Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Another Lordship ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children I have created, along with any other original characters, and the story line.

To all of those that have reviewed, you guys are great! The Best!! You all give me the inspiration to keep my stories going and I’m doing just that. I already have many more stories lined up after this one so be on the look out. I’m also writing other stories that won’t be in this arc so be looking for those too. Thanks again for all the reviews.




Chapter 9 of 24

Another Lordship


As they walked up to the fortress doors, the guards bowed before Hiei, then they moved to attack Kurama. The fire demon was instantly between them and his mate, growling.

“Lord Hiei, you ordered us not to let this demon into your fortress.” One of the guards quickly said.

“Things have changed. This is my mate, Kurama. If you touch him, you die by my hand if not by his. He’s as strong as I.” Hiei smirked arrogantly.

“Yes, sir.” The guards quickly bowed to the redhead, showing their respect. They pushed open the big doors and allowed the lords to enter.

The demons made it to the throne room and was met with a surprise. Toushi and Kaihei sat in the big elaborate chair, the fire demon’s most trusted advisor, and the one left in charge while he was gone, dead on the stairs. Shiori stood at the boys’ side, smiling.

“Nice to see that my throne is in good hands.” Hiei remarked, a smirk on his lips. This caught the others’ attention. They boys looked up and grinned.

“Daddy!!” Toushi and Kaihei squealed, jumping up and running straight for the fox.

Kurama knelt down and caught his sons in a big hug. “I’ve missed you boys. Have you been good?”

“Yep!” Toushi was still grinning.

“Un hah!” Kaihei nodded vigorously. The kits turned towards the fire demon, unsure if they were welcome.

“Come on.” Hiei opened his arms for them. The boys quickly filled the open space, happy to have both their fathers back.

“Shuuichi!” Shiori cried, hugging her son after finally making it to him. “I’ve missed you so much and I was so worried!”

“I’ve missed you too, mother.” Kurama returned her hug. “There is no need to worry anymore, I’m here for good.”

“I’m glad to here that.” Shiori released her son and stepped back, looking at both demons. “Did you two get the problem worked out?”

“Hn, for the most part.” Hiei smiled secretively before quickly changing the subject. “Now, what happened here and why is my advisor dead?”

“He tried to take over in your absence, but the boys stopped him.” Shiori answered.

“You did?” Kurama turned surprised eyes on his sons.

“Yeah, he thought he was stronger then me and Kaihei.” Toushi smirked, looking like his father.

“But we showed him!” Kaihei smirked too, looking as if he was standing a little taller. “The land and throne belong to our father is what we told him before he died!”

“Hn, very good.” Hiei was quite proud. Beside him, Kurama was equally proud.

“Lord Hiei!” A captain came running into the room.

“What is it, Junaco?” Hiei quickly turned towards him.

“A village elder that is trying to take over Yomi’s lands is demanding an audience with you.”

“Make him wait thirty minutes and then send him in.” Hiei ordered, walking towards his throne. “In the meantime, have the second throne I ordered and the small side chair brought in. Plus, have fresh clothes brought in for myself and my mate.” He kicked the dead body down the stairs. “And get somebody to get rid of this.”

“Yes, my lord.” Junaco threw a salute, glancing to the woman. He offered her a small smile before hurrying out of the room. The demons didn’t miss the subtle exchange.

“I do believe that you have an admirer, mother.” Kurama just had to tease.

“He’s been flirting with her for days.” Hiei announced, sitting down in his throne.

“It’s not possible.” Shiori shook her head. “What do you mean flirting?”

“To be blunt, Junaco likes you.” Kurama grinned like mad.

Two burly demons walked into the room carrying another big throne. “Where would you like this, lord Hiei?” One of them asked.

“Here, on my right side.” Hiei pointed to the spot next to him.

Without a word, the two burly demons put the chair into place and then picked up the body, carrying it from the room. Hiei smirked, beckoning for the fox to come closer. He took Kurama’s hand and kissed it before leading him to sit in the new throne. The same two demons came back in, carrying a smaller throne, but still very beautiful.

