Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission in America ❯ Crouching Ninja, Hidden Genkai ( Chapter 28 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The next morning, after another conversation with Botan, Yusuke decides to take the Spirit Detectives on a trip to an abandoned record hall at the edge of the city, hoping to find answers to his many questions about the A to Z Demon Slayers.

After punching random buttons into the number pad on the elevator and hoping no one noticed how stupid he looked, Yusuke flattened against the side of the elevator while Genkai and Shenkan busied themselves by staring out the glass back wall, and Kurama, Kuwabara, and Hiei kept their distance from Yugi and the others, who were playing some sort of annoying card game.

"Cheater!" shouted Devlin, chucking his dice at Joey, who jumped out of the way.

"You could put an eye out with those," mumbled Joey, trying to cover up his offense. Yusuke glanced over at Shenkan and Genkai and made a disgusted look.

"Hey, stop flashing the people out there!" he exclaimed. They pulled their shirts down and turned around bashfully. "That's just sick... Batty old lady and psychotic pumpkin spy freaky... thingy. Who works with a pumpkin!" The elevator came to a screeching halt.

"Is it stuck?" asked Kuwabara, examining the door. Yusuke punched in numbers impatiently.

"Come on, come on.." The elevator jerked upward, sending Kuwabara and Yusuke back against the wall, then it came to another sudden stop. "Oh, great! You'd think we'd be able to reach the next few floors without the stupid elevator getting stuck just like in the movies!"

"If we get stuck in here, we have to eat Genkai first because she's lived the longest," said Kuwabara. Shenkan stepped out in front of her defensively and bared her teeth like a security dog, and Kuwabara reared back a bit. The hatch above them began to rattle.

Yusuke looked up. "What the heck is up there?" Everyone backed up as far as they could, and the unknown object on top of the elevator kicked the hatch in, sending it clattering to the floor, and dropped in. It was Muriko.

"Muriko, you traitor!" growled Shenkan, stepping closer. "I got here first, and I'm here to protect Genkai! You're not going to take her to that terrible place you call home."

"You mean my new loft with blaring speakers, blinding, flickering lights, the smell of fresh coffee, and Halo 2 playing on sixteen different plasma screen televisions?" asked Muriko, lowering her hood. Genkai peered over Shenkan's shoulder.

"You know, maybe it wouldn't be so bad," said Genkai, looking at the floor. "If that's all she came for, she can just get me out of here, and get the elevator going again so you all can get on with your lives."

"Forget about it!" exclaimed Yusuke. "If anyone in this cramped elevator gets to play Halo 2, it's me! Muriko, please please please please please take me with you instead."

"You're cute, but Genkai will yell at me and stuff. That appeals to me," said Muriko, holding out her hand. "Come with me now and I'll let you have whatever you want. You will be happy.

"Ninja Gaiden?"

"Seventy-two copies, perfect condition."

"Final Fantasy VI through XI?"

"Of course. Including European addition."

"Lots of tea?"

"Imported from nineteen different countries."


"Lots of n- Wait, N-NO?" Muriko gaped at Genkai, but she only shook her head and turned away. "Why?"

"I'm not really sure, actually." Yusuke cleared his throat. "Oh, yeah. That would mess up the story. And the writers would go crazy . They love me you know. It would really suck if I just disappeared."

"That isn't a good reason!"

"I know, and I'm really kicking myself for this. I hate my life."

"I hate my life too!" exclaimed Hiei. Everyone looked at him, and he coughed and looked at the floor.

"I love my life!" said Tea, grinning gleefully. Muriko paused.

"Can I take her away instead?" she asked, pointing to Tea. "And drown her?"

"Yeah," said Genkai. "Yeah, okay. Have fun." Tea looked startled. Muriko grabbed her by the back of the shirt and pulled her up through the elevator shaft.

"Don't shake a baaabyyyyy!" cried Tea, being pulled through the twisting and turning ducts.

Everyone was silent until they were sure they were gone, and then the elevator started up.

"You know she's just going to come back alive," said Yusuke with a sigh. "They always do that."

"Yeah, but it was fun," said Genkai, looking up at the open hatch. Everyone nodded.

After a few hours of research in the records, Kurama stumbled into something very interesting. "Everyone come look at this," said Kurama, flipping through a large book. Everyone crowded around him. "More baby pictures."

Genkai was pictured with Toguro pulling her hair and making her cry. Genkai snorted and walked off, hoping to find something a little more interesting.

"Why do you suppose...?" Yusuke flipped to the next page. Hiei and Yukina were pictured, Hiei pushing Yukina on the swing, and helping her up when she fell, and sharing his snacks with her.

"Hey, Hiei is moving in on my girl!" exclaimed Kuwabara. Everyone. Sweatdrop. Big sweatdrop.