Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Simple Moments ( Chapter 41 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yay! More reviews! And I got new reviewers! Double yay! *jumps around like and idiot*
Bakura: *stares in complete boredom*
Marik: *doing the same* What's she happy about?
Bakura: The same thing.
Marik: Oh…
*goes up to them and gives them a bear hug* You guys are the best!
Bakura: *becomes stiff* That's great to hear. NOW LET GO OF ME RA DAMN IT!!
*happy mood disappeared and whacks them upside the head*
Bakura: OW!
Marik: Damn…
B/M: What the hell was that for!?
For ruining my good mood. *glares at them*
B/M: *slightly backs away from the glare*
Bakura: Well don't take it out on us.
Marik: Actually, we did kinda dampen the day a little.
Bakura: Since when were you intelligent?
Marik: Hey! Just because I have a rap for being insane doesn't mean I'm psychotic!
Bakura: Oh yeah!
Marik: Yeah!
B/M: *glare war*
… *sigh* Why do I even put up with them?
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Ch.41: Simple Moments
The village was packed with life; children running and causing mischief, merchants chanting shoppers' attention, even animals run amok of the busy streets. Within the crowd are two hooded figures walking hand in hand.
“Wow, everyone looks so busy.” Yugi said looking around.
“After that storm, everyone seems to be relieved that the Nile is once again flowing as it's should.”
“Well, the Nile is Kemet's life's blood.”
Atemu nodded. “Very well put Yugi.”
A few merchants tried to cope them to buy something, but they politely shook their heads and continued their way.
“I'm glad we got out of the palace.” Yugi said. “It's such a great day.”
Atemu nodded. “Yes, better than what we had for awhile.”
“No kidding!”
They both laughed as a dog ran pass them along with two kids. They reached out to the small piers, where fishermen brought in fresh fish to sell.
“I'm tell'n you, if the rains didn't come like they did, we'd all had to find new work to do!” Said one fisherman.
“We'd have to thank both the gods and our Pharaoh for brining it in such a desperate time.” Said another.
The two listened to the fishermen and were about to leave when the third spoke up.
“Now hold on! It's not just the gods and the Pharaoh!”
The two fishermen and the two hooded figures looked at him as if he lost his mind.
“Why's that?” The first fisherman said.
“Don't you remember what our Pharaoh was like not long ago?”
The two fishermen nodded.
“Well, think of the Pharaoh as the Nile. For some reason the Niles water flow started to slow, as if something was blocking it from doing what its suppose to do.”
At this point, a few other fishermen came and joined to hear what their fellow worker had to say.
“The Pharaoh had the same problem; we don't know what's blocking him to be his best. But than, as rumors have it, some kid from nowhere comes in and helps our Pharaoh shove aside whatever was blocking his way.”
“Where the hell are you getting at?” The fourth fisherman said.
“All I'm trying to say is that the Pharaoh is the Nile, and this kid the unexpected rain.”
There was a moment of silence as everyone thought about this.
“Damn your deep thinking!” Said one of the fishermen and the rest agreed.
While that was going on, Atemu and Yugi were somewhat surprised by this.
“I never thought of it that way.” Yugi said.
“Neither have I.” Atemu said.
They continued their walk as they found a quiet deserted area to be somewhere away from the public eye. The grass almost reached their knees as Yugi let go of the other's hand and laid down, the other following suite.
“Now this is how I like my day to be.” Atemu said closing his eyes. “Relaxing in the sun, with no interruptions, no meetings, and no annoying cousin. Just peace and quiet.”
Yugi giggled as they lay there, enjoying the warm day. “How long before everyone realized that we're missing?”
“I'll give them and hour.” Atemu said with a contented smile. “This is the first time I felt so carefree in a long time.”
Yugi looked over. “Really?”
Atemu nodded. “And I'm planning on enjoying every second of it before going back to my lonely palace.”
“What about me?” Yugi got up. “I thought I was a great company to you.”
