Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ A Problem Arises ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children I have created and the story line.

To all of those that have reviewed, you guys are great! You all give me the inspiration to keep my stories going. I once again have to apologize for the lateness of this chapter. I was put back into the hospital for another five days. I know some of you may be wondering about what is wrong with me. Well, I’m being treated for congested heart failure, I hope to be getting better soon.. I got out a couple of days ago and typed this up. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I will not give up on this story or any others that I have written.



Chapter 3 of 24

A Problem Arises


Shiori soon got herself together and left, with instructions to pack for warm and cold weather. She was also told to purchase a very good sleeping bag and hiking boots.

“I still can’t believe that she wants to go.” Hiei was sitting on the kitchen counter, eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. “It’s going to be very dangerous for her.”

“I know that, but you didn’t see her, how upset she was. I couldn’t tell her no.” Kurama finished making his sandwich and moved over to lean against the counter beside his lover.

“I don’t care if she comes. She’ll be fine with us and the boys protecting her.”

“Again, I know.” Kurama turned to face his little lover. He smiled as he pushed away from the counter and put his sandwich in one hand. He used his free hand to part his mate’s legs before stepping forward.

This action caused Hiei to raise an eyebrow and a wicked smirk appear on his lips. The fox only licked his own lips as he ran his hand up his mate’s thigh, over a hip, and then letting it come to rest on the pronounced stomach. He took a bite of his sandwich and leaned forward. Hiei quickly got the idea. He leaned in as well and captured his mate’s lips. They fought over the sweet sandwich, both coming away with some. The fire demon wrapped his legs around his fox’s waist as he took a bite of his own sandwich and leaned forward. The whole scene was repeated several times.

“What you doing?”

A small voice broke through to the little world the demons were in. They parted and looked over to the side to see, as expected, their son standing there. Neither of them bothered to move, because they were doing nothing wrong and if they did the kit was see the bulge in the front of both their pants.

“Were just eating a sandwich.” Kurama smiled.

“Funny way to eat a sandwich.”

“Hn, maybe.” Hiei answered this time. “What do you want? I figured that you and Toushi would be occupied for hours with those new ningen games.”

“I was playing the game.” Kaihei grinned happily. “And I was beating Toushi, but I got thirsty and hungry. Can I have a soda and a cupcake?”

“That’s a lot of sugar.” Kurama commented about to say no, but his mate sent him an erotic mental image that quickly changed his mind. “You can have them because supper is going to be late today.”

“Thank you!” Kaihei ran into the pantry and then ran out with the two prize items. He didn’t even look back to his parents as he ran from the kitchen.

“We need to move this somewhere else.” Hiei suggested, eyeing his son’s retreating form.

“How about to our room………with a jar of jelly?” Kurama asked, a seductive smile playing on his lips.

“I like that idea.” Hiei pulled his mate into a heated kiss.

They parted in a couple of minutes, both smiling about their coming adult time. The fox slid his hands under his mate’s rear and picked him up. He gently sat the fire demon on his feet.

“Let’s go.” Hiei stole a quick kiss, before turning and sauntering towards the door, adding a little sway to his pregnant hips. He was in no way embarrassed of his heavy with child body, he knew his fox still desired him.

To prove what his mate was thinking, Kurama growled lustfully. He grabbed the jar of grape jelly and quickly followed the fire demon. In the hall upstairs, they ran into Toushi who wanted a snack too. Kurama told him that it was alright and not to let anyone into the house. He also told the boy to watch his brother while they took a nap.

Their love making was a little awkward, but they managed nicely, twice in fact. Hiei slipped into a contented sleep while the fox got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. Kurama emerged from their bedroom and checked on his sons. He found them glued to one of the new games, sitting in front of their TV. Not even bothering them, he went downstairs to make dinner and finish with the last minute preparations for the trip to the Makai.


Shiori arrived bright and early the next morning, though she looked very tired.

“Mother, are you feeling well?” Kurama asked while pulling several duffle bags from the trunk of her car.

“Yes, I’m just fine.” Shiori lied through her teeth. “I was just to excited to sleep.”

“Oh……I see you got a very good sleeping bag.” Kurama smiled as he pulled it out of the car and closed the trunk. He put everything into a pile.

“The store clerk said it was the best. What are you doing?”

“You’ll see.” Kurama smiled, taking a small metal box from his pocket. He removed what looked like a very large, white horse pill from inside of it. “This is something I learned about while we stayed with the Saiyans.” He clicked the device and threw it on top of the pile. With a little popping sound, all the items disappeared and the white horse pill type gadget lay on the ground.

“What just happened and where is my stuff?” Shiori asked quickly, her eyes wide.

“They’re called capsules, they’re from Capsule Corp. and able to hold huge amounts of items. They will make this trip a whole lot easier.”

“Those little things are amazing.” Shiori smiled, watching her son. He picked up the capsule, put it back into the little metal case, and then slipped that into his pocket.

