Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Unfixable Mistakes ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children I have created and the story line.

To all of those that have reviewed, you guys are great! You all give me the inspiration to keep my stories going.

AN: This chapter gets a little bloody, Hiei is insensitive, and Kurama does something very stupid. You have been warned. This chapter is not a favorite of mine, but this is how it came out so I had to post it anyway.



Chapter 7 of 24

Unfixable Mistakes


“I am pregnant.” Kurama tried to smile, putting a hand over his mate’s

“How?” Hiei asked quickly, sounding angry.

“That wish on the dragon balls. The Saiyans wished for me to be a full blooded demon like my mate and I am, only now I’m a forbidden one too.”

“But again, how? You have to take a potion from the Risoia plant.” Hiei said before his face lit up with understanding. “The tea we had the day before we left Ningenkai. It had the leaves of the Risoia plant in it and then later that day I was seme during a mating session.”

“Yes, you were.” Kurama did smile this time, remembering that day well.

“What are we going to do?” Hiei shook his head. This wasn’t happening. “We can’t have three babies at the same time! It’s not possible, we can’t handle it! Tell me, Kurama, what the hell are we suppose to do with three babies!? Why the hell did you have to screw around with that plant?!!”

Kurama looked down to the ground far below. He had been hoping that his mate would be happy about this development, but it appeared that the fire demon wasn’t, in fact he was angry. “I’m sorry, Hiei. I thought you’d be happy.” He whispered before jumping out of the tree. He quickly disappeared into the undergrowth with his last hurtful words drifting up to the fire demon. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this little problem that you don’t want.”

Hiei gasped, knowing exactly what that meant. He jumped down from the tree and raced after his mate. He could only hope that he got to him in time. He searched for a good ten minutes, worry creeping into every fiber of his being. When the fox wanted to hide he could. He finally found his lover in a small clearing by a tiny stream. Kurama was on his knees, a strange looking plant sitting beside him.

Hiei heard the fox’s soft crying and saw his mouth going through chewing motions. He looked at the plant and saw several leaves missing from it. He ran forward, his heart sinking into his stomach.

Kurama swallowed the mouth full of leaves. “It’s to late.”

“No, Kurama!” Hiei reached out and turned his mate around. The fox had tears running down his cheeks with his hands over his lower stomach. “What’s to late?!” He asked, slightly shaking his lover, but already knowing the sickening answer.

“It’s to late.” Kurama whispered again. “The baby will be gone in about an hour.”

“No!! Why did you do this?!”

“You didn’t want to have another child when you’re already having two.” Kurama was becoming lethargic. “You don’t want me to carry your child.”

“What’s happening to you?” Hiei asked angrily, but also worried.

“The plant makes you sleep while your body aborts the baby.” Kurama whispered, very close to sleep.

“What’s the antidote?!” Hiei shook his fox more forcefully, trying to rouse him from his drug induced sleep.

“To late.” Kurama whispered once more. “Besides, you don’t want the baby.” He slipped fully into sleep.

Hiei cursed loudly at himself for his own stupidity, for reacting in such a way to the news. He grabbed the plant and stuffed it into his cloak. He then scooped up Kurama and flitted towards the cave. He quickly entered and started passing out orders. “Toushi go get more water. Shiori put water on to boil and then come help. Kaihei get over here.”

The fire demon laid his mate on their sleeping bag. Toushi ran out of the cave, carrying a bucket. Kaihei was instantly at his father’s side.

Shiori put the water on and then dropped down beside the fire demon. “What happened to him?”

“I over reacted to the news and Kurama had a mood swing or something.” Hiei answered sadly. “He took something that will abort the baby.”

“OH MY GOD!!” Shiori felt sick.

“We need to get him to vomit to get rid of the leaves in his stomach.” Hiei set his mind on the task at hand.

“I’ll get a bowl.” Shiori hurried over to the pile of camping gear.

“Kaihei, I need you to search through all the plant knowledge your dad has taught you.” Hiei pulled the plant from his cloak. “What plant is this?”

“It’s uh……” Kaihei took the plant and looked it over. “It’s called Mili. It supposed to drive out strange objects from a being’s body.”

“Is there an antidote?”

“Yes, but I don’t have the seed.”