Atemu laughed as he got up as well. “Of course you are! I was referring to my duty as a Pharaoh.”
“Oh.” Yugi said. “I see what you mean.”
Atemu smiled as he wrapped an arm around the other's shoulder before lightly kissing the other.
Yugi didn't expect that, but didn't mind as he returned the kiss lovingly. Than he did, to the young king, the unexpected. He deepened the kiss and hesitantly brought his tongue out and brush over the other's bottom lip.
`Making the first move?' Atemu thought as he slightly opened his mouth.
Yugi hesitantly and slowly entered his tongue into the other's mouth. `Why am I being bold again?' He thought. `Too late now.' His tongue met the others and became a slow dance, becoming comfortable.
Atemu could taste traces of that apple and honey that the other had for a light lunch and felt a craving sensation to taste more. `Don't push it too far!' He kept that thought up until a soft hand was placed to the right side of his face as the youth explored more of his heated cavern. He didn't mind, he enjoyed the feeling of the other one's muscle going around carefully and slowly. Than the need of air came and broke the kiss.
Yugi was lightly panting while Atemu took slow deep breaths. “I-I'm sorry.” Yugi said, after he caught up with his breathing and his mind out of the fog.
“For what?” Atemu asked.
“I-I was being forward, and… and…” Yugi didn't know how to continue with that.
Atemu leaned over so that they were eye level. “Dear Yugi, you shouldn't feel ashamed for taking a small step.”
Yugi looked lost.
“Weren't you hesitant when you silently asked for entrance?”
Yugi nodded.
“Now, I would have slightly pushed you away and probably give you a look.”
Yugi tilted his head down to the ground.
“But I allowed you in, instead.” Atemu placed his hand under the youth's chin and lifted his head up a little. “Than you went slow, taking your time.”
“It's the first time I frenched kissed anyone.” Yugi admitted.
“And I didn't push you away on that one as well.” Atemu said with a smile.
“I was still being forward.”
Atemu sighed. “You were not.”
“Yes I-“Yugi was about to say when the young ruler quickly laid him on the ground and started to bruise his lips while forcing his tongue in. This action confused the other as it was soon over.
“That's an example of being forward.” Atemu said. “And it becomes painful if you do that to a random person, because you never know what they'll do.”
Yugi could recall a few times he witness that happening at school or at the mall; some were slapped, and some were being called up by the police for molestering, but most were either slapped or beaten to a pulp. “I see what you mean.”
Atemu smiled and placed a kiss on the other's forehead. “Sorry if I startled you while doing that example.”
Yugi shook his head. “Don't worry about it.”
Atemu smiled as he picked him up. “We should start heading back.”
Yugi pouted. “Aww… Why!?”
Atemu sighed. “Because Seto would send out my guards, then they'll create mishap on the people, and the people are going to be flat out pissed and I'll never hear the end of it!”
Yugi sighed. “Okay.”
Atemu had an idea. “What's wrong little one?”
Yugi just looked at him. “First thing, I'm almost as tall as you and second, I just don't feel like going back to the palace and waste a perfect day just behind the walls.”
At this point, Atemu wrapped an arm around the teen and stepped back.
“What are-“Yugi was about to say when the other bend down and came up, carrying him, bridal style. “What on-“
“I thought you would like to enjoy the remaining day being carried by me.”
“Are you sure that's a good idea?”
“Yes, why?”
“You sure I won't break you're arms off?”
Atemu blinked and laughed. “Oh come now! You're practically light as a feather!”
“If you say so.”
Atemu smiled. “I know so.”
Yugi snuggled and the two were off back to their secret way back to the palace.
By the time Atemu made it over to the abandoned house, Yugi was fast asleep. “Yugi.” He said slightly shaking. “Yugi, time to get up.”
Yugi managed to open one lazy eye and groan. “But I like it here.” He said.
“I know.” Atemu said. “And I really don't want to let you go, but…” He secured the upper body as he let his arm down that was carrying the legs down, letting the feet almost touch the ground.
