Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ The Problem Escalates ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children I have created and the story line.

To all of those that have reviewed, you guys are great! You all give me the inspiration to keep my stories going. I don’t know what I would do without you all!! Here is the next chapter, I hope it’s good. Happy Holidays to you all!!



Chapter 4 of 24

The Problem Escalates


“I’ve seen him train and train the boys, but I never realized that he was that dedicated and strong.” Shiori was in awe. “Are you sure he can do that while pregnant with twins?”

“Yeah, I’m sure.” Kurama smiled proudly. “My mate is extraordinary, pregnant or not.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Hiei walked into the cave, carrying an arm load of sticks. He dropped them by the old fire pit and then set to work to get a blaze going. “I set some traps, and put up a few wards.” He glanced over to Shiori. “Could you find some pots and begin to prepare food? I don’t want Kurama doing anything.”

“I sure can and I completely agree with you.” Shiori began to look through the pile of camping gear.

“I’m not helpless!” Kurama protested from his spot on the ground. He didn’t like being double teamed one bit. He began to look around secretively, trying to come up with a plan.

“Don’t you dare move!” Hiei ordered, knowing exactly what his mate was doing.

“I wasn’t going to.” Kurama fended innocence and he looked it too.

“Like I believe that.” Hiei smirked, blowing a kiss to his mate.

Shiori didn’t comment, she only giggled behind her hand. It was then that the boys came running back into the cave, each carrying a bucket of water. They put the water near the growing fire and approached their redheaded father.

“Are you feeling better, daddy?” Toushi ventured to ask.

“Yes. But your stubborn father still won’t let me get up!” Kurama answered, sending a glare towards his mate. The fire demon sent the glare right back with a smirk that could only be described as evil.

“Papa put you in a time out.” Kaihei went into a fit of giggles. Toushi thought about it for maybe a second before he started giggling too. Shiori tried to control herself, but she couldn’t stop the laughter from bubbling to the surface.

“I am not!“ Kurama nearly yelled, which only made the laughter louder. Pulling one of his mate’s moves, he crossed his arms over his chest and grunted. “HN!”

“Kaihei, Toushi, go help your grandmother.” Hiei walked over and gently pushed the boys in the direction he wanted them to go and they reluctantly went. They sure liked to aggravate their parents when they could. The fire demon stood in front of his lover. “Fox?”

“Hn.” Kurama stubbornly ignored the fire demon.

“Kurama?” Hiei tried again, but this time he didn’t even get a grunt. He reached out and forcibly tilted the fox’s head up so they would make eye contact.

“Since you can’t tell, I’m telling you, I’m mad so leave me alone!” Kurama tried pulling away, but failed to do so.

“Relax, fox.” Hiei dropped to his knees in front of his mate. “I’m only doing this because I know that you’re not feeling well. I’m just very worried, I don’t want to lose you again, especially not now.” He ran a hand over the swell in his stomach.

“Koi…..” Kurama reached out and put his hand over his mate’s. “I’m never leaving you, our sons, or these babies again. I love you all too much. I’ll admit that I’m tired, but that’s all. This little rest you’ve forced on me has helped though.” He leaned forward gently kissed the fire demon’s waiting lips. “Can I get up now?”

“As long as you stop pouting, only do light activities, and sit down if you start feeling bad again.”

“Fine, I’ll agree to all of that. I have to if I want to get up.”

“That’s true!” Hiei smirked before going in for another gentle kiss.

Kurama smiled as he got up and then helped the fire demon to his feet. Soon camp was completely set up and dinner was cooking over a black fire. The fox didn’t have to sit down at anytime, but true to his word he did only light stuff. When the food was about done, and the cave smelled delicious, Hiei started to get nauseous. He quickly flitted outside, holding his turning stomach.

“Mom, boil a small pot of water please.” Kurama instructed before hurrying after his mate. He found him off to the side. The fire demon was on his knees, emptying his stomach. He wrapped an arm around his mate’s heaving shoulders, trying to console him.

“It shouldn’t be called morning sickness when it happens at any time.” Hiei grumbled when he was able too.

“That’s true.” Kurama replied softly.

