Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mysteries Unfolded ❯ Element Keeper of Lightning... The One And Only ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Cainara: woo! Thanks for the reviews you guys!!! Like I said I don't own any of the Yu Yu characters. I only own Cainara and Koroshiya….which I still haven't come into the picture but not the point!

You forced your eyes open and found two crimson eyes looking back at you with a raised eyebrow. When this happened your memory was a little fuzzy and you began to blurt out questions like, "Where am I? Who am I? What day is it?" but after a while of your slurred talking, Hiei slapped a hand across your mouth.

"Will you shut up? You're in Genkai's temple, your name is -----, it's Friday, and if you already forgot who we were you truly are pathetic", replied Hiei simply looking down on you.

You remembered that his hand was on your mouth and did a sly thing. You smiled naughty like beneath his hand and quickly wiggled you tongue around his hand. When you were finished he removed his hand and twitched at it before wiping it on your jacket…which was still dirty and Botan took notice of this.

"OH MY LORD! YOUR CLOTHES ARE FILTHY! Here…", and with that Botan grabbed your hand while pulling you to the bathroom. You caught a small portion of the conversation…

"So, I guess this means we get to take care of another element keeper?" asked Kurama smiling and turning to Hiei.

Hiei turned his gaze from the window to where Kurama was standing, "Hn… guess it does" he replied.

"So… what's your name?" You ask Botan while she franticly ran around the bathroom getting your bath prepared.
"My name is Botan and I'll help you out while you're living here", Botan replied while getting a black robe with the inner lining of gold silk.

"Oh!... Wow… I don't deserve this…" you say as you run your finger tips gently over the silk.

"Oh that's nonsense! Anything for a keeper!" Said Botan as she closed the bathroom door behind her and went to join the boys.

"What's a keeper?... I hope it doesn't have anything to do with my secret…" you think to yourself as you undress yourself. Your clothes were sticking so getting them off was a little difficult. You hung your jacket to dry on the drying rack and folded your clothes and lay them gently on the counter near the sink. You stuck you foot in the tub and felt the warm water send a chill up to your neck. You smiled and stepped your other foot in along with your entire body and sank beneath the surface. You let yourself rest and allowed the water to flow around your body keeping you warm. After awhile you found yourself getting dizzy and quickly sat up to breath. You smiled to yourself and ran your hands and fingers through your ----- hair. After shampooing, conditioning, and body washing (maybe even shaving) you stood up from the bath and listened to the water fall off your body and splash into the tub beneath you. You had to put a hand on the wall because of the scent of candles burning, oils, soaps, and the warm bath water was quite high. You dried yourself off with a blue towel found lying upon the counter. It was fluffy soft… like the kind in hotels. Finding the robe you slipped it on and let your hair air dry while you walked around the temple trying to find everyone.

You step outside to check if everyone was there, "Did they just leave me here?" You ask yourself aloud deeply confused.

"No baka. Koenma asked them to come help him with some work", said Hiei leaning against the door way with his arms crossed in front of him. This startled you and he smirked for a quick second before returning to his normal self.

"Why am I here…", you ask with heavy emotion in your eyes. Hiei's eyes widen slightly and he replies, "You're an element keeper, Keeper of Lighting. That tiny glass thunder bolt wasn't given to you by your parents. To be honest we don't know who creates the keepers, only that if their items get destroyed then the whole element is gone".

You tilt your head slightly and a look of confusion spreads across your face.

Hiei sighs and states "Ok…example. --points to glass thunder bolt in your hand-- if that breaks then there will be no more lighting…no more thunder…no more electricity".

"Oh, … ", you say as a cold wind blows past blowing your robe up showing your whole legs and you quickly push it back down once the wind stopped. Blushing an extreme shade of pink you turn your face away from Hiei. After awhile you lift your eyes to see him and you notice his face was now seductive. His crimson eyes burned your own. You felt yourself get horny just by looking at him. He shut his eyes then turned inside but before he went inside he said, "You might want to come inside. If other demons saw that you had a nice pair of legs…they'd take advantage of it".

Your shade of pink now got more vibrant and you smiled taking pride in his compliment…or…what was meant to be a compliment.

Cainara: Ok!!! Yea I decided to lag this out…I mean what would you rather have? A story with you and Hiei only 20 something chapter long….or 30? Hehe!!! By the by, don't be afraid to make some requests….like instead of one lemon…you want two…or instead or like two make out scenes…you want three….lol come on people don't be shy!
Kurama: Do you think this is wise to make this story without Hiei's consent?
Cainara: What he doesn't know won't hurt him…
Kurama: ----major sweat drop---
Cainara: NIGHT PEOPLE!!!