“Meanie.” Yugi mumbled sleepily as he walked over to where the trap door was and started to climb down the ladder. “Do you think Seto noticed that we were gone?”
“Gods I hope not.”
Yugi giggled. “You two definitely like to compete one another.”
“Always have and will continue on in the afterlife.”
“By that time the gods would have to find a way to get rid of you.”
“True, but that won't happen for awhile.”
Yugi rolled his eyes and shook his head. “You're just one big case that won't crack easily.”
Atemu laughed and ruffled the youth's hair. “I maybe a case, but I'm a case that only has eyes for you.”
“You sound like a love struck fool.”
Atemu winked. “I can't always be formal about things.”
“That's true.” Yugi said as he held the other's hand. “And we all need to be a little crazy every now and then.”
They reached to the door and exited it, they heard shouts from the second floor and saw Joey running with armfuls of scrolls and laughing.
“If ya want ya scrolls back, ya `ave da catch me!” He said as Seto appeared and looked as though he went through a marathon, and stopped for a breather before high tailing it.
“But in Joey's case.” Atemu put. “He's crazy everyday.”
Yugi shrugged. “What can I say? He's a crazy, fun-loving, care-free guy.”
Joey, now on ground floor, running with the scrolls in arms embrace and Seto pursuing with the saying. “Come back here Mutt!”
“And Seto being the serious, rare-emotional, but still good-guy-wants-you-get-to-know-him.” Yugi said.
Atemu smiled as he embraced the teen. “And you are a caring, innocently-pure, warm, thoughtful, and completely selfless.”
Yugi smiled and slightly shook his head. “As of you are a strong-willed, kind, open-minded, though have an unexpected change from formal to informal.” He kissed the young ruler's cheek. “And I wouldn't change that for anything.”
Atemu started to chuckle. “We're starting to sound like a couple of newly weds.”
“Don't we have the right to?” Yugi said with a raise eyebrow and smirk.
“Yo! Lovebirds!”
They looked over to see Joey, with one scroll in hand.
“If ya done wit goosy words, den Atemu needs da go ova to da throne room wit Seto!”
As if on cue, Seto arrived with armfuls of scrolls and leaned against a pillar. “I'm going to get you for this.” He said while panting.
“We'll ya need a little excitement in ya day!”
“Oh boy.” Yugi said with a sweat drop.
Atemu shook his head at the two and looked at the other before him. “Well I better go see what they want to discuss now.” He said.
“Well I'm not going to hold you back, my once troubled Nile.” Yugi said making the other laugh.
“I'll see you later this evening.” Atemu said as he placed a kiss on the youth's forehead. “My unexpected rain, who held my heart the first time I acknowledged its presence.” He than went over to Seto, who groaned as he got up and walked along side his cousin.
Joey shook his head. “Seto maybe a pain in da ass, but he's my pain in da ass dat I make fun of.” He said as he looked over at the teen, and his smiling face disappeared to a concern look. “Yuge?”
Yugi looked completely shocked.
“Yuge? Ey, what's wrong?” Joey waved his hands in front of the youth's face but to no avail. “Yuge. Ey! Come on!” He shook the youth, which worked.
“Huh? Wha?” Yugi responded.
“What happened to ya?” Joey asked. “Ya were dazed out or somet'n.”
“Sorry Joey, it's just…”
“What Yuge? Ya just…”
Yugi took a deep breath. “I think… I know how we could get home.”
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Dun! Dun! Dun!
Bakura: Do you have to do that?
Marik: Must you ask, Bakura-kun.
Bakura: *whacks Marik* Don't you dare call me that, you crazy ass!
Marik: *rubs head* That hurts you know…
Bakura: Does it look like I care?
Hey, hey, hey. No fighting!
Bakura: We weren't fighting.
I'm preventing one.
Marik: *rolls eyes*
Anyway… R&R everyone!
Bakura: You think that for the millionth time, they would know what to do by now?
Marik: Some just don't feel like reviewing.
*sigh* I really need new co-hosts.