Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Innocent Passion ( Chapter 44 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Homework's done and I'm bored to tears.
Bakura: … Why am I here?
Marik: We're the unpaid co-hosts.
Bakura: … Why though?
Marik: Makes it humorous I guess.
Bakura: …
Marik: …
So… Shouldn't we be arguing or something?
Bakura: What is there to argue about?
Marik: This shit sucks.
… Numa numa ey! Numa numa numa ey!
What? I'm doing something.
Bakura: But that's annoying!
I know. Perfect argument starter.
Marik: She's right on that.
Like I haven't been right before?
Marik: I never said that.
But that's what you meant to say wasn't it?
Marik: … What are we talking about?
Oh forget it and let's get on with the chapter!
Bakura: Are you done yet?
Almost! Than it's on to the next story in mind!
Marik: And that is?
… Haven't thought up a title yet.
Bakura: The next story is going to be a down fall.
What's you talk'n about, Kura?
Bakura: Hey! No one calls me that except my Ryou!
Marik: Oh boy, here we go again.
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Ch.44: Innocent Passion
~-Next Day: Afternoon-~
-Yugi's POV-
I looked out into the peaceful garden on a bright sunny day. Atemu is in a meeting, and Seto and Joey are over at one of the lord's place for a day to discuss the slight flooding issue over there. As for me, I was thinking; thinking about last night. Both Atemu and I do love each other as lovers could get, but we're a bit edgy about the next step. But something was bothering me. `Atemu acted strange today…' I thought as I remembered from the morning.
I did the usual wake up call by tickling the young ruler's sides. “Wake up Atemu!”
Atemu laughed. “O-Okay! I-I'm up!”
I laughed as I stopped tickling.
“Good morning to you as well.” Atemu said as the other started to settle down.
“You've got a meeting to go to.”
Atemu sighed. “Damn…” He said as he laid back down on his bed.
“I know you hate meetings, but if you them off, they'll pile up.” I said with a smile. “And you defiantly don't want that to happen.”
“I'll take my chances.” Atemu said.
I blinked at the response. “What's wrong?” I asked.
“It's nothing Yugi.” Atemu said as he got out of bed.
I watched as he entered the closet. `He's never this moody in the morning.' I thought. `Probably because we were up late playing Joey's game.'
Atemu came out and looked at me, but didn't say anything.
“Are you sure you're okay?” I asked with concern in my tone.
Atemu sighed. “I'm just tired.”
“Okay…” I said. `One moment ago he was laughing and seemed wide awake, than he's tired and grumpy.' I thought as I heard the other's footsteps heading towards the door. “Atemu.” He stopped. “Did I do something wrong?”
He turned to look at me. “None I could recall, why?”
“It's just… this is the first time I've seen you like this towards me.”
Atemu walked up and embraced me. “Yugi, I wasn't mad at you.” He whispered. “I was only irritated when you mentioned about the meetings. I didn't mean to let my irritation out on you.”
I returned the embrace. “It's okay.”
Atemu shook his head. “No its not, I should have saw what my actions have done and correct myself.”
“You could start now.” I said. “You know what they say, live and learn.”
Atemu leaned back far enough to look at me. “You're very kind Yugi.”
I smiled. “I get that a lot.”
Atemu leaned down and kissed me for a moment before looking at me. “I'll be back at around evening time.” He said.
I nodded. “Alright.” With that he left.
~End of Flashback~
I sighed. “I'm tired of thinking.” I said as I decided to take a small nap.
-Normal POV-
“Yugi… Yugi… Time to wake up.” Atemu said shaking the youth, who opened one groggy eye.
“What time is it?”
“Ra is nearly making his departure to the underworld.”
“Oh…” Yugi said as he rubbed his sleep still eyes. “Man I really conk out here.”
Atemu chuckled. “Yes you did.”
“How did your meeting go?”
Atemu sighed. “I've been in better one.”
Yugi nodded. “Sorry your day was a complete bore.”
Atemu shrugged as he sat down beside the youth. “I got a few naps here and there.”
“Without being noticed?”
“Amazing isn't?”
They laughed before settling down and looked at the quickly changing evening sky.
Atemu, though trying to hide it, looked worried. He looked at the youth, who was looking at the sky, and leaned down and started to nuzzle his face on the other's neck.