What happened next, neither of them was expecting. One second everything was fine and the next, the fox was emptying his stomach. He supposed it was because of the sight and smell of his mate’s vomit. He usually had a strong stomach, but he attributed being sick to the fact that he already wasn’t feeling well.

Hiei on the other hand was very worried. Now he knew that something was definitely wrong. When the fox was done, they both managed to get to their feet and walk back towards the entrance of the cave, holding their still upset stomachs.

“What’s wrong?” Shiori immediately asked, upon seeing them both looking ill. “What happened?”

“I got sick after I saw Hiei get sick.” Kurama answered, taking deep breaths. “Did you boil the water?”

“Yes, and then I took it off the fire so it wouldn’t boil away.” Shiori pointed to the steaming pot.

“Thank you, mother.” Kurama half smiled before going over to the pot. He pulled a seed from his hair and made it grow in his hand. He then plucked several leaves off the plant and dropped them into the waiting pot of water. Leaving the tea to steep, Kurama went over and sat down beside his mate on their double sleeping bag.

When the tea was done, Shiori poured up two cups and brought it over to them. “What tea is this?”

“Peppermint.” Kurama answered, taking the cup that was offered to him. “It is best for nausea.”

“Oh…..Dinner is ready, so I’ll feed Toushi and Kaihei. When you two think you’re able to eat let me know and I’ll fix you a plate.” Shiori didn’t wait for an answer. She turned around and walked over to the pot of stew. She dished up two big bowls for the boys and then a smaller helping for herself.

“Thank you, grandma.” Kaihei smiled, taking the bowl.

“Yeah, thank you.” Toushi smiled too, taking his bowl. He sat beside his brother on their double sleeping bag. Shiori sat down on her sleeping bag and began to eat. After the demons finished their cups of tea, they ate as well, but very slowly, wanting to keep the food down.

“Mother, if you get your needed items, I can show you to a hot spring where you can bathe.” Kurama offered with a smile.

“That would be great! I feel so dirty from the day.” Shiori hurried to gather her stuff and then followed her son deeper into the cave.

“When can we get a bath?” Toushi asked, looking over to his father.

“After your grandmother gets back, we’ll all go take a bath together.” Hiei answered, rubbing his sore lower back. He was aching in many places, having hot flashes, and his feet were swollen. If he didn’t have a throne to claim, he sure wouldn’t be journeying across the Makai pregnant with twins. He realized at that very moment, that he had grown accustomed to the luxuries they had back in Ningenkai. He wanted nothing more then a long soak in the big whirl pool tub, a nice back massage, his feet rubbed, cool air conditioning, a little love making, and then curl up sated in the fox’s arms.

“Yay!” Kaihei squealed. It had been a while since they all bathed together. They used to do it all the time in the lake at home, but that had changed. Then he was allowed to bathe with his brother, but that had changed too. He wanted things back to the way they used to be.

A good thirty minutes later, the fox and Shiori walked out of the deeper depths of the cave. “That was so refreshing!” She sighed, her arm linked through her son’s.

“Yes.” Kurama laughed. “It especially relaxing after a good heist. It’s exactly why I chose this cave.”

“That’s my fox, always thinking ahead.” Hiei chuckled, slowly getting up from the sleeping bag. He glanced over to his sons. “Get your stuff together, boys.”

“Yes, sir.” Toushi and Kaihei answered simultaneously. They started rummaging through their bags, pulling out bathroom items and clothes to sleep in. The fire demon went over and started pulling stuff out of his and his mate’s bags.

“What’s going on?” Kurama asked, raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

“Papa says that all of us are taking a bath together.” Toushi answered as he picked up his pile of stuff and stood up. Kaihei quickly followed his example.

“Oh, we are?” Kurama looked over to his mate.

“We are.” Hiei picked up the items in front of him and slowly got to his aching feet. “Fix the cave entrance so nothing can get in.”

“You all take baths together?” Shiori asked, a little shocked. It wasn’t unheard of in Japan for a family to bathe together, but she didn’t think that her son and his family did it.

“Sometimes.” Kurama shrugged before turning around and going over to the wide entrance as he pulled seeds from his hair. He scattered them along the ground and sent energy into them. It was only seconds until the area was covered in big carnivorous plants. He walked over to the woman. “Mother, I told the plants not to hurt you, but please stay far away from them just in case.”

