Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Truth or Dare pt.2 ( Chapter 43 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey all! Thanks for your reviews again and sorry it took awhile.
Bakura: School started, didn't it?
*sigh* Yes. But it was good so far.
Marik: That's what you said last time.
Oh shut up!
Bakura: Never.
Marik: I'll shut up when I'm good as dead.
… *sigh* Enjoy the new chapter everyone.
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Ch.43: Truth or Dare pt.2
“Ya all know da rules?” Joey asked the three, who nodded their heads.
They were in the secret room and sat down in a circle.
“Alright den! I'll go first!” Joey reached to the center and spinned a huge needle on a circular wooden board. The needle continued to spin until it landed on… “Alright Atemu!” He exclaimed as he looked to his left and saw the young ruler. “Truth or Dare?”
Atemu thought for a moment before replying. “Dare.”
Yugi, who was between Joey and Seto, looked at the other horrified.
Joey grinned. “Let's see… I dare you to… kiss Seto!”
The young ruler and the High Priest looked at the blonde as if he lost his mind.
“No way in hell!” Atemu said backing away from his cousin, who looked more displeased by this dare than him.
“Well, ya know what `appens next.” Joey said as he held out his hand.
Atemu simply took his cape off and handed it to Joey.
“Thank you.” The blonde said as he put it to the side. “Ya turn.” He said.
Atemu reached over and spinned the needle, which landed on Seto.
“Dare.” Seto said immediately.
Atemu glared. `Damn. What would I make him do?' He thought.
`This should be good.' Seto thought knowing that the other couldn't dare a person to jump off the side of the canyons, even if it were a prisoner.
“I… dare you… to…” Atemu tried to think of ways that he could make the other do.
“We're gonna be `ere all night!” Joey said as the youth punched him in the arm.
“This game was your idea!” Yugi said as the blonde rubbed the sore spot.
Atemu had an idea. “I dare you to take my challenge.” He said, making everyone look at him.
“A challenge?” Joey asked.
Seto looked at his cousin for a moment before putting up his serious face. “And that would be?”
Atemu smirked. “To see if your heart is cold as stone.”
Seto raised an eyebrow. “Continue.”
“All you have to do is look at Yugi while I count to thirty.”
“That's it?”
“Yes, now Yugi…” Atemu looked over to the youth. “Would you mind using your `pouty puppy' face during this challenge?”
Yugi smiled. “Sure!”
Joey groaned. “No fair!”
“Alright.” Seto said as he looked at Yugi, who already has the face on.
“One… Two… Three…” Atemu counted as he watched his cousin.
Seto looked at the youth in front of him. `How could those eyes get any bigger?' He thought as he felt himself twitching at that look.
“Twenty… Twenty-one…”
Seto slightly backed away, but it wasn't unnoticed.
“You lost Seto.” Atemu said as he held out his hand.
Seto murmured something as he handed a shoe. He spinned the needle and landed on Atemu.
“Truth or Dare.”
Atemu sighed. “Might as well get over with.”
~-Time Lapse-~
“Well this couldn't get any worse.” Atemu said, who was only in a sheti.
“Speak for yaself!” Joey said, as nude as a newborn in the corner, obviously lost the game.
“You did want to play this game.” Yugi said also in a sheti.
“Shad up!”
“He's only telling the truth pup.” Seto said, only in a pair of pants.
“Whose side are ya on!?” Joey called.
“I'm not choosing sides,” Seto countered. “I was just agreeing with him on the truth.”
Joey glared at him. “Whateva.” He said.
“I guess it's my turn.” Yugi said as he spun the needle, which landed on Atemu. “Alright then, which will it be?”
Atemu thought for a moment before answering. “Truth.”
Yugi thought up different questions, most of them he already used to know about the other. “Let's see…” He said. `What haven't I asked him? Um… childhood… games…' He thought as he responded. “Did you have a girlfriend? Or a boyfriend before I came around?” He asked.
Atemu just stared at him before nearly cracking up. “Have I had a relationship before you?”
Yugi nodded.
Atemu looked thoughtful. “Was there anyone before you… hmm… Can't seem to remember…” He looked over at his cousin. “Do you know any?”
“Yeah,” Seto said. “I remember seeing a damn long line of all the available females of the village, and you refused each and everyone of them.”
“Now I remember.” Atemu said as he looked over at the youth. “No, I have not dated anyone before you.”
Yugi blinked. “Okay then. Your turn to spin.”
Atemu reached for the needle and spinned it, which landed on Seto. “What will it be-“
“… Alright.” Atemu thought up some ideas to ask. “What did you and Joey do during the party the other day?”
Seto sighed. “If I answer, it would be bragging.” Seto took off his last item of clothing and went over to where Joey was sitting.
“Well, that just leaves you and me.” Atemu said, as the youth nodded.