Yugi was slightly confused by this, but liked the feeling.
“May I tell you something?”
“Of course, you could practically tell me anything.”
Atemu smiled a little when he grabbed Yugi's hand. “This is very important; you don't have to decide immediately.”
Yugi nodded.
“I want you to take me.” Atemu said.
Yugi blinked. “But, I don't know how to… without hurting you.”
Atemu kissed the other on the cheek. “You don't have to decide now, but when you're ready.”
Yugi rested his head on the other's shoulder as the night sky became its dark, cooling self with diamond sparkling stars.
“There you are Pharaoh!” Ahmose said. “One of our messenger birds has brought a message from Seto regarding of the flood.”
Atemu sighed as he embraced the youth. “Take your time.” He whispered before getting up and followed Ahmose.
Yugi watched them go and pondered at what the other said. `Take my time?' He thought as he got up and walked around the once confusing halls. He didn't know where he was going and let his feet do whatever they pleased. He stopped in front of Seto's room and entered without hesitation. He remembered what Joey told him about the private bath place and went over there. `Wow, Joey's right about how big it was.' He thought as he walked over to where Joey told him of the oils. He found the oils and the first one that he saw was the small red bottle. `Joey said Seto used this for their first make-out.' He thought as he looked at all the other bottles. `All of them looked used.' He sighed as he looked at each and every bottle. `Wow, Seto goes through a lot of these bottles a day?' He carefully moved the bottles so he wouldn't break one an each one felt either half full or needs to be refilled. `This is a mistake, even if I did find one that's not used, will I even like it?' As if to answer his thoughts, he found a really small, clear bottle with very light gold liquid in it, it was also covered dust. He reached over and carefully grabbed the vial and looked it over. `Here's one that's not used.' He thought as he opened the bottle to smell the scent. `It's pretty light, that's good; wouldn't want anything heavy.' He thought with a smile as he tipped it over a little to feel the liquid and found it really slick. `Perfect!' he thought as he closed the bottle. “I guess I'm ready.” He said as he held the bottle the bottle to his chest, over where his heart is beating with both excitement and nervousness. He walked out of the room, leaving a note for Seto and Joey.
He walked into Atemu's room, only to see that the young ruler isn't back yet. `Good, I need sometime to get ready.' He thought as he looked around the room. `What to do first?' he tried to think of what to do first to set the mood, but don't over do it. He sighed. `The Hollywood couples make this look soo easy!' He looked at the candles. `I could dim some, but wouldn't that make him remind of `It'?' He laid back on the bed. “What to do?” He said out loud. `Maybe I don't need to do all the stuff to set a mood,' He thought while looking at the ceiling. `Maybe all just be myself and just go with it.' He smiled. `Yeah, that's what I'll do!' He took a deep breath and caught the scent of grass on him. `Maybe I should clean myself off.' He thought as he stood up, grabbed an extra robe and an extra towel before setting out for the baths. When he reached to the baths, he placed the stuff down and took his shirt off before heading towards the bath. `Man! This feels good!' He thought as he rubbed his skin with the water, which was slightly warm.
“How's the temperature?” A deep rich voice echoed through the wide room.
Yugi turned around. “A-Atemu!”
Atemu stood there with a grin on his face. “Who else would I be?”
Yugi laughed. “True. So, what did Seto's note say about the situation?”
“That it wasn't as serious as the lord over there had mentioned.”
Yugi smiled. “That's good to know.” He said as he started to head over to the stairs.
“What's the hurry Yugi?” Atemu said, making the other slightly confused. He took off his cape and shirt and headed down the stairs towards Yugi, who blinked and stood there. When they were just inches apart, he cupped the youth's face and leaned forward to kiss him.
Yugi was completely unsure what brought the other to do this, but returned the kiss never less. When they parted, he looked up into crimson. “What's on your mind?”
Atemu smiled. “Just want to be with you, that's all.”
“You're afraid I might disappear any minute.”
Atemu nodded slowly.
Yugi held the other's hands into his and smiled. “Oh Atemu, don't you remember what you said to me when I felt upset about leaving here?”
Atemu smiled. “Of course I remember, but there's a difference between saying it and actually witnessing it happen before your eyes.”
“Yeah, but that won't change the experience all of us have done.”