“Then search your dad’s hair. Hurry and find it, we don’t have much time.” Hiei instructed his son.

“Yes, sir.” Kaihei moved to the fox’s head and started pulling seeds from his hair.

“Shiori?” Hiei turned to the woman that had returned to his side with a bowl. “This is going to be hard on you, but I’m gonna need your help.”

“Don’t worry about me.” Shiori dropped to her knees beside the fire demon. “Just save my son and grandbaby.”

“I’m going to try to.” Hiei turned the fox up on his side. He forced Kurama’s mouth open and stuck two fingers inside. He gagged his mate, the woman holding the bowl under his mouth.

The fox started expelling the contents of his stomach along with pieces of leaves. The whole process was repeated several times, until the fox was dry heaving, proving that he had nothing left in his stomach. Shiori took the full, smelly bowl to the back of the cave and left it. Kaihei was still searching for the right seed. Toushi had returned and was keeping an eye out for danger. He also did anything that was asked of him.

“I got it!” Kaihei squealed, holding up the seed proudly.

“Then grow it.” Hiei ordered quickly.

The kit didn’t answer, he only sent out his energy. Soon a little plant sat in his hand.

“What part do we use?” Hiei asked.

“The roots and flowers.” Kaihei responded, breaking off the needed parts. He quickly cut up the plant pieces and dropped them into the boiling water. He picked up the spoon and began to stir it. “I have to keep stirring it until the tea is a deep red.”

In the meantime, Hiei and Shiori set to work removing the fox’s clothes, and then covered him with an extra blanket.

“What are the chances?” Shiori asked quietly.

“I’m not sure.” Hiei answered, sounding guilty. “He said it would take an hour and it has already been thirty minutes. We got the leaves out of him, but some of the juices had to have been absorbed. It’s a wait and see situation.” He wasn’t going to tell her that the baby would probably die anyway.

“The tea’s ready!” Kaihei announced.

Shiori hurried over and poured up a cup. She brought it back over to the fire demon. He quickly took it and started blowing on the steamy liquid, trying to cool it done. The woman lifted her son’s head with Hiei’s help while he held the mug to the fox’s lips. He began to slowly pour the tea into the waiting mouth, hoping that his mate would swallow and he did. The cup was soon empty and then refilled. Everything was repeated again. The third cup of tea was finished at the one hour mark. When nothing seemed to happen, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

“Kaihei, bring me another cup of that tea.” Hiei ordered gently, knowing that his son was upset too, though he didn’t know what exactly was going on. The boy only nodded and done what he had been told. The fire demon spoke again as he took the cup. “You and Toushi go rest, I’ll watch over your daddy.”

“Yes, sir.” Kaihei mumbled as he walked towards his sleeping bag. Toushi didn’t respond at all, he just laid down beside his brother. It wasn’t long before they were asleep. Shiori sat beside the fire demon for a long time until she had to lie down too. She still couldn’t believe that her son would do something like this. They all had completely forgotten to eat with everything that happened.

Hiei was sitting up, dozing when a small pain filled moan caught his attention. He looked to his fox and nearly gasped. He hurried over and woke Shiori before returning to his mate’s side. He started to grab anything that he could and stuff them under the fox’s hips. Shiori came running over with towels. They kept changing out the bloody towels and clothes when they wouldn’t hold anymore. It seemed that they had only prolonged the inevitable, Kurama had lost the baby. As he changed out another bloody towel with a clean one, Hiei almost broke down and Shiori saw it.

“ I can handle this, Hiei.” Shiori sounded heartbroken. “Go, get out of here, take a break. This stress isn’t good for you.”

“NO!” Hiei growled angrily. At first he was feeling guilty about what he had said, but the fox caused this by not trusting in him. “I have to be here for the death of my child!”

Shiori didn’t say nothing else, she just handed the fire demon another towel. Finally the flow of blood slowed, and then stopped all together. Hiei cleaned his mate up, almost feeling hatred for the fox. Kurama had been so stupid and hadn’t taken into consideration that he might have been having a mood swing too. No, he just ran off and aborted their baby.

Hiei yanked off his cloak and covered up the redhead before laying down beside him, though not touching him. He was just to angry at the moment and he feared that he might do something regrettable. Shiori watched the two demons for a few minutes. She then laid down and went to sleep too. Right now she wasn’t to happy with her son either. He shouldn’t have reacted so quickly and harshly.


