Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Truth or Dare pt.1 ( Chapter 42 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bakura: Hey Cupid! Review mail!
Bakura: Yeah, and one of them said that it should be a paperback.
Bakura: And there's another that asks what's your deal with cliffy.
I'm famous for that though!
Marik: Yeah but it drives people up the walls.
Than that means I'm doing a good job at getting their interests.
Bakura: Than you take a couple days off writing and leaving your viewers into insanity.
Hey! I'm doing the best I can here!
Marik: Oh brother, here we go again.
B/Me: Shut up Marik! Jinx! Double jinx! Triple jinx! *continues the jinxes*
Marik: I might as well start the damn story. Here you go, enjoy and all that shit.
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Ch.42: Truth or Dare pt. 1
#Last Time#
“Yuge? Ey, what's wrong?” Joey waved his hands in front of the youth's face but to no avail. “Yuge. Ey! Come on!” He shook the youth, which worked.
“Huh? Wha?” Yugi responded.
“What happened to ya?” Joey asked. “Ya were dazed out or somet'n.”
“Sorry Joey, it's just…”
“What Yuge? Ya just…”
Yugi took a deep breath. “I think… I know how we could get home.”
Joey just started at him for a moment. “Ya know how we could what?”
“Go home Joey.” Yugi said as he tried to fight back tears.
“Oh…” Joey said. “Well… isn't dat a good t'ing?” He didn't sound convincing and the other knew it.
“It would've, but…”
They fell silent as they thought about the same thing.
“Well… Serenity is counting on me.” Joey said, trying to sound positive.
“And Grandpa needs my help around the shop.” Yugi said trying to do the same.
But none of them work.
“Ya sure?” Joey asked.
“I don't know Joey, and to tell you the truth… I'm kinda… afraid.”
Yugi nodded.
Joey leaned in. “Mind tell'n me what's on ya mind?”
Yugi thought for a moment than shook his head. “Not now.”
Joey nodded. “Alright.” He smiled reassuringly. “Just let me know, kay?”
Yugi managed nod.
“Kay, if ya need me…”
“I'll find you.” Yugi managed to say while keeping the tears in.
Joey patted the other's shoulder and walked down the halls. `Poor Yuge.' He thought. `Have'n da do dis on`es own like dis.' He sighed. `At least `e `as someone `e could talk to.'
~*-Yugi's POV-*~
I walked along the halls when I caught site of Ahmose and Sha-lie chatting lovingly at each other.
`They don't have a problem in being apart, since they both live here and in the same time frame.' I thought bitterly, which is a rarity in my case.
I walked to Atemu's room and crashed down on my own bed that was across from his bed.
`Why does this have to be so damn difficult!?' I thought as I bury my face in a pillow, where my tears started to flow freely. ` ...who held my heart the first time I acknowledged its presence.' I remembered what he said and groaned. `Why did he have to say that!?'
It took a few moments before I turned and looked up at the ceiling. `Though, I didn't exactly told him how I would get back.' I thought with a sigh. `And what if I was completely wrong about all this… I mean, it can't be all about that… right?' I rolled to my side. `Maybe I should talk to Joey about this tomorrow, he should know.' I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but the thoughts kept me from doing so.
Than I heard the door open and close and tried to look like I'm asleep. I felt fingertips brush away some bangs that were on my face and felt lips on my temple.
“Sweet dreams Yugi.” Atemu said as I felt some kind of cloth go over my body and the footsteps started to head over to his bed and a heavy sigh was heard.
I managed to open one eye and found out that the cloth was his cape. `So warm…' I thought as I went to sleep.
~-Next Morning-~
I woke up, and was greeted with the sunlight in my eyes, which caused me to groan and looked around. I found out that Atemu wasn't here, but there was a note on the desk. I got up, stretched my lazy limbs, and walked over to read the note.
Sorry that I didn't wake you, but I didn't have to heart to do so. I'm in three meetings this morning so I won't be able to see you until late in the afternoon.
I smiled. `That was kind of him to let me sleep in.' I thought as I grabbed an apple. `At least it will give me time to talk to Joey.' I than felt a little sad. `I hope I know what I'm getting myself into.'
~-Time-lapse Normal POV-~
Yugi walked down the halls towards the kitchens, where he found Joey, beating up some kind of meat.
“Not so tough now! Ain't cha?” Joey said to the beat up meat.
“Ah… Joey?”
“Yeah?” Joey looked over. “Oh `ey Yuge! What's `appen'n?”
“Well… I wanted to talk to you.”
Joey looked at the other before putting down the hammer he used, and placed the meat into the pot and walked out of the area with the small teen. “I know a place.” He said as they walked down the halls to a stack of pottery.
They went behind the stack and found a door that lead to a bare room with only two chairs, a small table and a huge, soft, tan-colored carpet.
“Seto n' I found dis room n' did a few t'ings to make it look cozy.” Joey explained. “So now dis room is for when we wanta be alone, wit out interruptions.” He than knocked on the walls. “N' it's even sound proof.”
Yugi looked amazed. “Wow.”
“I know.” Joey sat down in one chair and mentioned the other to take a seat, which he did. “So Yuge, spill.” He said as he looked at the other.
“Well,” Yugi started. “Yesterday, Atemu, and I quote, said `My unexpected rain, who held my heart the first time I acknowledged its presence'.”
Joey nodded.
“When he said that, I remembered what the scroll said and realized what I had to do, but at the same time I have no idea.”
“So, what do ya `ave da do?”
Yugi sighed. “Give him back his heart, so he'll feel whole.”
Joey thought back on the scroll. “Oh yeah, I rememba.” He said. “So… what are ya gonna do?”