“I will.” Shiori quickly nodded, eyeing the deadly plants. She still couldn’t believe that her sweet son could grow such things.

“Shiori?” Hiei called her attention to him. “Do you remember how to get down to the hot spring?”

“Yes, I just have to follow the light plants. Why?”

“Will you come get Toushi and Kaihei in about thirty minutes or so? I want alone time with my fox. I need him to attend to me.”

“I sure will.” Shiori giggled, glancing to her blushing son. She wasn’t naive, she knew exactly what the fire demon had in mind. She started laughing harder when Hiei grabbed the fox’s wrist and nearly dragged him deeper into the cave, followed closely by the kits.

“You just love to embarrass me in front of my mother.” Kurama pouted slightly.

“Yes, just like you love embarrassing me in front of her and others.” Hiei answered, finally coming to a stop in a steamy room, light plants sat around the edge of the water. He turned around and pulled his mate in for a quick kiss, the boys giggling in the background. When they parted, he glanced to his sons, who was still sniggering. “Enough, both of you strip.”

Toushi and Kaihei continued to giggle as they started to undress.

Hiei moved closer to his mate. “Out of your clothes, or do you need me to help you?”

“I believe I better take off my own clothes. I don’t need to have a building erection in front of our sons.” Kurama whispered, bringing his hands up and starting with his shirt.

Hiei only smirked before walking a few feet away and starting to undress. As he stepped out of his pants, one of the babies moved. He looked up to his son that hadn’t felt the movements yet. “Toushi, come here.”

“Father?” The boy hurried over to him. The fire demon reached out and brought his son’s hand to his stomach. The kit’s eyes widened when he felt the movements.

“Is that the babies?” Toushi asked, staring at the stomach that actually seemed to be moving.

“Yes.” Hiei let a smile appear on his lips.

“Does it hurt?”

“No, they’re just stretching a little.”

“Neat!” Toushi grinned, pulling his hand away. It had felt funny, but he liked it. He looked over his shoulder and found the others watching them. He didn’t know why, but he ran over and hugged his redheaded father.

“I take it that you liked feeling the babies move?” Kurama asked, returning his son’s hug.


“Let’s get in, time is getting away from us.” Hiei walked over to his family. They all now stood at the edge of the rocky pool.

“It gets very deep towards the middle, boys, so you will have to swim if you go out there.” Kurama said, sliding into the water.

Hiei slipped into the water as well, sighing as the warm water hit sore spots on his body. The boys didn’t answer, they just jumped right in, water splashing everywhere. They came to the surface and then swam over to their fathers.

“There is a submerged ledge to your left, Hiei. We can sit on that.” Kurama reached over to the pile of washing items and pulled them closer. He took a seat on the ledge, his mate sitting beside him. He pulled Toushi into his lap and Hiei pulled Kaihei into his.

Kurama handed the fire demon a wash cloth and herb soap. He then picked up a set as well. The demons began washing the kits that sat in their laps. The boys were soon clean, except for their hair and one small part.

“Here, Toushi.” Kurama handed the soapy rag to him. “Wash between your legs.”

“You as well.” Hiei handed another soapy rag to Kaihei. It was important for them to teach the boys very good hygiene.

The boys only nodded and done what they were told. Toushi stopped suddenly, staring down between his legs. He then looked over between Kaihei’s parted legs. He wasn’t happy with what he saw. He slid off the fox’s lap and looked between his legs.

“What are you doing?” Kurama asked quickly, quite uncomfortable. Toushi didn’t answer, he just forcibly pushed Kaihei off of the fire demon’s lap and looked between his legs.

“What is it, kit?” Hiei asked, uncomfortable as well.

“I don’t look like you all.” Toushi laid the rag on the edge between his parents. He looked as if he was going to cry.

“What do you mean?” Kurama was getting worried. “You’re a male just like us.”

“I don’t look like you all.” Toushi repeated, reaching down and touching his young penis. The demons quickly looked at each other, now knowing what he was talking about. Toushi raised his eyes, tears filling them. “Does it mean that I’m bad or something?”

“No! Not at all!” Kurama quickly pulled the boy into his lap, hugging him tightly. “You just have extra skin in your penis that myself, father, and Kaihei has had removed. If you were to pull the skin back, you would be able to see the head of your penis. And it would look just like ours.”