The next day passed slowly for the small family. Kurama had yet to awaken or even move for that matter. Hiei slowly gave him cups of water with helpful herbs in it that Kaihei had grown. Around nightfall, the fox started to stir. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He was alone in the cave as he should be with what he had done.

Kurama looked to his right and saw the pile of bloody clothes and towels. He instantly felt remorse for what he had done. He realized now that he had overreacted to his mate’s words and wasn’t thinking right when he swallowed those leaves. Now he had lost his child, Hiei’s child. He curled up on his side and started to cry.

“I’m glad that you feel some guilt over the death of my child.” Hiei walked angrily into the cave.

“I’m so sorry, Hiei!” Kurama started crying harder. He didn’t need this now, he already felt bad enough.

“It’s to late for that!” Hiei pointed to the bloody pile of towels and clothes. “That’s all that is left of my child! It doesn’t even get a grave!”

“I’m so sorry!” Kurama repeated as he sat up and hugged himself, starting to rock.

“Why did you act so irrationally?” Hiei moved closer to the fox.

“I thought you didn’t want the child!”

“I never said that!!” Hiei fisted a hand in the fox’s hair and pulled back harshly, forcing them to make eye contact. “Did you hear me say such a thing?”

“No.” Kurama weakly replied. He deserved everything that his mate was dishing out. “But you wanted to know what we were going to do with three babies.”

“Yes, I said that and I’d still say it, but now it’s not necessary! You killed our baby without a second thought!”

“I thought about it!” Kurama battled back. “And it was the hardest decision I ever made!”

“Then why make it?!” Hiei growled angrily, baring his fangs.

“I don’t know! I was so happy when my mother and I figured out that I was pregnant, I couldn’t wait to tell you! Then you said all that stuff and I just lost it! I am very sorry! Can you ever forgive me?!”

“I can forgive you for everything, but this, Kurama. You knowingly took the life of my child, our child. Even after everything that we’ve been through, this is what may break us apart. It’s true that demons mate for life, but we may be the first demon couple to get a divorce. I can‘t handle this right now, I can‘t even look at you.” Hiei released the fox’s hair, turned on his heels, and then stormed out of the cave.

Shiori came running in to see her son in tears. She hurried over to him and wrapped him in a comforting hug. There was really nothing else she could do for him and certainly nothing she could say to ease his pain. Hiei returned sometime later, ignoring the fox completely. When dinner was served, Kurama refused to eat. He just kept watching the fire demon, still openly crying. When it was time to go to sleep, Hiei refused to sleep beside the fox. He leaned up against a far wall, still not speaking a word.

The silent treatment continued for the next day and a half. Shiori tried talking with her son, but that didn’t seem to help. He could tell that she was very upset with him too. Hiei had even instructed Toushi and Kaihei that they were not to talk to their redheaded father, that he had done something bad. The fire demon even alluded to the fact that the fox might do something bad to them.

Kurama was to the point that he couldn’t take it anymore. He was bringing up the rear of their little line so he started to walk slower. His family didn’t even notice that he was getting further and further behind. He finally came to a stop, watching his family disappear into the distance. If they didn’t want him around anymore, then so be it. He masked his Ki and took off through the dense woods. He was headed to a den that no one knew about, except for himself.

The family continued to travel for the rest of the day, none of them seemed to notice that the fox was missing. No one had even looked back to where he had been. They finally came to a stop in front of the big wooden fortress doors.

“Who are you?” One of the guards sneered.

“I’m Hiei, your lord and master! Now open the damn doors!” Hiei growled in warning. The guards instantly bowed and then pushed the doors open.

“Where’s Shuuichi?” Shiori asked, looking around for the first time in awhile.

“Who knows? Who cares?” Hiei spat angrily. He was still hurting over his lost baby, though he still carried two. “I don’t have time for his damn games, I have a throne to claim!!” He started walking inside. “Come, boys, Shiori.”

Toushi and Kaihei didn’t answer as they followed their father. They were in just as bad mood as everyone else. They could tell that something was wrong, but they didn’t know what. Shiori looked around one last time before hurrying into the fortress. She didn’t want to leave him out there in the depressed state that he was in, but she had no other choice. She couldn’t go searching for him across the wild Makai by herself.


