Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mysteries Unfolded ❯ A Day's Worth Of Training ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Cainara: Ok…nothing to do today until I go to the movies… but yea.

Kurama: Cainara, when do you plan to enter this fic?
Cainara: Actually… I think this chapter.

Kurama: Oh

Cainara: oooo yea, you people are probably thinking… "Why is she talking to Kurama and not Hiei?" Well Kurama is my brother!!!....ish…long story… ill… tell it some other time! ^_^…anyway on with the fic!

Kurama: Like always I'm fixing her mistakes… --sighs--… because the star doesn't work we're using "-- --" instead… and when there's ---- that means to fill in your name or a feature about you.

Cainara: Yea ok like I said ON WITH THE FIC!...and..I own nothing but myself ^_^

Inside the temple you walked to your room to get changed. But… then you remembered… all of your belongings were still at home. Doesn't matter too much for you were tired and you figured it had to be about 12 am… might as well go to bed. So that's exactly what you did. You slipped yourself beneath the black and gold sheets and gently shut your eyes.

.:*Inside of Your Dream*:.

"Hello!" Said an unfamiliar voice. You were in pitch black darkness and you couldn't see a thing.

"Um…hi?" You replied back not being able to see who or what you were talking too.

"Oh there you are", said a girl with ice blue hair. She was wearing white pants and a white tank top. She held a long scepter in her right hand. It was silver with a blue gem at the top. Her eyes were too of ice blue and her skin was a soft creamy white.

"..w-who are you?" you asked looking closely at the scepter…so…shiny.

"My name is Cainara and I too am an element keeper, Keeper of Ice. My other half Koroshiya… she's of Dark Ice… she's demon though so she's evil. But anyway! I'm here to talk to you about being a keeper. I know Hiei laid down some vague details but I'll fill in any other questions!" said Cainara walking up to you and looking up (I'm 5'3…pretty short…>_<).

"Oh ok… yea… how many keepers are there", you ask still having a hundred more questions.

"We don't know… they pop up every now and then. We can tell they're a keeper when they're someone who can do…. unique things. They all start off human. That's how we tell that they're unique and not demon. For example, your ability to absorb shock." Cainara said playing with her hair.

"Oh…so I'm like… special?" You ask not realizing how cool this is.

Cainara's eyes widen as she blurts out, "OF COURSE YOU ARE! Do you not realize this? You have control over all lightning! You have control over all lightning demons!"

After awhile of thinking about this you replied, "Hey… this is pretty awesome".

Cainara nodded her head and then said, "Oh looks like my time is up…bye!"

Cainara waved and you waved back and all of the sudden your eyes flew open and you were awake sitting up on your futon in your room.

Yusuke came in through the door and said, "Hey, yea breakfast is ready" then he simply left.

But your eyes didn't leave the door way… a black luggage bag was beside it. You walked over to it and slowly unzipped it. Inside you found all your personal items…clothes…medicine…make-up … hair brush… you smiled and after a long relaxing shower you quickly threw on your favorite pair of jeans along with a black and yellow tank top. You found your black coat lying on floor dry so you picked it up and threw it on too. You brushed your hair and did all your other personal morning routines then ran to the kitchen to meet up with everyone.

"Good morning ------, did you sleep well?" Asked Kurama as he handed you a rice ball.

You smiled and took the rice ball then said, "Ha-ha, well actually I had this crazy dre-"but you were cut off by a familiar voice.

"Hello everyone!" said Cainara as she walked into the kitchen and sat down next to Yusuke and gave him a quick hug.

"Hello Cainara, I'd like you to meet ---", said Kurama unaware of the dream.

"We've met", replied Cainara as she grabbed a rice ball from the bowl.

"Oh yea, Hiei and I will be training you today… and no… we wont go easy on you", said Cainara as she winked and headed outside.

You finished your rice ball and drank some water before joining the two outside.

"Ok first things first… where's the thunder bolt?" Asked Cainara while tying her hair up in a ponytail.

"Right here", you said patting your jean pocket.

"Ok good, now what type of weapon do you want?" Asked Cainara frustrated with her hair and just keeping it down. (He-he, I always do that).

"Cainara, before she even gets a weapon don't you think we should work on her martial arts and black magic?" Said Hiei turning to Cainara.

"Hhmm… good point. Ok black magic time!" said Cainara smiling evilly towards you.

First she had you raise your arm above your head then quickly bring it down. You watched as lightning flew from the sky and towards the ground. (Think Lulu in Final Fantasy X).

She then had you create small balls of lightning and throw them at targets such as rocks.

Cainara nodded her head and said, "You're doing well… not where I want you to be… but well. Now that your black magic training is done time for Hiei to take over", and with that she left you and Hiei to go join Yusuke at the TV.

"Hn… alright ---- let's start off with you doing some pushups", said Hiei standing to the side of you and pointing to the ground.

"---pant pant--- Can't we take a break? ---pant pant---", you say hoping Hiei would say yes.

"No, we have work to do", he said still pointing to the ground.

You pouted and saw a small smirk appear of Hiei's face then fade. You got down…

"Down… 1… down… 2…" this continued until you got to 20. You never thought you could that many but then again you never even tried.

"Good now stand like this…", then Hiei stood in an offences stance.

You followed his instructions and Hiei had you do different kicks and punches to start off.

"Alright, now I want you to use those attacks on me… or at least try to", said Hiei smirking knowing you wouldn't be able to even touch him.

You started off with a swift round kick…which went a little high. Hiei barely dodged it and when you landed you stayed close to the ground a kicked out with your right foot against his. He fell to the ground and you jumped in the air ready to pounce on him. He rolled away but all your fist hit was dirt. Hiei came up from behind you and threw a punch at your back. You weren't ready for it and you were knocked to the ground. You let yourself lay there for you were too tired to stand.

"Hn… weak…", Hiei said as he stood next to you looking at you lying on the ground. You were still panting but kicked your leg out against the backs of his knees making him too fall to the ground next to you. You smiled evilly and then laughed turning onto your side looking at him. His eyes glared at you and he said, "Weak… but sly… you may actually make it as a keeper". You pouted and sat up. You pounded your fist on his stomach to show him that making fun of you wasn't very nice but when it hit him he didn't even flinch. You opened your hand and felt his toned 6 pack beneath your hand. You blushed a little gently began to rub you hand back and forth.

.:Hiei's POV:.

Why… does her hand sooth me? I want her to stop but it feels so good. I want grab her and take her away for my bidding… which I will do soon… but when…

.:Normal POV:.

You suddenly realized what you were doing and stopped, "Oh… Hiei I'm…sorry".

"Hn, it's fine", and with that he stood up and brushed himself off from the dirt. He lent out his hand to you. You looked at it and gently grasped it with your own. He pulled you up and your eyes never broke from his. You both knew what you wanted to do… just wasn't sure if the other felt the same. So you grabbed your chance and slowly moved in until….

"Hey ----! Hiei! Dinner time!" Said Cainara still inside the house.