Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission in America ❯ Only In America-- Horror Movie Madness ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"Though you did completely destroy my reputation as a clean, collected martial arts master, I thank you for freeing me from that extreme duress," said Genkai as they made their way through the airport, having finally arrived in America after an overnight trip of pain and misery.

"Think nothing of it," Yusuke replied. "Now about that chocolaty cake you promised me..."

"I'll think about it," she said with a sigh. "But only if you behave from now on."

"Okay... MOM," he said. Kuwabara caught up with Yusuke, huffing and puffing. "Where'd you come from?"

"We don't have time to pick up our luggage, man," he said. "There's a shooting going on right now outside the airport. We gotta do something."

"But my bag is right there," said Genkai as she watched a suitcase on the conveyer belt. "Could I just-"

"Come on!" exclaimed Yusuke.

"But..." she said. But Yusuke and Kuwabara were already heading for the exit. "I... But..." She sighed and ran after them.

"Please, just let me go back for my bags!"

"Genkai, what's more important? Your luggage or the lives of innocent people?" asked Yusuke.

"That's a trick question, right?" she asked.

"Everyone back off!" shouted the guy with the gun. "I'm not afraid to kill you all right now! Just try to stop me!"

"Holy smokes!" exclaimed Yugi. "It's Kaiba! Hi Kaiba! What are you doing in Americ- AH!"

Yugi fell to his knees, clutching his stomach. "He shot me! Why would he shoot me?"

"Gee, I wonder..." said Genkai. Yusuke and Kuwabara looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "What? Don't look at me like that!"

"Maybe we should help him," said Kuwabara. They both looked at Yugi, curled on the ground, gurgling. "Nah."

"Help... me..." Kaiba said. He fell to his knees and began to bang his head on the ground over and over again.

"He's possessed!" exclaimed Genkai.

"Possessed?" asked Yusuke.

"You know, like in Exorcist!" she replied.

"Oh, you mean that movie with the little old lady and that freaky girl?" he asked.

"Yeah, the one where her head spins all the way around," said Genkai.

"That movie was freaky," said Kuwabara. "But you know what was really freaky? Poltergeist. That kept me lying in bed for days."

"You're a wimp, man," said Yusuke. "That one with the little girl and the well... What was it? Oh, yeah. The Ring."

"That was not scary," said Genkai. "I've seen scarier in the bathroom after you take a shower. Can't you just use Kurama's shower?"

"Don't mind me," said Yugi. "I'm just lying here on the cold ground with my GUTS HANGIN' OUT!!"

"So you're telling me you're afraid of soap scum?" asked Yusuke.

"DAMMIT GUYS!!" shouted Yugi.

"This story has lost all trace of plot," said Kaiba. "I shouldn't stick around any longer. Next thing you know I'll be vomiting all over the place."