Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission in America ❯ I Believe I Can Fly (this plane better than any pilot) ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"Are you sure this is a safe flight?" asked Kuwabara as he and Kurama were buckled in. Hiei and Yusuke sat behind them, Yugi and Genkai were behind Yusuke and Hiei, and Joey and Tea were next to them.

"I'm... I'm sure it is, Kuwabara," said Kurama.

"Then why are the seat belts made of some kind of elastic material?" asked Kuwabara as he stretched out his seatbelt as far as his arms could reach.

"Erm... Probably for comfort...?" Kurama replied.

"Isn't that kind of dangerous, though?" Kuwabara asked. "I mean... What if we get flung forward? We'll crash right into the next seat and lose a few teeth. Or worse."

"Kuwabara, please just stop talking," said Kurama as he pulled out an air sickness bag and began to breathe into it.

"Tell me, Genkai," said Yugi. "Do you have any... Children?" Genkai stared at him for a moment, then quickly unbuckled her seatbelt, ran across the aisle, and crammed herself between Kuwabara and Kurama.

"I'm sitting with you two, okay?" she said.

"I don't know, Genkai," said Kurama. "This isn't very safe. We'd feel better if you had a seat belt." Kuwabara stretched out his seat belt once more.

"I beg to differ," he said.

"So then I beat him up again!" exclaimed Joey. "He came back for more, but I beat him down one last time, and he didn't dare get up again! He was really afraid of me!" Joey grinned at Tea and flexed his muscels.

"This guy is full of-" began Yusuke.

"I know, but he won't last long," said Hiei. Yusuke looked at him with his eyebrows raised.

"Oh, Joey, you're so strong!" said Tea.

"Yeah, well, I don't mean to brag but-" he said. Suddenly he banged his head up against the seat in front of him and his eyes opened wide. "My head... Oh, my head... Tea, help me... Something is... inside my head. OW! It hurts!"

"Joey, are you alright?" asked Tea. He began to scream in agony and curled up underneath his seat. "Guys, something is wrong with Joey!" Yusuke looked at Hiei, grinned, and gave him a high five.

"You miniature Satan, you rock," he said. "Since when could you do that?"

"Have you ever wondered about those dreams you've been having?" asked Hiei.

"Um... Yeah, okay... I think I'm gonna go sit with the freaky kid now," said Yusuke as he unbuckled his seat belt and took Genkai's seat. Genkai seized the oppertunity for a seat and sat next to Hiei.

"Hey Genkai, you wanna see me rip someone's head off without even touching them?" asked Hiei. Before she could answer the plane suddenly zoomed forward and took off immediately, sending everyone but Yusuke and the two gangs flying to the front of the plane, causing most of their heads to snap off from the sudden impact. "Pretty cool, huh?" asked Hiei. As the plane flew upward slightly, the severed heads began to roll down the aisle toward the back of the plane, and Kurama puked all over Kuwabara's shoulder.

"Hiei, that was a horrible thing to do," said Genkai, recovering from a sudden urge to vomit.

"Yeah, but they would have died anyway," he said. "All I did was speed up the process." She stared at him for a minute.

"You know, that may be true," she said. And indeed, Hiei flew the plane better than the pilot, for the rest of their flight was not a pleasant one. Mostly because a lot of them died.