Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Language
Rest Part II
Kagome knocked on the door, smiling to herself when the bright and bubbly girl appeared at the door.
Hey, Kagome!”
“Morning, Orihime,” Kagome gasped, trying to breathe through the excited girl's bone-crushing hug.
“What're you doing here?” Ichigo asked from behind his wife.
“Well, I still have two days off, and I thought I'd spend some time with you. I've barely seen you since Naraku.”
“Huh. That old man actually gave you time off?” Ichigo asked, surprised.
“Hey, be respectful,” she chided. “For all we know, he might be able to hear you say that somehow.”
Ichigo's eyes widened slightly, and Kagome burst into giggles at the odd expression on his face.
“Damn,” he growled.
“Hey, Ichigo, I'm going out,” Karin said, appearing behind the irate man.
“Alright. Be back by sundown.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she sighed, quickly vacating the premises, baseball bat in tow.
“Well, come in,” Orihime said, waving Kagome inside.
“So, why'd you need to take off?” Ichigo asked, staring at Kagome.
“I needed some time to recuperate. I healed from that thorough ass kicking that I received, but I needed some time to spend with the important people to me. I've died once already, and that came dangerously close to repeating it.”
“Sorry about that. I felt all the power, but by the time I got even close, it was all over,” Ichigo said apologetically.
“Oh, don't feel bad. I got hurt because of myself, nobody else.”
“Though Uryuu didn't help.”
“Ichigo!” Orihime gasped.
“Look, Uryuu's strong. But these new Arrancar that keep showing up all over the place are a helluva lot stronger than any Arrancar Aizen made before. He barely beat a few of the Arrancar before…”
“You have no idea how strong they are,” Kagome sighed. “I'm just glad that Kurama showed up, or I'd definitely have died.”
“Kurama?” Orihime asked, confused.
“You remember. The redheaded guy that was at the barracks? He's got this bizarre power over plants, and he saved my ass. If only the rest of those idiots he works with were so easy to stand,” Kagome sighed.
“So Uryuu didn't beat any of them?”
“He killed a bunch of Menos… but the weakest Arrancar there wiped the floor with him… I feel so bad for the guy. I think his pride's been beaten,” Kagome sighed, eyes closed.
“Wow. That guy didn't seem so tough. He really handled an Arrancar by himself?” Ichigo asked, eyes wide.
“No. We both worked together. I mean, I was handling all three fine by myself, until I goaded them into releasing their Zanpakutos… Then I had a hard time keeping up. I'm really glad he showed up when he did. But, together, we beat them.”
“You sure you should be fighting like that?” Ichigo asked, looking meaningfully at Kagome's stomach.
Mouth gaping, she turned to Orihime, who was staring at the ground.
“Sorry. I just kind of… let it slip.”
“I haven't told anyone, though,” Ichigo added helpfully. “And the question's still there.”
“I can handle myself… And you have to swear not to tell Uryuu. I'm going to myself, but I need some preparation.”
“You've got my word,” Ichigo grumbled.
After that, she spent a while at the Kurosaki homestead, having a very nice visit. Finally, it reached close to sunset, and Kagome took her leave, promising to come again soon.
As Kagome reached the border of Karakura, walking since it was such a nice day, she was met by a very surprised-looking Kurama.
“Well, hello, Kagome.”
“Hey, Kurama,” she said, smiling.
“Well now, you don't seem to be quite so aggressive towards me today. Having a fun trip, I take it?”
“Uh… Sorry about all of that. I was being a royal bitch to you all. When we first met, I was having some-”
“Hormones can go a long way in hostility,” he said, smiling. “No need to explain.”
“So… What're you up to? The rest of you here? I kind of want to apologize for pissing Yusuke and Hiei off so much.”
“Oh? Why the sudden change?”
“Funny how almost dying can rearrange priorities. Clearly, I can't handle everything by myself, like I'm used to. I haven't seen demons like this in a long time. If I'm going to be working with you, I'd like a fresh start, without all of the attempted murder in our minds. I feel like something worse than anything I've ever seen is coming, and it'd be better if we had the combined power of us all, instead of going at each other's throats and focused on the enemies.”
“Well, you're certainly wise beyond your years, I believe,” Kurama said, falling into step with her.
“I've heard that before.”
“I'll talk it over with Yusuke, but he can be a little headstrong. And I was here visiting the library. Here's a promise that you have at least one ally with us, if not counting the peaceful Kuwabara,” he said, suddenly producing a bouquet of bright, beautiful roses from nowhere.
“How do you do that?” she asked, taking the bouquet.
“That? It's nothing, really. I'm a kitsune avatar.”
“Really? Well, that's new. I wondered how a seemingly normal human could use such strong magic.”
“Yes. Silver kitsune are quite good with plants. I was joined at birth with a dying kitsune named Youko.”
He was very surprised when Kagome suddenly stopped, eyes wide and bright with something.
“Youko? As in, Youko Kurama, the thief?”
“Oh, man. My son idolized the `great thief kitsune, Youko Kurama,' when we were in the past.”
“Really? I think he enjoys hearing that,” Kurama said, smirking.
“Man. If he knew I've been spending time with the thief personally, he'd blow a gasket,” Kurama said, smiling.
“Hmm… Aren't you a bit young to be having a second child?” he asked, curiosity burning in his gaze.
“I'm not. Technically, I'm only having my first. I adopted Shippo under youkai law around the time that I killed Naraku.”
