Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ There’s Hope ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children I have created and the story line.

To all of those that have reviewed, you guys are great! You all give me the inspiration to keep my stories going. Thanks so much! ^_^

Warning: This chapter contains a few paragraphs of an adult nursing relationship. You have been warned.



Chapter 8 of 24

There’s Hope


Kurama curled himself up into a little ball and started to cry himself to sleep like he did every night. After awhile, he finally slipped into dream world or in his case nightmare land. He missed his fire demon so much. Since they had been together, he hadn’t had a bad dream, Hiei always controlled them.

Hiei easily walked into the fox’s den. There were no traps, wards, or plants, no defenses at all. It was as if Kurama didn’t care anymore. The firelight cast an eerie glow across the huddled form. The fox only had on boxers and he laid on top of the bedding furs. The fire demon silently moved closer and nearly gasped, his fox had not been caring for himself.

The normally bright and shiny red hair was dull and dirty. The skin was paler then usual and smudged with dirt. The body was thinner as if it hadn’t gotten enough to eat. Dark circles were under closed eyes, a sign that of not much sleep either. Making a quick decision, Hiei grabbed the four fur bags, used for holding water, and his mate’s dirty clothes. He flitted out of the den, headed for the nearest stream.

Hiei quickly washed the clothes by beating them against rocks and using soap root. When he thought the clothing was sufficiently clean, he filled the four fur bags with water, hoping that it would be enough. He gathered some more soap root, stuffing them into a pocket of his cloak. On his way back to the den, he hunted and was able to kill five Makai rabbits for dinner. He entered the burrow and laid down the many items.

Hiei built up the fire and laid out the wet clothes on rocks to dry. He looked over to his fox and frowned, it appeared that he hadn’t moved. Making one last trip into the forest, he gathered more sticks for the fire. When he returned, he quickly cleaned the rabbits, spitted them, and put them over the fire to cook. He laid the four bags of water near the fire as well to warm up. The fire demon finally sat down, leaning against a leafy wall and absently rubbing his distended stomach. He was a month and a half along and was showing quite nicely when he didn’t have on his cloak which wasn’t often. He only took off his cloak now when he was in the privacy of his own bedroom.

The smell of the roasting rabbits finally stirred Kurama from his slumber. The first thing he noticed was how much light was in his den. He turned over and gasped at the sight.

“I’m glad that you remember me, fox.”

“I’ll always remember you, Hiei.” Kurama responded sadly as he sat up. He looked to the fire and whispered. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, right now I’m cooking us something to eat.” Hiei teased lightly.

“That’s not what I mean. Why are you here? You didn’t want me anymore and broke off our mating.”

“There you go, putting words in my mouth again! I said no such thing, I did no such thing! You are the one that left me!”

“I left because you wouldn’t look at me, wouldn’t talk to me, even told the boys not to talk to me. You even made them think that I would hurt them! I would never do that!! How was I suppose to deal with that?! I couldn’t take it! I left because I didn’t think you wanted me anymore after what I did!” Kurama was to the point of breaking into tears and the fire demon knew it. They both had been wrong with how the whole situation was handled. They were both at fault for the aborted baby and the separation.

“I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive you completely or myself, but I still love you and you’re my mate.” Hiei got up and picked up one of the water filled fur bags. He walked over to the bed furs and sat down beside the fox. “Take off those dirty boxers, Kurama.”

The fox didn’t say anything, but he did take off the last of his clothes.

“Water and soap root will have to do.” Hiei pulled out the roots out of a pocket and laid them on the ground nearby. He then took off his scarf, wet it and rang it out. He brought it up and gently washed the fox’s face.

“I don’t deserve this treatment.” Kurama said softly, still not meeting his mate’s eyes.

“Let me be the judge of that.” Hiei smashed up some soap root and quickly washed the fox’s neck, shoulders, arms, and chest. Kurama sat quietly while his mate washed his feet, legs, back, and crotch.

Hiei raised the scarf and reached for the area that he had been avoiding, the fox’s stomach. This was going to be hard on him. Because by now, he would have been able to feel the baby’s energy, but there would be nothing there to feel. Kurama flinched and closed his eyes when the fire demon started to wash his stomach. He hadn’t looked or touched that area either since the day he aborted the baby. It was just to painful.

Hiei froze his movements, dropping the white scarf. He pressed a hand firmly into the fox’s stomach, that on closer inspection actually had a slight swell to it. He gasped, his eyes going wide because he felt a small energy signal. It wasn’t possible, it couldn’t be possible. Hiei pressed down again and the tiny energy spiked. He reached out and grabbed the fox’s hand, pressing it into his own stomach. Kurama snapped his eyes open, surprise evident in them. He pressed down himself and felt the little energy spike once more.

“You’re still pregnant, Kurama!” Hiei slowly smiled.

