Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What would you do? ❯ Trial 2 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What would you do?
Chapter 6
By: Ldychaos
Co-authored by:
Azriel Anarick
Seth Haruta
Disclaimer: Due to unfortunate monetary circumstances, we do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho
Impatient straight to flesh his virgin sword.
Alexander Pope
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Dusk arrived in the village. The paths were barren of all life forms. All were in their respective huts, except for one.
She stood before the statue of the warrior miko. She gazed into her eyes as she rubbed her chilled arms.
“Please not him, don't let it be him,” she fervently pleaded. She thought back to what the temple keeper had said.
She walked into the temple with her katana sheathed at her side. She kneeled before the alter. She prayed for guidance in the upcoming events.
The temple guardian approached Tsuta. “The road less followed is a traitorous path indeed for those brave enough to seek its end.”
She looked up at the guardian with troubled eyes, “I don't know which course to take.”
“Worry not child,” he glanced behind her to Amaterasu's alter. “Events have occurred as they were meant to be.”
“But they escaped. They are aware of the secrets we harbor. When they return, there is the risk they shall bring others.”
“Do not fret; it shall all occur as it was written 500 years ago. `He shall arrive on the night of the blood moon to set her free in the greatest time of need.” Tonight the moon shall bleed once more, all the signs have foretold of this event. It is inevitable. Accept it child and all shall work itself out.”
She bowed her head. “You are right, grandfather. I shall attempt to do as you say. Do you really believe the darkest hours of man have now arrived?”
“The war of the Reikai has begun to spill into the Ningenkai. There is no doubt in my mind of the events to come…”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
“Why him? Why after so long of looking for someone? Do I not deserve the opportunity for happiness?” she dropped to her knees, and looked to the mountains above. She felt a slight breeze move her hair.
A calming aura surrounded her. She heard a whisper on the wind that made her bow her head in shame. “I have no choice as well…”
A sudden gust of wind startled the young taijia from her thought. A portal opened just behind her and the Reikai Tentai stepped through.
Kurama, Hiei, and Yuuske stood before the path into the mountains. Kuwabara stood as far from the path as he could get without the others noticing.
Sweat began to bead his brow. Anxiety entered his eyes. He held no desire to enter the forest. He could see shadows move through the mist covering the pat. He stood no chance against what waited him there.
Tsuta rose from her knees and placed her hand on her katana. No matter her personal feelings, she had a job to do. “Why have you returned?”
Yuuske stepped forth, drawn to this woman's strength. “We are not here to cause trouble. We wish safe passage into the mountains.”
“Why should I believe you? You bring forth demons to our village,” she narrowed her eyes at Hiei and Kurama.
Hiei narrowed his eyes in return and attempted to draw his blade. A restricting hand fell upon his. He glanced up into Kurama's face; a deep growl drew forth from Hiei's chest.
“Wait,” was all Kurama said, and released his grip on Hiei. Surprisingly Hiei relented and returned to his relaxed stance. Well, as relaxed as Hiei can get in an unknown village with weird powers around it.
“I can assure you; no harm will come to your village or people from us. We just wish safe passage into the mountain,” Yuuske looked her in the eyes, he willed her to trust him.
`Wow, I didn't know he knew so many big words,' stated Yoko.
`It appears we are in for new experiences,' responded Kurama as he glanced back at the panicking Kuwabara.
Their attention was drawn to the side when an old man stepped forth. He appeared to be a monk from his apparel.
“Grandfather you should be in the temple,” stated Tsuta.
“Cease with these actions Tsuta,” he addressed Yuuske directly and kept Hiei and Kurama within his line of vision. “It appears you have taken a liking to our village young man.”
“Sir, we wish not to disturb your village. We will depart as soon as we have gone to the mountains,” Yuuske knew he surprised his fellow team members with his eloquence. He had learned their eloquence sometime ago to please Kieko. He never believed the situation would arise where his friends would learn about his new behavior.
The temple guardian adjusted his position to include Hiei and Kurama in his direct line of vision. He seemed to address the three detectives. “What you see is far more precious than you were lead to believe. Protect it and destiny shall unfold before your very eyes.”
