Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ kokoro no arashi ❯ Hiei's mood ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi, minna-san! Once again, arrigatou to those who read my fic and those who reviewed! ^_^ It's nice to know that there are ppl out there who read my fic. I am trying my best to at least update a chapter everyday since I am sort of having a holiday now, but after the hols, I may take a longer time to update.

Anyway, on to the third chapter, minna!

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Hiei felt a warm body underneath him, his hands clasping long silky hair and his lips on a soft one.

Shocked, he opened his eyes, only to see a pair of golden eyes, staring back into his own.

`His lips……….it's so…………' It took all of Hiei's willpower not to capture his lips into a deep kiss and have his own way with him.

They remained in this awkward position until Kurama suddenly turned his head away and gently pushed the koorime.

An oppressive silence surrounded them like a veil until Hiei finally could not stand it any longer. With a "I am sorry.", he turned and disappeared within a blink of an eye.

Unknown to him, Kurama's eyes were full of pain as he watched this.

The silver youko sat under the huge Makai tree, whispering, "You made him fall, didn't you, Shimoki? I know you are trying to help me, but he doesn't love me. I am only a friend to him, nothing more than that. He doesn't and won't ever love me. I am happy to just stay by his side, be his friend and partner, fight with him, help him when he need it." Kurama laughed, "But given his character, he probably won't allow me to do that. For him, Yukina comes first, followed by pride. That's Hiei."

A breeze swept by, gently caressing his face, as though it's trying to comfort him. A warm glow surrounded Kurama and the kitsune, tired by the events before, welcomed the darkness and soon fell into a deep slumber.

`Arigatou, Shimoki.'

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

`My, my, Hiei sure is in bad mood today," Mukuro mused as she felt his ki flare followed by the sounds of pillars crashing and the shattering of glass outside her chamber. `Three, two, one.' The Makai lord counted mentally. She smirked when she saw the door open, and one of her servants scurrying in like a frightened mouse.

"Mukuro-sama, please go and stop Hiei-sama. He's………..he's destroying the whole place. Nine of the others are already injured."

"Let him have his fun for a while. He needs a break. Just get someone to repair the place later. He can do what he wants as long as he doesn't do anything to my oh, so precious vase………"

"But Mu………Muku……...Mukuro-sama, Hiei-sama has already destroyed it."

"What!!! That brat! How dare he!"

With that, Mukuro stormed out of her chamber, and just in time missed being hit by a piece of glass zooming past. However, what bothered her were the shattered pieces of her favourite vase on the floor. She saw red immediately.

"HIEI!!! STOP THIS AT ONCE!!!" she screeched.

Well, Mukuro's screech was just as powerful as Yusuke's rei-gun and the room fell into a dead silence and everyone stopped what they were doing, including the fire demon who was currently blasting the table.

"It's just a vase. Must you get so angry?" Hiei muttered. "Women………."

"I am not a women. I am a youkai," she reminded him. "I don't care what happened between you and that kitsune, but don't drag my…………"

"I didn't say its Kurama!" Hiei interrupted.

Mukuro snorted. "Whatever emotions you show always have something to do with that fox."


"Besides, I felt his ki earlier. It's strong. He must be in youko form."

Mukuro turned towards her chamber. "And Hiei, I expect you to get a new vase for me. A nice one."

She closed the door behind her and sighed. `That brat, don't even have any respect for me.'

"Hi, Mukuro! It's been a long time!"

"What the hell???!!!" She whirled around and found herself staring at a pair of familiar brown eyes.

"Yusuke! What are you doing here? And don't hide your ki. You gave me a shock."

"Hehe……….." the reikai-detective scratched his head. "I came to Makai to see how Kurama and Hiei were doing. But I couldn't find them, so I came here to ask you if you notice any change in Hiei recently."

"Hiei's is in a bad mood. I bet it's something to do with that fox. Sometimes I wish that they would just come to terms with their feelings and admit to each other."

"Looks like they need our help."

"What do you suggest we do?" Mukuro raised her eyebrow.

Yusuke smirked. "I have a brilliant plan."

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Golden eyes fluttered open.

`I fell asleep.'

Kurama felt a blush rising to his cheeks he thought of a certain fire demon. He raised his finger and touched his lips softly. He could still remember the feel of Hiei's lips upon his.

The youko shook his head. `You shouldn't be thinking about this.' He mentally scolded himself. `That was the first time you got so close to him and it will be the last. He probably forgot about it already. Why waste your time thinking about what could never be yours?'

"Because I love him." He whispered softly to himself.

Kurama stood up. `I guess I will put up here. It's been so many years, I will have to get use to here all over again.'

Out of the blue, a cloud of smoke appeared in front of him and a blue youkai emerged, chuckling madly with an evil glint in his eyes.

Kurama's eyes widened. "You are……………."

The youkai laughed, "I am your worst nightmare, Youko Kurama."

To be continued………………..

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That's the end of my third chapter, how was it??? Is it too short? Is it very boring? Sorry for asking so many questions, minna-san. But I am curious as to how you feel about my fic. Anyway, I will try to update the next chapter tomorrow or the day after. I feel like I am getting a serious writer's block. That's it for now, bye! ^_^