Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Making Headway ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

To all of those that have reviewed, you guys are great! Absolutely the best!! I enjoy reading all of the reviews that I get. I couldn’t ask for better readers and reviewers. You all give me the inspiration to keep my stories going.

A/N: I’m so sorry that I am late in updating. I haven’t felt the urge to type up any of the chapters that I have written. I know, I’m being lazy. I plan to do better from now on or at least try too. This chapter is longer then what I usually write, but I added a few things that I thought needed to be there that wasn’t in the rough draft. Thanks for sticking with me through this little hiatus and I hope you like this chapter.

I also want to mention that my sister is writing a MST story staring the Yu Yu Hakusho team as well as a few other anime teams and I’m helping her with it. But starting out, it is all Yu Yu Hakusho and they are MSTING some of the chapters to my stories. The title of the MST story is Theater Of The Gods. You can find it on our website: eternityofdreams, Mediaminer and Adultfanfiction. I hope you all have a chance to go check it out and then stick around to read it.



Chapter 10 of 24

Making Headway


While they were eating, Junaco continued to make flirtatious comments to the ningen woman. Shiori blushed every time, which only spurred the winged demon on. Kurama just watched it all with interest and a barely there smile on his face. What Shiori didn’t know was that she was considered an exotic beauty in the Makai, even though she would be fifty years old very soon. Her age didn’t matter, being ningen is what did. Lunch was soon finished and the dishes cleared away.

“Junaco?” Kurama had come to an important decision. His mother may not like it and he still didn’t know what was going on, but he was happy and felt somewhat relieved. He had never liked his stepfather anyway.

“Yes, Lord Kurama?” Junaco instantly turned to him, inclining his head out of respect. He didn’t have to bow so lowly now, since he was the Lords’ new high general and advisor.

“If you will, I want you to personally guard my mother when she wants to venture out of the fortress.”

“I’d be honored my Lord.” Junaco stood up, turned to Shiori, and did a sweeping bow in front of her. “I’ll anxiously be looking forward to our time together.” This brought another blush to the ningen woman’s face. Satisfied, Junaco returned to his proper height and looked back to the rulers. “I must take my leave and drill my new captains.”

“Then you’ll need a written order from me.” Hiei quickly looked over to a maid that was standing nearby. “Get me paper, ink, and quill pen.”

“Yes, sir.” The maid hurried from the room.

There was no conversation between the adults while they were waiting. Shiori and Junaco was watching the two beings at the end of the table that was holding hands and sneaking glances at each other. Hiei and Kurama was oblivious to the others staring at them. They weren’t doing what the on lookers suspected. They were actually watching the other end of the table in secret. Toushi and Kaihei were immersed in a whispered discussion, leaning close together. Just what was being said couldn’t be heard, but it was apparently something the boys really shouldn’t be talking about because they were both blushing profusely.

Hiei and Kurama quickly looked at each other when they picked up one hushed sentence from a smirking Toushi that said it all, ‘No way, my penis is bigger then yours, Rosey.’. The demons were about to stop the conversation when the maid came back into the room with the requested items.

“Here you go, Lord Hiei.” The maid laid the items on the table in front of the fire demon.

“You’re dismissed.” Hiei didn’t even look to the female, he only waved her away. He was still watching his sons. He figured that the penis size discussion had moved on to something else because now they were laughing and playing as only children could. Deciding not to say anything, Hiei turned his attention to the paper on the table. He quickly wrote out a letter naming Junaco in charge of his army and for all to follow the demon’s orders. He held out the paper to his new general. “This should do, but if you have problems get word to me.”

“Yes, sir.” Junaco took the letter, bowing slightly. He turned to Shiori, smiled and bowed again before he hurried from the dining hall.

“I believe he is infatuated with you, mother.” Kurama smiled, amusement dancing in his eyes.

“But I’m married and I told him that.” Shiori blushed once again.

“In Ningenkai you are married.” Hiei got up and went over behind the fox. He pulled the collar over his mate’s shirt open. “But you’re not marked for here in the Makai. Do you remember that ceremony Kurama and I went through?”

“Yes.” Shiori quickly nodded. “It was very beautiful.”