Meanwhile, Kurama had just finished cleaning up his old den. He had gathered wood and got a fire going. He sat on the bedding furs, holding the jewel encrusted rose that his beloved mate had given him. He raised his hand and made to throw it into the fire, but stopped himself. He couldn’t get rid of it no matter how much it hurt to look at it. He slowly pulled off his necklace and rings. He stuffed them along with the rose into the folds of the bed furs. He might be able to get rid of them one day, but it wasn’t today.

A week and a half passed with Kurama caring for himself. He still got dizzy and had nausea, but he contributed that to the sudden blood loss and the deep depression he was in. He sat in front of the small fire, thinking about the lost baby. Today would have been the twentieth day into the pregnancy, if he hadn’t been so stupid. By now, there should have been a small swell to his stomach and able to feel the baby’s energy. He couldn’t force himself to look down or touch his stomach for those very reasons.

Kurama finally unmasked his energy so it wasn’t like he was hiding. What hurt the worst was that Hiei hadn’t come after him as he had hoped. The fox started to cry again, it seemed that was all he was able to do anymore. Another ten days and the baby would have started to move around. He wondered if Hiei was still pregnant with the twins. Or did the fire demon terminate the pregnancy just to get even.

Kurama hoped that it wasn’t the case, he wanted to see the twins someday. He would love to see Kaihei and Toushi again too. He disregarded that thought, the boys was probably well guarded now, in a fortress that he wasn’t allowed into. He laid down on his bed furs, staring at the leafy room, thinking about everything that he should have done different.

Kurama sighed, resigning himself to his current fate. He needed to go hunting, he hadn’t eaten in a couple of days. In truth, he hadn’t been hungry, and the thought of food made him sick to his stomach, but he needed to eat. With something other then the child he killed on his mind, he got up and sat out on a hunting trip. Secretively hoping that he ran into some trouble, he needed to be punished.


“Lord Hiei, that ningen woman wants to speak to you.” A guard entered the large, well appointed office and bowed.

“Send her away!” Hiei spat, not even looking up from his desk. He needed nothing or no one to remind him of his fox.

“Hiei!!” Shiori yelled, entering the room, pushing past the guard.

“Sorry, sir.” The guard grabbed her arm and started to pull her away.

“Let her go and get out!” Hiei growled angrily, watching the demon beat a hasty retreat. He sighed when the door slammed, meeting the woman’s glare. “I know what this is about so you can save your breath, Shiori.”

“Well, I’m going to tell you anyway! You’ve completely closed yourself off from the boys. They haven’t seen you in three days. That’s not right! They need you and they need……..”

“Don’t say that name, it’s against the law!”

“I don’t care! Kill me if you want!” Shiori threw the words in his face. “Shuuichi, Kurama, needs to be here for the boys and for you! He needs to be at your side, he needs to be loved and to love in return!”

“He chose this, I didn’t choose it for him!” Hiei was growing more angry. This hurt to much. “He left on his own, he left me, he left Toushi and Kaihei.”

“Yes, but you gave him the emotional shove!” Shiori returned quickly. “He told me everything you said to him! You told him that you couldn’t forgive him. The time in his life when he needed you the most, you pushed him away, you let him fall.”

“What about the baby he killed? My baby?!”

“That can’t be denied, but he wasn’t thinking right. He believed that you didn’t want it, so he did what he thought was right. “ Shiori moved forward and laid a hand on the fire demon hidden stomach. “Are you going to deny the boys their father? Are you going to deny these two their father? Are you going to deny yourself your mate? Yes, he aborted your baby, but he’s forbidden now, so you are able to make another with him. All you have to do is find it in your heart to forgive him.”

“How do I do that?” Hiei barely whispered.

“With love, Hiei.” Shiori smiled softly. “He loves you so much and you love him. That is all that is really needed for forgiveness. Go after him and bring him back to his family.”

“Hn, I’ll try.” Hiei whispered before flitting out of the room. He left orders with his top advisor that his children and Shiori were not to be touched, that their pampering was to continue. He masked his energy as he headed out into the wilds, heading straight for the fox’s signal. He only hoped that love was enough for the forgiveness that they both needed to give.


Thanks very much for reading and please review. Next chapter in a week or so.