“Where would you like this one?” The same demon spoke again.

“At my mate’s right side.” Hiei ordered quickly. The throne was put into place and the workers left. Hiei got up and took Shiori’s hand. He led her over to the smaller throne and smiled. “Please sit, this will always be your spot.” He bowed slightly. Shiori blushed as she sat down. She was feeling very much like a queen.

A female demon came rushing into the room, carrying dark blue and dark green garments. She bowed before her lords. “The clothes you requested.”

“Hn.” Hiei took the items and dismissed her. “Come, fox, we need to change.” He walked to the back of the hall and behind a dark screen. Kurama quickly followed his mate. They hurriedly dressed and then came back into view.

Hiei was dressed in clothes that looked like his usual ones, but they were different. They were a navy blue with gold trim. He had on a warded headband of a matching color that had a gold dragon embroidered into it. Kurama was dressed in bright green with silver trim. He also had on a matching headband, but a silver fox was embroidered into it.

“WOW!” Shiori smiled. “You two look really handsome!”

“Thank you, mother.” Kurama smiled, blushing.

Hiei took his hand and led him back to his throne. When is mate was seated, he sat down and looked at his sons. “You boys will sit here on the steps for now.” He indicted where they should be. The kits nodded and quickly sat down at their parents feet. The fire demon checked his clothes, making sure his stomach didn’t show before calling out. “THE VILLAGE ELDER MAY ENTER!!”

The wooden doors opened and a fairly strong looking demon walked in. He had short black hair and a sword at his side. He bowed respectively before standing up straight.

“Why is it that you insisted on seeing me?” Hiei got right to the point. He wasn’t in the mood for this.

“There are many uprising going on in Yomi’s lands now that his son has renounced the throne.”

“What?! His son didn’t take the throne?!” Kurama quickly asked.

“I believe I was talking to lord Hiei, concubine. You…….”The male didn’t get to finish his sentence. He had been knocked off his feet and had a black flaming sword pressed into his throat.

“That’s my daddy you’re talking about!” Kaihei bared his fangs. “You will show respect to my father‘s mate!”

“Do we kill him, father?” Toushi asked, standing along side his brother, his katana drawn.

“No, I believe he learned his lesson.” Hiei let his eyes land on the offender. “Have you learned your lesson?”

“Yes.” The male barely managed. The kits released the demon and returned to their seats on the stairs. The male slowly stood up, checking his neck. “My apologies my lord, I didn’t know that you had a mate.”

“Well, I do and you will show the same respect to him that you show to me. That also goes for lady Shiori and my sons.” Hiei was actually looking quite bored.

“Yes, my lord.” The male bowed quickly.

“What is your name?”

“My name is Zelei and I’m from the village Lorem.”

“What is it that you want?” Hiei asked.

“I wanted your backing in the uprising, so I can take over Yomi’s lands.” Zelei answered quickly.

“I see.”

“Why is it that Yomi’s son gave up the throne?” Kurama asked again, knowing that this time he’d get an answer.

“He said that he didn’t want to be hated or vengeful like his father. He wanted to walk a different path in life.”

“I suppose that makes sense, but he could have done that and still take the throne.” Kurama commented thoughtfully.

“There are two others that could take the throne, but they can’t be found.” Zelei added some more info.

“Who might they be?” Hiei asked this question.

“There is a mention in some of Yomi’s papers about Youko Kurama being his heir if his son didn’t want it.”

“Really now, that’s interesting.” Hiei slyly glanced to the fox beside him. “Who’s the other being?”

“Naturally, that would be who killed him That being has a right to the throne as well.” Zelei answered again.

“Hn, then there won’t be a problem with an uprising.” Hiei smirked, getting to his feet.

“I don’t understand my lord.”

“You wouldn’t because you weren’t there.” A wicked smirk crossed Hiei’s lips. “I’m the one that killed Yomi! Two thirds of the Makai is now mine!”

“But what about Youko Kurama? I hear rumors that he’s still alive! He may want the throne for himself.” Zelei tried desperately to regain his footing on the situation.