Hiei only continued with the same train of thought. “In the demon part of that ceremony Kurama and I bit each other. That meant we marked the other.” He indicated the mark at the base of the fox’s neck. “This mark signals to others that he is taken, that he belongs to someone. The same would go for you if you had a mark. Since you don’t have a mark, you are free game to any demon that wants to pursue you.” The fire demon leaned over and licked the bite mark, making the redhead shiver. He smirked as he returned to his seat. “The bite also becomes an erogenous zone.”

“Hiei, my mother didn’t need to know that!” Kurama tried to scold, but the blush across his nose and cheeks tended to defuse that.

“Can we go to our room?” Toushi asked from the other end of the long table.

“Yeah, we want to play.” Kaihei quickly added.

“Yes, of course. Behave you two.” Kurama dismissed the boys with a small wave of his hand. The boys were all smiles as they raced from the room. It was then that the fox remembered the inappropriate conversation his sons were having. He started to get up and go after them, but he was pulled back into his seat. Kurama quickly looked to his mate. “Why did you stop me? The boys need talking to.”

“Let them be, they weren’t hurting anything.” Hiei quickly answered, releasing the redhead.


“They have already moved on to something else. It was just natural curiosity and a little rivalry anyway, they can’t be scolded for that.”

“Alright.” Kurama reluctantly agreed.

“Did I miss something?” Shiori asked, looking back and forth between the demons.

“Nothing of real importance, mother.” Kurama put on a reassuring smile. “It was only something that we noticed the boys said.”

“Oh…….. Well in any case, I’ll go up and watch them for awhile.” Shiori laughed as she stood up. “You two need to go rest, you have unborn babies to worry about too.” She quickly left the dining room, heading for the stairs.

“Come on, Koi.” Kurama smiled, getting to his feet and taking his mate’s hand. “A nice snuggly nap sounds good.”

“Hn.” Hiei only grunted, but he did get up, allowing the fox to lace their fingers together. He smirked slightly, leading his mate to their room for the first time.

They walked through many halls, guards bowing to them, showing respect. Hiei finally stopped in front of a pair of wooden doors. He pushed them open and led the fox inside. He stuck his head back out and addressed the guard that was further down the hall.

“I am not to be disturbed, unless it’s an emergency. If anymore diplomats show up, they can wait.” When Hiei felt a tug on his hand, he quickly added. “My sons and Lady Shiori is allowed to come into the room if they need to. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Lord Hiei.” The guard snapped a salute.

The fire demon closed the door and turned to his mate. He was met with a fiery kiss to which he quickly responded to. He pulled the fox closer and ran a hand down to his butt, giving it a hard massaging squeeze. Kurama returned the sexy squeeze, but with both hands as he plundered his lover’s mouth. Soon they had to part, both breathless and slightly flushed.

“I just had to kiss you, my Lord.” Kurama smirked, making it actually look beautiful. He released his mate and walked away, looking the room over. It was sort of like their room back in Ningenkai, but quite a bit darker and bigger. He supposed he could live with it though. The very big, black and red canopy bed that was taking up one wall, he did like.

Hiei actually had to shake off the hot kiss before moving up beside his lover. “Does the room past your tastes, fox?”

“Yes, but it could use some windows.” Kurama answered as he continued looking around. He also liked that the stone floor was covered in lavish, beautifully sewn carpets. It would help keep the bitter cold at bay during the long, very brutal Makai winter.

“Hn.” Hiei walked over to some black, heavy curtains and pulled them back. “Will glass doors and a balcony do?”

“It certainly will.” Kurama smiled, hurrying over to the doors. He opened them and walked out onto the decent size balcony.

Hiei walked out and stood beside his lover. “It’s suppose to overlook palace gardens, but everything is dead.” He pointed down to what he was talking about.

“I’ll take care of that tomorrow. By the time I’m done, you’ll have gorgeous palace gardens, Koi.”

“Don’t overexert yourself, fox.” Hiei put an arm around his lover and then his free hand on the small, but still there swell of the stomach. “You have a little life depending on you now.”

“You do as well.” Kurama turned slightly and put a hand on the fire demon’s much larger stomach. “Actually you got two. Don’t overexert yourself either, especially while you sort things out the way you want them to be.”

“But about the gardens…..”

