Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Return Home ( Chapter 45 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yay! I got reviews. I got reviews! *dances around*
Bakura: … Where are those damn ear plugs?
Marik: *hides ear plugs* How the hell should I know?
Answering time!
B/M: *??*
Okay! Chibi Hikairi said that the story is almost over. That's true, but I got another story coming up after this.
Bakura: Ra help us.
Any way, enjoy this next chapter!
Marik: *falls asleep*
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Ch.45: Return Home
~-Next Morning-~
Atemu slightly woke up and felt around the area next to him, only to have an empty space. He opened his eyes sadly as he felt that space.
“Morning Atemu!” A cheerful voice was heard as the young ruler turned.
Atemu looked up and saw the youth.
Yugi was still in the nude, but his eyes seemed to shine more, much to the other's relief.
“Yugi.” Atemu said. “You're still here!” He smiled and embraced the teen.
Yugi laughed as he hugged back. “Yep!”
They stayed in that position for a moment before deciding to get dress and headed back to the room, in time to see Ahmose coming.
“My Pharaoh! You have to look outside!”
The two looked confused and headed to the balcony and saw a pillar of light over where the pyramids are.
“What is it?” Yugi asked.
“It appeared in the middle of the night.” Ahmose explained. “It looks like some portal.”
The two froze when the man said that.
“I see.” Atemu said, his happy mood dropped.
“Seto and Joey will be here within two hours,” Ahmose informed. “Just to let you know.”
“Thank you.” Atemu said as he dismissed him.
They were silent for what seemed like moments when it was only a few seconds.
“I guess, that's the way back to my time.” Yugi said.
Atemu held his hand and gave it a light squeeze. “No matter where you go or what time you're in, we'll always be together.”
Yugi returned the squeeze and noticed the ring that he gave to the other, which made him feel a little bit better. “Thanks Atemu.”
Atemu leaned down and kissed the other's forehead. “Anything to make you smile.”
Yugi giggled, feeling better than before.
~-Two and a half hours later-~
Seto and Joey arrived and were as shocked to hear this.
“No way!” Joey said. “Ya can't be serious!”
“I wish I wasn't.” Yugi said.
“Not about go'n home, though dat's unbelievable too, but ya were finally laid!”
Yugi blushed.
Seto whacked the blonde on the head.
“What da hell was dat for!?”
“First of all, you don't see Yugi rubbing in you face about being laid and it's quite rude.”
“DAT'S NO REASON DA HIT ME SO DAMN FUCK'N HARD!!!” Joey shouted, than tried to not cry, but failed and held onto Seto. “Damn all dis shit!” He said.
Seto held the blonde as he looked at the young ruler, who mentioned the youth to leave them be at the moment. “Looks like you're going home pup.”
“But,” Joey started to say but didn't know how to continue.
“You've got a sister waiting for you and I bet she would like to see you once you get back.”
Joey nodded, knowing that it's true.
Seto reached for something in his robe and held it out to the other.
“What ya got dere?” Joey asked as the other opened his hand. On the palm was a gold chain necklace with a blue dragon on it.
“Something to remember me by.” Seto said.
Joey stared at it and almost cried.
“What's wrong?” Seto asked.
“I didn't get you anyt'n for ya!”
Seto chuckled. “Oh Joey, you don't have to get me anything.”
Joey looked confused. “Wha?”
The brunette pointed outside where the sands are never ending. “When or where ever I go, I see the sands and those remind me of your hair.”
Joey scratched his head.
“And when I see honey being brought in to the kitchens, I'll remember your eyes.”
Joey blushed.
“And whenever I see a dog running around and nearly eating a months worth of supplies, I'll think of you.”
“Ey!” Joey said but smiled.
“Bottom line, you're going to haunt me for as long as I live.” Seto said with a smirk.
Joey put on the necklace and started to admire it. “I know I won't forget ya wit dis!” He said as he kissed it.
They stood in front of the light, everyone including their lovers.
“Why do I feel so excited yet feel nauseated at da same time?” Joey asked staring at the light portal.
“Because we're about to head back to our old time about live back to our normal lives, while leaving behind the people we come to know and love and a place that only Egyptologists could dream of.” Yugi responded.
“Danks pal.” Joey said glaring at the other.
“You asked.”
“Shud up.” Joey turned to look at Ahmose. “How much longer?”
Everyone sighed.
“For Ra's sake!” Sha-lie said.
“He told you about a hundred times!” Yugi said.
“I'm just edgy!” Joey said.
“Till Ra almost descends to the underworld.” Seto said rubbing his temple.
