Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 51 ( Chapter 51 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Violence, Language, Gore
Family Warfare

Kazuma dove away from her strike, which sent the ground blasting skyward when she made impact.
“Oh, you’re trying to kill me right from the start! But you should know that it would be considerably harder than that. Hado 88, Hiryugekizokushintenraiho!”
Kagome dove to the side as a massive torrent of electric energy filled the air, half the nearby forest bursting into flames on contact.
“Well, well, so it all comes down to this. Who knew I’d eventually become the ruler of an entire dimension?” Kazuma sneered as she rose up.
“After that display, I think I need to teach you some manners,” Kagome growled, slowly slipping Kumori back into her sheath.
“Oh? So, you’ve put away the toy, then? How did you even plan on using a youkai-slaying weapon in your current… state?”
In response, Kagome lifted her right arm, eyes narrowing and power rapidly boiling into the air.
“I’m holding nothing back. Prepare to die,” she snarled as black arcs of energy wrapped around her arm.
“Oh, I came here fully prepared to lose my life. Whoever wins will be the one that will kill Enma, and that’s all that really matters, in the end,” Kazuma said with a smirk. “So, shall we get started, now that I’m warmed up?”
Slowly, he drew his Zanpakuto, energy quickly enveloping him as well.
“I’ll give youth the first move.”
“Wrong choice.”
Kagome’s arm whipped outward, and the black energy whipped into a frenzy, forming a black tornado around the appendage.
“Well now, this is quite a dark energy you’re building,” Kazuma mused.
“I’m a youkai, and that’s considerably better than having anything to do with you. So I’ll fight you like one! Let’s see how you handle a beginning with a bang! Dragon of the Darkness Flame!”
The spiraling vortex of energy launched forth, a high-pitched, snarl-like sound ripping through the air as a dragon took form in the air.
“Holy crap! Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t know if you’re seeing this, but the hanyo Kagome seems to have just summoned Hiei’s dragon!” Koto yelled.
Kazuma stared at the approaching mass of darkness, his eyes wide and energy rapidly building. And then, he dove to the side as a rod of his own energy shot at the dragon.
“Bakudo 62, Hyapporankan!”
When the two forces met, an explosion of black light went off, the entire island shaking under the concussive wave that came seconds later. When the dust cleared, neither form was remaining, and Kagome was moving in as youki rapidly engulfed her form.
“Hado 90-”
“Spirit Gun!” Kagome growled, blasting energy at him before his attack took form.
As Kazuma went to the side, she growled, youki flaring into the air.
Kazuma’s eyes widened as she took form in his path, her energy cracking in the air around her.
As he skidded to a stop, she pushed off of the ground and rocketed towards him. Before he could react, a burst of black energy lanced through the air around her and her fist rammed home into his skull.
With a choked yelp of pain, he barreled into the ground in a curtain of smoke. More energy left Kagome’s body, and she followed him down, a barrage of bone-shattering punches and kicks flying into his stunned body.
By the time she finished, he was writhing on the ground in pain, his arm bent in several unnatural ways and his sword far out of his reach.
“Get up,” Kagome growled. “You’re too stubborn for that to have disabled you.”
At once, Kazuma’s shakes stopped and a slow, chilling sneer crossed his face. In stomach-turning detail, she watched as his broken bones righted themselves before he rose up, not a bruise on him.
“Well, that was an interesting way to start things. Hope you didn’t use too much energy on it.”
“Oh, no. That was a warm-up.”
“Good. You know, it doesn’t really matter to me who wins this fight anymore. I intend to kill you, of course, but now that we’re here, it doesn’t really matter which one of us wins. Either of us can take his head.”
“Don’t play that game,” Kagome snarled. “You killed my family and threatened my children to get me here. I’m going to kill you!”
“Yes, yes. Drastic tactics, but they worked, didn’t they? You’re here, and not hesitant about slaying a god. How we got to this point is really unimportant.”
In response, Kagome’s hand came up, youki building with incredible speed around her being.
“Fuck you.”
She snapped her fingers, and power exploded into the air with enough force to knock him backwards, a barrier quickly forming to protect him from the evil energy that was taking form. As smoke and dust settled, it revealed Kagome standing tall, a pearlescent mask covering her face and the ground melting beneath her feet. And then, her entire being vanished, not a trace of her left in front of him.
Kazuma regained his sense of her a second after she formed behind him, a primeval snarl ripping from her.
His eyes widened as energy blasted from her extended fingers, darkness filling his vision from the point-blank attack.