“Don’t worry, I’ll get Kaihei to help me with the gardens. He’ll enjoy it as much as I will.”

“That’s a good idea.” Hiei slowly smiled and nodded, giving the fox a squeeze. “With his help, I’ll let you mess with the palace gardens.”

“Since I got our permission, I guess I’ll do it.” Kurama seemed to be miffed.

“Kurama, I didn’t mean it like it sounded. I…..”

“Shhh.” Kurama leaned down a softly kissed his mate. “I know how you meant it, you just worrying about me. I won’t do anything that will cause harm to the life I carry, even if I did hurt it’s twin. I won’t murder another one of our children.”

Hiei brought his hands up and cupped his lover‘s cheeks, looking into sad green eyes. He felt the sorrow and guilt through their bond and sent his own to his mate. “Fox, don’t live in the past. There is nothing that we can do to change it, the lost baby can’t be brought back. All we can do is look to the future, to the three babies that will be born in a couple of months. We‘ll give them enough love to cover the fourth baby and we’ll always remember it.”

“I just wish that I knew what sex it was going to be so we wouldn’t have to keep calling the lost baby it.”

“I do too, but we’ll never know so let’s not dwell on it. We can only overcome this and become stronger in the process.”

“I’m trying and I will eventually, but it will take some time.” Kurama was at least honest with himself.

“Yes, it will, for both of us. I’m just as much at fault as you are.” Hiei quickly wiped away the fox’s tears before they really had a chance at falling. “Let us not talk about this anymore at the moment, it’s to depressing…………. So, what have you got planned for the palace gardens?”

“I’m not sure yet, but their will be roses and other pretty flowers.”

“Naturally.” Hiei just had to chuckle and smile. His fox had become so predictable.

“How about that nap? I’m feeling a bit drained of energy.” Kurama smiled, kissing his lover’s soft lips.

“Yeah, me too.” Hiei led his mate back into their room and over to the bed. They stripped off their clothes and slid between the satin sheets. It wasn’t to long before they were asleep, snuggled together.


The days slowly passed with Hiei getting his many affairs in order. He named Kurama his heir if something was to happen to him. If something happened to both him and the fox, he named Kaihei his heir and Toushi the only advisor. Even if they weren’t their to give small pushes, Hiei hoped that the boys would still mate and rule in his place.

Hiei also kept a close eye on Junaco. Judging to see if he was one to stay loyal or cause trouble. Finding his answers and making a decision, the fire demon wrote up the papers for Junaco to be in charge in his and the fox’s absence. He was nearly two months pregnant. Kurama was a month along and really starting to show. He had taken to wearing clothes similar to his mate’s to hide his stomach and it was working. No one not in the loop suspected a thing. The fire demon’s normal attire did pretty well hiding his belly when he was pregnant with Kaihei, but with the twins it wasn’t doing so good. Every time he moved, his cloak would get caught on his doubly pregnant stomach. He had to be very careful when he was around others. He knew they had to head back to Ningenkai before some demon figured things out.

Hiei made arraignments for him and his family to leave in two days. He told Junaco that he wouldn’t be back for three months and to keep everything in order to his liking. He gave the reason of three months so he could have his twins, the fox could have his baby, and they could use the last month to get used to having three babies around at one time. After that, they would return to the Makai and make it their home for good.

“Hiei, baby?” Kurama strolled into the private office with the biggest smile on his face.

“What is it, fox?” Hiei didn’t even glance up from the papers in his hands. He was in the middle of a difficult meeting with his advisor.

“Junaco, could you please leave the room for a few minutes?” Kurama asked politely. The fire demon looked up sharply at his mate. He really didn’t have time for interruptions.

“Yes, Lord Kurama.” Junaco quickly got up and left through the same door the redhead had come in.

“Fox, what is so important that you had to dismiss Junaco?” Hiei was slightly angry. He had been sitting in that very room for three hours already, trying to come up with a solution to very real problem and he was getting nowhere. Now with the interruption, he would be forced to stay in there that much longer.

“I have my reasons.“ Kurama finished crossing the room, leaned back against the paper strewn table, and slid over in front of his upset mate.

“What are they?” Hiei eyed his mate suspiciously.

“I thought that maybe you would like to feel something.”


