Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Treasure Time ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children I have created and the story line.

To all of those that have reviewed, you guys are great! THE BEST!! You all give me the inspiration to keep my stories going so please keep reviewing.

Warning: This chapter contains a lemon so if you are under age or don’t want to read it please skip over that part



Chapter 5 of 24

Treasure Time


Hiei was growing more and more worried as time passed. He put his items inside a nearby towel and was about to go after his fox. Kurama finally broke through the surface, gasping for air and trying to tread water. He also had fear present in his eyes and on his face. Hiei saw this, quickly swimming out to help his mate. He slid an arm under the fox’s and then they both swam over to their sons. Kurama clung to the edge, trying desperately to get air into his lungs.

“What happened?” Hiei asked after a couple of minutes. “I thought you were right behind me.”

“I was, but I got dizzy and almost passed out, that was when I started to panic.” Kurama continued to hold onto the rock-strewn edge.

“You need to sit down.” Hiei pulled his mate over to the submerged ledge. Kurama had just sat down when his mother walked into the cavern.

“Are the boys ready?” Shiori asked, stopping far enough back to give her son and the fire demon some privacy.

“Yeah, they’re done.” Hiei glanced over to his sons. “Go get dressed and go with your grandmother.”

“Okay.” Toushi climbed out of the water and headed for his clean clothes.

“Yes, sir.” Kaihei quickly followed his brother. They got dressed before picking up their dirty clothes and treasure. They walked over to the woman, smiling happily.

“Behave you two.” Kurama called to his sons.

“Oh, they will.” Shiori took hold of their small hands and led them back towards the entrance to the cave.

“How are you feeling now, fox?” Hiei ran a hand across his lover’s wet cheek.

“Better since I’ve caught my breath.”


“Let’s get a bath before we move on to some fun.” Kurama smiled sexily.

“Only if you feel alright.” Hiei offered, though a small hopeful smile was on his lips.

“I feel okay. Do you feel okay?”

“I’m fine, except that my back hurts. I won ‘t be able to lay on it so we’ll have to use other positions.” Was Hiei’s whispered answer before he kissed his mate. They soon parted with him reaching for one of the wash cloths and the bottle of shower gel. He quickly worked up a rich lather and started on the fox’s neck.

Kurama sat quietly, letting his lover pamper him. The rag moved down to his chest, stomach, hips, legs, and then feet. The special treatment making little moans come from his parted lips.

“Turn around.” Hiei smirked.

The fox did what his mate wanted and got his back washed. He turned back around, waiting for the next command.

“Brace yourself, spread your legs, and lift your hips.” Hiei ordered, soaping up the rag again.

Kurama smiled this time, once again doing what he had been told. The fire demon reached down and washed his rear, sac, and paid special attention to his hardening member.

“Okay, turn back around.” Hiei grabbed the shampoo bottle.

Kurama leaned forward and stole a quick kiss before giving his mate his back. The fire demon soaped up the silky red hair, slowly running his fingers through it. The fox leaned his head back into the gentle hands, completely enjoying the feeling. Hiei took his time, helping his mate relax. After many long minutes, he finally pulled his hands away and signaled for the fox to rinse off.

Kurama moved a little away and went under the water. He came up soap free and then swam back over to the ledge. He smiled as he picked up the washcloth and soap. “Now, it’s your turn.”

The whole pampering process was repeated to the fire demon and he so thoroughly enjoyed it. The fox even massaged his sore back for awhile. He rinsed off and rejoined his mate on the ledge. He smiled as he took hold of the lover’s hand and guided it to his distended stomach. The fox grinned, quickly bringing his other hand to the swell so he could feel the movements of his children within.

“I love to feel their movements.” Kurama commented quietly. “It makes it more real for me. I mean I know that you’re pregnant, but…….oh, I don’t know what I mean.”

“I know what you mean……….. You don’t feel the changes my body goes through for them, you’re on the outside looking in.” Hiei answered, staring down at the hands that continued to run over his stomach.

“I guess that’s about right.” Kurama shrugged slightly. Sometimes he wished that he could get pregnant, just to have the whole experience of it, but he would never tell his mate that. The fire demon was the child producer in their odd little family.

Hiei suddenly moved over and straddled his fox’s lap. “Now for the fun.” He quickly leaned forward and claimed his mate’s lips in a fiery kiss.

xxxxxxx Lemon Below xxxxxxxx

Kurama responded, holding the fire demon to him. He ran his hands down the strong body and let them come to rest on a firm butt. He pushed their hips together, forcing moans out of their joined mouths. Hiei broke the kiss, leaning his head back, exposing his neck. The fox took full advantage of this, placing lingering kisses all over the wet skin. He brought his hands up and rubbed the fire demon’s chest, spending extra time on his nipples.

