Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission in America ❯ You Killed My Amigo! (The Scooby Doo remix) ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"You know, maybe we really should do something," said Genkai. "What if he decides to shoot us?" Kuwabara and Yusuke looked at the ground for a minute, then looked back up.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," said Yusuke.

"That would suck," commented Kuwabara. "But what do we do?"

"Give me ten days and a nice thick book and I'll launch us all into the world of advertising and make billions!" exclaimed Genkai.

"But what does that have to do with our situation?" asked Yusuke.

"I don't know, but I thought about it on the plane, and it seemed like a good idea," said Genkai. "I've never thought about having a real job before. And think of the money we could make..."

"I could buy more hair gel," Yusuke said dreamily.

"I could buy Yukina's love," said Kuwabara.

"I could finally afford breast implants," said Genkai. After a few moments of deep thought she giggled and Yusuke and Kuwabara stared. "What? Stop staring at me! I have dreams too!"

"But we really should take care of this first," said Yusuke.

"Right, because if we don't make it out of this, we'll never live to spend that money!" exclaimed Kuwabara.

"Is this the part where I shoot one of you?" asked Kaiba.

"No, that's only if our first plan fails!" Yusuke called to him. "Why don't we just have Genkai use the spirit wave? He is possessed."

"But what if that doesn't work?" asked Kuwabara. "Which one will he shoot? Should we draw straws before we put the plan into action, so he can shoot one of us before we even realize that the plan didn't work and not expect it? It might whittle down the burning, stabbing pain a little. I have some straws in my pocket that Kurama got for his slushie (And for some reason he likes to use a lot of straws) but he never drank it because Hiei beheaded everyone on the plane and allowed their severed heads to roll around freely."

"What he said," said Yusuke.

"Forget it!" exclaimed Genkai. "I'm just going to blast him right now! I can't wait anymore! I need that money! SHU NO KEN!"

Nothing happened. Genkai jumped up and down shouting the words over and over again but nothing happened. "What do I have to do ?" she asked God angrily. "Say it in English?"

"Actually, that sounds like a pretty good idea, us being in America and all," said Kuwabara. Kaiba readied his gun and aimed at Genkai.

"No Johnny! Don't do it!" shouted a cop in the distance. Just when Kaiba pulled the trigger a cop threw himself out in front of Genkai and took the bullet.

"Shwa!" exclaimed Genkai. "The woman always lives! They say the funny guy goes first, but I think the black guy does. But we don't have either of those. We so defy the laws of horror films. Hey guys, what's the matter?"

Yusuke and Kuwabara were staring at the dead cop, but Genkai looked down to see that it was actually Joey in a cop's uniform. "There will always be three. Never more. Never less." She bowed her head in silence for a moment. "One down!"

"Now we got the cute one!" She ran over to Kaiba giggling with glee, and he shot her.

"Holy crap! He killed Genkai!" shouted Kuwabara.

"No wait!" exclaimed Yusuke. "She's still alive!"

"How do you know?" asked Kuwabara.

"I don't," muttered Yusuke. He fell to his knees. "Genkai! Why? Why did I let you go?"

"Shut up!" she shrieked.

"Kay," said Yusuke. He got back up on his feet. "Hey Kaiba, you know what happened at the end of Exorcist?"

"No, I was too scared to keep watching it," he replied. "What happened?"

"I don't know," said Yusuke. "I was too scared to watch it too and I thought you knew."

"They kick some demon ass!" shouted Genkai.

"Yeah, okay!" replied Yusuke. "Thanks! Now, let's take care of this already I'm hungry." Yusuke and Kaiba started fighting all Matrix style. They both flew up into the air and hovered there for a few seconds, then Yusuke made his deadly move...

What is the move that saves the lives of our three Spirit Detectives (and one freak) and gets Kaiba to come over to the side with better lighting? Find out next update!