Kurama only smiled for an answer. He took hold of his lover’s hand and brought it up under his over size, cloak like shirt, placing it against his hidden swollen stomach.

Hiei gasped, quickly bringing up his other hand, a smile lighting up his miserable features. “Your….Our baby is moving.”

“Yes, it’s been moving for the last few minutes.” Kurama continued to smile, feeling the small hands pressing and moving around his pregnant stomach. “Are you still mad that I interrupted your meeting?”

“Not at all.” Hiei couldn’t stop smiling, still feeling the small movements. “Right now, this is the most important thing to me in all three worlds.”

“I had a feeling you would think that.” Kurama lifted his shirt and placed his hands over the top of his mate’s. This was the first time that the baby he carried had moved.

Hiei stood up and hungrily kissed his mate, their bellies brushing each other. They both wanted to make love, but that had come to a stop a week and a half ago. It was impossible for them to have sex with both of them showing like they were, their pregnant stomachs got in the way. They had to settle their mutual desire with heated kisses and lusty touches, which happened quite often.

They gave each other hand jobs, but they didn’t consider that sex and it certainly wasn’t enough to sate their longing for the other. Hiei even let Kurama suckle when he was leaking milk, but that only happened sporadically since the babies still had another month in the womb. Even a couple of times, the fire demon dry suckled from his fox, hoping that maybe the switch up would help their desire, but it didn’t. They also cuddled at night, well at least the best they could. Again all these actions weren’t near enough for them, but it was all they had at the moment.

When they parted, Kurama turned somewhat serious. “When will we be leaving?”

“I was going to tell you when I got through with the meeting I was having with Junaco. I made arrangements for us to leave in two days. Any longer then that will be pushing it with me showing like I am.”

“Do you believe that we’ll make it to the portal fairly easy?”

“Most likely since we’ll be passing through our lands. Plus, we’ll have our little guards.”

“Yes, we will.” Kurama laughed lightly. “They have become so protective of us.”

They were of course talking about Toushi and Kaihei. During the many diplomatic meetings they had to sit through, their sons were right there with them. The boys wouldn’t let anyone get to close to their fathers, whether the intentions were good or not. If a demon tried, it found a katana quickly pressed into it’s throat or a thorny whip wrapped around it, sometimes both. The boys had become quite deadly and fearless since coming to the Makai. They each had killed several demons, despite Shiori’s obvious dismay.

“I believe Junaco will miss mother.” Kurama sat down on the edge of the table.

“I agree, he has grown fond of her.” Hiei sat back down in the chair behind him, looking up to his mate. “Do you think she’ll come back with us when we return here?”

“It’s possible…….. I still don’t know why she wanted to come. Why she wanted so desperately to get away from Ningenkai, but I intend to find out before we reenter that world. Thinking about it, she may come back with us. She has grown to like the Makai and I believe that deep down she even likes Junaco, but it’s still dangerous for her here since she is ningen.”

“Hn, she’ll always be protected if she returns, she’ll be with us and the boys. We won‘t let anything happen to her.”

“I know that and I hope she comes back with us. If she remains in Ningenkai, I know that I’ll miss her terribly. She’ll also miss the new babies and the boys. Is it okay with you, if she comes back with us?”

“You know it’s fine with me.” Hiei smiled as he lifted his cloak and started rubbing his swollen stomach. “She is like a mother to me, the one I never had. You want to know a secret?”

“Yes, what is it?” Kurama reached out and rubbed his mate’s stomach too.

“Sometimes, I like it when she smothers me with motherly love. When she can’t help, but mother me.”

“I like it too when she smothers and mothers me.”

“If you tell anyone that secret, I’ll have to kill you, fox.” Hiei threatened, though he didn’t mean a word of it, nor could he follow through on his bold words of death.

“I could spill all of your secrets because I know that you could never hurt me, you love me to much.” Kurama slid off the table and leaned over. He gently kissed his pretty mate and then smiled. “But don’t worry, I won’t ever tell any being any of your secrets.”

Before a reply could be spoken, there was a knock on the big wood door. Hiei quickly fixed his clothes, making sure his pregnant belly couldn’t be seen. He glanced to his fox and found that he had done the same thing. Satisfied that it was safe, Hiei looked to the door and called out. “Yes?”

