Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Uncontrolled Anger ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

To all of those that have reviewed, you guys are great! Absolutely the best!! I couldn’t ask for better readers and reviewers. I want to thank you all for supporting my last chapter. I am very grateful to you all for your kind words when you could have given me flames. You guys really and truly are the best!! I shall name you all, even if it‘s against the rules of one site that I post on. My reviewers: ShioriFoxiesMom, tori, Kerryann, mhmartini, VixenzxMasqueradex, nette, Kag-Kitsune, Ssa_the_Pharaph, Lupercalia1, Silvermane1, neko1kitty, DarkAngelJaganshi-Kurama, sum1, Squirrely, Blue-fire-fox09, gabbygoose05, VaealWolfhart, Helcat805, fire_lily_fox, and F2K.

A/N: Just to let you all know, this chapter is mostly talking, arguing really. This chapter may seem like filler, but it needed to be in this story, especially after the last chapter. Shiori had to have her say about what happened, and so did the demons. This chapter wasn’t even in the original story, so I kind of winged it. I hope that it’s okay and that all of you like it.

WARNING!!!: A little bit of bad language, Adult Shonen Ai, and very young Shonen Ai.



Chapter 12 of 26

Uncontrolled Anger


Shiori’s enraged voice cut through the cave like a knife. “What in the hell is wrong with you two?!!” She pointed right at the sleeping kits. “You just guided those innocent little boys into having incest sex!!!”

Hiei kept his voice calm. “We are not getting into this in here. I won’t have my sons woken up and then have them believe that they did something wrong.”

“They did do something wrong!” Shiori was livid.

“Out of the cave now.” Hiei remained calm. He turned without another word and headed outside.

Kurama briefly looked at his mother before following his mate. Shiori stared at her grandsons for a few moments. She was still in shock by what she had witnessed and that her son had started it all. Well she wasn’t going to stand for this because someone had to protect the boys. She took a deep breath and quickly walked out of the cave. She found that her son and his mate hadn’t gone far. They stood in the circle of light that was cast by the fire that was inside.

Shiori started immediately. “Shuuichi, Hiei, I’m mortified by you both! Explain yourselves and it better be a damn good explanation.”

“Mother, I’m sorry, but what happened was the only choice that Hiei and I had. Toushi needed something to distract him from the pain.” Kurama didn’t and wouldn’t feel guilty about the decision that he had made.

“Don’t give me that, the only choice that you had! Bull shit!! You had plenty of choices. You could have knocked him out, gave him something to make him go to sleep, or at least gave him something for the pain. Shuuichi, you have told me that you know everything there is to know about plants so you could have did something, anything, besides that!”

Kurama slowly shook his head, trying to ignore the fact that this was the first time that he had ever heard his mother curse. This alone spoke volumes about serious the situation was. “Mother, that was the only choice. All the plants I know that can be used for the kind of pain that was in my son’s body is very powerful even in small doses. If I had given Toushi anything, he would have been out for awhile, possibly days. If we had knocked him out, it could have caused a concussion and that would have only added to the problem. Lastly, I couldn’t give him anything to go to sleep. We needed Toushi alert and able to wake up when we desired. This is so we can check on him and verbally hear how he’s doing. Hiei and I will check on Toushi through the night and in the morning he’ll probably wake up feeling pretty good. What happened between the boys is just fine. All Kaihei did was help his brother get through the pain.”

“Shuuichi, are you even listening to yourself?!” Shiori asked angrily, gesturing with her hands. “Do you even realize what the hell you did?!”

Hiei crossed his arms over his chest. “All my fox did was help Kaihei dull Toushi’s pain and strengthen their bond at the same time. He did nothing wrong.” He was determined to stand by the decision that his mate and him had made. It really had been for the best.

“Of course he did something wrong!! Moments ago, my son taught his just turned seven year old son how to give his almost eight year old brother a hand job while humping his side!! They basically had sex! It was child molestation! You can’t get much more wrong then that! He might as well be a child molester!”