Kurama remembered how responsive his mate’s chest was when he was pregnant with Kaihei. Hiei groaned wantonly, arching into the hands that was pinching his nipples, wanting so much more. He actually wanted his mate to dry suckle, but he didn’t voice this. He didn’t want to ruin the moment. They did that sometimes when they were both feeling lonely. The truth was he felt an constantly increasing need to be nursed. He contributed that to his out of control hormones and his body’s way of preparing for the coming babies.

Hiei ground their hips together, catching their erections between their bodies. The little swell in his stomach doing wonders for both of them. He tangled his hands in red hair, forcing the mouth away from his neck. He quickly covered the fox’s mouth with his own, proving that he could still be dominate if he wanted to.

Kurama broke the kiss, breathing hard. “We need some lube, I won’t take you dry while you’re pregnant.”

“Hn.” Hiei went back in for another kiss as he blindly reached to the folded towels. He groped around until his hand found what he was looking for, the special bottle of pink oil. This time he broke the kiss, smiling as he stood up on the ledge. “Up, out of the water.”

“Mmmm.” Kurama leaned forward and kissed the stomach that was in his face, twice. He then licked the erection from base to tip, causing his mate to shudder. Satisfied, he finally rose from the water and sat of the edge. Taking one of the towels, he spread it out for them so they wouldn’t be on bare stone. As he scooted back, he brought the fire demon with him.

Hiei settled over the fox’s stomach, taking hold of his right hand. He coated three fingers in the sweet smelling oil before he leaned over, bracing himself on his hands on either side of his mate’s head. Kurama let his eyes leisurely wonder over his fire demon’s wet body. He then brought his slicked fingers up to his lover’s entrance and started preparing him as he raised his head and caught him in a deep kiss.

When he was sure his mate couldn’t take anymore teasing and had been properly prepared, Kurama finally took his fingers away. Hiei was the one to break the kiss though as he sat up and scooted back. He quickly coated the fox’s hard erection with more of the pink oil. When he was satisfied, he raised up, aligned himself, and then slowly sat down. He tilted his head back and moaned as he was stretched and filled.

Kurama moaned as well as he seated himself in the fire demon’s tight passage. As many times they’ve had sex has not affected how close-fitting his mate’s channel was and he hoped it stayed that way. Hiei took control, rising and falling against the rigid member in him. The fox moved his hands to the fire demon’s hips with every intention to guide him, but his hands ended up on the rounded stomach.

Hiei felt this so he put his hands over his lover’s as he continued to ride him. Minutes passed with their soft moans and the gentle slapping of skin the only sounds in the stony, steamy room. They had to be quiet or an echo could carry out to Shiori and their boys. After a few moments longer, Kurama felt his muscles start to tighten, signaling his impending climax. He moved a hand down and started pumping the erection he found. The fire demon moaned loudly as he arched into the hand. He wouldn’t last much longer now.

“I’m so close, Hiei, Koi.” Kurama panted. “But I don’t want to finish before you.”

“I’m close as well.” Hiei picked up his speed to prove his statement.

The fox wanted to help, knowing his mate was probably getting tired. He began to meet each of the fire demon’s thrusts with one of his own. It was only seconds before Hiei went rigid while he cried out his lover’s name, climaxing over the fox’s stomach and chest. He nearly collapsed before catching himself on his hands, visibly shaking from his release.

Kurama had to thrust a couple of more times until he followed his mate into bliss. He lazily did a couple more as he emptied. He slowly sat up and slid back into the warm water, holding his mate to him. They were still intimately joined and neither wanted to move so they didn’t. They just held each other while their bodies, hearts and breathing returned to normal.

If it was even possible, Hiei moved closer and snuggled his face into the fox’s neck, putting his arms around him. Kurama returned the gesture, but his arms went around the expanding waist, smiling as he felt the swollen stomach press into his flat one. They sat like that for awhile, just enjoying holding the other. Both chuckled at some point, one of the babies had kicked and they both had felt it since their bodies were so closely pressed together.

Kurama noticed his lover’s breathing start to even out, signaling that he was falling to sleep. “Koi?” He called softly, rubbing his hands up and down the fire demon’s strong back.

“Mmmmm.” Was the way Hiei answered.

“We need to get out of the hot spring and go back to camp.”

“So carry me like you do sometimes.”

“I would, but we’re not at home. I don’t want our boys to see us naked and joined like this. It’s an education that they’re not old enough for yet. My mother is out there as well so it could be quite embarrassing.” Kurama tried to coax his pretty lover.

“I want to sleep like this.”

“We can’t, not tonight.” Kurama turned his head and kissed his lover’s cheek. He wouldn’t mind staying joined to his lover, but it wasn’t an appropriate time to indulge themselves.

