Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission in America ❯ When Fans Go Too Far ( Chapter 27 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The phone rang again. Yusuke immediately snatched it up. "Tell us where you're keeping her!" he exclaimed. "We'll pay anything you want!"

"I'm touched, but that won't be necessary," said Genkai. Yusuke let out a sigh of relief. At least she was alive. "Get me the heck out of here. The service here sucks."

"What happened to your plate of cookies?" he said mockingly.

"Hey, it was pretty cool until she started showing me my mother's baby pictures," she hissed. "How does someone get something like that? And then she started showing me these weird tapes... They were about us, and on one tape I died and she cried every time she pressed rewind and watched me die in reverse. Hello? Yusuke?"

"You could have at least waited until she gave us an address!" shouted Kuwabara, chasing Yusuke down the street.

"If she's down to the death threats, we don't have time for details," he replied, trying to run faster.

"But Genkai said it was a tape," said Kuwabara, trying to catch up. "What could that mean?" Yusuke didn't answer, but slowed to a stop.

"This place is a little familiar..." he murmured, facing the nearest run down building. The others quickly caught up.

"Yusuke, what's going on?" asked Kurama. "Do you know where we are?" Yusuke touched the door, and it fell over.

"...No," he replied, but stepped in anyway.

"Are you sure we should just be wandering in-" said Yugi, but Yusuke shushed him. He heard voices in the other room. And then a scream.

"Come on!" he exclaimed, running in blindly. The others followed. After a little running, he reached a hallway with eight doors. Which one, which one? he thought frantically. A blueish light shown under the closest door to the right, and he kicked it in. Genkai sat in an armchair in front of a TV with Shenkan sitting on the floor next to her, and they shared a bowl of popcorn. A collectors addition of The Mummy Returns was playing on the TV.

"Hey guys, about time," said Genkai, sitting up and stretching. "I was starting to think I'd have to walk back alone."

"Do you have to go now?" asked Shenkan with pleading eyes.

"Hey, I'll visit tomorrow," she said, patting Shenkan on the head. "Alright. Let's go. Hey, what's with Yusuke?"

Yusuke stood there, looking utterly befuddled.

"Let's... just go," he said, turning towards the broken door.

"Will you carry me back?" asked Genkai, following behind. Yusuke glared at her angrily. "Never mind..." Shenkan thought something over for a minute, and before they left, she ran after them.

"Hey, wait!" she called after them. They stopped at the doorway. "I heard you talking about a girl with a chain whip. Maybe you can help me."

"Come on back to the hotel," said Kuwabara, continuing down the sidewalk.


"So that's why you kidnapped me," said Genkai, after taking a sip of tea.

"Yes, Muriko's home..." said Shenkan, scratching the back of her neck. "It's not exactly what I'd call homey. You wouldn't last a week. I didn't last two hours. I make her visit me now."

"Wow," muttered Yusuke, staring into his cup of tea. "You'd think a bunch of rabid fans would be after Hiei or Kurama instead of Genkai." He was backslapped. Guess who did it.

"So can I stay here forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever so you don't have to live your life in fear, always looking over your shoulder, waiting for the day that Muriko decides to take you to her domain of doom so she can give you free stuff and assume you'll have fun?" pleaded Shenkan.

"Okay," said Genkai, shrugging and taking a bite of a cookie. Shenkan stood up, walked out, and screamed "YES!" all the way down the stairs to the lobby, running off to Wendy's to get a shake.

"Hey, if she's supposed to protect you from Muriko, shouldn't she be here right now?" asked Kuwabara. Everyone paused. Yusuke stood up and locked the door.

"Freeloader..." he mumbled, plopping back down on the couch.


Genkai rolled over on her side and checked the digital alarm clock. 4:00 A.M. Just two more hours of Shenkan throwing rocks at her window and trying to break in. In the twin bed, Yusuke was trying hard to sleep, getting ready to throw rocks back.

"Genkai, wake up," he hissed, standing up and walking over to her. He shook her shoulder, but she grunted and hid her head under the pillow. "If she throws one more rock, I'm going out there and shoving them all down her throat." Genkai waved him away and he got the message, then plopped back in bed, tossing and turning the rest of the night.

"Hey," whispered a voice above Yusuke. "Wake up. I'm taking you out of here." Yusuke opened his eyes and looked around, but there was no one there. "Who are you? You're not Genkai. Where is she?"

"Are you my conscience?" asked Yusuke, getting out of bed and looking around the room. A shadow fell down on the bed and Yusuke whirled around.

"You're Yusuke!" exclaimed the shadow, hiding behind the bed.

"And you're Muriko," said Yusuke, stomping over to her. Genkai rolled over again, and Yusuke froze.

"There she is," said Muriko, removing the hood of her suit.

"Hey, you're not going anywhere, you kooky fan," said Yusuke, grabbing Muriko by the arm and dragging her away. Swiftly and silently, she pulled free and pinned him to the floor.

"I will be taking Genkai to the other realm," she muttered, unsheathing a katana.

"Well, maybe it'd be okay as long as you feed her enough," he said nervously, feeling the sword against his neck.

"But before I go I need a little information."


"And she isn't lactose intolerant, but she's afraid of heights?" Muriko scribbled notes onto a list that trailed off to the window.

"That's right. Now could you get off my back? You're heavy."

"I still need the address of her reccomended doctor and dentist. I should kidnap them too and force them to live in my castle." Genkai yawned, and they both looked up. It was 6:00 A.M. She threw her feet over the side of the bed, and stretched.

"Morning," she grunted, trudging off for a shower.

"Blast..." murmured Muriko, sheathing her katana. "I'll have to wait another night, but I'll be seeing you again, Yusuke Urameshi." With a puff of smoke, she disappeared. Genkai trudged back in to grab a spare towel and coughed a few times.

"Yusuke, how many times have I told you not to smoke in here?" she asked irritably, and headed down the hall again.