Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission in America ❯ Intermission 2 ( Chapter 15 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
* The following chapter is rated PG13 for language and whatnot... Heck, read it anyway. No one's lookin'. *
Botan: -puts on a pair of sunglasses and steps into the dark room- My name is Botan and I will be your host on "True Or False: Beyond Belief." -dramatic music plays and she takes out some odd looking prop- Normally I would use a prop to introduce our first story, but I'm not some fuggin' loser who just got ahold of a camera. Let's just get this show on the road.
What They Wouldn't Do For Booze
Kurama: Hey, and how about how Hiei's sword was just magically fixed in that episode where Genkai was being weird again, huh? -laughs a drunken, wheezy laugh-
Genkai: Kurama, you wouldn't know weird if it fucked you last night. -stuffs french fries in her mouth-
Yusuke: I'll tell you weird. Anyone ever notice how Genkai skips between measurements throughout the last two sagas?
Genkai: -looks down her shirt- Oh, ho, now you're just teasin' me.
-Everyone laughs-
Yusuke: No, I'm serious. -everyone ignores him-
Hiei: And, oh, how about... -takes another drink and wipes his mouth on his sleeve- How about how she wore that stupid hat in the first saga, huh? -laughs-
Genkai: Ass... Hey, how come I'm the butt of everyone's jokes while Kurama is a three hundred-year-old virgin?
Kurama: If you keep that up I won't be for long!
Genkai: Oh, I'm so scared! Kurama's gonna do me!
Yusuke: Oh, didn't you notice? We all rape you in your sleep now! It's an added feature to the show!
-everyone laughs-
Genkai: You guys are all sick. -continues to stuff fries in her mouth-
Hiei: Well you're drunk!
Genkai: Oh, look who's callin' the kettle fuggin' black!
Hiei: Back off wrinkle ass!
Genkai: What're you? A five hundred-year-old virgin?
Hiei: You're DEAD! -tackles her-
Yusuke and Kurama: Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Genkai: Shit, Hiei, my hair!
Hiei: -pulls her hair harder- Take it back!
Genkai: Drunk bastard get off my hair !
Kuwabara: -his severed head hangs from Yusuke's doorknob, now finally in view of the camera-
Botan: Yes, I know, they're all drunk losers off screen. Was this story true, or was it just a creative piece from one of our sick writers? It was true. How else could we get stupid footage, for the love of God ? Tune in next time, or don't if this mentally scarred you for life.
Beyond Belief is not responsible for any... um... people who read this... and died and... Um... Hey, we should really put these at the beginning of the show.
* The following chapter is rated PG13 for language and whatnot... Heck, read it anyway. No one's lookin'. *
Botan: -puts on a pair of sunglasses and steps into the dark room- My name is Botan and I will be your host on "True Or False: Beyond Belief." -dramatic music plays and she takes out some odd looking prop- Normally I would use a prop to introduce our first story, but I'm not some fuggin' loser who just got ahold of a camera. Let's just get this show on the road.
What They Wouldn't Do For Booze
Kurama: Hey, and how about how Hiei's sword was just magically fixed in that episode where Genkai was being weird again, huh? -laughs a drunken, wheezy laugh-
Genkai: Kurama, you wouldn't know weird if it fucked you last night. -stuffs french fries in her mouth-
Yusuke: I'll tell you weird. Anyone ever notice how Genkai skips between measurements throughout the last two sagas?
Genkai: -looks down her shirt- Oh, ho, now you're just teasin' me.
-Everyone laughs-
Yusuke: No, I'm serious. -everyone ignores him-
Hiei: And, oh, how about... -takes another drink and wipes his mouth on his sleeve- How about how she wore that stupid hat in the first saga, huh? -laughs-
Genkai: Ass... Hey, how come I'm the butt of everyone's jokes while Kurama is a three hundred-year-old virgin?
Kurama: If you keep that up I won't be for long!
Genkai: Oh, I'm so scared! Kurama's gonna do me!
Yusuke: Oh, didn't you notice? We all rape you in your sleep now! It's an added feature to the show!
-everyone laughs-
Genkai: You guys are all sick. -continues to stuff fries in her mouth-
Hiei: Well you're drunk!
Genkai: Oh, look who's callin' the kettle fuggin' black!
Hiei: Back off wrinkle ass!
Genkai: What're you? A five hundred-year-old virgin?
Hiei: You're DEAD! -tackles her-
Yusuke and Kurama: Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Genkai: Shit, Hiei, my hair!
Hiei: -pulls her hair harder- Take it back!
Genkai: Drunk bastard get off my hair !
Kuwabara: -his severed head hangs from Yusuke's doorknob, now finally in view of the camera-
Botan: Yes, I know, they're all drunk losers off screen. Was this story true, or was it just a creative piece from one of our sick writers? It was true. How else could we get stupid footage, for the love of God ? Tune in next time, or don't if this mentally scarred you for life.
Beyond Belief is not responsible for any... um... people who read this... and died and... Um... Hey, we should really put these at the beginning of the show.