“They didn’t have sex, mother!” Kurama was becoming angry, which wasn’t good for him in his current condition. “What the boys did isn’t wrong! It was only some touching and, as you put it, a little humping. I may be many things; merciless killer, legendary thief, a master at puzzles and head games. I was also the biggest whore of the Makai in my other life, but I am not a damn child molester! I didn‘t sit there and watch them nor did I touch them after they got started.”

“You took away their innocence!” Shiori wasn’t backing down.

“I did no such thing! The boys are still virgins and it will remain that way for awhile longer. At least until they are thirteen.”

“What?! You’re planning on letting your sons have sex after they reach the age of thirteen?!” Shiori couldn’t believe that she was hearing this. “That is to young to be having sex!”

“Maybe for ningens, but not for demons.” Hiei tried to remain calm, he had too. “The first time I had sexual intercourse was when I was thirteen. I can’t remember when I had my first sexual encounter, but I can remember that I had been experimenting for about three years before that.”

“Yeah, that sounds about right for me too.” Kurama shuffled through his memories. “Though if I remember correctly, I had sexually intercourse for the first time a couple of months before my thirteenth birthday.”

“You had sex when you were twelve years old?!” Shiori stared hard at her son.

“In my first life, yes, I was twelve years old. In this form, you’ll be happy to know that Hiei took my virginity and I was twenty two at the time.”

“Fine, Shuuichi, but we weren’t talking about you two! Tell me why you taught the boys what you did!”

“It’s a demon thing.” Hiei answered simply. He looked up to his mate. “You might as well tell her what we got planned. It might help matters.”

“Or make them worse.” Kurama muttered quietly.

“What are you two planning now?!” Shiori was very quick to ask.

Kurama looked into his mother’s face. “We are helping the boys along to being mates.”

“Mates……. Mates?!…..Mates like you and Hiei?!”

“Yes, mother, exactly like me and Hiei. We want the boys to become mates.”

Shiori was getting even more angry. “They’re brothers! They can‘t be mates! That is incest!!”

“No, it’s not.” Hiei angrily replied. “Demons may do many things, but we don’t condone incest. Toushi and Kaihei may think of themselves as brothers, but they are not. They don’t have the same blood, so it’s not incest.”

Kurama took a deep breath and tried to smile. “Mother, please remain quiet while I try to explain something to you. Then you can have your say afterwards. What I guided Toushi and Kaihei into doing wasn’t sex, wasn’t incest, and it isn’t looked upon as wrong. In demon culture, what you saw happen was a sort of ritual. All demon children is taught about the pleasure of the body in this way. It’s just another lesson like any other. Hiei and myself went through this ritual, even if we can’t remember it. When a demon child starts showing curiosity for it’s own body and for other children’s bodies, the child’s parents will then start looking for another curious child. When one is found, the parents of the first child will talk with the parents of the second child and come to an arrangement. Then a date, time, and location is agreed upon. The parents then bring the children to the meeting spot. After they are all together, one of the parents will guide the children through what you witnessed. Though the children are usually not injured and they are usually naked. Also, the parents remain close by so the children don‘t get to carried away and the auctions through the encounter aren‘t always the same.”

Kurama took another deep breath and then continued. “Now, when two children are betrothed to become mates, the two families will live together. The parents will do everything possible to help their children form a bond, this includes what you witnessed. But if a bond is already there when the children do this ritual, it only strengthens their bond. As they grow older, they will only want to be around each other. Toushi and Kaihei is sort of betrothed, they already have a bond. What happened is a ritual to guarantee that bond between them will continue to grow.”

Shiori narrowed her eyes at her son. “If this ritual is so accepted, why doesn’t it have a name?”

“It does have a name.” Hiei was the one that answered. “He was just reluctant to tell you, but I will. The ritual is called sex play. You must realize that demons are creatures of sex and we like it that way. Sex is used for torture and punishment; as a weapon in one‘s arsenal. Of course sex is also for pleasure and to reproduce. Sometimes, it is even used to say hello to a long time friend or someone you just met if the attraction is there. Not all demons are that promiscuous, but most are. To mated demons, sex has become something far more then pleasure of the body. While mated demons have sex; their souls, minds, and bodies are linked together as one. Two demons may have liked sex before they were mated, but after the mating the demons actually crave sex. Though now, the two demons will only want sex from each other. That is why Kurama and I have sex about three times a day, even if we can’t right now. We crave each other, we crave the pleasure and passion that happens in our bodies when we touch, kiss, and join together. Demon children are no different, they want these sensations too. They will get them one way or another.”