“Youko Kurama is very much alive.” Hiei chuckled, but it sounded evil. “And will share the throne with me.”

“I don’t understand.” Zelei looked confused.

“You see Youko Kurama is my mate.” Hiei took hold of the fox’s hand. “Show him, fox.”

“Of course my Lord.” Kurama smiled, raising his energy. In a swirl of power, the throne was no longer occupied by a redheaded ningen, but by the silver haired Youko of legend. He stood up regally and looked down at the cowering male. “Go back and spread word, Yomi’s lands are now under lord Hiei’s and mine’s control. Any uprisings will be dealt with swiftly and accordingly. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Lord Kurama.” Zelei bowed lowly. “Lord Hiei.” He bowed once more before quickly leaving the throne room, the doors closing behind him.

Kurama sat down heavily in his throne. He was completely drained after that little stunt. He wouldn’t be able to change forms often while pregnant.

“Are you alright?” Shiori was quick to ask. “You’re flushed.”

“I‘m fine, it’s just switching forms with the baby takes a lot of energy from me.” Kurama answered, not realizing his mistake until after he made it.

“BABY!!” Shiori squealed. “You’re still pregnant, Shuuichi?!”

“Yes.” Kurama smiled, though it was sad. He was thinking about the baby he aborted. “Apparently I was pregnant with twins too. When I took those leaves, they aborted one of the babies, but Hiei’s quick thinking and Kaihei’s antidote saved the second.”

“Thank goodness.” Shiori reached towards her son’s stomach. “Can I feel?”

“Of course, but you won’t be able to feel anything yet. Only a energy aware person would be able to feel it’s energy.” Kurama replied gently.

“I still want to feel.” Shiori gently placed her hand on her son’s stomach. She then got up and placed her other hand on the fire demon’s stomach. “I’m going to be a grandmother three times over. You two know that I’m willing to help out in any way that I can.” She took a step back.

“We know, mother.”

“Hn, we’re going to need it.”

“Can I feel?” Kaihei moved up in front of the redhead.

“Naturally.” Kurama guided the small hand to his stomach. “Just concentrate and search for an energy like you did when you first felt your father’s stomach.”

“Can I?” Toushi come over to stand beside his brother. The fox just smiled and brought the kit’s small hand to his stomach as well. Toushi grinned like crazy, pulling his hand away. “That’s so neat!”

“It is!” Kaihei removed his hand too.

“Now remember, boys.” Hiei started. “Don’t tell anyone that your daddy and I are going to have babies. It could be very bad for us.”

“We remember.” Toushi and Kaihei answered together. There was a loud knock on one of the side doors.

“Yes?” Hiei called out.

A female demon stuck her head into the room. “Dinner is ready, Lord Hiei and Lord Kurama.” It seemed that word had already spread that the redhead was the fire demon’s mate.

“We’ll be right in.”

“Yes, sir.” The female demon inclined her head before quickly closing the door.

The family got ready and went down to the dining hall. Most of them were surprised to see the captain Junaco there. He was forcing another demon to taste all the food to make sure it wasn’t poisoned. Everyone sat down by themselves with the exception of Shiori. She had her chair pulled out by Junaco. He was a humanoid demon with long, shiny back hair and was over six feet tall. He had crystal blue eyes that seemed to peer into a beings soul. The only thing that sat him off as a demon was the large, black, feathery wings that came out of his back. His facial features were quite handsome as well and he was well built.

“Would you like to join us?” Kurama asked, motioning to the seat next to the ningen woman.

“Don’t mind if I do.” Junaco flashed a smile, letting his very deep voice be known. He sat down in the offered seat.

Dinner was served and they all began to eat, making small talk.

“How is it that such a lovely being knows Lord Hiei and Lord Kurama?” Junaco turned slightly in his seat to look at the woman.

“I’m not all that pretty.” Shiori was quick to put herself down, though she did blush. Hiei and Kurama didn’t interfere, they wanted to see where this conversation was heading. The boys were at the other end of the table, off in their own little world, oblivious to what was going on around them.

