Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Language, violence, more angst
All the assembled stared at the devastation. Both the devastation caused by a single punch from Kagome's anger, which nobody, not even her well-known friends the Vizards, ever seen before, and the devastation to said miko herself.
They were all stunned when Kurama vanished, appearing at the downed miko's side in the same instant and flipping her gently onto her back.
“Oi, Kurama-”
“You should not move her,” a large, thick man said, appearing out of nowhere beside the pair and surprising Kurama. “You may aggravate the wound further.”
“Yes, I'm aware of that,” Kurama bit out with uncharacteristic aggression. “You lot seem to have powers akin to her own. Can any of you heal her? I can stop the bleeding, but the actual wound is beyond my abilities,” he said, looking at the Vizards, who were surprised at the strange human's blunt statement.
“If you can stop the bleeding, I can heal her,” the large man said, staring down at them.
Without another wasted second, Kurama put his hands on the center of her chest, and a powerful light flowed around both their bodies as the `human's' eyes began to glow gold.
Suddenly, the steady blood flow trickled to nothingness, quickly becoming dry on her dangerously pale skin.
The large man got to work next, his body flashing with green energy that began to flood Kagome's body. After a full minute of this, her own body flared with silver power as well, and the wounds that remained, as well as any sign of blood loss, were gone.
Her eyelids fluttered, and she shot up with surprising energy, scaring everyone as she looked around, eyes wide and practically glowing with fear. When her mind registered the faces now surrounding her, she visibly relaxed to a degree that was shocking, though she was clearly pissed.
All of them followed her gaze to the bleeding and equally-pissed-looking man standing behind them all.
“You… Get the fuck out of my sight,” she snarled, standing up, much to the surprise of everyone that had seen how much damage there'd been to her body before they even got there.
“Tch. Look at all the destruction you caused.”
At that, Kagome's lips pulled back and a surprisingly guttural and inhuman snarl came from her throat.
“It's your fucking fault. I was distracted because of you. I almost died, because of you. You have three seconds before I break something more important than your nose.”
“It was your own damn fault,” he snarled, before he vanished.
They all stared at her as she turned away from where he'd been and walked toward where Inuyasha had lay. Suddenly, two swords appeared in her hand, and she began to glow with ethereal light.
“My right hand is the stone that bridges worlds. My left hand is the blade that binds reality. The black-haired shepherd-”
Shinji formed in front of her, his hand over her mouth.
“Stop right there, Kags. What the hell do you think you're doing?”
“I'm going to follow that bastard and make sure he's dead. Before he actually ends up killing me the next time he pops in for a visit,” she growled, anger and hatred giving her eyes an unnatural glow.
“You know that's stupid, right? You barely have the energy to stand and talk at the same time right now. You'd die, and you know it.”
With a glare, Kagome stared into the elder Vizard's eyes for a full minute before she suddenly relaxed, all traces of anger vanishing along with her energy.
“Fine. I need to be getting back to Soul Society, anyway,” she said, using the power she'd been building for the Garganta instead to open the Senkaimon.
They all relaxed as she began to leave, until her eyes widened and flashed with a brilliant flare of pure white light and her mouth opened in a silent scream.
“Kagome?” Kurama asked, surprised by the irrational fear that had literally come from nowhere.
Without responding, she turned and vanished, and after they got over the newest shock of the night in her unbelievable speed despite her obvious lack of power and energy, everyone followed her trail closely.
They found the trail's end at a massive pile of smoldering and smoking rubble. Before said pile was Kagome, her knees collapsed beneath her, staring at what had obviously been a house until very recently, two young, shivering boys in her arms and silvery tears streaming down her face.
She apparently didn't realize they were there, her body racked with sobs and eyes focused on the two spirits that rose from the rubble.
They weren't prepared for the primal, rage- and pain-filled scream that escaped her. The sound was accompanied by a massive, visible and palpable wave of silver, black and red power that launched outward.
In an instant, the entire forest surrounding the property was turned to ash, and anything within five miles shook violently as well. Her eyes were focused on an area of open space, which suddenly became a dark obsidian and cracked open like the sky itself was breaking.
And out of the crack, three people stepped.
Aizen stood tall and confident, eyes casually roaming across all of those assembled before settling on the enraged Kagome. Next to him stood Inuyasha, his massive blood drenched in blood and a cruel sneer on his face. And behind them stood a tall, black-haired man with features reminiscent to Kagome's own.
The somber silence was broken with Inuyasha's sudden, cruel and mocking laughter.
“Ya' know, I wish ya' woulda' done that sooner. If I'da' known I could slaughter you so easily if you were distracted, I would've thought of this much sooner,” he mocked.
At that, Kagome's eyes went from the blood dripping off the Tetsusaiga to the destruction of her home, and comprehension flashed through her eyes.
“You know the best part? They were so terrified while I slaughtered them, completely helpless. It was hilarious,” the hanyo sneered.
“Why? Why would you do this?” Kagome asked, tears choking her speech.