The door opened and Junaco stuck his head into the room. “Am I allowed to return now?”

“Yes, of course.” Kurama pushed away from the table, smiling. “I’ll just be going co you two can return to your meeting.” He started to move past his mate.

“Fox?” Hiei quickly reached out a hand and grabbed his lover. He then patted the empty chair next to his. “Come, have a seat, you’re half ruler of these lands. We’re just going over proposals from many, many villages. Maybe a fresh eye would help us out, Junaco and I are stuck, we don’t know what to do.”

“Proposals?” Kurama moved over and sat down in the offered chair.

“Yes, they’re about how much each village wants to pay to use your lands.” Junaco grabbed a nearby chair, pulled it over to the table, and then sat down. The redhead had actually taken his previous seat, but he wasn’t about to say anything. Hiei had offered the seat to the fox, so who was he to contradict that. Besides, he really wanted to live.

“Oh, I understand, we’re talking about taxes.” Kurama picked up one of the many papers and began to read over it.

“Hn.” Hiei picked up the forgotten paper he had been reading and started on it again.

Over two hours later, all three demons were tired, stiff from sitting, and irritable. They also were no closer to a solution to the tax problem. It was all very frustrating.

Kurama shook his head, looking at the paper in his hand. “This village wants to pay less taxes because it has a small number of beings, but it uses a lot of land.” He laid the paper down and picked up another. “This village has to pay quite a lot in taxes because it uses more water in the area, but again has few people.” He laid that paper down and picked up yet another, this one actually amusing. “This one takes the cake, almost making me laugh. This village believes that since they import everything, they do not have to pay any taxes, yet they have a very high number of beings.”

“And that’s just the beginning.” Junaco grumbled, shifting through the papers in front of him.

Hiei sat quietly, rubbing his temples in slow circles. He had gotten a very bad headache and the twins he carried had decided that it was time for them to practice their kicks. The babies had been giving his kidneys hell for the last twenty minutes. A particularly hard kick made him wince visibly and of course the fox saw it.

Kurama sat up a little straighter, which caught the others’ attention. “I’ve had enough of this. Back in Ningenkai, the government taxed per person and I think that is what we should do here. Each adult being has to pay a set amount of taxes no matter where they are located or what they do.”

“What about the children?” Junaco quickly asked.

“The parents will have to pay taxes for their children, but it will be a great deal less then what it is for an adult.” Kurama tapped a finger against his chin for a moment. “I also suggest that each village and city provide a tribute or payment of sorts for use of the land.”

“Like what?” Hiei asked, knowing that his mate already had something in mind.

“Something like a hundred bags of flour, a hundred bags of wheat, a thousand pounds of edible salt or dried cured meat, a thousand pounds of the area’s fruit and vegetables, and five hundred bird eggs. I also believe that we should set up an individual date for the tribute from each city or village. That way the food will come in gradually and there will be a less of a chance for it to spoil. Also, it doesn‘t matter if the city or village grows the items or imports them, they all have to give the same amount. In this way, it will be fair for every being involved.”

“I like it.” Hiei quickly sat up, grabbed a blank piece of paper, and a quell pen. He dipped the pen in the bottle of nearby ink and started to write out what his mate had outlined. He smirked slightly, briefly glancing to the redhead. “I knew there was a reason that I mated with you, fox. I wasn’t sure why, but now I know. There is a very smart, cunning brain underneath those gorgeous good looks and that hot, sexy body.”

Kurama smiled, knowing his mate was teasing. He leaned over and kissed the fire demon on the cheek, not caring that another demon was in the room. “Flattery will get you everywhere, Koi.”

Hiei only continued to write, his focus on the paper in front of him. He was great at multitasking so he continued the light banter. “Flattery, huh? Well, I’ll have to try that later tonight. I shall shower you with flattery and see just how far I get.”

“I shall be looking forward to it then.” Kurama’s voice became somewhat husky, making his mate shiver violently.

Junaco noticed the shiver and knew it was one of desire. He thought a change of subject was in order, before the two lords became to distracted. He had seen his lords become preoccupied with each other in the past few weeks and had to quickly leave the room so he wouldn’t see something that he shouldn’t. Not that he cared that they were both males, he had had his share of male lovers, but he preferred females. It was just that now was not a good time for them to become distracted, especially with them leaving in two days. The problem with the taxes had to be solved and the decrees had to be sent out.