Hiei reluctantly moved away from his mate’s neck, pouting slightly. Kurama kissed the fire demon a few times while he ran his hands over the distended stomach. The babies had grown more active, moving around and spiking their small energies. They tended to do that after their parents had sex. It was like they could sense Hiei’s excitement and in turn got excited too.

The fox moved his hands down to his mate’s hips, lifting him so his soft member could slip free. He lowered the fire demon back into his lap and they washed away the evidence of their love making.

xxxxxxxxx End Lemon xxxxxxxxx

Hiei climbed out of the water first and Kurama quickly followed him. They were toweling dry when the fire demon felt arms encircle his stretched waist.

“Do you know that you’re beautiful like this?” Kurama whispered into his mate’s ear. “Wet…….…a look of satisfaction on your face……….and your pregnant body unhindered from view.” He moved his hands down until it appeared that he was cradling the swell, gently running his thumbs against it.

“I only believe it when you say it.” Hiei leaned against his mate’s strong body, content to stand like that for awhile.

“It’s true.” Kurama continued his chosen task.

They stood that way for several minutes, neither of them speaking or moving. With a kiss to his mate’s neck and soft pats of both his hands, the fox pulled away and started to get dressed. Hiei proceeded to get dressed as well, but a little bit more slowly, his back was still hurting. They put on oversized t-shirts and pajama pants. The fox picked up their bath items and dirty clothes before they started back to where their family was waiting.

“Did you bring that lotion with us, fox?” Hiei asked, scratching his stomach. He knew that the itching was being caused by his skin stretching, which meant the babies were growing and it happened at about the same time everyday.

“Of course I did.” Kurama smiled, glancing to his mate.

“Good, because I’m going to need some when we get back to the encampment.” Hiei responded irritably.

Kurama didn’t say anything else, they just continued down the walkway. They entered the camp so to speak and found the boys sitting on their sleeping bag., happily eating bowls of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup and rainbow sprinkles. They both waved at their parents when they saw them.

“Hn, did you two leave any ice cream for me?” Hiei asked as he settled on his own sleeping bag.

“Yes, there is plenty. I told them that they could only have one bowl each.” Shiori scooped out a big bowl for the fire demon and handed it to him.

“There should be a jar of olives somewhere.” Hiei commented before starting to eat.

“Oh ,boy! You can sure tell that he’s pregnant, olives and ice cream!” Shiori laughed.

“All the time.” Kurama laughed too, shifting through a food bag and finally pulling out the wanted jar. He walked over and sat down beside his mate, handing him the jar. The fire demon promptly opened it and started eating the olives along with the ice cream in true pregnant manner.

Shiori dished out two more bowls of the sweet treat, for herself and her son. She then put the ice cream back into the mini freezer and encapsulated it. After handing her son his bowl, she sat down on her sleeping bag and began to eat.

“So, what treasure did you boys pick?” Kurama asked after swallowing a mouth full of ice cream.

“I got this!” Kaihei dug around under his pillow, pulled his hand out and opened it. In his palm lay a big beautifully cut diamond.

“OOOOH, that’s a good one!” Kurama praised his son. Hiei only nodded in agreement.

“This is what I got!” Toushi happily held out his hand, wanting admiration too. He held a small diamond encrusted dagger with a gold sheath.

“That’s a good one too!” Kurama praised his other son.

“And a perfect fit for your hand. You could probably hide that in your boot like I do with my daggers.” Hiei added, watching as his son did what he’d suggested.

“What did you get, papa?” Kaihei asked around a mouthful of ice cream.

“Let’s see.” Hiei searched around in the small pile of dirty clothes. He withdrew his hand, smirking. “I got this for my fox.” He held the item out to his mate. The item was what appeared to be a rose. The petals were encrusted in sparkling rubies, the stem and single leaf were covered in shimmering emeralds.

“Thank you, Koi.” Kurama took his beautiful gift. “This has always been a favorite of mine, though my pretty necklace you gave me will always come out on top.” He leaned over and lovingly kissed his blushing mate, not caring that his mother and sons were watching. They parted with the fire demon looking even redder.

“What else did you get, father?” Toushi asked, grinning at his parents. He didn’t know why, but he likes it when his parents kiss. He often wondered what it would feel like to kiss some one like that.

Hiei cleared his throat and reached over to the pile of clothes again. He brought his hand back out and opened it. He had a pair of diamond and sapphire earrings. He held them out to the woman.

“What?” Shiori gasped in shock. The whole time she had watched the treasures being revealed, wondering where they had come from, yet knowing that they belonged to her redheaded son; the famous Makai thief. She hadn’t expected that she would be getting something.

“For you, the mother of my fox.” Hiei half smiled. “He wouldn’t be the demon he is today if it wasn’t for you. He wouldn’t be my mate and we wouldn’t have the boys or the twins I now carry.”