“But how? I saw the pile of bloody towels and fetal matter.”

“I made you expel all the leaves you swallowed and Kaihei made up an antidote that I made you drink. At first nothing happened, then there was blood everywhere, but then it slowly stopped” Hiei thought it over for a moment. There was only one explanation that he could think of. “I believe you had a partial abortion. You lost one baby, but you kept the second.”

“I was pregnant with twins.” Kurama sounded so sad as he laid both hands on his stomach.

“I believe so, that’s the only way to explain it.” Hiei put his hands over the fox’s. “The question is now, what are you going to do about it?”

“I’m going to have my child, ………… your child.” Kurama looked up to his mate and smiled for the first time in days. “Will you still have me as your mate?”

“You’ll always be my mate, fox.”

“And you?” Kurama reached forward, but pulled his hands back. “Are you still pregnant?”

“You think I would get rid of the babies I carry to get even with you?” Hiei pulled off his cloak, exposing his rounding belly.

Kurama reached forward again, but pulled his hands back once more. He wanted to touch his mate’s stomach, but felt that he had no right to, not until he got the okay. Hiei rolled his eyes and took hold of his lover’s hand’s, guiding them to his stomach.

Kurama flashed a heart stopping smile. “How have you been feeling?”

“Fine, the morning sickness is just about gone.” Hiei got to his feet and removed the rabbits from the fire. He then brought two of the fur bags of water to a nearby rock and pulled some more soap root from his pocket. He patted the rock, offering a small smile. “Come over here, fox.”

Kurama got up from the bed furs and walked over to where his mate had indicated. Hiei’s smile got a little bigger, seeing his fox in all of his naked glory. He also noticed the little bulge in his mate’s stomach. It was more pronounced when he was standing up. Again the thought of what were they going to do with three babies ran through his head, but he didn’t voice this. He wasn’t going to send the fox into doing something else crazy.

Kurama sat down on the rock, waiting to see what was going to happen next. He was thoroughly surprised when his head was drenched in water as was the rest of his body. “Hiei! What….” He trailed off when his mate started washing his hair. He relaxed into the hands, allowing this to happen. Hiei took his time, running his hands through the soapy hair. He had missed this.

Hiei poured the clean water over the fox, getting all of the soap rinsed off. He quickly took off his boots and then his pants and shirt. He sat down in front of the fox, sliding back as far as possible, pressing his back into his mate’s chest. He caught Kurama’s hands and brought them up around him. He placed their hands together on his swollen stomach.

Kurama laid his head on the fire demon’s shoulder and tightened his arms. They needed this quiet moment to try to heal the deep wounds in their relationship. Hiei raised his energy, drying them both off. Kurama raised his energy too. They were quiet as they shared energy back and forth. They must have sat like that for an hour, in complete silence.

Kurama was the one to finally break it. “I’m so sorry, Hiei.”

“At least we still have one of your babies and both of mine. We’re going to have three babies within a month of each other, but we’ll manage.”

“Yes, we will…………Could you see us with two sets of twins?”

“Let’s not think about that, fox.” Hiei quickly replied. “It only brings up bad memories and now we don’t have two sets of twins.”

“That’s true.” Kurama’s voice broke with emotion.

“Let’s move to the bed furs and eat, this rock is getting uncomfortable.” Hiei got up, wanting to change the subject. He didn’t even bother to get dressed. Kurama got up and moved over to where his mate had suggested. Hiei brought the rabbits over to them and they started eating. Soon there was nothing left but the bones.

“That was good, Koi.” Kurama smiled, patting his now full stomach.

“When was the last time you ate?” Hiei asked, making himself more comfortable on the bed furs.

“A couple of days ago.” Kurama laid down on his side, watching his mate.

“And you’ve been sick too?”


“You know that’s not good, fox.” Hiei scolded softly. “Even if you didn’t know that you were still pregnant.”

“I know, but I couldn’t eat.” Kurama offered him a small shrug. “How are the boys and my mother?”

“Hn, worried sick over you. I was worried too, but I covered it up with anger.”

“Naturally……..Have the twins moved around much?”

“Mostly at night when they expect your hands to be against them.” Hiei smirked, stretching some. “They haven’t moved around so much in the last couple of days, I think they missed you touching them.”

“I missed touching them.” Kurama admitted, smiling.

“You are coming back with me, aren’t you?”

“Only if you still want me?”

“Oh, I still want you.” Hiei moved quickly. He was straddling the redhead’s hips, pinning him to the furs. He leaned over and lovingly kissed the fox. Kurama kissed back, feeling his mate’s extended belly press into his own. This is what he had been wanting the whole time. Hiei broke the kiss and slowly smiled. “Do you need anymore answers?”

“Just one.” Kurama met his mate’s eyes. “Do you forgive me for what I’ve done?”

