Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What would you do? ❯ Koenma's office ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What would you do?
Chapter 1
By: Ldy Chaos
Co-authored by: Azriel Anarick
Seth Haruta
Disclaimer: Due to unfortunate monetary circumstances, I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho
“There is more soul in a sunset than in a cyclone, more beauty in a swan than a hawk; raw force does not equate triumph.” Can't remember where I got it.
“Wait, where did it go?” He hit the monitor on the desk. “Stupid sensors…” He grumbled. “George! You said the sensors were fixed.”
The ogre approached the desk, “But Prince Koenma, the sensors weren't broken. They were checked multiple times. The sensors were even upgraded for you.”
“Then why do the sensors show youkai in this area of the Ningenkai, then disappear moments later?!” He pointed to a remote mountain area outside Tokyo, near the Makai border.
“I don't know Sir; but if the sensors show them there, then they have to be there somewhere.”
“Hmmm…maybe the-”
A portal opened in front of Koenma's desk. Botan flew in with an unknown spirit in tow.
“Botan! Why did you bring a spirit to my office? Do your job and send him to the afterlife,” Koenma said with an irritated expression.
“Lord Koenma, you need to speak to this youkai about the circumstances of his death. It's a very strange occurrence,” Botan responded.
Koenma turned to look at the youkai cowering in front of him, “There's nothing extraordinary about him or his power level. Why would your death interest me weasel?”
The weasel youkai seemed to turn into himself more, now that he had Koenma's undivided attention. With a low timid voice the weasel said, “Well lord, you see I was minding my own business taking a stroll through a mountain area, when I came upon a cave. I heard a woman asking for help. When I stepped in, I was viscously attacked by this pink energy. I was instantly killed.” The weasel began to nervously play with his hands.
Koenma's interest was peaked, but he was hesitant to take the weasel's words for truth. But Koenma had a sneaky suspicion about the whereabouts of the weasel. “Were you at a remote mountain or were you in a mountainous area?”
“A mountain Lord,” the weasel bowed his head.
“Is this mountain located by the ningenkai border?” said a surprisingly relaxed Koenma.
Botan was highly suspicious of Koenma's behavior, `I wonder what he's thinking about? I'll find out soon enough.' Her attention was directed once more to the conversation before her.
The weasel got very nervous at the mention of the ningenkai border. “Well lord, I'm not very familiar with the border, as I don't travel there very often. It may have been; but I wasn't paying attention.”
“Interesting…Botan, take this youkai to the lower parts of the Reikai,” he turned back towards the computer on his desk.
“But Sir, that's where we keep the dangerous spirits that have committed heinous crimes,” said a shocked Botan.
“Yes, I know. But if this youkai thinks he, can get away with lying to my face, then he has another thing coming,” said a very angry Koenma.
The weasel throws himself on his knees begging Koenma, “Please Lord, don't send me there. I'll tell you anything you want.”
“Then tell me where the mountain is really located and why you were there.”
The weasel gave in, “The mountain is in the Ningenkai, by the Makai border. I was there looking for a place to stay in the Ningenkai. Please Lord that is the truth. Please don't send me to the dungeon,” begged the weasel.
“Hmmm…well that is a shame. I did give you a chance to be truthful with me, but it seems that you can't even do that. Botan take him away.” Koenma pointed to his office door.
“Yes, sir,” Botan started to take the spirit away.
“Wait, I promise I'll tell the whole truth this time just give me a chance. Please don't do this to me!” screamed the deceitful youkai.
“It's too late. I gave you a chance to be honest and you didn't use it,” said Koenma. “Botan when you're finished I have a job for you.” Koenma yelled as the door closed behind Botan.
Botan dragged away the screaming spirit. She took him to the entrance of the lower dungeons where the guards took him in hand. They bowed to Botan, “At your Command, Lady of Death.”
“Prince Koenma orders that you show this youkai your hospitality,” she smirked.
“Yes, mi lady,” they snapped to attention, bowed once more and took the spirit to the recesses of the dungeons.
Botan returned to Koenma's office. She approached his desk, “Excuse me Koenma, what is my next assignment?”
“I need you to bring the team to me. We have a lot of work to do. If there is someone or something located where that youkai was killed; strong enough to avoid our sensors for this long, I want it on our possession or destroyed. Don't tell the boys anything that you know. I wish to speak to them myself.”
“Yes sir, on my way.” Botan opened a portal to Ningenkai. She hovered over the city of Tokyo. `Hmm…I wonder where Yuuske could be.'
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
Beep beep beep beep
A hand reached out and opened the communicator, “What?” mumbled a sleepy voice.
“Yuuske get your lazy ass up!” screamed Botan's voice from the communicator.
A black tousled haired head lifted out from under the blankets, hazardously thrown over the sleeping body. “Come on Botan, I was sleeping. It's the middle of the night. Decent people are asleep at this time.”
A portal opened in Yuuske's room, and the blue haired girl stepped in. She walked over to Yuuske's bed and took his pillow from him. “Come on Yuuske, this is very important. Koenma really need you at his office.”
He lifted his head up and looked at Botan. “You're not going to let me sleep anymore are you?”
“YUUSKE! Don't make me use this!” She held up the oar in her hand.
“Alright, alright. I'm moving; don't get all riled up for nothing.” He stood up from the sheets. All you could see was Yuuske's naked back and low-rise boxers.
Author's notes:
I have to apologize to my readers. I was in such a hurry to load this chapter that I forgot to thank my reviewers for the wonderful remarks they left.
Thank you:
Amaya Vixen
I really do appreciate the comments left and the patience that you have with me. I don't wish to make excuses, but this chapter was supposed to be out before Acen, unfortunately there was a lot of shopping left to do. I do beg your forgiveness in my tardiness in releasing this chapter. I hope you're not too upset with how this chapter ended. The next chapter will be released much faster then this one. The kids at my job have been released and I actually get my office to myself to `work' ;) ;)