Yugi fidgeted on that. “Well…” He blushed.
“Come on pal, ya could tell me.” Joey encouraged.
Yugi took a deep breath, but didn't look at the blonde. “I thought about sex… but…” He blushed a deep red when he said that.
Joey just sat there and looked at the other teen.
“Joey please say something.” Yugi said as the silence became deafening.
“Ya sure about that?” Joey asked.
“Well… yes and no… mostly no… I don't know Joey!” Yugi scratched his head. “I don't want to be `It'! And I don't want to use him just to get home! It's just… isn't fair… for either of us.”
Joey nodded. “I see what ya go'n through.”
“Yeah. Ya afraid dat Atemu would get da wrong idea n' hate ya, right?”
Yugi nodded solemnly. “That's mostly it.”
Joey gave an understanding smile. “Yuge, I know ya since kindergarten, n' I know ya heart `as always been wit othas, even if dere assholes dat `ave dicks da size of a dull end crayon.” This earned a muffled laugh. “But like Seto told me not long ago. When it comes to a relationship of any kind, honesty n' trust are da main ingredients.” He looked at the confused teen. “If ya trust yaself, ya go far, n' if Atemu trusts ya da take da next step, ya scored.”
“I think I know what you mean, but-“
“I wasn't exactly done.”
Yugi became quiet once again.
“But since ya brought up da scroll deal, n' I've been t'ink'n about how da help in dis situation, when it hit me.”
Yugi was interested to know.
“When ya said dat Atemu mentioned about ya hold'n `is heart…” Joey crossed his arms. “I t'ink `e's also hold'n ya heart as well.” He looked at the shocked and confused youth. “T'ink about it. Both of ya always worried yaself sick when ya don't know if da otha is okay n', just plain n' simple, ya two go tagetha like a puzzle, even though ya kinda look alike.”
“You're point in all this?” Yugi asked.
“Dat, if ya did go through with `doing-it', n' ya both `ave trust in one anotha, not only will ya return ya hearts, but also gain a piece from each otha; kinda like a forget-me-not gift.”
Yugi immediately stood up, with a look of shock and realization on his face.
“Thanks Joey!” Yugi said as he started to run out when the blonde called.
“Do ya know `ow da `ave sex wit a guy!?”
Yugi stopped, like a speeding car that was about to go through a red light, and turned to look at the other.
Joey smirked. “Thought so.” He mentioned the other to sit. “I'll show ya n' talk ya through.”
Yugi took a seat as the other talked and mentioned the places that drive the person over the edge to the `finale'. As he sat there, he tried to keep the blush in and tone down his thoughts of him and Atemu doing what the blonde was explaining.
“Got da picture?” Joey asked.
“More than I needed to know.”
Joey laughed. “Dat's sex for ya!”
Yugi groaned. “Thanks for the information.”
Joey patted the youth's shoulder. “Ya quiet welcome!”
“May I leave now?”
“Sure! Ya earned it.” Joey opened the door and let the youth out.
They went down the halls until they saw a group of people coming out of the throne room.
“Looks like da meeting's ova wit.” Joey said with a wide smile on his face.
As soon as he said that, Seto and Atemu walked out, looking bored and drone-out.
“Ey!” Joey said as he ran up to Seto, who seemed to lighten up a little.
“About time pup, I was about to got to the dungeons.”
Joey gave the other a light punch on the arm. “If ya did dat, I'm gonna `ave da get ya in the dark, creepy, not da mention smelly place.”
Yugi came up to Atemu, who seemed more than pleased to see him. “Hey Atemu.”
Atemu leaned down and gently kissed the youth. “Hello Yugi, I missed you all morning.”
Yugi blushed.
“We all missed each otha!” Joey pointed out.
“Very true.” Seto said.
“N' I also noticed dat we haven't played a game tagetha.”
The other three looked at the blonde stragely.
“So, I've been t'ink'n of playing…” Joey had a sly smirk. “Truth or Dare.”
The two looked confused while the youngest one looked completely shocked.
“Truth or Dare?” Seto said questionably. “What's that?”
“It's a game where ya eitha make a person spill or dare dem da do different t'ing's. Or pay da price.” Joey explained.
Atemu looked over at the small teen. “Have you played this game before?”
“Yes.” Yugi said. “And I had a bad experience in each one.” He groaned.
“Ey not my fault dat ya don't like dat eat worms.”
“It was either that or go run a lap outside the shop in the nude!”
Atemu had to hammer down that image out of his mind.
“Sounds fun.” Seto said.
“Great!” Joey said with one fist in the air. “Ta nite, we'll play it!”
Yugi looked pale. “Don't Atemu and I have a say in this?”
Joey looked thoughtful, but really isn't. “No.”
Yugi groaned. “You're evil.”
Joey grinned. “I know!”
Seto shook his head amusingly. “Well, there truly is a dark side to you.”
Joey smiled. “Ya t'ink I don't know `ow to?”
“You said it not me.”
“Why I outta!”
As those two talked, Atemu looked at his boyfriend. “Don't worry, I'll be there to help you.” He said trying to reassure the other.
“Thanks, but it's not the game I'm freaked out about.” Yugi groaned. “It's what Joey would do while playing.”
Atemu nodded understandingly as he looked at the other two.
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B/M: Oooo…. A truth or dare game. *remembers their experience with the game*
*hits them upside the heads* Get your minds out of the gutter!
Bakura: That hurt Radamn it!
Marik: Yeah what the fuck was that for!?
*sigh* Sorry if my cliffy's are both annoying and cause you to be insane, but that's just my style.
B/M: *mummers something that can't be heard*
So, without further ado, R&R please!