“Really? Can I try?” Toushi looked down and then back up to his father. “Please?”

“If you want, but if it starts to hurt don’t force the skin back.” Kurama wasn’t sure if his son’s foreskin had separated from the head yet so the boy needed to be careful. He was also very uncomfortable with the situation, but the kit was curious about his own body and he couldn’t be denied that.

Toushi opened his legs some and reached down with both hands. Kaihei sat back down on the fire demon’s lap and watched his brother intently. Kurama and Hiei was watching him too. They didn’t want their son to do anything wrong. Toushi slowly worked the foreskin back, revealing the young head of his penis. He looked over again between his brother’s legs and smiled. He did look the same except for the extra skin.

“Are you satisfied now?” Hiei asked after his son fixed his foreskin and pulled his hands away from himself.

“I guess.” Toushi answered. “But can you take the extra skin off so I’ll look like all of you?”

“Toushi?” Kurama got his son’s attention. “The procedure is called a circumcision and it‘s very painful. It’s only done to baby boys therefore they don’t remember the pain.”

“But I want it done!”

“Your father and I will think about it.” Hiei replied, finishing the subject. He reached over and picked up the bottle of shampoo. He poured some into his hand and then passed the bottle to his mate. He quickly lathered up Kaihei’s mid-back length black hair. It reminded him so much of the red hair he loved to run his fingers through. The fire demon looked over to his side and found the fox washing Toushi’s long brown and white hair.

“Okay, kits, rinse off and remember to close your eyes to keep the soap out.” Kurama gently pushed Toushi off of his lap.

“Yes, sir.” Kaihei slid of his father’s lap. The boys closed their eyes and submerged themselves. After about a minute, they resurfaced completely soap free.

“Now that you’re clean, it’s time for a little fun.” Kurama winked at the boys.

“What’s the fun, daddy?” Kaihei asked, treading water.

“Get some hidden treasure.”

“Where is it?” Hiei asked, smirk on his lips. The fox only smiled and pointed out to the middle of the hot spring. The fire demon chuckled and shook his head. “Of course that’s where it would be.”

“I just have two rules, kits.” Kurama looked back to them. “That area is very deep, just as I have said already. If you can’t hold your breath long enough, get to the surface. The second rule is that you’re only allowed one item. Okay?”

“Yes.” Toushi and Kaihei answered together.

“Hiei?” Kurama turned to his mate. “That goes for you as well, except you are allowed two items.”

“Why only two?” Hiei looked as if he was pouting.

Kurama didn’t answer, he only leaned forward for a quick kiss and then whispered. “Let’s go.”

The family swam out to the center of the spring and nodded at each other before going under. About half way down, Kurama grew a lamp weed in his hand. Now that he had some light in the utter darkness, he looked around and found his family right with him. It was a matter of seconds before sparkling could be seen in the dim light. As they continued down, the treasure came into full view.

If they weren’t in water the fire demon and kits would have gasped. It was a large pile, almost enough for a king’s ransom. Jewels and gold sparkled that hadn’t seen any light in many years. With their lungs starting to burn, Toushi and Kaihei grabbed something that caught their eye and made for the surface. Hiei looked around a bit before grabbing two items. He kicked off the bottom and shot towards the surface too

Kurama was a lot more meticulous, searching for the right two items he knew was there. He finally spotted the items he wanted. He grabbed them and two others on a whim before swimming towards the surface as well. The kits hit the top of the water, gasping for air. They went over to the edge and hung on, still trying to catch their breaths. Hiei came up next, taking in much needed air. He joined his sons on the side, watching the center of the rocky pool. Seconds passed without movement of the water, not even air bubbles.

Hiei was growing more and more worried as time passed. He put his items inside a nearby towel and was about to go after his fox. Kurama finally broke through the surface, gasping for air and trying to tread water. He also had fear present in his eyes and on his face. Hiei saw this, quickly swimming out to help his mate. He slid an arm under the fox’s and then they both swam over to their sons. Kurama clung to the edge, trying desperately to get air into his lungs.


Thanks so much for reading and please review. Hopefully the next chapter will be out soon.