“So…” Joey said.
“Till sunset!” Atemu and Yugi said.
“I'm sorry! But da pressure is get'n da me!”
Yugi looked out into the horizon and saw that they were down by minutes. He felt something around his head and turned to see the young ruler.
“You almost for got this.” Atemu said, his tone slightly sad.
Yugi felt along his forehead and realized that he was wearing the head ornament. He held the other, who was slightly unaware of it coming.
“What's wrong?”
“I just want to hold you.” Yugi said burying his face in the other's chest.
Atemu embraced the other while Sha-lie broke down in the background with servants trying to calm her down.
Seto went up to Joey and held out his hand. “Let me see your hand.”
Joey did as the other turned it palm side up and dropped a pouch. “What's dis?”
“Just a little something to help your sister.” Seto said coolly.
Joey opened the pouch and nearly gasped. “Gold! Why da hell did you give me gold?”
“You said it was worth a lot in your time, so I thought this would help.”
“Well, yeah, but this would be way too much!”
“Use the rest for whatever you want.”
Joey just stared at him.
“Don't look at me like that.” Seto said.
“It's time!” Ahmose said as he pointed to the sunset, which activated the portal.
It was blinding at first for a moment, causing everyone to shield their eyes. When the light dimmed, they saw what looked like a city.
“That's Domino!” Yugi said.
“Dere's da park!” Joey pointed out. “Dere's da hospital dat my sister is at!”
“And there's the game shop!” Yugi said happily.
“Guess it's time for you to go home.” Atemu said.
Yugi looked back, his happy mood disappeared.
Atemu smiled and nodded. “It's okay Yugi.” He held up his hand with the ring on. “We're never really apart.”
Yugi jumped and kissed the other as deeply and as passionately as he could.
Atemu held the other and returned the kiss.
Seto looked at Joey, who looked like he was thinking the same thing, and smiled.
Joey couldn't help it and did the same as the small teen.
When both parted for air they reluctantly let go of their lovers and headed towards the portal, with one last look at everyone, and walked in. When they did that, the portal became a thin stream and disappeared in the night sky.
“Damn it.” Seto said trying to wipe away the tears.
“Let it go Seto.” Atemu said, tears falling freely on their own. “Gods know that this is going to be awhile to get over.”
“Wait!” A girl's voice was heard, making everyone look over. “Master Yugi and Master Joey forgot the clothes they came in!” She held up the pale blue and star p.j. and the white with muddy dog print p.j.
The two cousins stared at the clothes and remembered the first day.
“Looks like we can't get rid of them.” Seto said.
Atemu smiled and he took the light blue p.j. from the girl and held them close. “Just another thing to remember them by.”
~-Modern Day: Domino, Japan-~
The boys landed gracefully in front of the shop, with no one to witness them.
“Home sweet home.” Yugi said as he entered the game shop, followed by the blonde. “Grandpa!?”
“Yo Gramps!” They called as they heard a thud from upstairs.
“Yugi? Joey?”
They heard an elderly voice called out from upstairs, and heard footsteps coming down. They saw the old man, who looked shocked and disbelief.
“Grandpa!” Yugi said as he went up and hugged the elder.
Grandpa, after taking a few moments to realize he wasn't hallucinating, hugged back at this grandson and cried.
Joey came up and hugged the two of them, who the elder hugged back as well.
“I thought I'd never see you again.” Grandpa said, still holding the two boys.
“We're sorry we left.” Yugi said.
“Yeah, though it was one of deem unexpected kinds.” Joey said earning a chuckle from the elder.
“Well,” Grandpa said as he let the two go and wiped away some tears. “You two head up to bed and tell me everything in the morning.”
The two smiled.
“Okay Grandpa.” Yugi said.
“Kay.” Joey said.
Grandpa smiled. “Welcome home you two.”
“It's nice to be back, I have to admit.” Yugi said as he elder patted his shoulder.
“I know how it feels to leave the things and ones you love behind.”
Yugi nodded. “Thanks Grandpa.” He said as he and the blonde headed up stairs.
“Ey Yuge.”
“I t'ink we forgot somet'n.”
“What's that?”
“Our p.j.'s”
Yugi looked at the blonde than cracked up.
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That's not all folks!
Bakura: Its not?
No! We still got two more chapters left!
Marik: … You've got to be kidding.
No! I'm dead serious!
Bakura: That'll make all your reviewers happy.
That and I got more in store for this story. *wink* And I bet I know a lot of you know what it is.
B/M: *rolls eyes* No duh!
R&R everyone!