“It’s hard, but I do, just don’t ever do it again.”

“I won’t, Koi.” Kurama promised before going in for another kiss.

They kissed for a little while longer before Hiei broke the kiss and rolled to the side, snuggling beside him. He was tracing non descript patterns over the fox’s chest when he suddenly set up. “Where’s your necklace?” He asked, looking down to the fox’s left hand. “And your rings?”

“I took them off when I thought you didn’t want me anymore. They almost ended up in the fire the first night I was out here.” Kurama reached into the folds of the furs and then withdrew his hand. “But I still have them.”

“Hn.” Hiei grunted, quickly taking the items. He put the necklace back around the fox’s neck and put the two rings back on his left hand. Everything was back to the way it was suppose to be. The fire demon kissed his mate again before snuggling back into his side. They both put a protective arm around the other. With a pair of mummers of ‘I love you’, they both drifted to sleep.


Hiei awoke suddenly, his chest feeling somewhat wet. He looked down and groaned. It seemed he had started lactating earlier with this pregnancy then he did with Kaihei’s. He let his eyes travel to the beautiful redhead sleeping beside him. The fire demon smiled, at least he had help this time with this little problem. His smile only got bigger when he realized he would be helping the fox out too. He wondered if Kurama’s milk would taste like his own.

Hiei rubbed two fingers across his left nipple and was rewarded with a few drops. He touched the same two finger’s to his mate’s mouth, rubbing them across full red lips. Kurama’s pink tongue darted out and licked his lips while he continued to sleep. The fire demon was amused by this so he did it again, and again the pink tongue darted out. He chuckled at the too cute sight. He continued to touch milk wet fingers to his mate’s lips until the fox began to stir. Hiei rolled up on his left side, knowing his mate would want to suckle.

Kurama slowly opened his sparkling green eyes, taking in his surroundings. They finally came to land on the fire demon. “I thought last night was a dream.” He ran a gentle hand down his mate’s cheek.

“Nope, no dream.” Hiei smirked, watching the fox lick his lips.

“I know that taste!” Kurama smiled, licking his lips again, wanting more.

“I should hope so.” Hiei rubbed his right nipple, producing a drop of milk. The fox reached out and caught the drop on a finger and then brought it to his mouth.

“It tastes a little different then after you have a baby and in full milk, but it’s not bad……..May I?”

“Hn, why do you think I’m like this?” Hiei pulled his mate into an intense kiss.

When they parted, the fox quickly moved down and latched on, sucking noisily since no one else was around. He also began to gently rub his mate’s swollen stomach and purr. Hiei reached between their bodies and rubbed the fox’s little stomach, purring too. He let the fox nurse for as long as he wanted to since they hadn’t actually done it in so long. Kurama finally rolled onto his back, completely sated. The fire demon moved closer and ran a finger around his lover’s nipple, teasing it into a nub.

“Do you want to give it a try?” Kurama asked softly, meeting his mate’s eyes.

“If you don’t mind.” Hiei blushed slightly.

“I don’t mind, but you won’t get anything right now.”

“That’s okay, I still want to try.” Hiei leaned over his mate’s right nipple and sucked it in. He quickly remembered that his lips couldn’t be inverted so he fixed them and started gently sucking away.

Kurama closed his eyes, enjoying being on the receiving end of the suckling. He liked to suckle, but this felt good too. He couldn’t wait for his milk to come in so he could nurse his child and properly nurse his mate. Hiei liked the role reversal too. It gave him a whole different prospective on the ANR they shared. They would continue their ANR when the babies were born, but with one minor change. They would both suckle each other, they would both have a schedule.

After awhile, Hiei slowly pulled away and stretched. He looked to his mate and smiled. “That was certainly different.”

“Then you didn’t like it.” Kurama sounded disheartened.

“I didn’t say that.” Hiei smirked wickedly. “We’re going to resume our ANR, but we’re both going to have a schedule.”

“I can live with that.” Kurama smiled beautifully as he sat up. He got up and checked his clothes, finding them dry. “Do we need to be heading back?”

“Yes, your mother and the boys are at the fortress with nothing, but demons around them. They can’t be left by themselves for long.” Hiei got up too and strutted over to the fox. He pulled his mate into a long, slow kiss. When they parted, the demons got dressed and had a quick breakfast, which the fox promptly threw up due to morning sickness. At the mouth of the den, they shared another sweet kiss and gently rubbed the other’s stomach.

Hiei licked the fox’s lips and then whispered. “Let’s go, fox.”

“Right behind you, Koi.” Kurama responded with a lick of his own.

They smiled at each other before taking off, running through the Makai forest, heading straight for Hiei’s fortress.


Thanks very much for reading and please leave a review. I like to read all that I get. The next chapter will be up in a week or two.