“Hush child, this is what was written, this is what shall be,” he glanced up towards the setting sun. “We cannot assure safe passage to the mountain, for it has been designed with trial s for you to overcome.”
“Trials?” questioned Kuwabara, as he sweated profusely.
The temple guardian turned to the orange haired boy with kindness in his eyes. “As strong as thee may be, thee are not meant to suffer through these trials. Your heart is great and your spirit resilient in all you have accomplished and so much more you must over come. But at last we all have our limits. Remain in the village or explore our surrounding area, but into the mist you shall not travel.” Kuwabara sighed with relief. “As for the three warriors,” he turned back to the rest of the tentai, “many trials you shall encounter within these mists, both internal and external, proceed with caution. If thou survive, thou shall return to our humble village for further guidance.” He held his left hand out towards the path.
Yuuske, Hiei, and Kurama turned towards the churning mist. They approached with caution, waiting to be attacked. They reached the statutes of the maiden miko, looked towards one another, and strode through the arch way simultaneously.
“The first test has been accomplished. Now to see if they can complete the next tasks to come,” stated Tsuta.
Kuwabara turned from staring into the mist towards Tsuta, “What do you mean they passed the first test?”
Tsuta turned to the young man, “If they had not been worthy to approach the mountain, they would have been purified on contact by the mist.”
“They have been deemed worthy. Interesting indeed. After 500 years of attempts to free her, it should be a forbidden child, a kitsune avatar, and a mazoku demon to be the ones to pass the test together. Truly interesting,” his eyes twinkled.
“How did you know that? She couldn't even tell,” as he pointed to Tsuta, mystified beyond belief.
The temple guardian chuckled as he walked away, “It shall be as it was meant to be.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
The three stepped forth into an area almost completely covered in fog, it was nearly impossible to see five feet in front of them.
Hiei kept his hand on his sword ready to pull it out at any sign of danger. Yuuske stood fast, looking around trying to be a responsible leader he kept his calm cool façade up, though he was itching to run head first into a fight.
`So now we will see the truth, maybe he has changed and done the impossible Kurama,` Yoko snickered in Kurama's head.
`Indeed,` Kurama replied with a stoic expression and curious at his old friend's behavior. `Maybe Kieko finally beat some manners into him,' he smiled.
Yuuske strained to look forward as he studied what he could see, all the while the wind howled as if alive.
The three stepped forward cautiously but were surprised to hear a loud screeching roar as they did. The mist seemed to fade and there before them was a two-headed beast. It looked almost like a mix between a dragon and a giant. It was vaguely humanoid, with long bulky arms. It looked like they stretched the beast's full length, but on a closer look revealed great, thick, muscular legs bent behind the creature. Its hands ended into deadly claws, and the feet were large and rounded like tree stumps.
Its two long dragon-like heads spiraled off of two long necks, with spiked frills running down. Their beady eyes were slits of yellow, and the sharp toothed mouths were dripping with acidic saliva that filled their air with a decaying scent. Their body was covered in smooth putrid grey scales that made the creature seem dead. The monster roared again as it began to rise, bringing one hand up slowly for an attack.
Yuuske smiled. “This ones mine,” he said, sprinting forward headlong at the creature powering up his fist grinning as he let out a battle cry.
Dodging the massive claws which crashed and broke the ground under him, he pushed his fist out before him aiming at the creature's chest. “SHOT GUN!” A series of blasts burst forth from his hand at the giant creature pummeling and ripping through his body, purple blood splattered everywhere giving off a rotting smell.
The beast hunched over seemingly dead, as Yuuske landed breathing off the adrenaline. Yet something didn't feel right, suddenly one of the heads let out a vicious roar and the ground burst under Yuuske's feet. Three bladed tails shot out sending the surprised Yuuske flying back into his surprised allies.
The beast stood up seeming perfectly fine. The wounds already healed, growling loudly as acid began to drip from its now smoking mouth as it prepared another attack. Both pairs of eyes fixed on the group as its rage built up.