Junaco tactfully cleared his throat, catching the redhead’s attention. “I like what you come up with, Lord Kurama. I think the system will work out great and like you said it’s fair.”

Kurama wasn’t stupid, he knew what the other demon was doing, but he acknowledged him anyway. “Well, Lord Hiei and I want to be fair to all. It wouldn’t be right if it wasn’t fair.” The pleasant smile that was on his face slipped into a cold frown. “However, if you cross us retribution will be swift and quite harsh. We are going to rule with an tough, but flexible and fair hand.”

“Exactly.” Hiei didn’t bother looking up. He knew what was going on around him, but he was still writing on the paper in front of him. In fact, he was almost done with it.

“I’m just happy that two thirds of the Makai now has lords that will listen to our problems and be fair about their judgments.” Junaco began gathering all the scattered papers into a single pile. “You two are what these lawless lands have been missing.”

“Thank you.” Kurama replied politely for that small compliment.

Hiei finished with the tax proclamation and then sat it aside. It would be copied many times over and sent out to all of the villages and cities in their lands. He fixed his eyes of the phoenix demon. “Junaco, my fox and I have come to a decision.”

“What is that, sir?” Junaco was quick to ask.

“We don’t like living in another’s fortress, we want one of our own design.” Hiei crossed his arms on the table and leaned forward a little bit. His back was seriously killing him, all he wanted to do was get this over with so he could stretch out on his bed for awhile. “When we return in three months, I want construction to begin on a new fortress, or castle as my fox likes to call it. I want you to send demons out to scout out a new location. It has to be in a strategic area, but easily associable to all of my lands. Against a mountain range would be preferable so the back of the fortress could be carved from solid stone. The new fortress also needs to be larger then this one and I want a whole hall, wing or section to be private. This area will contain all of my family’s bedrooms. Do you understand all that I have requested so far?”

“Yes, my Lord. When you get back I’ll have the different scouted locations ready for you to look at.” Junaco responded, with a very slight bow of his head.

“Good.” Hiei pulled the tax paper back towards him and picked up the quell pen once more. “Now back to the taxes. I wrote out everything that has been discussed so far, but we still need to come up with how much each adult and child will have to pay. Let’s get this over with, I’m tired.”

Thirty minutes later, everything had been decided and put down on paper. To be sure that children weren’t abandoned or killed so their parents won’t have to pay taxes for them, Hiei came up with a stipulation clause. If a child was abandoned or killed it would be considered high treason, punishable by death. Hiei and Kurama would have no child forsaken or murdered in their lands. They considered this the worse possible crime that could be committed and they were going to put a stop to it.

Hiei handed the tax paper to the phoenix demon. “You know what to do with this, have it copied and send it out to all villages and cities as soon as possible.”

“Yes, Lord Hiei.” Junaco stood up, knowing that the meeting was over and that he had been dismissed. He saluted the fire demon and then the fox before quickly leaving the room to follow orders.

Kurama and Hiei looked at each other tiredly. A silent communication passed between them. They stiffly rose to their feet, joined hands, and slowly walked from the meeting room. They headed straight to their room, both intent on having a relaxing nap.


The next two days were spent with the demon family preparing for their trip back to Ningenkai.

“Bye, Junaco.” Kaihei actually hugged the winged demon

“Yeah, bye, we’ll miss you.” Toushi hugged the demon as well.

“I’ll miss both of you boys.” Junaco smiled, ruffling the kits’ hair.

They had become great sparring partners. The kits had learned a few things from him, but he had learned a lot more from them. He had never before met such well trained and deadly children, despite their young age. He had seen them kill without a flicker of remorse on their innocent looking faces. The kits were emotionless fighters, ready for battle in split second. He had never seen anything like it, even from seasoned fighters and killers. The boys hadn’t even left yet and we was already awaiting their return so they could continue their daily sparing sessions. It was a very rewarding and learning experience.

Junaco took the woman’s hand a kissed it, bowing deeply before her. “Lady Shiori, it has been quite an honor to have met you.”

