Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission in America ❯ They Were... Curious. I Swear. ( Chapter 17 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"Hey Dough Girl, did they beat you yet?" asked a man walking up some cellar stairs taking a bite out of a rather large sub sandwhich.

"Yeah, yeah," said Bariko. She fished around in her pocket and pulled out some cash, then shoved it into the man as he walked by. "It's all there." He nodded and grinned. She rolled her eyes and made her way to the cellar stairs.

"Who're you supposed to be?" inquired Kuwabara, eager to fight again.

"I am Cecero, Master of X-ray Vision," he said. "I can see through skin, clothes, and even solid metal."

"For the love of God, protect our women!" shouted Yusuke. He looked from Tea to Genkai. "Okay, we have no women, but that power is still incredibly wrong ."

"Hey, it's not like I ever use it for things like that!" shouted Cecero. "They have magazines for that!"

"Completely ignoring that you just declared that I wasn't attractive enough to be called a woman, I'd like to say that your power is the stupidest we've come across so far!" exclaimed Genkai.

"I for one feel like Hiei is undressing me with his mind to make sure Yusuke's indirect statement is true," Tea said quietly. Everyone looked at Hiei, who's eyes were darting from side to side. He coughed and lowered his head bashfully.

"I don't care what you say!" shouted Cecero. "I'm going to defeat you all!"

"How?" asked Genkai.

"If I hear another word out of you, during every moment of my existance you will be naked!" he said.

"He wins, he wins!" Genkai cried, cowering behind Kuwabara and Kurama.

"Hey, we'll just have to get rid of you real quick then," said Yusuke. "But..." He paused for a moment. "By show of hand, who wants to see Genkai and Tea naked, just out of curiosity of course?" All the guys raised their hands.

"Kurama!" cried Genkai. "You're supposed to be a gentleman!" He blushed and put his hand down.

"Er, sorry," he said, clearing his throat. "I suppose curiosity got the best of me."

"I hope you don't think I was being serious," murmered Cecero. Yusuke's eyes darted around for a moment, and then he put his hand down and cowered into a corner.

"Well, Yusuke's out," said Kuwabara. "Can I fight again?"

"I believe it's my turn," said Kurama. Kuwabara groaned and stepped out of the way.

"You get the easy one," said Kuwabara. "And I get stuck with coconut cream pie girl."

"It's not like I'll ever get to fight," Genkai scoffed.

"Unless you want him analyzing your feminine structure, you might not want to fight this one," said Kurama, scratching his forehead and trying not to laugh.

"I resent that!" shouted Cecero. "Just because you're not female doesn't mean I can't see you naked too!" Kurama turned slightly green. After a moment he edged off into the corner with Yusuke.

"Serves you right," Genkai mumbled.

"Alright!" cheered Kuwabara. "Now I get to fight!"

"Not just yet," said Hiei. Kuwabara cursed under his breath. "I'll take on this one."