“Oh, Hiei.” Shiori quickly got up and went over to the fire demon. She took the gift and then hugged him tightly, tears stinging her eyes. She sat back on her knees, looking at her new earrings. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.”

“Hn.” Hiei grunted, trying to control a blush that wanted to appear on his face.

“They are beautiful.” Kurama agreed, a huge smile on his lips. “But they need the matching necklace to go with them.” He pulled out said necklace from within his dirty clothes and held it out to his mother.

“I get another present!” Shiori gasped again. “This is to much!”

“Not at all, mother.” Kurama reached out and put the necklace around her neck. “Not after everything you’ve done for us.”

“I agree.” Hiei nodded, reaffirming his mate’s words.

“Thank you so much.” Shiori leaned forward and hugged her son tightly. She hugged the fire demon once more before returning to her seat and putting on her new earrings.

“I also got something else.” Kurama pulled out another item and held it out to his mate. “I know that you’ve got many daggers, but you don’t have one from me and certainly not like this.”

“I do now.” Hiei smirked, taking the knife and looking it over. This dagger was of a good size and had a gold sheath as well. The handle was gold, but what set it off was the amethysts and lavender jade that was embedded all along it. He looked up to his redheaded mate, smiling. “I like it, fox.”

“I knew you would.” Kurama smiled, happy.

“Where was this pretty treasure hidden?” Shiori asked, fingering her necklace. “Because I already know that it was stolen by a famous Youko thief, my son.”

“It was at the bottom of the hot spring, at least twenty feet under the water if not more.” It was Kurama’s turn to blush. “It’s very dark down in that hole, no light gets in there.” He unconsciously reached out and plucked an olive from the fire demon’s jar. He took a bite of ice cream and then popped the olive into his mouth. It had grown silent while his family stared at him.

“What are you doing?” Hiei finally asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kurama stopped in mid-bite, quickly realizing what he was doing as he reached for another olive. “I honestly don’t know, but it is pretty good.” He stressed this by putting another olive into his mouth along with more ice cream.

Shiori kept quiet, watching the odd sight. She was beginning to believe that her son was having sympathy pains for his pregnant mate. It would explain a lot about his recent behavior, his feelings of nausea, lightheadedness, and being tired. He was going through what the fire demon experienced. She decided not to say anything, just to see how far her son would unconsciously take this.

Shiori watched her son and the fire demon feed each other, neither of them having a care in the world. She even giggled, watching them play fight over the last olive from the jar. The boys had continued to stare at the weird way their parents were acting, not sure of what to make of it. It wasn’t much longer before everyone was finished and the bowls cleaned.

“Time for bed, Toushi, Kaihei.” Kurama instructed as he reached for his mate’s booted feet.

“What are you up to?” Hiei was quick to ask even as he allowed the fox to guide him around so they faced each other.

“Isn’t your feet hurting? I was going to rub them for you.” Kurama hugged his sons as they came over.

The boys then went to Hiei for a hug before going to Shiori. They laid down in their double sleeping bag, snuggled together, and then quickly dropped off to sleep. Shiori slipped into her sleeping bag, watching her son being so attentive to his pregnant husband, but she’d expect nothing less. It wasn’t long before she was asleep as well.

The fox was gently rubbing the fire demon’s swollen feet and ankles, knowing his mother had went to bed. He brought up one of the small feet, lightly kissing the instep. Hiei titled his head back as his eyes closed, sighing softly. He loved it when his mate decided to baby him. He smiled when he felt another kiss land on his other foot. This continued until the fox was satisfied that he had helped his mate.

Kurama found the lotion he had packed and poured some into his hands. He rubbed them together, warming it up. Hiei exposed his stomach, by pushing down his pants and lifting his shirt. He sighed once again, feeling soft hands rubbing lotion into his stretching skin. A few minutes passed with this attention before Kurama moved on. He got behind his mate and massaged all the knotted, aching muscles he could find in the fire demon’s back.

“Feel better?” Kurama wrapped his arms around his nearly asleep lover.

“Much…….thank you, fox.” Hiei leaned his head back against the fox’s shoulder. He had actually gotten what he had been wanting earlier, minus the air-conditioning.

“My pleasure, Koi.” Kurama guided them both to lay down inside their double sleeping bag and then zipped it up.

They shared a few soft kisses and shared their feelings for the other like they did every night. The fox slipped an arm under his mate’s shirt and then put it protectively around his rounded belly. The fire demon contently snuggled into the embrace, pushing his rear into the front of his lover’s hips. It was only a couple of minutes before they drifted into sleep as well.


Thanks so very much for reading and please leave a review. I hope you guys are liking it so far. The next chapter will be along in a week or two hopefully.