Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What would you do? ❯ What next? ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What would you do?
Chapter 7
By: Ldychaos
Co-authored by:
Azriel Anarick
Seth Haruta
Disclaimer: Due to unfortunate monetary circumstances, we do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho
Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air.
-- John Quincy Adams
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Kuwabara walked through the forest. He wondered about the temple guardian's words. `What is my destiny? Where is it leading me?'
He heard a rustle in the bushes to his left. He began to walk towards the sound, to investigate what could cause the noise.
He saw a pair of ears sticking out from behind the bushes. He fell back into a defensive stance, ready for an attack.
A young innocent face popped up from behind the bushes, startling Kuwabara.
“Ahh!” screamed Kuwabara.
“Mew?” she cocked her head to the side, watching Kuwabara's antics as he jumped into the air in fright.
“Who are you?!” screamed Kuwabara.
She popped out from behind the tree, “I'm Yuki. Who are you, mew?”
“I'm Kuwabara. Are you a cat demon?” as he stared at her ears and tail in fascination.
She flicked her ears back in confusion at his gaze, “Well I'm half cat half wolf-”
He reached for her ears and began to pet them. “Kittie!”
Her eyes rolled back in a trance like pleasure. “Mewww.” She batted his hands away. “Stop, mew, that's bad.” Her tail started to wag back and forth and purring could be heard from her chest and throat.
“Why is it bad?” he asked as he paused his motions.
She could now reasonably response to Kuwabara. “Because it makes me feel funny, and that's not good.”
Kuwabara was completely baffled by her statement, but ceased to pet her ears. He asked, “Why are you here Yuki?” He was suspicious of her sudden appearance at a time like this.
She tapped her chin and thought, `What did master tell me to say again?' “Oh, yeah,” she exclaimed. “Sorry about that,” she sheepishly apologized. “Well you see I was being controlled by this really bad person and he was mean to me and hit me. So I ran away, then I crossed this shimmering light and here I am,” she jumped in place and put her hands on her hips.
“Aww, poor Yuki, so then you escaped. Are you hurt, do you need to see a healer?” His expression displayed his concern.
`Yea, master will be so pleased! He's buying my act.' She gave Kuwabara an innocent cute look, “I'm fine, really. I heal fast. But I would like to rest. I'm sleepy.” She blinked her eyes owlishly and yawns.
`Should I take her back to the village? We're too far away from the city and I have to wait for the guys,' Kuwabara was torn as to what he should do.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The path the cleared before them made the three demons weary of just what could occur as the next trial.
“What next! A pink fuzzy bunny is going to appear that we need to KISS!” Yuuske shouted in exasperation.
“The theatrics are unnecessary, detective,” stated Hiei.
Yuuske throws his arms up in frustration, he says, “And since when does Hiei talk so damn much.”
“It appears Yuuske that we all have changed in these past two years,” Kurama cocked his left eyebrow up, “including, yourself.”
A blush rose up his cheeks, “We should keep moving before we lose anymore time.” Yuuske strode forward, Kurama followed just behind with Hiei maneuvering through the trees; he kept vigilance from aerial attacks.
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“It appears, things are progressing well,” stated Hachiman.
“We can only hope it is enough. I fear for us all, if these plans fail.” Amaterasu turned away from the looking glass, showing her the events with the spirit detectives.
“When will we strike?”
“King Enma will become aware of her presence, moments after her release. We have to be ready.”
“Hmm, then we strike when the moon reaches its pinnacle. I shall alert the others. What of Koenma? Will he stand by our side?”
“He has no choice. Enma shall destroy him, for assisting our cause.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The scent of dragon's blood incense filled the temple. The old temple guardian crossed to the meditating taijiya. A knowing smile spread across his lips as he looked upon the statue of Amaterasu.
The taijiya emerged from her meditative state; her strained expression of concern attracted the guardian's attention.
“Grandfather, when will we know?”
An aura of peace surrounded the grandfather, as he turned to Amaterasu once more. “Hmm, the second test has been passed, by all three, interesting.” A twinkle appeared in his eyes as he bowed to the glowing statue. “It will be as you have commanded; all will be in readiness for her return to this plane.”
