Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Language, Violence, Blood and Gore, and a lot of ANGST!!!
Flash Point
Kagome knocked on the door, humming cheerfully to herself. After a full minute of waiting, the door opened, and there stood Uryuu, his clothes very relaxed for his taste in clothes.
“Well, good afternoon, handsome,” she said, leaning in and giving him a kiss.
“Hello to you, too,” he said, smiling. “So, what shall we do with your day off?”
“Well, I happen to have this picnic basket full of some fantastic cooking, if you're interested,” she said, lifting said basket for him to see.
“Sure. Where to?”
“The park seems like a nice place.”
As they walked, at human speeds, to the park, Kagome found her mind wandering. She'd told her mother she was going to tell Uryuu she was pregnant, today, but she needed the date desperately to go well, to have the confidence to do it. Of course, an excellent cook she was not, so she'd had her mother's help in making anything even resembling edible, and there were the other… festivities… that she had planned for after it.
Finally, they reached the park in the center of town, and the afternoon went well, though with an odd mood due to a noticeable apprehensiveness in Uryuu the entire time.
Kagome became more and more concerned about it as the day turned to night, the strange mood getting more noticeable and ruining the mood more.
Finally, they finished their date with a movie, and Kagome found that she had absolutely no idea what they were watching, her mind on the agitated expression on his face. Finally, the movie finished, and by the time they reached Uryuu's, finally Kagome lost her patience.
“Alright, what's wrong, Uryuu?”
“Huh?” he asked, snapping out of apparently deep thought.
“You've been pensive and broody all day. What's wrong?”
Suddenly, his expression went from pensive to inexplicably angry, his jaw clenched and fists balled.
“I've been wondering over what I saw last night.”
“Umm… What you saw? What did you see?” she asked, confused as to why he looked so angry.
“I saw you. With that redhead. And you were both being entirely too comfortable,” he growled.
Kagome's eyes widened, irritation suddenly flooding her veins.
That's what you've been pissed about all day? That I was talking with Kurama? I ran into him on the way out of town, and he just happened to be going that way. I work with the guy.”
“Yeah, I'm sure.”
“What, am I supposed to not talk to any other guys, just because my boyfriend might be watching and get jealous? And Kurama's just a coworker,” she added as an afterthought.
“You and he seem to be on way friendlier terms than you're implying,” Uryuu sneered.
“Oh, come on! I deserve at least a little trust,” she growled.
“You aren't around enough to have the kind of trust needed for me to not get jealous over you hanging out with strange men,” Uryuu responded, so quick that Kagome suddenly realized that he'd actually prepared this argument, to some degree.
“Well, I can't just not be busy. I have too much responsibility as a Captain to simply stop everything and visit all the time. I try to visit you as much as possible. And you should know that already.”
“Maybe it won't work with us, after all,” he growled, making her gasp in shock.
“Fundamentally, we're enemies in the first place.”
Kagome went to interrupt, but he raised his hand, cutting her off.
“And besides that, you seem to know a lot of other men. There's that group that was there when you were healing, as well as all of the Vizards, who are mostly male.”
“I'm allowed to have friends,” Kagome growled.
“Yeah, I know. You've got a lot of male friends,” he snarled back, making her eyes widen in shock.
Before he could respond, her hand shot out, smacking his face with so much force that he was actually thrown back several feet, his cheek bright red.
“You bastard.”
“Damn. I'm glad Lisa's not so damn volatile,” he said absentmindedly, caressing his wound.
At that, Kagome's eyes narrowed at the same time his widened. He quickly swung around and began going through the door to his house, clearly intending to lock her out. Unfortunately for him, she was entirely too fast, and had his arm in her grip before he made it a foot.
“What did you mean by that, Uryuu?”
Instead of answering, Uryuu just glared down at the ground, and Kagome began to think hard.
She remembered all the times since she'd started dating the Quincy that she'd come just as Lisa Yadomaru had been leaving after having either picked up or dropped off a book of some form. And that's when she figured it out, and her blood began boiling.
“How long?”
“How long, what?”
“How long have you been screwing around behind my back?” Kagome snarled, eyes narrowed to slits.
“Two months,” he said calmly.
Suddenly, Kagome's hand flashed out, and the Quincy went down, glasses snapped and shattered and nose visibly broken.
“You bastard! If you wanted to screw someone else, you should've just broken it off with me and not snuck around. Do you… Do you have any idea how much of an ass hole you are?” she snarled, tears burning trails down her face.
He simply glared up at her, rage boiling in his eyes.
“You… This is the last time you'll ever see me, you bastard… And I'll make sure you never see our child, either,” she snarled before vanishing in a flash of movement.
Kagome ran through Karakura, tears blurring her vision and mind racing. She quickly lost any attention to the world around her, and that's how she found herself on Karakura Bridge, in the dark, as a mass of youki barreled towards her.