Atemu nodded. “Very true Yugi. It's just that…” He smiled bitterly. “I guess I'm being selfish for you to stay with me. But I know that there are people back in your time that need you and probably are worried to death not knowing if you're safe or even still alive.” He looked at the water to the side of him. “I know that feeling, when you fell off that canyon that day, and haven't known about your condition for two days.”
Yugi embraced the other by the waist. “You've been thinking about this for a while, haven't you?”
Atemu returned the embrace and nodded. “Yes.”
They stayed in that position for a moment before Yugi gently pushed back far enough to see the other. “I'm ready if you are.” He said, causing the other to blink.
“You're sure?”
Yugi nodded.
Atemu took a moment to look into the other's eyes, which show love, kindness, and trust. He smiled and nodded. “Where would you like to begin?” He asked.
Yugi thought about this. “Know anyplace that's private and so no one would-“
“Pharaoh!” Ahmose shouted.
“Interrupt?” Atemu finished as he quickly rubbed his skin with water before mentioning the other to follow him.
Yugi had the urge to roll his eyes as he quickly followed the other out of the bath.
They dried and placed their robes over them and quickly got out before anyone spotted them.
“Where are we going?” Yugi asked.
“You'll see!” Atemu said.
They went into Atemu's room and went over to the hidden door.
Yugi blinked as the other held his hand out for the other to grab, which he did, after grabbing the bottle.
“Close your eyes.” Atemu said, which made the youth look lost. “Trust me on this.” He winked as the other close his eyes. He led the other through twists and turns before stopping in front of a door and opening it. “Okay, you can open your eyes.”
Yugi opened eyes and saw a room that was similar to the other room, but this room was slightly smaller, clean, and looked unused for a long time. “Where are we?” He asked.
“This is where my father and my mother would go to spend time alone.” Atemu said as he closed the door. “I usually come up here to talk to them when it feels like it's been forever since we actually spend time together as a normal family.”
Yugi nodded.
“A Pharaoh's life is very important when it comes to the people of Kemet, but when he has a family; it's a whole other story.”
“I could tell.” Yugi said as he sat down on the bed.
Atemu went over to the bed and laid down.
Yugi blushed knowing that the other is preparing for what's going to happen next. `What did Joey said to do first?'
Atemu sensed the hesitation and came up to the other and kissed him.
Yugi returned the kiss before deepening it, which the other accepted fully.
They parted for the need of air moments later and looked at each other.
As if instinct came in like a stalking animal, Yugi started to kiss deeply and passionately, but slow at the same time. He parted only to kiss along the jaw line to the left earlobe, which he had to move to sit fully on the bed, and licked the shell, causing the other to shiver in pleasure. He found a small sensitive spot and lightly nipped it, making the other silently gasp; and continued by placing small kisses along the closed eyes and continued to work on the right ear. After giving that ear the same treatment, he went down along the jaw line and went down the center of the neck, which he, with the help of the young ruler, removed the gold collar that was there and placed it to the side. When that was done, he found some sensitive spots along the neck that caused the other to moan.
He moved his hands under the other's shirt and took it off, and threw off to the side while continuing down wards from the neck. He than placed his mouth over the left nub, causing the other to slightly squirm, and moved his tongue around on it before backing up and blew on it while he moved on with the other, ignored nub. While he did this, but didn't realize that they were going down onto the bed. So now they were both laying on the bed. He continued by making unique designs with his kisses down to the navel, where he made the other squirm. He thought about continuing, but stopped to look at the other, who was slightly confused.
“What's wrong?' Atemu asked, thinking that the other was having second thoughts.
“Could you do the same to me?”
Atemu looked confused.
“Could you do the same thing that I've done to you?” Yugi said as he sat up and smiled. “That way we both have something to remember.”
Atemu smiled as he sat up as well and started to gently kissed the other, doing the same things that the youth has done. When he finished with the navel, the young teen flipped them over and silently asked his permission to go further, which the he gave a nod.
Yugi took off the sheati and went completely red when he saw the fully naked atonomy of the other. `I completely forgot what to do next!' He thought as the instinct seemed to disappear without a trace.
Atemu noticed the slight hesitation and waited patently.