Hiei pulled his sword and Kurama readied his rose whip for battle. `Well, it seems he is still as reckless as ever. That's a relief, we can always count on Yuuske to reveal how not to do things,` Yoko snickered, Kurama sided with him knowing it was the truth but a smile played his lips seeing as he was slightly happy that his friend hadn't fully changed.
Hiei charged in, “This dragon's mine. You two go ahead I'll catch up, this should prove easy.” He ran towards the beast with his sword drawn. The beast's heads released a flow of acid aimed for Hiei and the other aimed for Yuuske and Kurama.
Hiei dodged the corrosive liquids with ease jumping into the air lunging forward at the beast cutting deep into one of the heads slicing down to the base of the neck pushing off he landed near the corroding earth.
Yuuske and Kurama dodged quickly in opposite direction both nodding to Hiei as they tried to get past.
Hiei covered them by leaping at the second head slamming the blade through the bottom of its jaw. Then he powered up a blast of darkness flames which he released at the top of the head searing the flesh as the smell filled the air. He slides his sword out of what appeared to be a dead head and landed gracefully on the ground.
Then out of nowhere one of the clawed hands slammed down on the unsuspecting Hiei who barely escaped, a deep cut in his right arm from the deadly claws and the heads appeared whole once more letting out its sickening roar. The beast's second attack came swiftly at the two trying to get past giant lines of green flames. The two tried dodging but couldn't escape the whole attack; they rolled near Hiei's feet partly scorched.
Hiei looked down for a brief second to smirk and say a snag remark but caught a tail to his chest before he could reply. The dragon on his arm became annoyed a bit at the monster; Hiei could feel its distress at the mockery of the creature before them.
Kurama stood as well as Yuuske each trying out their own strategies once more. Yuuske ran towards the monster firing a series of spirit guns blasting towards the creature once more filling the air with the dead smell of flesh as the explosions echoed behind it. Yet it came back, countering Yuuske with a powerful blow from all sides with its tails. It healed swiftly as Kurama wrapped the creature in his spirit world vines and drained its life away.
“There, that should just about….” He was interrupted by a roar and fire bursting from the vines taking him by surprise.
Hiei struck fiercely, freezing it's arms with his ice powers and slashing the heads clean off while gliding past stabbing the blade deep into the back of the creature running along its body before finishing the blow then he leaped past the bubbling neck stubs which burst forth into knew heads and nearly bit Hiei clean in half as he flipped past landing and dodging the oncoming tails that winded towards him.
Hours passed, they breathed heavily and were exhausted. “Damn this things tuff.” Yuuske blurted, still short of breath.
Kurama frowned as Yoko laughed on the inside, “I'm sorry to say this Yuuske but there is something else at work here. This demon's power level is very; very low it seems we are over looking something here.”
Hiei looked pissed, “But there is nothing else here, what could possibly be going on.”
They were cut short as they dodged a blast of flame the creature shot out as if egging them on.
“I don't know but its PISSING ME OFF!!” Yuuske yelled powering up a spirit gun in his hands.
Kurama shook his head, “It's not going to work, think Yuuske…”
It was too late he was charging, Kurama dashed forward as well. At least he could cover his friend, the creature always countered after being attacked.
The Black Dragon grew even more restless as the battle dragged on, getting angry as this creature stood before it and its master refused to die. Hiei smiled maybe if he let it out it would devour this beast and they'd be done with it. The dragon seemed more than pleased with the idea but Hiei waited to see what would happen next.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
I wish to apologize to my readers. Bows low to ground. For those that are unaware of the situation, my father passed away over the summer. It has been very difficult for me to get back into my daily activities. Especially writing.
I wish to thank Halfblackwolf, GCDV, Ptbear, Kagome1951, and Madmiko. Your kind words and thoughts really helped me get through a difficult part of my life. Thank also for not giving up on me Madmiko. You gave me the extra push I needed to post this.
I would especially like to thank Azie, Seth, and the rest of the crew. You know who you are, you harass me every day! I'm sorry I cut myself off from you guys the way I did. But like true friends, you hunted me down, beat me not literally and gave me the firm talking to I needed to get out of my depression. I'm sorry I freaked you out.
I dedicate this chapter to you all. Thank you for everything.