“You two’s sex life aside…. you are saying, that if you haven’t done this with Toushi and Kaihei, they would do it anyway.” Shiori looked back and forth between the two demons. “I don’t believe that one bit! Those innocent little boys wouldn’t have done that!”

“My sons may be virgins, but they are far from innocent.” Hiei actually smirked, looking proud. “They’ve killed to many demons to be innocent. Whether you want to believe it or not, Toushi and Kaihei would have started experimenting in a few more months anyway. I guess you can call what Kurama and I did a preemptive strike. The sex play let them experiment, but on our terms.”

“They wouldn’t have done anything if it wasn’t for you two!” Shiori’s mind continued to refuse to accept the obvious facts about her grandsons.

Kurama sighed, this was going no where real fast and he was tired of arguing. “They would have done that, mother. You haven’t seen how they look at each other, how they use any excuse to touch the other, or heard some of the things they have said. You haven’t had to stop them from taking baths together because they like to wash each other’s privates. You haven’t had to break them up from wrestling because they were touching the base of each other’s tails, their erogenous zones. You haven’t had to stop them from licking the other’s neck, exactly where their bite marks will eventually be, so they don’t accidentally mark each other to soon. You don’t know how hard it’s been raising those two the last couple of months.”

“It’s your own fault that it’s so hard! You should have stopped those behaviors before they even started.” Shiori replied angrily. “You shouldn’t have pushed them towards becoming mates.”

“We want them to become mates. Toushi is the only being that we would ever trust Kaihei with. Because he is forbidden, Kaihei will need someone that will understand and protect him, someone that won‘t exploit him. We have been constantly grooming Toushi for that role, installing in him everything that we thought he should know.” Hiei answered quickly. “They will become mates, that sex play saw to that. Just so you know, we aren’t the bad parents that you are making us out to be. We didn’t get the idea of them becoming mates, until we saw the bond already forming between them when Toushi was two and Kaihei was one. Kurama and I just nurtured that bond and them. We just helped their love along.”

“Love?! The boys are to young to know what love is!”

“No, they’re not, mother.” Kurama pointed towards the cave. “What you saw in there was love. From the very moment that Toushi called out to his brother for help. He didn’t call for me or Hiei, he called to the one person that he trusted and loved the most. Even if he didn’t understand, Kaihei responded the only way he could, with love and anger. He was prepared to fight us to the end to protect his brother. If we hadn’t set up that sex play for them, we would probably be dead. Kaihei would have probably killed us when that arrow was removed just because we were adding more pain to Toushi’s suffering. That sex play did help Toushi get through his pain, but it also distracted Kaihei enough. We were able to do what needed to be done and keep our lives so I guess you can say it helped us too. Love was involved in that whole process, whether it was our love for our sons, their love for us, or their love for each other. Love was very much present and you can‘t say otherwise.”

Shiori ran her hands through her hair angrily. “I can say otherwise! What happened was nothing, but sex, plain and simple. To make it worse it was between brothers who are to young to know what was happening. You two have forced me into realizing something, that I don’t really know you as well as I thought. You would do anything to get what you want, no matter who gets hurt in the process, and that is very selfish. I don’t care about your demon customs because they are wrong, corrupt. I won’t allow my grandsons to be raised like this, raised by parents that have no principles. If anything happens in my presence again that isn’t brotherly, I will put a stop to it. If you two won’t curve this sinful behavior, I will. If you two won’t give them morals to live by, I will. I will teach those little boys what is right and what is wrong.”

“How dare you?” Hiei took an angry step forward, but was quickly stopped.