Yugi took a deep breath and looked at the other's face, as if trying to find his answer within those scarlet eyes. As if and answer hit him like a brick, he saw understanding, patience, love, and trust in those eyes and the other smiled, making his eyes show more of those emotions. That look was all he needed as he leaned down and put his mouth on the arousal, making the other moan and quietly chanting the youth's name. He leaned back, causing a groan from the other when cold air began to hit, and sat down. “Your turn.”
Atemu blinked. “You're sure?”
Yugi smiled and nodded.
Atemu sat up as Yugi laid down and placed his hand on the youth's hip and silently asked permission, which was responded with a nod. He pulled down the sheati and took a moment to admire the young teen's body. He saw the arousal, and saw that it wasn't as small as most would think, and enveloped the sensitive flesh with his mouth, making the other trying to control himself and moaned in pleasure. He sucked a little, but didn't over do it as he let the sensitive flesh in its hard-on state as he laid back down.
Yugi, now exposed and have a painful hard-on, remembered what Joey said about this step. He looked over at the nightstand, where the bottle was sitting there, and grabbed it. He dipped three fingers, one at a time, and placed the bottle aside. He sat in-between the other's legs and placed in the first finger in, making the other gasp in surprise but relaxed. He had the same reaction with the other two fingers while the other was trying really hard not to get out of control. He knew what was going to happen next and reached for the bottle to coat his arousal before going back between the other's legs. “Ready?” He asked.
Atemu smiled, trust and love were seen in his eyes and nodded.
Yugi nodded as he started to enter the other.
Atemu held onto the sheets as the tip went in and still held on as it went slowly in. He took sallow breaths so he could still remain control when the other finally hit the sweet spot. His vision went white for a second than came back, but had a hint or two of lust that came along with the recovery.
“Atemu?” Yugi said. “Atemu, are you alright?'
Atemu looked into concerned eyes and nodded. “Could you hit that spot again, but a bit harder?”
Yugi didn't know what the other meant, but took a good guess that the other wants him to hit the spot that made him look so out of it for a moment. He remembered what the blonde said about the step and went out a little before thrusting back in.
Atemu arched his back and moaned in pleasure. “Yes.” He breathed huskily, lust became somewhat known.
Instinct came back, like a pouncing predator, and Yugi began to thrust in and out, hitting that spot harder and faster.
Sweat covered their bodies, deep shallow breaths became quicker with no avail to keep the lust down. Than the climax struck a cord and both screamed out the other's name and released.
~*!End of Lemon!*~
Yugi collapsed on the other's chest, completely drained and spent. He felt two arms embrace him.
“That was perfect.” Atemu said.
“It was my first Atemu.” Yugi said.
“I know, but it was still great never the less.”
Yugi managed to slide out of the other and re collapsed.
Atemu chuckled. “Tired love?”
Yugi smiled. “No, I'm full of hyperness.” He said sarcastically.
Atemu chuckled and kissed the youth's forehead and moved the sheets over them. “Good night Yugi.” He said.
“Good night Atemu-koi.”
“In my language it shows people that you're my lover and that you're taken.”
“I think, I never had any other kind of relationship besides friendship for a long time.”
Atemu held the other close. “Well, I'm honored to be your boyfriend and lover.”
Yugi snuggled. “I'm so tired, but I don't want to sleep.”
“Why's that?”
“I'm afraid that I would go back home without saying good bye.”
“Yugi,” Atemu wiped away a few bangs from the other's face. “Even if you did disappear when Ra rises, this won't be the last time we see each other.”
Yugi looked confused.
“It's like you said, if Seto and I become too much of a pain to the gods, they would have to get rid of us.”
Yugi was fighting the sleep that was getting to him. “How would they do that?”
“By reincarnation.”
Yugi could barely keep his eyes open.
“Time to sleep Yugi.” Atemu said as he felt the other's hold getting tighter, as he also did the same.
“You're going to have to make me.” Yugi said fighting the drowsy spell that tries to get him.
Atemu nuzzled the other before humming, which did the trick as the other closed his eyes and was fast asleep. He continued to hold onto the youth as he hummed till sleep claimed him.
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Finally! But now what's gonna happen?
Bakura: *steals red notebook and flips through the pages*
*vain* NO TAKING MY BOOK!!! *rapidly hits Bakura*
Bakura: Hey! Hey! HEY!! Cut it out!
Marik: *snore*
R&R everyone! *tackles Bakura to the ground* Give it back!
Bakura: …Ow…