“Well,” Joey said. “I'm call'n it quits.” He stood up and claimed back his clothes, as well as Seto's.
“I'm calling it for tonight as well.” Seto said as he grabbed his clothes and putting them on.
“If I eva t'ink of anotha game, guys, please stop me!”
“Will do!” The three said in unison.
“Okay den.”
“We should head back as well.” Yugi said as the young ruler nodded.
“Whoa! Hold up!” Joey said.
“What's wrong Joey?” Yugi asked.
“Ya two are still playing.”
“Huh? Why!?”
“No one leaves until da winner `as decided, except for me n' Seto.”
“Da make sure ya don't walk out.” Joey said as he and Seto headed towards the door.
“How are we suppose to play truth or dare with two people?” Yugi asked.
“Rock, paper, scissors.” Joey said simply as he closed the door.
“Wait! Joe-“ Yugi started to say when the door closed completely. He sighed. `Now what?' He thought. `This is the last time I play `Strip Truth or Dare'.'
“Yugi?” Atemu said, brining the other out of his thoughts.
“Do you wish to continue the game?”
Yugi blinked. `Is he serious?'
“Might as well finish this game, or stay here for the night.” Atemu said with a smile.
Yugi sighed and sat down on the carpet floor. “Truth.” He said.
Atemu looked thoughtful. “What's been on your mind lately?”
Yugi froze at the question. “Uh… well, let's see.” He said. `Shoot! What am I going to do!? If I don't answer I'm exposed. If I answer, he will feel uncomfortable around me!'
Atemu waited patiently for the other to respond. “Yugi, you don't have to answer if you don't want to.” He said reassuringly.
Yugi looked at him for a moment before thinking again. `Come on Yugi! You known him for sometime, he'll understand.' He took a deep breath. `Here goes.' “I… uh…” He started. “Well… it's kinda difficult to answer…”
Atemu smiled reassuringly. “Take your time to think it over.”
Yugi looked at the other. “I… I asked Joey earlier about… how two guys have sex.” He closed his eyes and waited for a response, only to receive none. He opened one eye and saw the other staring at him, as if he was out of his mind. `Maybe if I explain myself…' He thought. “I know it's kinda uncalled for, but to be honest I was afraid to ask. And…” He made random designs on the floor. “I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable or mad at me.” With no response still, he felt his face burning from the blush and felt it going down his shoulders. `Just great Yugi! Now he'll probably won't speak to you again, and it's all your fault!' He thought as tears ran down his face.
Atemu was completely shocked to hear this from someone so innocent. He was caught up with the shock that he failed to realize the hurt it was causing for the youth.
Yugi couldn't take the silence anymore. “Atemu! I'm sorry! Please say something!” He cried as his body stiff.
Atemu snapped out of his shock and saw the other. `Shit!' He thought as he leaned forward. “Yugi.”
Yugi hic-upped as a response, but didn't look up.
“Yugi, please look at me.” Atemu said in his softest tone.
Yugi, very slowly, looked up to meet those piercing red eyes. His eyes were slightly puffy from crying and there were tearstains down along his child-like face.
“Why are you crying?”
“I-I th-thought t-that you're…” Yugi started but was silenced when slender fingers were placed over his lips.
“I'm so sorry Yugi.” Atemu said. “I didn't mean to make you cry.” He wiped away the stray tears. “It was just unexpected, to hear you say that.”
Yugi nodded. “I'm pretty surprised myself.” He said making the other slightly chuckle, which made him feel a little better.
“I bet.”
They were silent for a moment as Atemu kissed the youth's forehead. “Well?” He said.
Yugi thought for a moment. “I'm just afraid.”
“That's natural to feel that way.”
“It's not the thought of `doing-it' that scares me.”
Atemu raised an eyebrow.
“Okay, maybe a little, but it's what's going to happen after.”
“What do you mean?”
Yugi started to explain what he told Joey.
Atemu nodded understandingly.
“So, what's going to happen after that? That's what I'm mostly afraid of.” Yugi finished.
Atemu moved a bang from the other's face and moved the other's head so he could see those eyes. “Remember back at the garden?”
Yugi thought back and nodded.
“Still applies here.” Atemu said as he gently kissed the other.
Yugi closed his eyes as he deepened the kiss.
A knock was heard in the room.
“Yo! Everyt'n alright in dere?” Joey asked as he poked his head in the room.
“Yeah!” Yugi said as he broke away from the kiss, much to his dismay.
“Well, just da let ya know… Its kinda late n' we should `ead back.”
Atemu sighed as he carried Yugi, after gathering their belongings, and walked towards the door.
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Alright! There's the chapter and I'll try to get the next one up.
Bakura: Being limited on the computer time?
Marik: Sucks for you.
Oh shut up!
B/M: R&R everyone!
That's my line!