Kurama held tightly to his mate’s shoulders as he stared at the woman. He was completely angry at his mother, something he had never felt before and he never wanted to feel it again. He wasn‘t going to have his demon ethics questioned by or his sons‘ precious bond threatened by a mere ningen, his mother or not. “You won’t interfere, mother. I love you very much, but you won’t stop them or hurt their bond. I won’t allow it. They may be your grandsons, but you have no say in how they are raised. Toushi and Kaihei are our sons, we will raise them how we see fit. They will have morals that we teach them, demon morals. They are going to live a demon life so they have no use for ningen ethics. I won’t let them be like me, a creature caught between worlds. They are going to know who they are, a demon of the Makai. For your information, the sex play will happen again, when we feel that our sons need it. As I have said, I love you, but if you stop them from doing anything or try to curve their behaviors you won’t see the boys again until after they are mated. That way, you won‘t be able to interfere in their love and bond.”

“You wouldn’t do that, Shuuichi!”

“I will, to protect my sons. I won’t let their love be broken by you. If you want to continue seeing them then you have to accept the fact that Hiei and I will teach our boys what we think they need to know. You have to accept that they are demons, not ningens. You also have to accept the fact that they will become mates and that we will continue to let them experiment with pleasure of the body.”

“But it’s wrong! Toushi and Kaihei are brothers and they are to young to know about that!” Shiori continued to stand her ground, but she was now scared of loosing her grandsons. She knew that her son would follow through on his threat. Somehow, the argument had been turned back on her, making her look like she was the one at fault.

An angry little voice was heard that stopped all of the arguing. “Don’t yell at my fathers, grandma!”

The three adults turned towards the mouth of the cave and saw Kaihei standing there. He looked about ready to cry and he was holding his rose whip. He took a step forward, towards the woman, making her take a step back. The fox realized what was happening. The kit would do anything to protect his pregnant fathers, including killing his grandmother.

“What Toushi and I did isn’t bad!” Kaihei took another step forward, making her back away once more. “Papa and daddy won’t let us do bad stuff!”

“Hiei, control yourself.” Kurama let his mate go and hurried as a fast as he could over to his son. He stopped in front of him, putting his hands on little shoulders. “Kaihei, it’s okay. Grandma, myself, and your father was discussing something very important. She didn’t mean to yell at us.” He quickly glanced at the woman. “Tell him you didn’t mean it, mother.”

“I didn’t mean it.“ Shiori was scared. She had seen the look on the boy’s face before when he killed an enemy and right now she was the enemy. She actually saw her grandson in a new light. She realized just then that no matter how much she wanted Kaihei to be human, he wasn’t, he was all demon. Her son and his mate was also all demon as was Toushi. She swallowed hard, deciding to back down. She finally understood that even though she had learned a lot about demons from Junaco, that maybe she really didn’t understand them. She didn’t agree with what her son and Hiei had planned for the boys or what they wanted to teach them, but she wouldn’t interfere anymore. Much to her obvious dismay, they knew what they were doing and how to handle their sons, even if it left a sour taste in her mouth and knots in her stomach.

Kaihei glared at the woman for a few seconds more before turning his eyes on his redheaded father. He reached out and put a hand on the fox’s hidden stomach. “Are you okay, daddy?”

“Yes, I’m fine.” Kurama smiled gently. “And so is the baby.” He saw the boy’s eyes glance to the fire demon so he continued. “Your father and his babies are okay too.”

“Good.” Kaihei instantly brightened. The whip transformed back into a rose and then a seed. He smiled as he put the seed back into his messy hair. “I’m hungry.”

“Oh, you are? Is that why you’re awake?” Kurama tweaked the kit’s nose playfully.

“No, the yelling woke me up, but I am hungry.” Kaihei answered, rubbing his bare stomach.

“Well then, let’s see if I can find something for you.” Kurama didn’t look back as he led his son into the cave.