“Well, now, that's surprising. Come to think of it, you're a very enigmatic and vexing woman. My other half is rarely in agreement with me, but we both are very curious about you.”
“Curious? What do you mean?” Kagome asked, giving him a sidelong glance as they walked along the road.
“How is it that you are who you are? Koenma filled us in on your story, for the most part. How does a miko not only gain the powers of a demon, but also adopt a kit under our laws?”
“Well, I can understand how that'd be confusing. And you've got more questions. So do I. Tell you what. If I answer your question, you have to give me an answer for one of mine. Sound fair?”
“Quite. What do you wonder about?”
“I'll count that as three questions, so I get three answers. I'm not a typical miko. I believe that youkai aren't evil as a whole, but that instead it's the individuals. It got me into a lot of trouble in the Feudal Era, but it's true. And I have the powers of a demon because it was the only way to save my life, and it didn't make me evil. Just a little… volatile. And as for Shippo… Inuyasha and I saved him in the beginning of our journey, and we grew closer as more time passed, until I was like a real mother. I only hope that I can do even half as well with this child as him. So… what, exactly, is the Makai?”
“It's where the youkai were sent after a powerful miko made a wish that ended up splitting the world's fabric into separate dimensions,” Kurama said, eyeing her curiously.
“Huh… Exactly how much of my story do you know?”
“We were told about everything from your journey involving the Shikon no Tama, Naraku, and the events in the present. We weren't informed of your close friends beyond their involvement with Naraku's destruction. Yusuke felt quite horrible after hearing the story of that hanyo, in-depth,” he added.
“Huh… Well, I feel bad about goading him so much, so maybe we're even. I'll let you know a little secret. From the beginning, I seemed to stand you better than those others. I almost wonder if it's because I'm used to kitsune, and your aura gave me a sense of security even dealing with a whole bunch of bad circumstances.”
“Ah. So I make you relaxed, then?”
“Well, you don't make me wary anymore. You saved my ass, and that makes you okay in my book,” she said, patting his shoulder.
“I see… You still have another question, I believe.”
“Right. Hmm… Why were you there, waiting for me?” she asked, looking straight ahead.
“What makes you believe I was waiting for you?”
“Your alibi doesn't make sense. You don't have any books, for one… And I felt your energy for at least thirty minutes before I left, in the same spot.”
“Really? Well, I must admit that Youko finds you very intriguing. Maybe more so than myself.”
At that, Kagome's cheeks turned red, an embarrassed smile on her face.
“Well… this is my house,” she said, stopping at the shrine steps.
“Really? Well, it's been a fun walk, I must admit. I'll be taking my leave, then.”
Before he'd taken five steps, Kagome grabbed his arm, blush even darker.
“Umm… Could you do me a favor? Shippo would love to meet Youko. Would it be possible?”
An amused smirk crossed Kurama's face, and his eyes flashed a bright gold.
“Sure, I'll grant this favor. But you have to give me a kiss in exchange,” he said, his voice that of a completely different and less sophisticated person.
Much to his surprise, Kagome didn't get indignant or angry at all.
“You know, kitsune should be more careful about who they try to seduce, Mister Youko, or they could end up dead,” she said, a cheerful smile on her face.
“Well now, that's rather bold, isn't it?” he asked, amused. “Well, I think I could meet the kit. Shuichi doesn't seem to mind giving me his body for a short while.”
With a smile, Kagome took off up the stairs, the kitsune following closely.
“Good evening, Kagome. Who's your friend?” her mother asked, eyeing the redhead.
“This is Kurama. Er… Youko. Which is it, right now?” she asked, looking at the amused kitsune.
“A little bit of both, I guess.”
“Okay. Well, anyway, he's a friend, and I thought Shippo'd really enjoy meeting him.”
Kagome felt Shippo's approach, and moved so that he wouldn't barrel into her on his way down the stairs.
“Hi, momma!” he said excitedly, jumping into her open arms.
“Shippo, this is a friend of mine,” she said, bringing him face-to-face with Youko.
“Who is he?”
“I think you might've heard of me, actually. Youko Kurama, at your service,” Youko said, extending his hand to the stunned kit.
And then, both adults became exceedingly amused as he launched into a long series of questions for the kit, until it was well into the night. Finally, Kagome took the kit upstairs, smiling brightly.
“Okay, Shippo. Youko has to go now. And you need to get some sleep,” she said, sending him to their room.
“Well, he's an energetic kit,” Youko said, very amused.
“Yeah. But he's a very good kid. Thank you for this. I was hoping to do something for him to apologize for not getting to spend as much time as I'd like with him.”
“No trouble.”
Youko's eyes flashed and the gold tint vanished from its edges, though the smirk stayed in place.
“Thanks, Kurama. And thank you for the flowers, as well.”
“No problem. I'll be sure to talk with Yusuke. Have a good night, Kagome,” he said before grabbing her hand and placing a kiss at her knuckles.
And then, he was gone, her face a bright shade of red.
“So… that was a friend of yours?” her mother asked, surprising Kagome.
“Y… Yeah. He's a youkai, sort of. One of the people I have to work with.”
“I see… That look in his eyes says more than friendship.”
“Really? Well, I've decided, anyway. I'm going to tell Uryuu about it tomorrow. We're having a date with my last day off.”
Well, there's the newest chapter. As always, be sure to tell me what you think of my work.