A wall formed before her attack, holding the energy away long enough for Kazuma to dive away.
A split second after he’d cleared the blast range, a shattering sound filled the air and the ground vaporized under her overwhelming energy.
“Oh, wow! It appears that there’s a lot more to this hanyo than meets the eye!” Koto’s voice boomed.
“Bakudo 63, Sajo Sabaku!”
Kagome’s masked eyes narrowed as a brilliant chain of energy took form, wrapping around her and tightening until her arms’ muscles creaked.
“Now that I’ve got your attention, Hado 90, Kurohitsugi!”
Power exploded downwards over Kagome, her immobile body quickly becoming trapped by the crushing kido.
“Damnit! Spirit Wave!”
The chains around her flashed with energy and Kazuma suddenly found himself blasted to the ground, his concentration gone. Seconds later, a glowing Kagome was on top of him, an echoing, metallic hiss escaping from her throat.
“That wasn’t very nice. Do you know how it feels to be stuck in that thing?” she snarled.
“I do, as a matter of fact,” Kazuma sneered. “You’ve made quite a slip-up, kiddie,” he added with a smirk.
Slowly, she brought Kumori from her sleeve, glaring as black energy engulfed her.
From the side, she saw his arm’s muscles flash, and metal flared across her vision. As she came out of her backwards dive, her mask shattered, blood slipping from where his sword had landed.
“You were arrogant,” he sneered. “Shine, Asakyohaku!”
The air was filled with a brilliant, golden light and Kagome gasped as inexplicable amounts of pain suddenly filled her body.
“I’d say that Shikai’s enough to kill you, but there aren’t exactly corpses in abundant supply here. So let’s just go to the next level, shall we?”
Something about the thought of him releasing his Bankai filled Kagome with dread, her blood turning to ice.
“Like hell! Kumori Suishou!”
The dagger flared with energy, and she took off as the energy and form expanded. Just as he, too, began to glow with power, she reached him.
Her obsidian blade came down, heading to cleave his head straight from his shoulders. Unfortunately, he’d seen the attack coming and dodged it, though just barely, and the scimitar’s curve gave Kagome more momentum than expected.
She planted her foot to stop her spin, but it was too late. Pain lanced up her body from where his sword had been inserted into her side. Power exploded and an unearthly screech of pain filled the air as her body began to smoke.
“That was a stupid move,” he sneered, slowly dragging the blade free of her.
Kagome fell on her side, electric bursts lancing up her side as she writhed.
“What the fuck did you do!?” she screamed.
“You’ve learned a great deal, but I’m older than you. So of course I would know more,” he laughed. “Like, for example, how to fuse Kido with a Zanpakuto.”
“D… Damnit,” she gasped, blood slowly coiling from her lips.
“Now then, let’s get this done with before you regain your muscle control, shall we? Bankai!”
The air exploded with sound as a torrent of light coiled around his form. Still writhing, Kagome stared with wide eyes as his sword began to change.
Slowly, the blade shortened, and the hilt disappeared, wrapping around his arm up to the shoulder. The light vanished and her horror increased at the sight before her.
The blade was a long, wickedly curved piece of obsidian metal, with a snake’s head as a cross guard. Power hummed along the length of the sword, the sound filled with promises of death and chaos, with a background whine of pure, feral hunger.
“Jureikarite,” Kazuma hissed, eyes gleaming. “Are you prepared to die, dear daughter?”
Energy rippled along Kagome’s body and she took off, landing in a skid as the hole in her side knitted together.
“You seem scared, Kagome,” Kazuma sneered. “Do you know what my beautiful Zanpakuto can do?”
“I can guess,” Kagome snarled, clutching Kumori tighter.
“Oh, I don’t think you can quite grasp it all. A demonstration!”
Slowly, he pointed the tip of his blade at a nearby tree, and Kagome’s eyes widened as a wall of black, corruption-stinking energy poured from the edge. And, in a flash, the energy was gone, and the tree was in pieces as petrified stone.
“Keep on your toes,” he laughed before pointing at her.
Instantly, she was gone, just as the spit she’d been standing exploded upwards.
“Folks, I have no idea what’s going on, but it appears that Kazuma’s sword has the ability to turn things to stone, and now Kagome’s on the run! I don’t know about all of you, but I get the feeling that this is going to be gloriously bloody and gruesome!” Koto boomed, making Kagome’s eyes narrow.
“Yes, do keep running. You’ll get tired much more quickly than I,” Kazuma laughed as another wave of petrifying energy hit, the distance from her body getting increasingly smaller.