Hiei fixed a nasty glare on the ningen woman. “Shiori, I respect you because Kurama does and he would be mad at me if I didn’t, but right now I don’t care because I’m mad. You won’t dictate to me ningen ways to raise my demon children. If you try anything with the boys to curve their behaviors, I will follow through on my fox’s threat, but I will make it worse. You won’t ever see the boys again at all and you will never see the babies that Kurama and I now carry. Do you realize what almost happened? Do you realize now that you don’t know the boys like you believe you do? You may come to our house on the weekends and have spent the last month with them, but you don’t know them. You don’t know what they are capable of. If you haven’t figured it out yet, then I will tell you. Kaihei was about to kill you because he saw you as a threat to us, as a threat to him and Toushi. It doesn’t matter that you are his grandmother, for those few moments you were his enemy. My advice to you is watch what you say when you are around him and his brother from now on. Toushi will likely react in the same way. Next time, Kurama or I may not be able to stop one of them or both from killing you.”

Hiei didn’t wait for a reply. He was done with this conversation. He turned and quickly entered the cave. He went over to his sleeping bag and sat down heavily, smiling slightly when he caught sight of his mate and child. Kurama and Kaihei was going through the capsules, trying to find something to cook for dinner. Hiei looked over to the boy that was still sleeping, the smile slipping into a frown. Toushi wasn’t doing to good. He was in a fitful sleep now, whimpering softly. The fire demon’s attention was drawn from his son to movement at the mouth of the cave. Shiori was standing there fidgeting from one foot to the other, totally nervous. She was looking back and forth between them all, biting her lip. She didn’t know what she should do or even if she was welcome back into the cave.

Kurama saw her and took pity on her. He was still mad, but he still loved her and always would. They all had said things that they shouldn’t have and didn‘t really mean. He wanted to smooth out things between all of them as soon as possible. If he didn’t, the boys might pick up on the hurt feelings. “Mother, why don’t you come help me and Kaihei.”

“Yes, of course.” Shiori hurried over to them and started to go through the pile of supplies, searching for some pots. She was happy that her son was trying to help matters, so she would too. It wasn’t to long before dinner was being cooked over the fire.

During that time, Hiei noticed that Toushi had gotten worse. The boy was still sleeping restlessly and whimpering, but now he was holding his wounded shoulder and his energy was acting weird. The fire demon looked over to his mate. “Fox, come here?”

“Yes, Koi?” Kurama instantly went over to his lover and looked down at him.

“I’m sure that you’ve noticed that Toushi is getting worse and what his energy is doing. He wasn’t like this when Kaihei was sleeping with him. I know that it’s only physiological, but he won’t get better if his brother isn’t there. I think Kaihei needs to go back over there and let Toushi hold him until he wakes up.”

“I agree with you, but it might cause my mother to blow up again.”

“True, very true…… but Shiori has to learn to accept that the boys are demons and that they love each other. Besides, I don’t believe she will say anything more because Kaihei gave her a rude awakening.”

“Alright, I just hope that you are right.” Kurama said before glancing over his shoulder and calling out. “Kaihei, come over here.”

“Yes, sir.” The kit dropped what he was doing and ran over to his father’s side.

“Come with me.” Kurama took hold of the kit’s hand and then led him over to where the other kit was sleeping. “Firebug, what do you notice about Toushi?”

“He’s uh…” Kaihei stared at his brother for a few moments. “He’s making noises, and moving, and he’s holding his shoulder.”

“He’s doing all that, but what else. Look at his energy.”

“Ummm….” Kaihei bit his lip, concentrating. “It’s doing something funny, it’s going up and down.”

Kurama nodded, releasing the kit’s hand. “That’s exactly what it’s doing. Can you lay down beside him and put an arm around him?”

“Yeah!” Kaihei quickly wiggled himself into the sleeping bag. Laying beside and in front of his brother, he put an arm over him.

Toushi seemed to instantly calm, but remained asleep. He let go of his shoulder and put his arms tightly around Kaihei. He snuggled closer, actually pushing his brother over on his back. He threw a leg across Kaihei’s and put his head on his shoulder. The boy sighed as he settled down, causing Kaihei to giggle and the fox to smile. All Toushi wanted, even in sleep, was his brother’s attention and warmth.


Thanks again for reading and please leave a review. Next chapter will be along in a couple of weeks, probably less.