“Why? Because it was fun. And you took what I loved, so it was only fair,” he remarked offhandedly.
And then, the anger from before returned to her eyes, tenfold. The three men were surprised as a massive, obelisk of silver energy shot high into the air around her body. The ground around her began to bubble violently, and soon turned to ash as her power vaporized anything solid near her except the boys, who had somehow ended up behind the group of Vizards as though for sanctuary. Overhead, the sky filled rapidly with black clouds as lightning flashed in circles around the miko.
They all heard her as she began to chant under her breath, and Aizen's eyes widened.
“Hado 91, Senju Koten Taiho!”
Immediately, the Garganta opened, but it didn't expand fast enough for the attack to miss them. Much to Kagome's shock, though, the third man quickly chanted and released several Danku's that surrounded the trio.
Kagome's Kido hit the barriers and quickly dispersed into nothingness, taking the barriers with it.
“What the hell? That shouldn't have stopped anything beyond Hado 89…”
At her confusion, the man simply laughed, the sound chilling to the very core.
“It was a good effort, that's for sure. Nice try. But you'll need to try harder than that, love,” he mocked, eyes narrowed and cold.
With her attack gone, the Garganta closed, and Inuyasha's eyes narrowed on Kagome like lasers.
And then, he lunged for the weakened Kagome.
She quickly brought her Shikai up to block the claws, but both blades were easily knocked away before she was smashed into the ground. With ever-more-surprising reserves of energy, she kicked off the ground and rolled away.
The hanyo began to swing wildly at her, and her dodges became less and less narrow as her energy reserves began quickly dwindling. But, just as she was about to fall due to exhaustion, the other man, the one who looked like her, decided to join in along with Aizen.
And she was utterly helpless as they converged, obviously intent on murdering her.
“You shouldn't have been so distracted to waste so much energy,” the man chided, his long blade heading for her stomach. “This abominable creature that you carry should never exist, and you must die in kind.”
All those around them not `in the know' were very surprised by the man's statement, and Kurama seemed surprisingly distressed as the blade began to go in.
But suddenly, the attack was knocked wide by a blast of energy from the side, originating from Yusuke's extended finger.
Before the man could react, Shinji and Hiei launched at him, almost easily pushing him away from the downed miko. Meanwhile, several of the other Vizards began to smash Inuyasha apart, and Kagome vaguely realized that Aizen had vanished.
Just as they were about to finish the hanyo, the Tetsusaiga turned black and power surged around him. Drawing on the very last ergs of her energy, Kagome launched, knocking aside all of the Vizards before a massive black rip in the air formed.
She hit the ground, hands moving outward as three massive bolts of power launched. Much to her dismay, Inuyasha merely sneered at the sight of the attacks and with one movement, he opened another Meidou and blew the attacks to oblivion.
After the last-ditch attacks, Kagome was obviously past her limit, her body quickly shutting down. She watched helplessly as the hanyo approached, a Wind Scar building around his blade.
On the other side of her, the mysterious man suddenly flashed with movement, and Shinji and Hiei were both flung into the nearby building. And the next second, he too was approaching her, his Zanpakuto glowing with a terrifying, black energy.
What happened next was a blur. Just as Inuyasha began to swing downward with more than enough force to cleave her in half, a mass of thorns rose from the ground and wrapped around the hanyo, trapping him completely as they began to cut apart his limbs.
At the same time, a whirlwind of razor-sharp thorns and roses exploded into existence from nowhere, attacking the other man, who managed to raise a barrier just fast enough to avoid death.
The man sneered, glaring at Kurama as he appeared above Kagome. One hand was pointed at the hanyo, and the other at the Shinigami, his face contorted with a barely-contained anger.
“You shouldn't prolong the inevitable, boy,” the man sneered.
And then, the Garganta opened, and both of them were swallowed, the hanyo's limbs just barely still attached. The second they were gone, Kurama's attacks ceased, and he instantly lifted Kagome and carried her over to a very surprised-looking Orihime.
Without hesitation, she and Hachi got to work, healing the very-nearly-fatal wounds. While that was going on, the Vizards stood guard, glaring at the Spirit Detectives. Except for Kurama, who was kneeling beside the shivering and bleeding miko.
And then, matters became somehow, impossibly, even more complicated when the Senkaimon opened. And out stepped Rukia, Yoruichi, and Urahara, all of them taking in the scene before them with shock.
There was the burnt house, the almost-dead human boy, the kitsune pup who was lying unconscious by his side, Kagome covered in blood despite being worked on by both Hachi and Orihime within a massive barrier, and a group of men examining where a massive void is in the ground.
Finally, after several minutes, the barrier around them collapsed, and she slowly came awake to find a lot of people, who had no previous knowledge of each other, all staring at her as if in expectation…
Senju Koten Taiho- Thousand-Hand Bright Heaven Culling-Sear (Summons several spears of light that are all fired towards the same focal point where the intended target resides. The culminating explosion is exceedingly devastating.)
Danku- Splitting Void
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