“Bite me,” she snarled. “Dragon of the Darkness Flame!”
Cold, evil energy poured from Kagome’s body, and Kazuma watched as the dragon once again charged towards its prey. Instead of fleeing, he merely pointed at the dragon, a chilling smile on his face.
And then, he lifted his sword, and Kagome froze where she stood, paralyzed in shock as the energy hit and the dragon, the immortal being of power, was petrified and fell to the ground in pieces.
“Well, that’s a pet that won’t do you much good anymore, isn’t it? I hope that doesn’t mean you’re running yourself low!”
Kagome took off once again, her energy depleting more and more with each dodge.
When his next attack hit, she landed behind him as sparks of black energy took the form of glowing claws. She swung both arms, and ten jagged, sparking blades launched for his skull.
He spun, and she was already moving as her attacks disintegrated.
And then, she launched at him, and before he could swing the blade, her claw gripped his wrist with bone-snapping strength. And she brought her other hand, full of sword, up and stabbed it right into his chest.
Instead of the expected pain or shock, though, all that registered on his face was smug satisfaction.
Several uncomprehending seconds later, she understood why as her vision blurred and her strength left her. She jumped backwards to find her left hand blackened and smoking, and her breathing was labored now.
“What the hell?”
“You can’t get close to her without a backlash. She’s a bit temperamental, I’m afraid,” Kazuma laughed. “Still, good reflexes. A few more seconds and that limb would be stone.”
“So, that’s how it works… You drain all the energy from something until it’s nothing but a lifeless husk… I’ve got something similar.”
“Really?” he asked, amused.
Suddenly, her eyes flared silver, and she vanished. Before he could react, her hand smashed into her head and power flared.
“Spirit Reflection Blast!”
Just as she began to retreat with his energy, Kazuma spun and stabbed. A ground-shaking scream ripped free from her pursed lips as an unholy feeling of being pulled inside out filled her.
Somehow, her brain pushed through the pain and she dove away, blood covering her right arm.
“That was close. You almost got away with it. So, now I’ve drained… what? A half of your power? How much longer can you keep this up, now that you can’t expend energy to avoid every strike?”
Slowly, Kagome’s free hand gripped the hilt of the Tetsusaiga, and the island shook under the weight of her energy on the contact. And then, she brought the blade out, and she snarled.
“You’re right. I don’t have the energy to keep dodging. So I’ll end this, here and now.”
“Oh? You bring out the hanyo’s sword and think it will be a miracle-bringer?”
In response, Kagome brought both blades up and a massive corona of darkness wrapped around her.
“I can’t believe it! Kagome is actually making the sky dark with the overwhelming weight of her aura!”
“Alright, you bastard. This is where I finish this, with everything that I am! Human, Shinigami, Hollow, miko, Mazoku, it all comes to this! Wither at the power that generations of the righteous, and you, have given me!”
The ground around her exploded and vaporized as the corona around her turned an opaque silver color, black, blue, and red coiling like snakes along her body.
Before the eyes of every watching being, Kagome’s body took on the lights, her form becoming one of pure energy and power. And the blades in her hands flashed, one pure white and the other obsidian.
“This is the end! Konbure-ku!” Kagome screamed, bringing both blades down in a brilliantly lit X.
Kazuma’s eyes widened as a wave of silver hit him, slicing straight through his form. For a full ten seconds, nothing happened. And then, his skin began to crack like a broken mirror, light filtering out from the cracks.
“For all that you’ve done, this is your punishment. A death that will condense an eternity of suffering in a few seconds. I’d tell you to rot in hell, but your soul won’t remain to do that,” Kagome growled between pants.
“You… You attacked my very soul?” Kazuma asked in disbelief.
And then, he let out an agonized laugh as light continued to bleed out from his continuously cracking body.
“You can kill him, after all! Well done.”
And then, he collapsed, his body filled with agony unlike anything a human would be able to survive. A roar beyond any other ever heard before left his lips for an eternity-worth of seconds before the sound died down. And then, he shattered. And there was nothing left, every trace wiped out in a single strike of Kagome’s vengeance…

(Jurei)(karite)- Literally ‘Life Reaper’
(Kon)(bure-ku)- Literally ‘Soul Break’
So, the fight has finally happened! After all the build-up, I hope it was a satisfying conclusion to this fight, and that you all enjoyed reading. As always, be sure to leave your opinions, be they positive or not. See you next time!