I'm in the meeting?”
“Probably talk to Joey.”
There was silence for a moment.
“Want to stroll around the village after the meeting?” Yugi asked.
Atemu smiled. “I'd like that a lot.”
Yugi giggled. “Well, it has been a slow eventful morning.”
Atemu nodded. “Agreed, and the afternoon meeting won't help quicken it.”
Yugi shook his head. “It'll be over before you know it.”
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That's it folks!
Mahado c.: Chapter is over already?
Mahado c.: Aww…
Hey I'm going to work on a few chapters in my book and then its back to typing!
Bakura: Get this crazy thing off me!
Marik: Speak for yourself!
*sweat dropped* Oh boy. *door knocks* Come in! … Oh hey Ryou, hey Malik, what's up.
R/M: Hey Cupid.
Malik: We're just seeing how our guys are doing. *looks over at the other two* I see you got everything under control.
*rolls eyes* Malik and Ryou, this is Mahado cupid. Mahado cupid, Malik and Ryou.
Mahado c.: Hey.
M/R: Hey.
Well, that's all the time we have, so…