“Let’s go inside, Botan will be here soon to escort us through the portal.” Kurama put an arm around his mother and led her towards the house. They barely made it past the front door before Shiori was hugged by two excited kits.

“YAY, you’re going with us, grandma!” Kaihei grinned, tilting his head back to stare up at the woman.

“It’s going to be so much fun!” Toushi was grinning too.

“I have to agree.” Shiori offered the boys’ ears a scratch. “I’ve always wanted to see this land that your fathers talk about.”

They all walked into the living room. As soon as the woman saw the fire demon sitting on the couch, she rushed over and sat down beside him. Her hands were instantly on his stomach, running over the swell.

He and Kurama both had to suppress a growl this time. He also had to suppress the urge to push her hands away, a feeling coming over him that he needed to protect his unborn babies.

“I think you’ve gotten bigger since yesterday.” Shiori commented as she made one more pass before pulling her hands away.

“Probably.” Hiei managed to say without showing his annoyance. He thought of the woman as his mother, but sometimes he just couldn’t stand her.

At that time, a portal opened right there in the living room and Botan jumped out. “Are you all ready to go?” She asked quickly. She actually had a very busy schedule that day.

“I believe so.” Kurama smiled as he glanced over his family.

Hiei was dressed in his normal black clothes. His katana just visible at the bottom of his cloak. Toushi had on a red fighting gi, his katana secured at his waist. At his side was Kaihei, he had on a green fighting gi, a black rose tucked behind his ear. The fox, himself, was in a blue Chinese style outfit that he liked to wear. His hair was full of seeds and the metal box of capsules in his pocket. Shiori had on a white button down shirt and khaki pants along with a pair of hiking boots. She looked like she was going on safari or something.

“Alright then.” Botan smiled, beckoning for the family to follow her as she jumped back into the portal.

The demons and one ningen quickly followed her. As they hit the ground on the Makai, the demons started scanning the area for possible danger. The fox turned around just in time to catch his mother as she fell from the portal. He had to quickly put her on her feet though, having been overcome with dizziness. He didn’t think more of it, attributing it to the portal hop.

“Come back to this spot and call me on the communicator when you all are ready to come back to Ningenkai. Don‘t worry about the little fox kits, Yukina promises to take good care of them. Don‘t worry about your home either, everyone says they will go by to check on it.” Botan smiled cheerfully.

“We won’t, and tell everyone thank you again for us.” Kurama smiled as well. Botan waved goodbye before jumping back into the portal and it closing behind her.

“Is it all this remote?” Shiori asked, looking around at all the thick forests.

“For the most part.” Kurama answered, taking a deep breath. He loved the smell of the Makai wilds. “There are some villages though, and there are some that I suppose you could call towns that are located near the many fortresses.”

“Oh………will we be passing through any of these villages?”

“A couple.” Hiei answered her. “We need to move before we draw unwanted attention to ourselves.”

“I agree.” Kurama quickly picked up his mother. Again he felt dizzy, but he pushed it aside.

“What are you doing?” Shiori asked, struggling to get down.

“Relax, mother, I have to carry you or you won’t be able to keep up with us.” Kurama explained, smile on his face. Shiori ceased her struggles and grew quiet as she settled into her son’s strong arms.

“Let’s go.” Hiei ordered, taking off at half of his normal speed, but still far quicker then a ningen. Toushi and Kaihei took off after their father. Both keeping an eye on their surroundings like they had been taught. Kurama brought up the rear, keeping an eye out as well. They didn’t need any surprise attacks since Shiori was with them.

By noon, they had to stop and rest. It was not for who you might be expecting either, surprisingly it was for the fox. He and his mate sat near a cool stream, watching their sons playing in the water. Shiori took off her boots and socks, rolled up her pants’ legs and joined the boys in the shallow stream.

“Are you feeling well, fox?” Hiei asked quietly, running a hand across his mate’s soft cheek. “You look tired.”

“I guess so, but I am tried and I don’t know why.” Kurama answered near a whisper. He didn’t want to worry the boys or his mother. “Also, if I move to quickly, I get very dizzy.”

“When did that start and how often?”

“It just started today, and it’s happened six times today so far.”

“Then, we’ll be stopping earlier then expected. I don’t like the way this is sounding.” Hiei commented, looking close at his mate. If he was right, the fox was even paler then usual.

“We don’t have to stop earlier because of me. I’ll be fine!” Kurama was quick to protest. He didn’t want to appear weak, though at the moment he didn’t feel strong.

“We’ll still stop early.” Hiei responded in a voice that put an end to the small argument. “This area is your old stomping grounds. Is their a cave or something coming up that we could spend the night in?”

“There is a cave about three hours ahead of us and it’s one of my old dens. Some of my treasure is still hidden there and it’s got a hot spring in one of the grottos.” Kurama let out a sigh, he really was tired and his energy was very low.

“Then, we’ll stop there.” Hiei crossed his legs and pulled his mate down so the head of red hair was laying in his lap. “Take a cat nap, fox. I’ll wake you in a little while.” He was tired too, but that was due to the babies he carried, his fox was just plain drained.

