Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission in America ❯ Are You a Good Ninja, or a Bad Ninja? ( Chapter 30 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
         "Muriko is fighting on our side from now on," Yusuke reported to Botan that night as they conversed at the window.

         "What are you talking about?!" she exclaimed, nearly sliding off her oar and into the busy street.

         "Don't ask questions."


         "Is Koenma going to kill us?"

         "No, but the reviewers might. You guys have done absolutely nothing but talk about Genkai for the last six chapters."

         "What reviewers?!"

         "Don't ask questions."


         "Is that blasted fairy at the window again?" asked Shenkan, suddenly popping up beside Yusuke and startling him. "I told you before! We don't want any jewelry!"

         "Hey, you're the one who shut me out be-" Shenkan shut the window.

         "She was starting to freak me out with all that stuff about 'reviewers' anyway," mumbled Yusuke. "First she tells me God is real, next she tells me about reviewers and all that. I'm gonna have some serious nightmares." Yusuke continued to mutter to himself even as he was leaving the room, and Shenkan wondered if he might start changing the toilet paper roll when he used it all up. Don't ask why. She just thought it.


&nbs p;        The very next morning, everyone was eager to take on their opponent from the last time they had been at the Alphabet Underground.

         "Guys, since when does this place have a name?" asked Devlin, still fascinated with how the things he stuck in Kuwabara's hair just stayed there.

         "Don't you think a bunch of trained psychics would have figured that out by now?" Hiei scoffed, considering taking off his shirt for no particular reason.

         "Kurama told us. He knows everything," said Yugi. "He even knows my middle name. I still can't figure out how he does that."

         "I know Genkai's last name as well," he added. Genkai suddenly looked startled and tackled him. Everyone turned and watched her wrestle him to the ground curiously, but after two minutes they got bored and decided to keep walking.

         Muriko exited a nearby Star Trek convention building and joined them. Shenkan dropped down from the sky, though no one was really sure how. As they walked together, their feet moving simutaneously, they looked really, really cool somehow.

         "Stop trying to walk like me!" exclaimed Hiei, sprinting ahead of everyone.

         "Sorry," they all replied at once.

         "What took you so long?" asked Bariko as she leaned against the door.

         "We were cool-walking," Kuwabara replied.

         "I know what it's like, man. I know what it's like. Go on in." She stood aside and everyone entered, and then made their way to the record room.

         "Hidy ho!" the giddy soccer mom exclaimed as they entered the room. "My name is Ellen, and I am your next opponent, you adorable little darlings! Would you like something nice and healthy to eat? I really wish you had dressed in something a little more presentable. This is not casual Friday, no sir."

         "But it is Friday!" Yusuke whined.

         "Exactly! Just what are you doing out of school at this hour, young man?"

         "Uh... Uh... She's my guardian blame her!" Shoving Genkai forward, he began thinking up excuses just in case plan A didn't work.

         "Just because I am the oldest human being in this city doesn't mean you have the right to falsely accuse me of giving birth!" she shouted.

         "You're ruining my excuse," grumbled Yusuke, crossing his arms angrily. Shenkan shoved him out of the way.

         "You're totally handling this the wrong way, you know," she commented, approaching Ellen. "The only way to beat a soccer mom..." Everyone waited in suspense.

         "Is to..." Breathing suddenly became very difficult.

         "HIT HER WITH A SOCCER BALL!" Everyone fell down all anime style, and Shenkan frantically searched the room for a soccer ball.
          "Let me handle this," said Muriko, stepping forward. "She meant to say that the only way to defeat a soccer mom is to reason with her like an adult."


         "But where are we going to find an adult?!" cried Kuwabara. Hiei was a good boy and didn't stab him. Muriko would have, but she left her nintaku at home.

         "I just noticed something!" Yugi exclaimed. "We don't have ANY adult supervision!" He suddenly screamed shrilly, and ran around the group in circles until Tea dropped from the cieling and landed on him.

         "I was wondering when she would come back down," Muriko muttered to herself. "Anyway... Time to get serious." After a little dramatic music and a few odd camera angles, Muriko put on some glasses and grabbed a... brief case . There was a gasp from the group, and she stepped closer boldly.

         "You are a full grown adult. I am a lawyer. You are being sued. By the way... I checked your mail, and here are your bills." From her brief case she pulled a stack of bills as thick as her torso, and handed them to Ellen, who had a sudden nervous breakdown and collapsed. Everyone applauded. "Shut up or I'll sue you too." Everyone stopped.

         "That was brilliant!" Tea said in awe, standing up from her seat on Yugi's comfy, currently boneless back. "How did you know her one weakness?"

         "Well it's because I... Am actually..."

         "Actually what?" asked Yusuke, trying to scrape poor Yugi off the floor in one piece.

         "Because I am actually a thirty-three-year-old mother of two!" she exclaimed, lowering her hood and face mask to reveal the face of a young woman.

         Gasp times two.