Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: language and ANGST
Kagome looked around at all the faces, and a small groan slipped past her lips at the looks she was getting.
“Umm… Kurama, what's the tactical advice here?” she asked, eyeing the kitsune.
His eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he pulled out his compact and quickly called Koenma.
“I don't have enough energy. Hachi, could you look at the kids?” Kagome asked while Kurama was connecting.
“On it,” the large man said, moving over to the children.
“Koenma, here,” a loud voice said over the compact.
Kagome made an impatient hand gesture, and Kurama threw it to the miko.
“Hello, Koenma. Hey, could you give me some advice?”
“On what?”
In response, Kagome panned the compact around so that it took everyone in, and then returned it to staring back at her.
“Hmm… I'd say the situation's changed, then?”
“You could say that,” she said, nodding.
“Hmm… Tell all, so no further complications can arise. As long as you trust everyone present not to go telling anyone else. I'll handle my father. It seems to be inevitable, really,” the prince sighed.
“Okay, then,” she said, jumping to it.
First, she pointed at the Spirit Detectives, facing the Vizards.
“These are people I work with. I've told you all that youkai are still around, and these are sort of like the youkai slayers from when I was in the past. I've been working with them very recently.”
She reversed her position and faced the Spirit Detectives.
“You all know my story. These are my friends, the Vizards. And my sister, sort of, Rukia, and mentors Urahara and Yoruichi,” she added, pointing to each in turn.
With introductions out of the way, Kagome quickly recalled the stories, adding in various parts wherever the previously unknown parties were involved. Surprisingly, she got through it in very few minutes, and several of them noticed that the entire time she talked, there was a visible disturbance to her.
And then, finally, she ended the story and walked past the groups, over to Hachi and his barrier.
“Are they okay?”
“They are wounded, that much is for certain,” Hachi said, his tone grim. “The kitsune child will most likely recover in moments, but… the other one seems to have been trapped in whatever destroyed this home.”
Suddenly, Kagome dropped to her knees, staring at the children.
“Will he live?”
“There is only so much I can do, but there does not appear to be enough damage to be fatal… But it will take a long time for the child to recover.”
“Thank god,” she sighed, head bowed as tears dropped. “That bastard…”
“Kagome?” Rukia's voice asked, bringing Kagome's attention to the Shinigami.
“I take it that was the hanyo you thought was dead?” Urahara asked, staring at the shaking miko.
“Yeah… You know, this was my home. He told me about how he slaughtered them all, reveling in their fear… Somehow my brother is still alive, but I don't think he did it on purpose…”
“Kagome?” Yoruichi asked, seeing how she was suddenly ten times more tense every second that passed.
“You know, I finally understand. I always understood why people would want to kill a person in revenge, but I never quite understood how someone could have so much hatred in them… I'm almost glad, in a way, that I do now… I'm going to make him pay,” she said, rising back to her feet as her irises began flooding with color.
Suddenly, Shinji appeared, smacking her hard enough on the head to send her tumbling. With a growl, he knelt by her head, eyes narrowed.
“Don't even think about it,” he snarled. “Do you have any idea how bad off you are right now?”
“Piss off,” Kagome said, eyes growing darker in color by the second.
“You've been doing all of this fighting, and you've been doing it while pregnant? How many times have you come close to dying since you've known? How long have you known?” he growled, not letting up.
“I've known for two months. And I didn't tell anyone, because I wanted Uryuu to be the first to know… That plan got shot to hell.”
“Where is Uryuu?” Rukia asked, looking around.
“He can rot, for all I care,” Kagome growled, surprising the Shinigami. “Hey, Lisa, you can have him. I hope he doesn't screw you over,” she added, throwing the comment over her shoulder to the surprised Vizard.
“You could've at least told me,” Yoruichi said, frowning.
“Sorry. I really wanted him to be the first to know, but I couldn't figure out how to do it… until I blurted it out, and almost got myself killed,” Kagome sighed. “And I'm going to rip his throat out,” she added, returning her attention to the frowning Shinji.
“The fuck you are!” Shinji yelled, which was so uncharacteristic that it gave everyone watching pause. “You think you can go after him, and take on not only him, but Aizen and a guy who can make you look like a chump? How many times have you come close to dying, in just two days? Especially tonight?”
“I would've been fine,” Kagome growled, though she knew it was bull as much as he did and her eyes were dulling in color.
“Bullshit. If we hadn't shown up, you would've been killed by both of them. And even we weren't much help. If the redhead hadn't shown up and used that magick, you and that kid inside of you would be in two right now. So don't pretend like you can still fight. You can barely even talk to me right now,” he growled.
“Well, I was at a serious disadvantage. I'll admit I was stupid, but my pregnancy was hidden. At least I thought it was. And some stranger knowing about it wasn't exactly expected. And thank you, Kurama,” she added as an afterthought, smiling apologetically at the kitsune.
“No trouble.”
“Damn that guy was strong,” Yusuke groaned, putting pressure on a very nasty-looking bruise on his forehead.
“Tch. That bastard won't live the next time he sees me,” Hiei growled. “Nobody makes a fool of me. I guess I played too much.”
“Yes, well, you do have a bad habit of doing that, of late, I'm afraid,” Kurama sighed.
Suddenly, the two bruised detectives focused on Kagome, and she felt a strange tension fill her already-tensed body.
“Bitch, do you have any idea how lucky you are that we felt all that power you were putting out?” Yusuke growled, advancing on her.
“Yeah, yeah, I get the point already. I'd be dead a million different ways… Thank you all, and I mean that,” she said, weariness showing in her once again normal eyes.
“Don't do something that stupid again, or I'll drag you back and kick yer ass,” Shinji said, tapping the back of her head considerably more lightly than previously before standing.
“So who the hell was that guy, anyway?” Hiyori asked, making her presence known.
“I don't have a clue. He's got a Zanpakuto and he's workin' with Aizen, though, and that's all I need to know.”
“I need to get back to the Soul Society,” Kagome sighed, standing. “Koenma, if there's any trouble, just call me… Koenma?” she asked, looking down at the completely empty compact.
And, as if in answer, a large Senkaimon opened. But when it opened, it wasn't exactly what Kagome had expected.
“All of you, get in my office, now,” Koenma's voice growled. “Except the large Hollow-man. You stay and keep working on the children.”
And, shocked as they all collectively were, the groups in their entirety walked through the gate. And right into a large office. And, sitting at his desk, was a very annoyed-looking Koenma.
There was originally going to be more, but my files became corrupted, so I had to recreate it out of memory, and I missed a few things. But, I hope you enjoyed regardless. Be sure to review.