Kurama didn’t even protest. He turned over on his side and slipped a hand under the fire demon’s cloak, letting it rest on the swollen stomach. After that, he easily drifted into sleep. Hiei let his mate sleep for an hour before waking him up. They had a quick lunch of sandwiches and fresh fruit. With everything cleaned up, the small group was on it’s way again. Hiei sat an even slower pace, not wanting to push the fox anymore then he had too. So, instead of taking three hours to get to the cave it took four.

“The cave is just up ahead, to the right.” Kurama called out to his lover.

“Alright.” Hiei called back, hearing just how out of breath the fox sounded. He was growing extremely worried about his mate, but didn’t voice this. He veered off to the right and quickly came upon the cave. If they hadn’t been looking for it, they would have never known it was there. Thick crawling vines and carnivorous plants completely covered the entrance.

“Wait here.” Kurama sat his mother on her feet and moved past his sons. When he walked past the fire demon, he smiled tiredly.

Hiei frowned though, seeing his mate panting for air and feeling just how low his energy had dropped. Kurama sent out what energy he had, instructing the wild plants to return to seeds that he had planted over thirty years ago. He moved all the seeds over to the side and then motioned for his family to join him. Just before they reached him, he grew very lightheaded and had to sit down right then or he feared that he’d pass out.

Hiei was instantly at his mate’s side. “What happened?”

“I got very dizzy and had to sit down.” Kurama looked up, shrugging slightly.

“Rest.” Hiei ordered, quickly picking up the fox.

“Put me down! You’re not suppose to be picking up heavy stuff!!” Kurama protested, but he didn’t struggle for fear of hurting the fire demon.

“I’m fine.” Hiei put an end to that conversation too. He walked into the cave with the boys and Shiori quickly following. They were worried as well, you could see it on their faces. The fire demon turned to his son. “Kaihei, grow something on the ground for your father to sit on until we can get the sleeping bags out.”

“Yes, sir.” Kaihei nodded, quickly doing what he had been told. When a small area was coved in sweet grass, the fire demon sat his mate upon it.

“What’s wrong, Shuuichi?” Shiori laid a gentle hand against her son’s forehead to see if he had a fever.

“Yeah, daddy.” Toushi was quick to put in. “What’s the matter?”

“Are you going to be okay?” Kaihei asked, biting his lip in worry.

The fox held his head as another wave of dizziness assaulted him. After a few seconds, he finally looked up to his concerned family. “I’ll be fine. I’m just a little tired and that is causing me to be dizzy.”

“You won’t move from this spot unless I move you.” Hiei laid out that rule.

“But, Hiei, I’m not helpless and you can’t keep carrying me around or did you forget that you’re pregnant with twins.” Kurama countered quickly.

“I’m fine up until my second month and you know that. Now don’t argue with me, sit there, rest ,and don’t move.” Hiei once again got the last word. When the fox nodded, accepting the situation; he smirked, liking that he once again got what he wanted. “I need the capsules to set up camp.”

Kurama again only nodded as he reached into his pocket. He pulled out the small metal case and held it out to his lover.

Hiei took the case and turned to the woman. “Here, Shiori.” He tossed the container to her. “The capsules are labeled so go through them and get out the ones we need.

“No problem.” Shiori smiled.

“Boys?” Hiei looked over to them. “When she gets the camping gear out, find the two buckets and go to the stream we crossed about a mile back and get water, bring it back here. Remember to keep on the lookout for trouble. If another demon bothers you don’t hesitate to kill it.”

“Okay, father.” The kits answered together. Shiori had flinched at the word kill, but said nothing about it.

“I’m going to scout the area and set up some traps.” Hiei said before turning back to his mate and quickly stealing a kiss. He then flitted out of the cave,

“Will he be alright, Shuuichi?” Shiori asked as she looked through the capsules.

“Yes.” Kurama smiled some. “He is quite capable of taking care of himself. Being pregnant has slowed him down, but not much. He’s still as lethal as ever.”

“What does he mean by he’s good until the end of the second month?” Shiori found the capsules she had been looking for. She pulled them out, clicked the ends and threw them to the ground. With little pops, all the items sat in a pile and the now empty capsules on top. She found the buckets after several minutes of searching and handed them to the boys. Toushi and Kaihei went running out of the cave.

“Be careful.” Kurama called out to them. He saw them nod their heads, but they kept running. He looked back to his mother and finally answered her question. “Hiei continues to train even though he’s pregnant. He trained up until the day before Kaihei was born. He’ll slow down considerably by the time his second month is over because the baby or in this case babies drain his energy, but make no mistake. Hiei though very much pregnant and looking like he can’t move will still kill when the attacker least expects it. I try to protect Hiei and he lets me sometimes, but he really doesn’t need it. He’s only trying to humor the seme in me and what can I say, it works.”


Thanks once again for reading and please leave a review. The next chapter will be put up in about a week or two.