Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Black Sunrise ❯ Morning ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer- I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho, if I did I would possibly be the happiest person in the world.
Some hours later Yusuke groaned and sat up in bed. He blinked the sleep from his eyes then rubbed them. What was it that had woke up him? The teenager looked over to the futon across the room and saw Hiei sleeping with his head on the window sill. He couldn't help but show a small smile as he climbed out of bed. He noticed the window was open a bit and didn't even try to sneak past the teenager to close it. Instead he took a turn and walked back into the bathroom.
A few minutes later, Hiei woke up to the sound of Yusuke turning on the shower. He blinked his eyes sleepily and sat up. His feet were numb from sitting on his bent legs for the past few hours so he stretched them out on the bed and lied back with his hands behind his head. His eyes were only partially open as he looked up at the ceiling. After a few minutes he carefully got up and walked into the kitchen.
He noticed a note on the counter and didn't even bother to read it, knowing Yusuke's mom had gone out again. He just reached up into the cupboard and looked around for the painkillers his mom kept for her hang-overs. When he found it he twisted the top and poured three pills into his hand. Without grabbing a glass of water he shoved the pills into his mouth and swallowed.
He heard the shower turn off and Yusuke open and shut the bathroom door. Hiei walked over and sat at the table. I'll let Yusuke get dressed then I'll get dressed. He thought. I'm just thinking this so I can avoid thinking about that nightmare.
He put his head in his hands and rubbed his eyes. He heard Yusuke cuss something awful as he looked around for his clothes. When the black haired teen walked out of the room he was struggling to get a shirt on. Hiei stood up and brushed past Yusuke into the room and shutting the door. After that nightmare the last thing he wanted was to be in was loose pj pants without a shirt.
Hiei walked over to his duffle bag which was at the end of the futon he'd slept in. He knelt down and unzipped the black bag and pushed aside clothes. After finding his clean ones messed up in a ball with the dirty ones he'd worn yesterday he pulled them out and started getting dressed.
Yusuke was in the kitchen looking through the cupboards until he found some cereal. Normally, he'd have cooked something, but after last night he was too tired. Mostly because even an hour after Hiei's little shocking wake up he couldn't fall back asleep. He pulled out the box and grabbed a bowl and spoon as well, setting all the contents on the table then realizing he'd forgotten the milk. With a slight grumble he got up and walked the two feet to the fridge to get the milk and sit back down.
Hiei walked out of Yusuke's room now fully clothed and feeling much better. He wore loose black cargos that looked slightly worn with a black belt to keep them secure at the top. A slightly baggy black T-shirt that was tucked into the jeans and a dark blue denim vest over the shirt covered his chest a long with a dark blue denim vest. He still hadn't pulled his socks or boots on yet so his feet were aching a bit with that morning stiffness.
Yusuke looked up as he heard the light jingle of Hiei's jewelry. The red eyed teenager had his left ear pierced with a small black stud and he wore a small dragon pendant around his neck, hanging by black string. The teen also had a black dragon tattoo on his upper right arm. He'd gotten it just last year, how exactly was unsure, seeing as Hiei was still too young to get a tattoo without parental permission.
“Hey,” Yusuke said as he shoved a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. Hiei didn't even answer as he walked over to the freezer and opened it. He pulled out a small pint of Chocolate Strawberry sweet snow (ice cream for all you weird people). He grabbed a spoon out of the drawer and leaned against the counter as he started calmly devouring the sweet snow. Calmly devouring was possible only for someone like Hiei.
“Your mom went out again,” Hiei told Yusuke, looking at the sweet snow as he talked.
“I'm not surprised,” Yusuke groaned a bit and leaned back in the chair, chewing through his talking. Hiei pushed himself away from the counter and walked over to the table and sat in a chair, propping his feet up on the table, “Get your feet off the table.”
“Hn,” Hiei replied and didn't move until Yusuke reached over and shoved the teen's feet off the table. Hiei gave a glare before he slouched in the chair with his legs stretched out under the table.
“We still meeting Kurama at the arcade?” Yusuke asked. Hiei shrugged then remembered the human couldn't see him because he was looking at his cereal.
“Unless he called to change his plans while we were sleeping,” Hiei retorted.
“Well, some of us were sleeping,” Yusuke said and stood up to take his bowl to the sink. Hiei glared at the back of the black haired boy's head, his hair not yet slicked back with gel.
“Shut up,” Hiei said and stood up. He licked the last of the sweet snow from his spoon and tossed the empty container into the trash can. Yusuke laughed a bit and went to pull some socks on. Currently wearing semi-tight blue jeans with a white T-shirt and a faded blue denim vest he slipped back into his room to grab the socks and also a glove.
Hiei pulled the black fingerless glove from his back pocket and slipped it onto his right hand. He stood up and moved back into Yusuke's room, grabbing a pair of socks from his bag and pulling them on while the other messy teen shuffled around in his dresser for the socks. Hiei smirked a bit when the boy cussed and left the room to pull on his shoes. While he was sitting down to tug on the boots he heard Yusuke and turned around to see the boy jumping around to tug on a sock. Yusuke slipped and fell on the couch that just made Hiei's current smirk a bit broader.
“You're such a putts,” Hiei said. Yusuke fixed the teen with a glare and walked over to pull on his shoes. Hiei stood up after lacing the black boots and put his hand on the door knob, looking around slightly bored, “Hurry up.”
“Shut up, Kurama can wait a few more minutes,” Yusuke said and got up. Hiei pulled open the door and walked out with Yusuke following.