She had just enough time to recognize the smug-looking Inuyasha, his claws gleaming in the moonlight, before he almost tore into her stomach. Except, as it got near her child, a massive wall of white energy and youki flared instinctively into existence…
Power exploded through the air in a massive surge, so vast that not a single being within a hundred miles would miss feeling it. And that's how the vastly different groups of the Spirit Detectives, the Vizards, and Uryuu, bleeding and pissed-looking, all showed up in the same spot.
Where they find, much to their collective shocks, Kagome. Bleeding heavily from both her arms, with a bright, pearl-white mask covering her face, brilliant flares of white static exploding around her body like an aura, and a massive wall of energy around her Shikai's dual blades.
“What the fuck!?” the red armor-clad hanyo yelled, bleeding even more than Kagome and eyes narrowed into hateful slits.
Kagome began to lift her long blade, but the hanyo snarled and smacked his sword onto the pavement.
“Wind Scar!”
A massive wave of powerful youki launched forward, completely surrounding Kagome in a fatal light.
“Take that, you bitch!” he sneered, laughing evilly as smoke rose into the air from his attack.
But his mirth quickly died when a blast of brilliant light came from within the attack, and the Wind Scar vanished. And there stood Kagome, completely unphased, wounds no longer existent, and bankai gleaming on her arm.
“What the hell!? You're going to fight me? With a bow? First you kill Kikyo, then you mock her with your pathetic power?” Inuyasha snarled. “You don't have the power to seal me if you tried.”
All of the assembled allies were very surprised when the until-that-point mostly docile miko suddenly drew her bow back and vanished, appearing with the arrow an inch from the hanyo's surprised face. And they were even more surprised when she let it fly without hesitation, point-blank.
Inuyasha dove back, face bleeding heavily and smoke rising from where the attack had barely missed his neck, instead taking off his left arm in its entirety.
“What the fuck!? My arm!”
Kagome planted her left foot, smashing his head with her other and pinning him to the ground by his throat.
She then lifted her arm, bankai flaring with power.
“You have two options, Inuyasha. Stay quiet and you'll die slowly. And you will die, tonight, I promise you that. But, if you tell me how you're alive, I'll make it quick, for the sake of who you used to be,” she stated in her metallic voice, a chilling calm to her tone.
Despite the obvious agony he was in, Inuyasha simply smirked, blood covering his lips as he laughed.
“You think I'm gonna' bow down to you, bitch? You don't have the guts to kill me. But tell me, how does it feel? To go from pure little demon-killing princess to a monster worse than anything a youkai could produce,” he sneered, eyes narrowed with hatred.
He expected the words to shock her, so that he could use the distraction to get away. So he was very surprised when, instead of going into a rage, she simply shrugged like it didn't matter.
“You've got ten seconds to decide your fate,” she said, still utterly calm. “Ten.”
“Fuck you,” he snarled, grabbing her ankle and trying to throw her balance off.
Inuyasha's claw sharpened, and he swung at her ankle.
“Eight,” Kagome counted, high in the air above him.
Inuyasha rolled to his stomach, pushing himself to his feet.
The hanyo finally managed to get up despite the slipperiness of the blood from where his arm had once existed, and he snarled at the descending miko.
“Tessou!” Inuyasha growled, his claws gleaming as they hardened.
“Four,” Kagome sighed, kicking off a wall of air as the hanyo charged.
Inuyasha reached the miko and instantly began slashing wildly at her, eyes narrowing even more with every miss.
“Three. You know you should just give up.”
“Fuck you, bitch!” he snarled, kicking at her.
“Two,” she counted, jumping up.
Inuyasha used the momentum of her jump and launched, throwing his claw for her throat.
“One,” she bit out, the power in her arrow flaring brighter as she smashed her foot into his chest, sending him sprawling. “You should've gone quietly.”
“Go to Hell.”
She released the arrow, intent on killing him. Except, just as it would've gone straight through his head, the Garganta appeared beneath him and he vanished into the chasm, her attack vanishing from existence as the hole closed.
All gathered watched in silence as Kagome stood still on the ground, body tense as steel cable.
And then, a loud growl erupted from her, and she launched into the ground with her fist. They were all stunned as power exploded in every direction, and the street they stood on, as far as any of them could see, cracked and exploded completely from her awesome power.
And then, the last shock of the night came with a loud exploding sound. Their attention returned to Kagome, whose mask had literally exploded, smoke rising from her heavily bleeding face. And then, her tear-stained face and puffy red eyes relaxed, and she fell unconscious to the ground, her body covered in a shower of her blood…
Sankon-tessou- Soul-scattering Iron Claws
Okay, so this is where the real angst begins. Sorry for the gore, but I thought it got the point of how intense the battle was across. Also, I never liked Uryuu's character, and I thought that honestly, this would be what would happen if there was a real-world version of both of these characters and they were in a relationship. As always, please tell me what you think of my work, as it's what makes an author worthwhile, regardless of whether what you say is good or bad, just as long as it isn't spam.