“Grandfather?” she looked towards the statue in concern.
The temple guardian turned once more back the taijiya, “Gather the people and prepare for the arrival of the miko warrior. We must also prepare for battle. The war that we have been training for is at hand.”
The taijiya rose from her position on the floor. She bowed to the elderly man, “All will be in readiness as you have commanded. We shall not fail you.” She turned and left the temple.
“I just hope it will be enough this time around. The world cannot withstand another round of evil like the last time.”
“We are doing all that we can monk.” The ghostly appearance of Amaterasu did not faze the elderly man.
He smirked.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mist creped around Yuuske's and Kurama's feet. Hiei was forced to land from the denseness. The mist obscured the surrounding area, no sound, scent, or aura could be distinguished.
It became hard to breath. One by one the three demons fell to their knees unable to speak or breathe properly.
Kurama attempted to communicate with Youko, `Youko. Can you hear me? Do you know what is going on?'
The spirit kitsune did not respond; he was unconscious, `Wake up Youko! Do not fall asleep…' Kurama looked towards Yuuske and Hiei; they were knocked out as well. Kurama's eyes became very heavy, unable to keep them open he fell forward. “No…” was his last whisper before darkness enclosed his mind.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yuuske lifted his pounding head. He was slightly disorientated as he lifted his head from his arms. He blinked as he looked around the white room. A humming and beeping sounding could be heard in the background.
`Why does that humming sound like a respirator? Where am I?' His confusion was rapidly destroying his patience.
“Yuuske…are …you …ok?” a female voice gasped out.
He turned towards the head of the hospital bed, his eyes widened is surprise, “Keiko? But I thought you died, what are you doing here?”
“It's okay…Yuuske, I'm …not… dead yet,” she smiled teasingly at him. She reached her hand out and grasped his hand lying next to her. She gently squeezed it. “It was just…a dream.”
`This is not happening, I know she died. I can't watch this again,' he clenched his free fist in anger. “What's today's date Keiko?”
“June 11… why Yuuske?” she wheezed out.
`No…not today, just give me one more day with her, but at least I can tell her what is in my heart this time around.' He looked into her eyes, “Keiko, I wish there is something more I could do, be with you longer, and show you the world around. I want to do so much and yet time is so unfair to us.”
Keiko looked at Yuuske…
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hiei slowly gained consciousness. He looked around and noticed he was in the tree outside Yukina's room.
`How did I get here? I don't remember coming to this place,' he thought as he jump down to the ground. He took surveillance of the surrounding area for any intruders.
`It must have been a dream…' he suspiciously narrowed his eyes at that thought.
“Hiei-san will you not come in for tea?” asked Yukina's gentle voice.
Hiei turned towards her voice, he performed a light scan with the jagan, but nothing suspicious showed up. “Hn,” was his response.
Yukina gently smiled and turned towards the temple. She knew he would follow her inside.
She took a seat before the table and began to serve tea. “Hiei-san, I wish to ask your assistance with a very important matter.”
Hiei took a seat across from her and took the offered tea. He looked her into her eyes awaiting her request. She seemed hesitant to him, “If it is possible, and I have time I shall assist you.”
She smiled gently, “You are such a good tracker, and I have no where else to turn. As you know I have been seeking someone these last few years…” Hiei stiffened upon hearing this…
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Author's Notes
Long time no see you guys. I'm sorry about this lapse in chapter releases. It has been a difficult last 12 months. As some of you have heard my father passed away a year ago, June 11, 2006; and recently my grandmother passed away March 8, 2007. I cannot express in words how much it has meant to me, the supporting and caring words of encouragement that I have received these last 12 months.
I would like to thank Madmiko, Mysterious Tears, SadBrokenWings, Destiny Flame, Vyncent, Heart Star, and Fox Vixen, and the others whom have e-mailed me directly for your kind words, thoughts and encouragement.
I realize this chapter is shorter than some of my other chapters, but I'm taking things one step at a time. Please be patient with me. I also wish to ask you the readers to make sure these new chapters are of the same or better quality as the previous chapters.
Till next time,
Ldy Chaos