Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission in America ❯ I Never Had Cooking Classes Myself ( Chapter 16 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"What was that?" asked Kurama. Everyone turned in the direction of the noise. People were arguing in a nearby alley.

"No, that..." Hiei began. "That is just the stupidest... Oh, come on!"

"That's my power, okay?" shouted the young woman. "My name is Bariko, by the way."

"Wait a minute," said Hiei. "Azulu... And Bariko... A and B. Man, you guys are so lame."

"You..." said Bariko. "You... Just shut up, okay?"

"Who'er you supposed to be?" asked Yusuke, who had discovered the two just a moment ago.

"I just went over this," murmered Bariko, her green eyes gleaming. She pulled the chef hat from her head and fanned herself. "My name is Bariko... And I am the Master of Baked Goods." Everyone paused for a moment.

"How ironic," said Yusuke, elbowing Genkai.

"Wait, could you repeat that?" asked Kuwabara.

"I'm the Master of Baked Goods!" shouted Bariko. "That's my power! My weapons are baked goods! I can pull them from thin air and... er... Hit you with them!"

She materialized a blueberry muffin. "Behold my power!" She chucked it at Kuwabara, hitting him square in the face, and he continued to stare at her with his mouth wide open. "And if you thought that was impressive, wait until you try my deadly cakes!"

"Reminds me of Genkai's cooking," said Yusuke, scratching his forehead.

"Shut up," said Genkai, elbowing him back. "Can't you just drop it? You're never getting that cake now."

"So as far as fighting goes, you're as good as dead, right?" asked Kaiba.

"Well..." began Bariko. "Yeah... But I have a hostage!" She threw an arm around Hiei's neck and held a breadstick to his head. "Back off or the little guy gets it!"

"Do what she says, do what she says!" exclaimed Hiei, struggling. Everyone fell over.

"How the heck did she trap you, anyway?" asked Kuwabara.

"No one can resist the power of lightly toasted blueberry bagels with cream cheese," said Hiei. "NO ONE!"
"Who writes this guy's stuff?" asked Devlin. "He's making me hungry."
"We can think about food later," said Tea. "We have to save Hiei! I have a thing for short people!" Genkai stared at her, eyes wide. "Oh, you know what I mean!"
"Stay back!" shouted Bariko, prodding Hiei with the breadstick. Her face was turning as red as her hair. Everyone took a few steps back. Bariko kicked open the door to an old warehouse and pulled Hiei inside, still holding the breadstick to his head. She shut the door behind her and the sound of cardboard boxes shuffling around could be heard inside. The door opened again.
"Okay I'm ready, come on in." She held the door open and everyone stepped inside. Hiei had been taped up in a large cardboard box and labeled SHRIMPY GUY. The box began to jump about and Hiei's muffled cries could be heard within. "So, let's get started. Who wants to fight me?"
"I can take this," said Yusuke. But Kuwabara stepped out in front of him.
"No way, Urameshi," he said. "Only I can stomach her sweets of evil."
"What a bad pun," Yusuke murmed, rolling his eyes and stepping back with the others. "Fine. Just make it quick."

"I can't stand losers with lame powers like you hangin' around like they own the world," said Kuwabara. "So I'm gonna do the world a favor and get rid of one."

"You seem brave," said Bariko as she began to materialize something. "But let's see how brave you are against my doughnut hole of doom!" She threw a cinnamon doughnut hole at him, but it hit the floor at his feet. "Darn! Those things never were very aerodynamic."

Kuwabara sighed and stepped closer to her. "Look, if it'll make you feel better, I'll let you get a hit on me for free," he said. "I don't wanna kill your self-esteem." She fumed.

"I don't need your sympathy!" she exclaimed. "I'm a great fighter! You'll see. Azulu may have failed, but I won't!" She began to materialize something once more.

"I don't care how brave you are. You'll never stand a chance against this." Kuwabara gasped.

"No!" he exclaimed. "It can't be!"

"It's..." began Yusuke.

"Meh mohfhnt fhm phy!" cried Hiei from within the box.

"Yeah, it's a Coconut Cream Pie!" shouted Bariko. "And I'm not afraid to use it!"

"You're terrible!" cried Kuwabara. He stepped back a bit, eyes wide. "There's no way I'll ever make it out of this alive..."

"Kuwabara, get out of there!" said Yugi. "We can't let you get hurt! Let someone else take care of it!"

"No!" exclaimed Kuwabara. "I'm Kazuma Kuwabara and I'm the best there is! If I can't handle this, no one can! I can take on a stupid pie! I'm not afraid!"

He charged at Bariko and she tossed the pie at him. He dodged just in time and it brushed past his shoulder, hitting the floor with a SPLAT, and he tackled her, pinning her to the floor.

"You big jerk, I almost had you!" she cried out, trying to break free.

"Mission accomplished, guys," said Kuwabara, getting off of Bariko.

"Fine," muttered Bariko. "You beat me. But just wait until you fight the other twenty four of us! You won't be so lucky!"

"Lady, luck had nothing to do with it," said Kuwabara with a grin as Kurama and Yusuke tried to unseal the box Hiei was trapped inside.

"Well, I guess we ought to keep going," said Tea, grinning.

"I just can't help wondering what these other twenty four guys will be like," Yugi muttered.