“Hmmmm.” Junaco looked her up and down, making her blush even more. “I say that you’re beautiful….. So, are you going to tell me how you know them.”

“Shuuichi, um…Kurama is my son.” Shiori twirled her napkin nervously. She wasn’t used to so much attestation.

“Then the stories are true!” Junaco snapped his eyes up to the lords. “That Youko Kurama is still alive, only reborn in a human body. The stories also say that you are still as powerful, if not more so.”

“Believe me, my fox is more powerful now and no longer ningen.” Hiei smirked. “He is a full blooded demon!”

“What Hiei says is true. I was born into a human body, but somehow it made me half demon, recently I have become full demon again.” Kurama took hold of the woman’s hand and kissed it. “But this woman will always be my mother.”

“So, that would make this stunning being Lady Shiori.” Junaco kissed her other hand. The woman didn’t think she had ever blushed so much in her life.

“Yes, it would.” Hiei answered quickly, setting up the rules of proper engagement.

“Can you still change into the Youko of legend?” Junaco looked back to the fox.

“Yes I can. In fact, I have three forms. This form is my human form, but I have access to my demon powers. I also have my form of legend and my animal form. My boys don’t have human forms, but they have animal ones.” Kurama answered before taking a bite of food.

“Enough talk.” Hiei ordered, glancing to his sons. “Do you two feel up for a spar?”

“Always, papa.” Kaihei smirked, putting down his fork.

“Yep, me too.” Toushi grinned, setting down his glass of juice.

“Good!” Hiei looked over to the winged demon. “How good are you with that sword?”

“Very decent, if I do say so myself.” Junaco answered quickly, looking a little smug.

“We’ll see about that.” Hiei was the one that looked smug now. “I want a spar right now between you and my sons.”

“WHAT?!” Junaco was shocked, he wouldn’t dare attack any of the royal family. “But they’re children!”

“Yes, they are, but they are my children. They can handle themselves just fine. Now spar with them and don’t hold back.” Hiei sat back and crossed his arms across his chest.

“But…” Junaco looked to the redhead for support, but got known.

“Don’t worry, my boys are strong, they can take it. You may even be surprised.” Kurama offered him a smile.

“Yes, my Lords.” Junaco pushed away from the table and stood up. He walked over to a large open area of the dining hall, withdrawing his sword.

In two little blurs, the kits were standing across from him. They withdrew their trademark weapons and dropped into a fighting stance. The three demons charged at each other until they clashed. There was a small scuffle, but Junaco found that he had been beaten in a matter of seconds. He lay on his stomach, a thorny whip tied around his feet, hands, and wings, but not tight enough to cause damage. He had a feeling that the kid could be quite dangerous if he wanted to be.

Junaco didn’t have much more time to think as a katana was pressed into the back of his throat. These children of the Lords were truly something. They worked seemingly as a team. Two sets of clapping caught their attention. They all looked up and saw the fox and fire demon walking towards them. Shiori still sat at the table, eyes wide, a hand over her mouth. It still bothered her to know that her grandbabies could be so ruthless.

“Very good! Untie him, kits.” Kurama smiled proudly. The boys did what they had been told and Junaco was allowed to stand.

“Hn, I did this to prove a point and to test your swordsmanship.” Hiei smirked arrogantly. “I found your swordsmanship to be quite decent as you said, but no one can beat my boys. Junaco, would you be my top advisor now that I’m in need of one? Toushi and Kaihei killed the other one when he tried to take over, so I advise you not to try it. You will also be the high general over my army.”

“I’d be honored, Lord Hiei!” Junaco bowed lowly, showing his deep respect.

“Fine, now let’s get back to dinner. I’m starved and I know my fox is too.” Hiei said, leading the redhead back to their seats where they resumed eating. They really were hungry, the babies making themselves known. The kits hurried back to their seats as well, showing no signs of the fight on their young faces. Junaco rejoined the table, in his spot next to Shiori. He was feeling quite proud of himself and his new position.


Thanks very much for reading and please leave a small review. The next chapter will be out in about a couple of weeks.