“Thank you.” Shiori smiled, blushing slightly. “It has been an honor to meet you as well. You have taught me so much about demons and the Makai customs. Thanks to you, I understand my sons’ motivations and choices a lot better.”

“Will you be returning with the Lords?”

“I’m not sure, but probably not. My husband is more then likely upset with me for being gone so long already. I’m pretty sure that I won’t be able to get away so I could come back.”

“That a shame really ,your open kindness will be missed around this fortress.” Junaco offered her a dazzling smile, showing off his sharp fangs. “If I had a female like you, I’d make sure that she had everything that she ever desired. That she wouldn’t want to wonder across worlds, that she craved to be near only me. This ningen is a very lucky male. I only hope that he knows how lucky. He has a very gorgeous and desirable female in his possession. I trust that he treats you the way you should be treated, like a queen.”

Shiori blushed once more, smiling. “He does.” That was all she could get out, hoping that her son, his mate, and the winged demon didn’t pick up on the lie. She was actually dreading going back to her world.

The fox and fire demon glanced at each other. They had heard the slight waver in her voice and saw the nervous shift of her feet. They knew that Junaco had hit a nerve and that Shiori was lying, even to herself, but they didn’t say anything. They wasn’t about to embarrass her in front of the boys or Junaco. They would find out what was wrong on their journey back to the portal.

Junaco bowed to Shiori once more before turning to his Lords. “We’re all going to miss you around here Lord Hiei and Lord Kurama. It won’t be the same with you two not around.”

“Don’t worry to much, the three months will pass by quickly.” Kurama smiled, holding out a hand to the demon.

“With any luck.” Junaco hesitantly took the fox’s hand and shook it, a smile growing on his face. This simple gesture showed him that the redhead regarded him as an equal. It was a very high honor. Junaco let his eyes widen when the fire demon extended a hand towards him. He took this hand more quickly and shook it. “Goodbye, Lord Hiei, you and your family have a safe trip.”

“We will.” Hiei withdrew his hand from the winged demon’s and then took hold of his mate’s, lacing their fingers together. “Take good care of my lands and my throne.”

“I will, I promise.” Junaco nodded quickly.

“If there is a problem, send a messenger imp to the nearest portal right away. Don’t take any chances, get word to Lord Kurama and I.” Hiei smirked as he gave out this last order. He knew that the fox and him wouldn’t be able to fight if trouble came up, but he had no doubt that Yusuke and Kuwabara would step in to help them out.

“Yes, sir.” Junaco threw a salute to his masters.

“Then we’ll see you again in three months.” Hiei turned and started walking, leading the fox into the Makai forest. Shiori smiled and waved goodbye before quickly following them. Toushi and Kaihei bid the winged demon goodbye once more. They joined hands and ran to catch up with their fathers. The whole family disappeared into the thick woods.

Junaco stood there watching, until he couldn’t see them anymore. He just hoped that he could handle the pressure and responsibility that had been placed on his shoulders. One thing was for sure, he was going to do everything in his power to prove to the Lords that their trust in him had not been misplaced.

A smile touched his lips while he thought about the two boys. He saw the budding bond/relationship between the kits, but so did everyone else. It was the most talked about gossip in the fortress. There was even a betting pool that had already been started on when the boys would mate, though he figured that wouldn’t actually happen until Toushi and Kaihei hit sexual maturity at thirteen years old. If that was the case, he and all the others that had placed a bet was going to have to wait a few years, but that was going to be a fun few years. The kits was already showing a curiosity for each other that would keep the fortress gossip hot.

Junaco shook his head, clearing his thoughts. He had to get down to business. He had been given a gift of being ruler for three months and he was going to live that up to the fullest, without changing any of the Lords laws. He squared his shoulders and walked into the fortress to begin his three month rule.


Thanks so very much for reading and please leave a small review. The reviews keep me inspired. Next chapter in a couple of weeks, if not sooner.

Again, I want to mention that my sister is writing a MST story staring the Yu Yu Hakusho team as well as a few other anime teams and I’m helping her with it. But starting out, it is all Yu Yu Hakusho and they are MSTING some of the chapters to my stories. The title of the MST story is Theater Of The Gods. You can find it on our website: eternityofdreams, Mediaminer and Adultfanfiction. I hope you all have a chance to go check it out and then stick around to read it.